The public viewing will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday, June 29, and the homegoing service will start at 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, both at Living Stone Cathedral of Worship, located at 37721 100th Street East in Littlerock. The homegoing service on Tuesday will be officiated by Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, Senior Pastor of Faithful Central Bible Church; he will also deliver the eulogy. Sanctuary seating is by invitation only, and face masks and social distancing will be strictly enforced. Additionally, the service will be live-streamed.
Fuller was found with a rope around his neck about 3:40 a.m. Wednesday, June 10, in Poncitlan Square, across from Palmdale City Hall. Authorities initially said the death appeared to be a suicide, although an official cause of death has not been made.
Hundreds of local residents have taken part in vigils and protests since Fuller’s death, with many condemning what they saw as a rush to judgment to suspect suicide without examining the possibility of foul play.
Among those demanding answers is Los Angeles Clippers star Paul George, who was born and raised in Palmdale. George is helping the Fuller family by paying for the funeral services.
“On behalf of the family, we are extremely appreciative of Los Angeles Clippers’ Paul George’s financial and emotional support of the Fuller family in this very difficult time,” said Fuller family attorney Jamon R. Hicks of Douglas/Hicks Law.
Hicks also gave an update on the death investigation and addressed online rumors about the case.
“I am happy to announce that the independent autopsy is complete, and we are waiting for testing results,” Hicks said. “I am also happy to share that Robert Fuller’s family has met with the lead detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and are looking forward to meeting with Sheriff Alex Villanueva. We have also maintained contact with the City of Palmdale. Everything is moving forward according to plan.”
Hick’s continued: “I also want to put to rest several rumors circulating on social media claiming that Mr. Fuller was the suspect in an outstanding child molestation case and that a suicide note was found at the scene. These rumors have no basis in fact and are an attempt to further assassinate the character of Mr. Fuller. It is sad that there are people seeking to tarnish this young man’s reputation even after his death. His family has the right to grieve in peace over his loss and not be bothered with baseless rumors.”
Previous related stories:
LACSD deputy fatally shoots Robert Fuller’s half-brother in Kern County
Family hires attorney, seeks independent autopsy in Robert Fuller’s death
Watch: Villanueva vows thorough probe into hanging death in Palmdale
Robert Fuller death: Hundreds protest in Palmdale; city & county officials request probe by State AG
Watch: Demand grows for full investigation into death of Robert Fuller in Palmdale
Suspected suicide: Body found hanging from tree in Poncitlan Square, Palmdale issues statement
Woman files legal claim against LA County over crossfire wounding
Darius White says
It’s been over a week and no update or additional information from the investigation, especially after the addition of outside, high-power organizations and the high profile nature of this case? I believe we ALL want to hear the results of the investigation. The truth MUST be made public, regardless of what that truth may be.
Patricia says
… you have a narrative. You long to revel in outrage. You long to riot, loot, burn down small business. You’re desperate for this to be a fascist-racist-lynching. And, you’ll lie, to say it was. Humblemost apologies, no gentle way of putting this, truth be told, it wasn’t. I’m sorry, painfully apparent to even the most biased of BLM activists, this young man committed suicide.
Samuel says
In contrast to women, men who complete suicide with firearms are more likely to have been married, and to have committed the act at home. Unmarried men are likelier to hang themselves than married men, but unmarried women are less likely to hang themselves, than married women. Men with a history of depression are significantly prone to commit suicide by hanging. But, women with depression are half as likely to hang themselves, compared to women with no history of depression. Men with a history of substance abuse are more likely to attempt suicide by poisoning, than men without such history. But, history of substance is observed to have little-to-no influence on women’s use of poison. For both genders, odds of suicide by poisoning are significantly higher, for those on psychiatric meds.
Ms. Rock says
My children knew them and my daughter dated the brother, who was later killed. Robert was a nice kid. He hung with skaters{white}, while working at Walmart for several years. He had no reason to hang himself. He was murdered before they found him on the tree. Don’t believe everything you hear, including, the fake cover up autopsy report! We know better and will continue to seek answers and justice that this family and community well deserves.
Peg says
Suicide doesn’t fit into your narrative. Does it?
Ms. Rock don't know everything says
I didn’t think my family members had reasons to hang themselves either. Then skeletons came out of the closet. You don’t know everyone’s secrets. Also he was on state assistance, was it for a mental heath problem?
To Clarify says
I am not sure what you gain by making g this into a lynching….
You wanted an investigation, you’re gonna get am investigation. Not only by the Sheriff’s delartment, but also by the California state attorney general.
So just because you knew that family that makes you an expert on suicides, and homicides, enough to determine he was dead before they hung him in the tree”….
