SANTA CLARITA – The House Ethics Committee announced Wednesday it has begun an investigation into Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) over allegations she had a relationship with a member of her staff.
“The committee notes that the mere fact that it is investigating these allegations, and publicly disclosing its review, does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred, or reflect any judgment on behalf of the committee,” according to a statement from the panel. “No other public comment will be made on this matter except in accordance with committee rules.”
A representative for Hill could not be reached for immediate comment.
Hill issued a statement Tuesday calling the allegation “absolutely false.”
“The fact is I am going through a divorce from an abusive husband who seems determined to try to humiliate me,” Hill said. “I am disgusted that my opponents would seek to exploit such a private matter for political gain. This coordinated effort to try to destroy me and people close to me is despicable and will not succeed.
“I, like many women who have faced attacks like this before, am stronger than those who want me to be afraid.”
Hill said in the statement she had contacted U.S. Capitol Police after intimate photos of her and another person were published by the conservative website RedState, images she said were “published by Republican operatives on the internet without my consent.”
RedState published a series of articles over the last week alleging Hill was involved in relationships with a campaign staffer and, separately, a congressional staff member. Text messages purportedly between Hill, the campaign aide and her husband were published by site on Tuesday.
Hill called the articles a “smear campaign.”
According to the Los Angeles Times, Hill sent a letter to constituents Wednesday acknowledging a relationship with a member of her campaign staff.
“I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment,” Hill wrote in the letter.
She also said she was cooperating with the House Ethics Committee.
The House voted in 2018 to prohibit sexual relationships between lawmakers and their employees.
Hill defeated then-Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, in November to represent the 25th Congressional District, which includes portions of the Antelope Valley, as well as Santa Clarita Valley and portions of the northern San Fernando Valley and eastern Ventura County.
Hill is California’s first bisexual member of Congress.
William says
Trump is destroying the Republican Party which is a good thing. They’ve sold their souls to a charlatan, con artist and pathological liar.
Forget a 3rd party in this country.
If the GOP is gone, the Democratic Party will do. There is enough diversity in it to have choices in elections. There are moderates and far left liberals and maybe, just maybe with one Democratic Party the moderate center will prevail and end the tug of war between the 2 extremes.
William says
On SNL’s Weekend Update: Hill had a 3-way with her husband and another woman. She’s the only politician who can bring 2 parties together.
Always Trumper says
Oink, oink. If she wanted to pursue her lifestyle, more power to her, but she should not have run for national office with glaring visibility and oppo research. Why wasn’t she vetted against Knight?
I personally was gratified by her downfall. One, because I want to flip our district back red, and two, her hubris was annoying. She blames everyone else but herself. Typical Democrat. Good riddance.
William says
Always Trumper,
How can you possibly have that standard for Katie Hill while you are oblivious to the conflicts, corruption and amoral lifestyle of your Donald J. Trump.
We were saying he was unfit for office before he was elected and he’s shown it. What were you thinking?
Were you thinking? I don’t have to list all of his qualities and actions that have made him unfit. They are well known.
Always Trumper says
I like Trump’s policies. He needs both House and Senate to get them accomplished. Katie flipped the district. Simple as that. I would want any Democrat out. And I’m not a Republican.
My only judgement on Katie’s personal life is: Very cool. More power to her.
William says
I doubt that chicken Steve Knight will run for the seat. He’d have to deal with impeachment questions and he’s not man enough for that.
I doubt any Republican could win this seat and have to answer questions about Trump’s behavior versus Hill’s.
Anyway, your vote for Trump next November is pointless as he won’t win California. Your posts here will have to do for you.
Is that great or what?
Always Trumper says
Seniors and those nearing retirement take note: You will be heavily taxed for Medicare that you already have and already paid for in payroll taxes for years and years if Democrats implement Medicare for All.
Those new heavy taxes will pay for people that never paid a penny into Medicare, and it will take much longer to see a doctor with all the illegals before you. Seniors would be crazy to vote for that.
William says
Seniors will be fine in their remaining years.
It’s their heirs that are in for a surprise.
Seniors are doing the following>
-Reverse mortgages
-cashing in their annutiies
-cashing in their life insurance
There isn’t going to be much passing of middle class wealth onto their children. The rich will be fine.
