The new Order also requires essential businesses, including the City of Palmdale, to provide a cloth face covering for all of their employees to wear while performing duties that involve contact with other employees and the public, and to post their physical distancing plans. The public is also required to wear a face covering to enter essential businesses. These measures take effect at midnight April 15.
“The experts are telling us that social distancing is having a positive impact, so we’re encouraging everyone to keep up the good work and take the next steps in this fight against the coronavirus,” said Palmdale City Manager J.J. Murphy. “Face coverings will be required at Palmdale City Hall and all essential businesses according to the new Order. Palmdale cares about the health and wellness of the public and our employees. We stand ready to continue to work with our partners for you.”
“Our medical providers have informed us that they are in need of the N95 respirators, and the CDC also recommends that those masks be used for the health care workers and medical providers, so we’re asking everyone to either make your own face covering or simply use a bandana,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “They’re fairly easy to make and there are a lot of resources online that will give you step by step instructions on how to make one.”
To make an appointment with the City of Palmdale, individuals may call 661-267-5100 or email
Departments taking appointments include public works, maintenance, building and safety, business license, planning, purchasing, neighborhood services, parks & recreation, city clerk, human resources, city manager, city attorney, community programs, and finance.
The City also offers many online services which may be accessed at any time. These include building permit applications, business licenses, citations, residential solar permits, reporting code violations and much more. Visit and click the “How Do I” tab.
Other online services include the Palmdale City ( where library materials may be renewed, and online services such as Homework Help, and eLibrary may be accessed 24 hours a day; and virtual recreation ( which provides links to activities residents to help make this time of social distancing productive and interesting for the whole family.
For more information, please visit
George Root says
I’m a little disappointed that Palmdale city and Palmdale Regional Medical Center was left out of the BYD donation of face masks to Lancaster and AVH. I would have thought the way the elected officials of both cities love all over each other that help for Palmdale also would be forthcoming. I seem to be mistaken and I now see we as a city of Palmdale are on our own. Nothing new going on here!
William says
George Root
“…love all over each other…” I luv it.
But, that should be no surprise. That’s the way they are. Something about leopards and their spots, y’know.
emanon says
I thought you were living in Florida!