Cover up my azz. You are free to continue to seek whatever answers you want to seek. You want racism to end end and yet as soon as the dialog to do so begins, as soon as people show willingness to end racism you jump back 200 hundred years insisting that lynchings are still happening.
Lastly, “He had no reason to hang himself.”….. Who are you again? And where do you get off pretending you know what in God’s name this young man had going on in n his life?
What a pathetic way to justify the most simplistic and narrow minded opinions! And to use this man’s own shortcomings to try and justify your selfish expectations is pretty damned low. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Samuel says
… stats gig I had a while back, modeling arctic suicide, suicide is never for no good reason. Approximately the same model bio-stats professionals use to model postpartum depression, with an added parameter, suicide always (ALWAYS) correlates directly, the result of recent phenomena, a recent event; usually something profound having occurred, within the last month, which emotionally overwhelmed the subject –
Samuel says
… rule of thumb: if the suicide was public, primary motivation was humiliation; if the suicide was private, primary motivation is guilt –
Trumpist#1 says
Interesting info. Thanx.
KArmen says
Like, thinking they might be known as a predator for life?
Samuel says
Those with a trained eye, why is our beta-sub three parameter negative? Why would substance abuse correlate indirectly, to suicide?
Lola says
If he was not arrested for molestation of a child, why did he have a $70,000 bail set against him? Why was he recently arrested. Many people looked him up in the system and screen shot exactly what it said. What did he do? where did all this gofund me money go? Who is exploiting his death by getting so much cash? $235,551, who is this for? A funereal doesn’t cost this much.
The Voice of Truth says
Probably BLM taking the $$$ to organize some more looting and rioting.
Something smells fishy says
The Go Fund Me money went to his siblings. If you look closely to his brothers shooting picture’s you will see the car was just bought from Camachos. GFM is the newest con. This families history I wouldn’t doubt it if their sister set both guys up. One too kill himself to start this mayhem then turn in the other brother so she could walk away with all the money.
Ms. Rock says
Wow! Really?! He had that suv way before Robert was killed. He dated my daughter and they recorded several songs together. He was an upcoming rapper and received an advance, gtfoh. He also has 3 sisters who are grieving. As far as the record someone is looking up, that’s also falsified. White people need to investigate all those mass shooters, Stephen Paddock, James Holmes and Dylan Roof! Read the Newsweek article regarding White Men That Commit Mass Murders and compare that to the atrocities of black lives. When you get it in your white privileged mind that everything is not what it looks like, then reality will become your rational as to why Black lives DON’T matter. Black Power! #We still here
EKIM says
it is very obvious that you did not read the whole report the charge level was a misdemeanor which automatically rules out child molestation because that charge and any related charges are high ranking felonies. Did you donate any money to the fuller fund if you did not donate I would probably be correct in saying it is none of your F^%K$# business how, where, or on who the money was used. Lastly you want to know why his bail was $70,000 grand COMBINED. well that is easy enough to explain look at his history and I will bet anything that he has several failure to appears and each time he fails to appear the system takes notice and adds 0n X-amount of dollars also how many times has the man been arrested for this particular misdemeanor charge lets say its driving without a license. Every time that he gets arrested for that charge his bail will go up………..Not one place on what the public can view on LASD.ORG does it mention child molestation charges…… It is really not you’re place to be asking all these questions and I know you thought in you’re head that you were asking some really good questions but sorry they were rude, none of your business, and if I may be frank very stupid know what your asking do some research before you open your mouth and put out a classless message designed to further damage a family in morning over a loved one…..good day sir………I SAID GOOD DAY
Emma says
He actually has 6 different cases all in LA Co. , from vandalizing a church to exposing himself. Nobody deserves to die but nobody is an angel here. There’s more to every story. The easiest way to maintain power over a group is to keep them at war. It’s time the killing stops and compassion begins. We are one nation under God, not many nations. Let’s unite for the human race.
Alicia says
And i heard he was homeless so all of a sudden family step forward with a go fund me wow
Wouldnt you like to know says
It was deemee a suicide. They need to return that money, someone should see to it that they do
Ben says
ANTIFA’s operatives always get preferential treatment in the courts. And, they always get light sentences, even for acid attacks.
Ron says
I was just reading on Yahoo, there was an official autospy said there was no foul play and said its a suicide. So I bet in the end people got all worked up for nothing more than a suicide. I bet all the other investigators will say the same. If it was a murder they would know right away.
Lola says
You can’t read, Ron. Now, who read it to you?
If you could read you’d be smarter.
jewl says
Keep betting and you’ll lose your money.
Alicia says
Yes Mr Ron i said the same thing we started tearing up and looting and threatening folks all for wat omg didn’t wait for the truth