Reagan began the decline of the middle class and Trump aims to finish it.
For a political party that isn’t friendly to immigrants, with Trump’s help the GOP is turning the United States into a 3rd world country-broken infrastructure, corrupt in high places (Trump & Co.), cutting social services, huge military while poor people do without (sounds like North Korea doesn’t Always Trumper?)
Are you a graduate of Trump “university” Always Trumper? You must have gotten a BS degree for sure.
Always Trumper says
An MS (more sh!t) and a Ph.D (piled higher and deeper) in Classical Trumpism.
Always Trumper says
Seniors paid for their Medicare with every paycheck for years and decades.
Why should illegals and indolent people get it for nothing while seniors pay much more in taxes to pay for them also ??
Seniors and those of us that carry their own weight would be crazy to vote for Democrats.
William says
Medicare for All ain’t gonna happen. Not all Democrats are on board with that policy. It won’t get through a Congress so forgetaboutit.
The ones pushing for it won’t be the nominee anyway.
The Republicans want to get rid of Medicare for good. You’d be crazy to…..nevermind. It’s a done deal already Always Trumper.
Next problem you want me to fix for ya, Always Trumper? Lemme guess. Trump is gonna promise you another tax cut next year like he did right before last year’s election. Did you forget?
Why am I replying to someone new to this planet with no memory or knowledge, I ask you?
Always Trumper says
Regards from Planet Trumpist, lol. We, without “memory or knowledge”, salute you.
PS: You reply because you like to debate. I reply cause I love to mess with you.
William says
Really and I’m having fun at your expense. Is this place great or what?
I love it when people like you offer themselves up for sacrifice.
Kiki says
Ok so go vote for who ever you want you already see you don’t get nothing out of it cause your still big mad
Always Trumper says
Hey, I was going to say that.
Lily says
One in three seniors struggling in California and it’s going to get much worse for a lot of people. Skyrocketing housing costs, and the cost of living is placing a very heavy burden on millions. Tax payers overburdened, and the money just gets sucked into that black hole called fraud and mismanagement by people that say they have answers but don’t.
No Medicare-for-all says
Medicare-for-all would be a disaster. Watch out for the bait and switch.
Raymond Dell says
I’m sure the bi-sexual employee of Scott Wilk is dancing in the street. I have no doubt that drunken Drew played some roll in this on going saga. Good work Drew!!
Liza says
Wow u mad i guess were more important than you guys right? Sucks to be you
Always Trumper says
If Trump is impeached: Pence becomes President.
Then Pence pardons Trump and appoints him VP.
Pence resigns.
Trump becomes president and appoints Pence VP.
Democrats’ heads explode.
William says
Uh, Always Trumper
Pence has one foot on a banana peel so he might not make it to the White House. It’s called being an accessory.
It’s funny that the Republicans don’t like Pence that much either or they’d line up to impeach Trump.
So, it’s okay with you that Trump colludes with the president of Ukraine to make up dirt on Biden in exchange for military aid? Is that correct? Pence couldn’t answer that question “Yes” or “No”.
Always Trumper says
YES, YES, always YES.
waity katy's pretty shady says
I was a supporter of Katie Hill and I had high hopes for what she might be able to accomplish on our behalf. But I am honestly relieved that she resigned, as she clearly made some inconceivably bad decisions and people rarely display that trait in only one aspect of their lives. I think we’re lucky to find this out relatively early because who knows how else she might have compromised our district.
She had such promise, but she’s left us without representation and embarrassed the party and for what? Shameful.
Nonetheless, even shamed she’s better than Knight…and her husband must be a real fink.
Hope she does some soul searching and is able to learn some lessons from this.
wise decision says
Katie Hill just resigned from Congress. Nancy Pelosi gave her very good advice.
Congressional Aide says
The party’s over.
Loam says
She did resign and, having followed the story over the past few days, I think the twist that sent the story over the edge of unacceptableness is evidence that Katie Hill paid her ex-lover campaign staffer as a consultant for the past six months (thousands of dollars a month) and the accused male lover legislative worker the largest (financial) bonus in her office. These are suggestions she used campaign finances to support people who slept with her.
