Newsom said the program, the first of its kind in the nation, will include $75 million in state funding and another $50 million donated by various organizations and foundations, including The California Endowment, Blue Shield of California Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
“California is the most diverse state in the nation,” Newsom said. “Our diversity makes us stronger and more resilient. Every Californian, including our undocumented neighbors and friends, should know that California is here to support them during this crisis. We are all in this together.”
Newsom said the fund will benefit undocumented immigrants who are ineligible for unemployment benefits and will not receive federal stimulus checks from the IRS. He said about 150,000 people will receive a one-time benefit of $500 — with a cap of $1,000 per household. Additional funding will be available to support the families of undocumented immigrants.
“Today’s announcement is a necessary first step to close the widening gap between immigrants and vital assistance that could mean the difference between life and death for millions of Californians,” said Pablo Alvarado, co-director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. “… Our hope is that the actions taken by Governor Newsom today will catalyze public and private partnerships to encourage additional measures to ensure that all people in California — regardless of immigration status — receive equal protection under the law.”
California has developed an immigrant resource guide to provide information about COVID-19 related assistance, including public benefits, that are available to immigrant Californians. [View the guide here.]
Newsom last week announced that California is seeking to take appropriate steps to ensure care and treatment for COVID-19 for its residents, regardless of immigration status. Deeming COVID-19 testing and related treatment services as an emergency will entitle all Medi-Cal beneficiaries, regardless of their scope of coverage under Medi-Cal or their documentation status, to receive all medically necessary inpatient or outpatient services related to a COVID-19 diagnosis.
A copy of the Governor’s executive order can be found here.
surfside 6 says
Oh come on liberals! How about a few extra bucks for all the “brave” caravans that were just too drunk to stagger this far?
Loam says
I (and most of California) believe in a social structure where the government protects workers with labor laws, minimum wage, workplace inspections, etc. and protects residents with health codes, economic safety nets, consumer protection laws, etc. In order to do that, we understand that the government has certain requirements – taxes paid by all fairly to support this common work, registration for SSN and tax collection, full compliance with license requirements so that the government can enforce these safety laws and many, many more items we need to do as citizens to support our side of this agreement.
Supporting illegal aliens makes no sense, because the government RELIES on our compliance as citizens. In hard times, we need to support people who lost work, but we cannot support anyone who walks across the border. We pay taxes legally and fully so that the finances are there to support us in bad times. Illegal aliens don’t register, don’t pay taxes fully, don’t comply with all laws, and thus can pick and choose what they want to comply with.
If, for example, they work under the table for unregistered wages, how can they then claim benefits in hard times? They cannot avoid civic responsibilities in good times and then claim civic rights in bad times.
Mark says
Just another in a long list of reasons why my family and I moved out of the “once” great state of California.
Matt K. says
You moved out of California because the state wanted to give a portion of its labor force a small amount of money to get them by??? Wow, dude!!! That says more about you than anything. Nominee for “D0uchebag of the Year” right here, folks!
$75 million is tiny! There are building in Downtown LA that cost more than that!
Yep says
Crime rates per 10,000
——119—————————- 27————————–40————————28
William says
Mark doesn’t say where he moved to like so many others who think they are showing us.
A guy moved to Myrle Beach, South Carolina last year with the same attitude.
Myrtle Beach is the 3rd most dangerous city in the country.
That’s why Mark won’t say where he fled to. It might not be the paradise he wants us to think he’s found.
Mark would have been a pain if he stayed so it’s great he’s gone.
Robert says
Some of you hate filled people should take a trip to Keene, to visit the Caesar Chavez Center. It will open your eyes a bit.
Living here in the AV, you all should know where Keene is. Off the Hwy 58, west of Tehachapi.
Alexis says
Robert: I now live in Tehachapi and know Keene well; the Caesar Chavez Center is a place where eyes can be opened.
Karen says
I had never heard of it, but now I’ll definitely check it out as soon as all this is over. Thank you!
Floridian says
I am and immigrant. I don’t see why my tax money should be spent on people who came here through the desert. Also, after witnessing California going downhill, I really dont understand how someone would vote for the same political party again and again.
Trumpist#1 says
You may be an immigrant, but of the type like all of us that built this country out of shared values and laws. “E pluribus unum (from many, one). We honor you and wish we had more like you.
Alexis says
The IRS estimates that undocumented immigrants pay over 9 billion in withheld payroll taxes annually. Undocumented immigrants also help make the Social Security system more solvent as they pay into the system but are ineligible to collect benefits upon retiring. Completely untrue that Undocumented Immigrants don’t pay taxes.
Reyna says
Alexis, don’t expect these Trumpbots to think that critically! Let them roll up their Gadsden flags and move on to Arizona, Texas or some other POS state.
