Palmdale, which tied with Sioux Falls, SD for #4, and Lancaster at #16 stand out for their millennial homeownership rate in 2018 and 10-year uptick in under-35 homeownership.
“It makes sense that millennials would choose to buy a home in the Antelope Valley,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “With solid job growth headed by our aerospace partners, affordable housing, outstanding amenities, and proximity to popular places such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, and Mammoth, living in the Antelope Valley makes both economic and lifestyle sense for millennials who are looking for homes.”
“It is an honor to see the Antelope Valley ranked highly as part of this study,” said Mayor R. Rex Parris. “With additions such as the revitalization of The BLVD, attraction of microbreweries and wine bars, and amazing community events such as the Field of Drafts Beer Festival and concert series at the Palmdale Amphitheater, both cities have worked diligently to empower our valley to become one that millennials want to call home. This study affirms that our dedication to improving our region is having a profound positive impact on our millennial residents – especially those who dream of owning their own home.”
According to SmartAsset, nine out of ten millennial renters want to purchase a home, but only 4.9% believe they will be able to do so in the next year. Many young adults cite home affordability issues as a critical deterrent. In some cities, such as Lancaster and Palmdale, millennials are bucking this trend with higher rates of homeownership.
“As the City of Lancaster continues to improve resident quality of life, it is reassuring to see that the choices we’ve made to cultivate a ‘smart city’; pursue infill projects that create jobs while offering residents more retail and service options; and expanding mixed-use opportunities are paying off,” said Lancaster City Manager Jason Caudle. “Working with the neighboring City of Palmdale has allowed our communities to grow and flourish together, which has a positive ripple effect on the Antelope Valley community as a whole. I speak for J.J. and myself when I say that I can’t wait to see how our partnership continues to advance our region.”
“As we move forward with our new General Plan, among the many things we are looking at are the housing needs of the up and coming workforce,” said Palmdale City Manager J.J. Murphy. “With all the opportunities provided by upcoming improvements in transportation, such as high-speed rail, the airport, Metrolink upgrades, and 14 freeway widenings, we will have a special focus on developing more lifestyle housing and amenities to satisfy the needs of the millennials as well as all other age sectors. Finally, Jason and I are honored that both of our communities are highlighted in this article and stand ready to collaborate on improving our regional approach.”
To view the report, please visit:
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Alexis says
Finally! So happy to see this happen. Both cities will grow and flourish together. Of course there are those few that can’t move on, and will continue their toxic, negative comments.
AV Truth says
We can only hope that Palmdale’s leadership lifts Lancaster up rather than having Lancaster’s leadership drag Palmdale and the entire AV down. That is not a toxic comment. That is the truth.
Get real says
According to many of the comments, especially William, Palmdale’s leadership is bringing Palmdale down. Anyway it’s not about trashing either city, it’s about working together for both communities to thrive. That is the truth, but the Debbie Downers can’t let go.
Matt Keltner says
The cities of Lancaster and Palmdale should look into recruiting an Amazon distribution center, or maybe some biotech firms that want to expand outside of LA or San Francisco?
A polytechnic state university campus to support aerospace, medical and biotech would be awesome too!
Tom says
Times are good now, but wait till the B-21 project is finished all the people at Northrop will be laid off, houses will become empty again, stores will close for good. It happened in the 80’s with the B-1, again in the 90’s with the B-2. It’s the AV curse. We need career companies in this valley. Not everyone can be a firefighter, cop, or DOD employee. Lance campers, BYD, Michaels, and Rite Aid all take advantage of their employees. These hard working people are paid less for the same jobs offered 40 miles South of the AV. The day big business invest in the AV is when we will be a financially safe community.
Alby says
Wait for the B-3, It will send out false signal patterns to make us majority believe that everything is alright. just listen to William. Its because of him that I started watchin bill mahr… and other funny hobos on the street. [removed] me everybody… Fun times man. And [removed you too]… Keep colaberating. We`re gonna get it right… eventually….
Alby says
lol fun times [removed]!!!
Sean says
There’s a lot more non-aerospace manufacturing in the AV than there used to be, which is a good thing!
Job Killer says
Kinkishario would have had a permanent manufacturing facility here providing jobs for decades, but we all know what happened to them.
Serena says
This is awesome! I know a lot of good people and families who have moved here the last couple years and they all love it.
Apple pie says
Love is now in the air, what happened??
AV Illegal says
And 70% of millennials say they would vote for a socialist…….boom, just like that the good news story sucks. Check it out with some research.