She goes from a charity worker making a huge salary off of donations for the homeless and giving jobs to her less-qualified husband to congressperson passing out campaign donations to her lovers. There MUST be more of a qualifications test for people seeking to be in Congress.
Lily says
House Rule XXIII, clause 18 (a) clearly states a member of Congress cannot engage in a sexual relationship with an employee. Hill can make tis out to be a smear tactic but really, she’s upset that she got caught breaking a very simple easy-to-understand rule. This has nothing to do with her politics or her being a woman. She has clearly been dishonest about these events until she couldn’t deny anymore.
Tim’s so quiet now says
Tim Scott, you still gonna defend her? Even after she resigned because she knew she was wrong? You voted for this, now we make national headlines for having a clown representing our district.
Tim Scott says
LOL…notice how the GOP goons go out of their minds when a Democrat resigns after a minor transgression while their chosen president commits a steady stream of crimes and they defend him.
I think it is pretty disgusting that when an elected woman has consensual sex the GOP runs her out of office but they will accept outright rapists to represent them as long as they are male conservatives.
BTW, we had a clown representing our district..one like Punch, or Judy, who spent his entire time in Washington with the national party hand up his butt and moving his mouth. There is NO ONE who could be more of an embarassment than Steve Knight was.
[removed] says
Just you Tim Scott. You thinking this is minor just proves the point. Until your dems can find any proof of the baseless claims they make, just because they are butthurt, I will defend our rightly elected president. Why won’t they vote for impeachment in the House? Because they know it will fail. Tim Scott is and will always be a clown
Tim Scott says
Impeachment would fail because the GOP controls the Senate and there is no question they would put party ahead of the facts…so, yeah, it needs to be slow played in the house, but there is absolutely no valid reason to call the situation “baseless claims.” The investigation, which will continue to be ongoing right up to election day, is pumping irrefutable evidence into the public consciousness every day.
While the “true believers” will continue to bury their heads and ignore the evidence, GOP candidates across the board are going to get hammered with the question at every step of their campaigns and are going to either:
1) Acknowledge the facts and offend D’ump and his core of head buried faithful
2) Deny the facts and be clearly and accurately skewered as a party over reality hack
Overall: good strategy, and since the GOP is stuck trying to deal with a megalomaniac bearing their brand they have no way out.
William says
A disturbing thought.
The president is above the law if 34 senators say so.
We cannot count on the the Republicans in Congress to put the country before Trump. They must all go.
They cheat in elections.
Their extreme gerrymandering in North Carolina was thrown out by a court.
They work tirelessly to suppress voting among American citizens.
They welcome and/or are indifferent to Russian interference in our elections.
They gave us crooks Agnew and Nixon and Watergate.
They gave us unelected Gerald Ford.
They gave us Reagan and the beginning of the end of the middle class and the S&L crisis.
They gave us Poppy Bush and the first Persian Gulf War that he did nothing to prevent.
They gave us Junior Bush who invaded Iraq based on lies and the Great Bush Recession.
And, now Trump. Need I say more? Well, yes.
There have been around twice the recessions under Republican administrations than under Democratic ones in the last 60 or so years. They can’t govern.
Lily says
The constant back and forth bickering between Republicans and Democrats is tearing this country apart. Neither party provides a clear ethical vision for America. Whether it’s a Democrat being investigated by the ethics committee, or whether a Republican is being investigated, we are sinking under the weight of our own lack of moral values.
William says
It’s people like you Lily that conflate everything as being the same. Katie Hill’s violation of the rules is light years behind Trump’s violations of everything.
You know that saying about people not being able to tell the difference between the “brown stuff” and Shinola. That’s you.
Bill R. says
You are absolutely right, Lily. Both political parties are bringing this nation down.
Alby BACK! says
It’s all the same to you, right Trumper?
Ron says
Should investigate Jihadists Omar who married her brother.
Tom says
I bet Katie Hill had someone light the fire in Canyon Country so her stories on the news gets no air time.