Igancio P. says
Latino Trump supporters are not leaving California. I’m sure you have more ignorant replies to add…
Igancio P. says
You don’t pay taxes when your paid “under the table.”
Alexis says
Ignacio P….You’re right, no one that works “under the table” pays taxes and the people that hire workers under the table are do so for their own selfish reasons. Most undocumented workers pay taxes and if you bothered to gather facts by using your computer, you would SEE the billions of dollars they pay into federal taxes, and also contribute to Social Security.
MAGA says
Just dumb why would you take care of undocumented immigrants , when we have so many homeless ppl that needs to be taken care of before immigrants , one of the reason why I moving out of California to many immigrants that get more care than Americans. MAGA ….
Sheephearder says
Wow just wow! And people who owe child support can’t get a stimulous check. Even if they gave the ones who owe child support a lower amount that would be better than nothing. So undocumented people can get help but leave others high and dry!?
Matt K. says
Oh, give me a break “MAGA” ! If it wasn’t this particular program, you’d be whining about another one, and another one. You’d whine about any program as long as it wasn’t one that personally benefited you, then all hell would break loose and you’d have your motorized scooter right out in front of the Congressional office, protesting again! Load your larded ass into your motorized scooter, drive it up into that U-haul and get going! The Nevada border is beckoning… Find yourself a dumpy trailer park in Las Vegas somewhere where you can “MAGA” all day, gorging yourself on $10 crap buffets and taking up chain smoking at a row of slot machines.
William says
Hey, Matt K.
Why so withheld?
Noitce how the MAGAs never whine about the Trump family spending millions and millions going to and from Mar a Lago or around the world to conduct their personal business.
Notice how the MAGAs don’t whine about the bailouts that are going to be hard to report as this administration doesn’t want us to know where it’s going (into their pockets and those of the 1%)
Notice how the MAGAs don’t whine about the increased military spending to “protect” us while Trump is slow to spend it where needed for this pandemic. What good is the most expensive military in the world when Americans have been dying from going to a restaurant or from not having health care when needed.
Yeah, those jet fighters and aircraft carriers are really helping us out right now. North Korea has a large military while it’s people are starving. That’s our future under Trump and the GOP.
Alexis says
Matt K.: Thank you, and thank you again!
Karen says
We ain’t goin nowhere (:
Remember who was here first.
You don’t like it, leave California. I’m proud of my family and our Mexican culture. Most people envy what we have and wish they could do what we do. There’s nothing like trusting and loving so many people so hard.
Trumpist#1 says
So what you are saying is: “I sneaked into your country illegally, and if you don’t like it leave California”? That’s the attitude that makes us want you out.
Watch what ICE and DHS do after Trump is re-elected.
KAG, MAGA, ***** Trump 2020 *****
Karen says
Lol take what you want out of it. Keep up that attitude. It’s not doing anyone harm but you.
Trumpist#1 says
You might dance to a different tune once Trump gets 4 more years.
Karen says
Still gonna be here buddy. Still gonna be dancing.
Laws are laws says
It might not be as comfortable for illegals if he gets 4 more years. He might have ICE comb through sanctuary cities. I hope he does.
We need more humility and gentleness says
Can we just get along! Oh my goodness, so much hatred in world. This world needs more love. I think it’s so stupid to be mad, and argue about money. I don’t have much, but I’m happy with what I have, and with what I got. I try to make the best out of my situation, and put a smile on my face. Stop with the rude, and arrogant comments. Life is a puff of smoke, lets make the best out of it by being more loving!
Alexis says
The majority of the workers that put food on our tables are undocumented workers, and they deserve compensation because they are “essential workers.” Ignorant people that want these undocumented workers shipped back would be the first to cry when there is no food to buy. I doubt you would bother to grow your own all year long or raise chickens, beef, etc. It doesn’t matter whether there is a Democrat or a Republican as governor, the undocumented workers are essential. Deal with it because they are here to stay.
Alexis says
Although you might grow your own, but then what would you much on? Chips comes from potatoes.
Alby says
And fried green tomatoes come frrrom?
Alexis says
Edit: Munch, not much.
William says
Thank you for making that point. Although it’s obvious, it can get lost in the shuffle.
Trumpist#1 says
Unanimous condemnation of Newsom’s madness here so far. So why haven’t we voted him out and sent illegals back where they belong?
Trumpist#1 says
Unanimous except for bleeding heart Alexis and an illegal thumbing their nose at us stupid taxpaying citizens and laughing at us like fools.
Alexis says
Oh Trumpist; undocumented immigrants do pay taxes, and collectively they contribute billions of dollars annually. Why am I not surprised you don’t know this. You have a computer, look it up and learn the facts.
Alexis says
They do pay taxes. you have a computer, look it up and learn.
Onward! says
Trumpist #1 can you please hush it already. Be nice. Illegal, taxpaying citizens blah blah blah who cares. Lets hope for the best, and move forward. Stop being a bully.
