The suspects are wanted for burglary.
They are accused of breaking into a local residence.
Anyone with information on the identity or location of these suspects is encouraged to contact Detective Keesee at Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.]
Lotta Avoirdupois says
We know Mr. Sprat.
Here. Have a rice cake.
James C says
Looks like she has also been robbing her partner in crime of all the food.
Keno Watts says
I was a victim of a burglary last year and Det. Keesee did absolutely nothing on the case-he is a total disgrace.
Van Dammit says
We get robbed of tax dollars on stupid projects like Eye in the Sky, Traction Seal, Ecolution, etc. on a daily basis. The culprits are on Fern Street.
Attempt to ID says
That woman should try out for an NFL team.
Trumpist#1 says
Haven’t you seen those terrifying roving mobs of Asian medical students marauding, pillaging, raping, kidnapping, burning and rioting between classes and exams? Happens all the time, lol.
MAGA/KAG ********** TRUMP in 2020 ***************USA, USA, USA
PR says
Trumpist #1: No doubt all the roving bands of communist Chinese (Asian medical students) encircling your house, along with all the roving bands of anyone else that isn’t to your liking.
Trumpist#1 says
You taking that seriously shows what a humorless, scolding, nit-picking personality you have. You must be real fun at a party.
As a matter of fact, you remind me of our resident moralizing transexual know-it-all who told us that coronavirus wasn’t dangerous and is too gutless to use her old handle.
Glen says
Ron’s comment has been deleted Trumpit, so move on. There is no humor in negatively stereotyping people. If you don’t use your real name Trumpit, what difference does it make how many handle’s you use. Stop hiding behind Trump, coward.
Trumpist#1 says
Gee Glen (haha Glen it’s like a girl’s name or an entitled snowflake), what a humorless stick-in-the-mud you are. Your personality must be a real downer to any fun loving people! I bet they avoid you like Covid, lol.
Are you the male multiple personality of Alexis the moralizing tranny?