Tim Scott says
Why should she bother? The big GOP “breaking news” that a congresswoman who ran as ‘openly bisexual’ is in fact, who would ever have guessed, bisexual is not a big deal to much of anyone…except of course old GOP conservatives who are always looking for a chance to ogle a picture of a naked woman “because they have to stay informed.”
Tim Scott folds once again says
Again you show you’re true colors. This is no way for someone who represents their people to be acting. Put the shoe on the other foot and you would be calling for her ouster. This is an “impeachable” offense. Call a spade a spade for once.
Run Wrecks Run says
“Katie is running for re-election so she can continue to put her energy and dedication to work on behalf of her community.” Sure hope she isn’t removed from office. That would ruin the material for some very entertaining Trump tweets.
Lily says
I feel sorry for the young subordinate Hill used over the years. Left this young woman, and caused devastation, then plays the victim.
Tim Scott says
What is “no way” for her to be acting while representing us? Getting laid? You think that to represent you someone has to be celibate? WTF gives you that twisted view?
The only time I have any opinion on a politician’s sex life is when they are obviously gross hypocrites, like the guy who rants against gay rights and spreads misery upon everyone he can in the name of the GOP, but then turns up soliciting in a men’s room. Katie Hill ran as an openly bisexual woman, and lo and behold, she is in fact a bisexual woman. I don’t really see any problem with that.
Alexis says
Katie Hill is not being investigated by the House Ethics Committee because she is bisexual, nor is she being investigated for having sex with a man or a woman, or a threesome with her husband and a consenting adult. Katie Hill is being investigated for having a sexual relationship with a subordinate which is against House rules. We will see how this plays out when all the facts come out, and not before.
Clueless Tim Scott says
Getting laid and hitting the bong by a subordinate Tim Scott. Read the article and get the facts straight before defending her. This just proves my point that you have no clue
William says
You mean like Trump pulls troops out to distract from IMPEACHMENT? Yeah, that’s what ya mean. Right?
That would be “militum interruptus”?
Horn Dog says
I like to get in on that!
What a mess says
Neither political party is qualified to represent anything. The Republicans digging up dirt on the Democrats; the Democrats digging up dirt on the Republicans. If Katie Hill were a Republican caught having sex with a woman and a man, smoking a bong in the nude with an Iron Cross tattoo (symbol used by neo-Nazi’s), all of the Democrats would be demonizing her. Both parties are disgusting, and are bringing this nation down to its lowest level.
Alexis says
Absolutely! Scandalous elected officials from the top on down. Both parties are an embarrassment.
Alexis says
Both political parties can’t even get along with each other, either.
Angel of Mercy says
So, you don’t vote Alexis.
Jame Chew says
And here’s more (which the AV Press will not even acknowledge):
keith says
what a joke. wish she actually make their time to help the communities in the AV and santa clarita. instead of drinking and having sex with other woman. we have homeless problems, gas prices are getting worse, school systems suck out here. all they care about is impeaching trump, fix the issues here.
AdolfOliverMuff says
She was (and still is ) a better choice than Steve Knight. He voted to abolish the Affordable Care Act. Why? Because Trump told him too.
keith says
lol better choice huh, higher taxes, gas is going up, affordable care act is not really affordable, homeless in the antelope valley is still pretty bad. that is just a few things. well you got who you voted for and nothing has been done so far.
Tim Scott says
Higher taxes? But the heroic republicans passed their tax cut. Guess you just aren’t rich enough to benefit from it…as anyone with a brain could see most people weren’t if the bothered to examine the republicans tax cut bill. Guess you just got hoodwinked…again…typical GOP voter.
Gas going up? But, why would that be? Hey, maybe Trump’s trade wars are hurting economies worldwide and making it all the more profitable for US oil producers to ship their products overseas rather than feed local markets. Of course the GOP is always willing to dump blame on the democrats when Trump’s actions cause problems. Guess you just got hoodwinked…again…typical GOP voter.
Homeless in the AV is still pretty bad? Compared to what? Being homeless in the AV is actually really good, compared to places where homeless people freeze to death in snowstorms. If I were homeless this is probably where I would want to be myself. But since I’m not I really don’t know what your issue really is here. Oh, wait, I’ll bet you are one of those people who is so self-centered and wrapped up in your own paranoia that someone saying “God bless you. Could you spare a couple bucks if I clean your windows for you” when you pull into the gas station is met with a “how dare you intrude on my self importance!?!” Again a typical GOP voter thing.
