LOS ANGELES – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced Friday that Los Angeles County will receive more than $118 million for nonprofit and local organizations to help the homeless population.
“The path to self-sufficiency begins with a safe place to sleep and, ultimately, an affordable place to call home,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson said. “These grants will help service providers across the nation continue their work of reducing homelessness in their communities and help our most vulnerable neighbors.”
Some of the Los Angeles County organizations that will receive funding include the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and Rapid Re-Housing for Domestic Violence Survivors.
This round of HUD’s continuum-of-care grants will provide national support to about 630 local programs that serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness, the department stated.
Earlier this year, HUD announced $2.2 billion in grants to support thousands of local programs addressing the needs of homeless people.
The department stated that in 2019, most of the country experienced a decrease in homelessness, but significant increases in unsheltered and chronic homelessness on the West Coast, particularly in California and Oregon, offset those nationwide decreases, causing a national increase in homelessness by 2.7%.
Julian B Duron says
California, see how much of these funds actually make it to the problem, Check all elected in Commiefornia State Assembly and County Elected and City of Los Angeles Elected that are Board Members of “County Organization” that have own “SELF SERVING” non profits and charities or are or family members that are on boards of these non profits and charities. This is how Elected become multi-millionaires.
Magnetlady says
I hope the County uses this money as it is SPECIFIED to do, help the homelessness in the A.V. Too many times money is spent on ”administrative fees” instead of helping REAL PEOPLE!! That’s the problem people have when they vote for specific purposes, the money never get’s there!!
G and j says
Several people are going to be homeless real soon. We are a couple of roomates in palmdale and the title has different name than owners that signed our lease as we are grateful for a roof over our head but the utilities were included but never paid and either their not the owners or its that knew they were in foreclosure and rented to us to take our rent for a place that is uninhabitable and recently told us the house is in debt and served us to get out and now we have a 3 day notice to move out of a house that we rent rooms at since last year and we can’t move cause were broke on repairing mold from plumbing leaks and other repairs among cleaning gardening needed for rotting areas in and outside house shrubbery attached to all sides of the parcel and HVAC vents need better filtration causing dizzy spells headaches from gas fumes or paint ,lead ,asbestos, etc …
Jed says
Money in the trash, these agencies such as Valley Oasis expand their workers bees while doing the bare minimum for homeless. Go to their meetings you will laugh.
Who is the real pimp? says
What an ignorant statement. Valley Oasis has helped so many people in the Valley. I know from personal experience. You sound like Rex who insinuated they and other helpful groups were ‘poverty pimps’. The only pimping being done is by Rex giving a $30 million dollar project to his political contributor tat will only kemp a fraction of who could have been helped if they used the old county facility.