Jose says
The illegals receive more in benefits then they pay in taxes. A large majority receive rent, food, health care and education but pay very little in taxes which is primarily just sales tax to the state. They are a burden to the budget…
Be humble says
Who cares. Just do the best you can. Try to be happy under any circumstances.
Trumpist#1 says
Or in other words: Stop being a bully and keep quiet while we steal your country and lower the quality of life. Just shut up and let us take over to turn USA into a turd world sh!th0le.
Meekness says
The whole world is already a poop hole. It’s not going to get any better. The quality of life is declining because there’s so much hate, greed, pride. Everyone just cares about money, and me me me me. I wish everyone peace, love and forgiveness.
Trumpist#1 says
LOL, you sound like my wife, a very nice person. But being nice won’t save our country from being overwhelmed by illegal foreigners that don’t love our country.
Love says
Give yourself a hug. Everything will be okay.
Karen says
Just admit you’re wrong and Alexis is right. Most give without getting anything back and live quiet honest lives. Maybe you’re just mad because there’s so much diversity in our country now. It’s beautiful and something to be proud of. You ranting here or anywhere else isn’t stopping that from happening.
99 Monkeys says
Our country? Our country? From your previous posts I assumed you were an illegal alien. If you are, this isn’t your country.
William says
Hey, Trumpist#1
The Central Valley is conservative, right? Think Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy if you will
So, why are Republicans hiring undocumented workers by the thousands while also complaining about said workers? The same goes for those red agricultural states who benefit from undocumented workers but rail again them.
On every issue, if you look beyond the surface, Republicans are hypocrites and simply unfit to govern. They aren’t built for it.
They want power but can’t govern. Republicans and recessions go together like chili beans and flatulance. A perfect combo that stinks to high heaven.
That’s why your defense of whatever you think you’re defending is pathetic and never holds up. I feel for ya. You are always losing.
William says
You are such a HATER Trumpist#1. That’s why it’s so rich that you call others haters.
You are simply projecting. That’s what you do.
Trump campaigns on HATE and you are right there with him.
Trumpist#1 says
I don’t hate. I just think borders are important for national security, health, narcotics control and following laws. My wife and most of my family are Hispanic. Back in the day we went to Mexico countless times and we still have friends there.
Personally, I like Hispanic people. But as someone that loves our country, I just think uncontrolled immigration lowers the quality of life for all citizens, except those that employ them. And it’s so unbelievably out of control. We’re being over-run.
Less affordable housing, longer lines for medical care, more crime, English speaking students held back, taxpayer-provided cornucopia of free benefits, parks (and tennis courts) desecrated, uninsured and unlicensed drivers, and a strain on all the infrastructure that once made us the envy of the world.
We once did and still could regulate and document all the legal immigrant agricultural and service workers we need. Democrats want open borders to produce more future Democrats (with a family tradition of flaunting laws). The Constitution is not a national suicide pact!
Yeah, I know, shout RACIST, RACIST, RACIST like braying donkeys, but it’s not hate. Just patriotism, logic and national preservation.
At peace in all circumstances says
Meh I really don’t care that California is giving cash payments to immigrants. I’m an American citizen , and it doesn’t bother me or upset me. They can go ahead and take my tax dollars. As long as I have something to eat I’m fine. I gladly accept the privations and rigors that life brings us. Just simplicity, meekness, and gentleness.
Boo Hoo says
Lol y’all are maaaad lmaooo, cry us a river ffs
Alexis says
Mostly undocumented farmworkers that are deemed “essential” because everyone loves the food purchased in stores. Most U.S. citizens don’t like the laborious work it takes to get up at 3:00 am to do back breaking work for fourteen hours. If corporate farms are going to employ these souls then they, also, need some compensation.
Ignacio P. says
That $500 would by a nice one way plane ticket back to their country of origin….
Kiki says
Ignacio you sound so ignorant saying those things . Oh Maybe you should accept those 500 bucks to go back to school so they can teach you how to spell. Just saying
Alby says
At this point of our lives, we depend on you to tteach us hhow to spell correctly kiki. God bless yourr sacrificing Feart kiki…. I mean heart kkiiki…….
Alby says
Get em all gathered in for their relief checks, then throw em in the bus back to the other side of the border.
Kiki says
@ Alby yes they should round them all up and have you pull them back where you want them than maybe you will stop crying for doing nothing but waiting for your money everymonth.
Alby says
What money every month?… “kiki”… God that sounds like a hot girls name. Are you hot? Are you a women? Are you legal? Are you this? Are you that? So many questions aimed at “kiki”… “kiki” you keep kikin…
Gross says
Pathetic can’t even be bothered to take care of the real citizens first, always vying for some political grab
surfside 6 says
Get busy taxpayers!!!
Ron says
Pathetic. Send them back home.