Home says
The best cities in the world…
Alejandro P says
I agree! It’s nice to see both cities cooperating for the good of the entire valley. It’s also nice to see the Antelope Valley on a positive list for a change. I think we are seeing a lot of good things that will continue on into the future.
Crime rates are also starting to drop even further in both cities as well.
Alby says
If anything, Palmdale folks feel so stupified by petty Lancaster antics that they feel they’re better off to step aside for the clown show. As for housing, if millenials(particularly the moronic tweekers and phycophants of Lancrapster) worry about they’re own business and not worry about “keeping up with the jones’s” (whoever they are), then they will succeed in life for themselves and their loved ones because they’re ain’t noone elese in this town worth impressing. And with alot of lancrapster idiots with their heads up eachothers hind ends, Its difficult enough to lay low and try to succeed and all the tweeker idiots that keep they’re relatives in business (you know, Lancaster cops) don’t make it easier either.
Little Bro says
Isn’t it great that our cities of Palmdale and Lancaster are now getting along. I wonder how Palmdale likes being the stepchild again by stepping aside when Rex or Marvin enters the room.
William says
Uh, Little Bro. Palmdale is the Premier City in the Antelope Valley.
Lancaster is but a bedroom community for the Valley. There’s no “there” there in Lancaster.
Transportation (High Speed rail and the rail to Las Vegas, the future airport, being at the crossroads of SR-14 and SR-138, closer to Los Angeles. location, location, location.
Shopping and dining are in Palmdale. Even Rex said the a majority of shoppers at the Antelope Valley Mall are from Lancaster. Palmdale has 2 great shopping areas…the Mall/10th Street West and 47th Street East.
Lancaster has many old, half-empty shopping centers with no major store anchors. They just leave them there and go build somewhere else.
The future is in Palmdale if Hofbauer doesn’t mess things up by doing Rex’s bidding. Thankfully, Former Mayor Ledford has led the way for Palmdale for 26 years to where it is now.
When you come over the rise in the 14 on your way home, you see Palmdale laid out with the lake and all the lights at night. In the dark distance Lancaster is barely visible kinda like North Korea at night. Both are led by dictators for the benefit of the ‘good ol’ boys’ in each place. Kim and Rex govern both places for their own benefit while threatening neighbors. They are both bad neighbors.
Not to worry Little Bro. If you need parts from an auto wrecking yard or shop at thrift stores, there’s plenty to see in Lancaster. The blvd, you say. It’s like taking a tour of Detroit. Don’t do it at night.
Pete says
The one-man Ledford cheerleading team is here again. Nobody can say anything nice about BOTH cities without Ol’Man Peter Gazer here (willy) jumping in to give his $0.02
If you wore drag, we’d all you Negative Nancy
AV Observerr says
Crime is higher in Lancaster. Shopping is better in Palmdale. Lancaster has the BLVD but it is sketchy at times except for the big events. Palmdale has higher property values. Lancaster has the fair and the Jethawks. Palmdale has a seasonal water park. Lancaster has MOAH and LPAC. Palmdale has golf courses. Lancaster has Rex.
You decide which is better.
Eye on Lancaster says
Did you see this?
I found it sadly humorous that the Lancaster mayor in praising Lancaster’s recent high ranking for millennial home ownership was based on the revitalized BLVD, attraction of micro-breweries and wine bars, and the Field of Drafts Beer Festival.
It seems to me that there has to be better amenities in Lancaster to praise than breweries, wine bars and a beer festival. The BLVD is not a desirable go to destination except for the large planned periodic activities that are well received and attended by the public. The BLVD offers a high crime rate (assaults among others), very little in the way of shopping and a constant problem with the homeless and panhandlers.
Alexis says
I also, Little Bro, am so glad to see both cities getting along! There are a lot of positive things happening in both Lancaster and Palmdale. I can do all my shopping in either city, and it isn’t just thrift stores and auto wrecking yards. Besides, it’s about two communities coming together in peace; not the very few that insist on divisiveness, and trashing a fine community. Thank you Pete for your comment.
Alexis says
Little Bro: It is great that the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster are getting along! I’m sorry that you try to discredit Palmdale.
Tom says
Don’t get all excited. As Palmdales mayor did say it’s because of the aerospace. Plant 42 is what kills our economy when the projects end. The B1 brought growth in the 80’s then half the homes in the AV were foreclosed the same with the B2 in the 90’s, and this B21 will do the same. It’s the AV rollercoaster of property ownership that will never end till we get real stable career jobs out here.
gary hidalgo says
It’s those times you buy cheap homes