Yes, we got who we voted for, and the democrat control in the house has drastically slowed the pace at which the GOP and Trump were causing chaos and destruction. Hurray! Now, if we could totally eradicate the GOP from any influence whatsoever we could perhaps get started on repairs. But of course there are so many hoodwinked idiots like you in many of the stupid states that that will still be a challenge, despite the back to back Bush and Trump disasters.
Tim Scott for President says
This guy is clueless. Look at how our California is run. Give away everything to everyone. Gas taxes highest in the nation. San Francisco, the most liberal democrat run city has feces and homelessness running rampant. Tim Scott spewing about how great things are should just prove how bad things actually are. He is delusional and makes no valid point to any argument other than I hate republicans and those who actually believe in what this country was founded on.
What a mess says
In a Democracy, a debased public chooses its worst leaders. Then our Nero panders to our worst attributes-and we reward him for doing so.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I actually did make points. You, on the other hand, seem committed to a position of “Tim Scott is bad” as if that related at all to the issues. The GOP tax plan was a bone headed givaway to the wealthy that everyone else will eventually have to pay for. That isn’t “hate,” that’s an easily seen fact that even you could figure out if you weren’t so busy spewing venom at me.
Get a clue and spit out what the GOP is feeding you.
What a mess says
Great comment, only please leave “Tim Scott for president” out. You speak the truth about what is happening in California. L.A. County is a mess and getting worse. People are living in their cars or campers while working two and three jobs because of high rents and housing costs. Infrastructure is crumbling, and the politicians don’t have a clue how to fix this disaster. They’re too busy being self-absorbed with their precious political party that wants to look good while everything around them is crumbling.
Tim Scott says
I’s cant’s believer’s my ‘s eyes’s!!! I’s voted’s for’s her’s!
Andrew Free says
You are a low life
Equal Rights Not Special Rights says
If this was a male politician photographed in the nude brushing the hair of his employee, everyone would want him drawn and quartered. She is receiving preferential treatment because she’s female.
Katie Clinton says
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
Anthony Weiner says
Would anyone have Katie’s phone number? I want to send her a text!!
Tim Scott says
I voted for this clown. True or false?
OKFine says
Daily Mail has new coverage..or lack thereof.
https://mol.im/a/7609835#i-1b3dc354fd989f28 via @MailOnline
Rudy Colludy says
Yeah, let’s go after Hill to distract from IMPEACHMENT.
Dirty Secrets says
Too bad there are no photos of the sexcapades that went on at the Raquet Club. My oh my…,.
sigh says
Dont care. shes pretty. elect her..
Tim Scott says
That’s what I said and did
Photo Upload says
She should have taken an ad out in Bedpage or Eros instead.
Tom says
Katie is untouchable. She’s a gay female Democrat. Anyone asking serious questions in her so-called investigation will be labeled as a homophob, woman hater. Maybe Trump should say he is coming out I bet his scandal would go away.
Andrew Free says
Hang the liberal POS
Terri says
Katie Hill
You had an inappropriate relationship with a 22 year old subordinate. Most people lose their jobs over this. And so should you.
Cynic says
The House Ethics Committee, which is chaired by a Democrat, is willing to concede that someone from their own party is capable of making a bad choice and have begun an investigation. Take note Republicans. This is how grown ups act.
AV Illegal says
How, by having a relationship with their 22 year old subordinate?
Andrew Free says
Read the article Nimrod and you will know
AV Illegal says
I did read the article. I have a sense of humor. Apparently you are one of the “Grownups” who immediately resort to name calling like a schoolyard kid. Oh well, it is the current way of communication for Democrats I suppose.
Tim Scott says
Should have kept Steve Knight in office.
Tim Scott says
If you are going to pretend to be me you should at least stick to something I might plausibly say…and this ain’t it. The only thing that I think Steve Knight should be kept in is a shoebox.
Tim Scott says
I am the most anti republican person in the world, apart from AOC and feel the bern. Is that better?
Tim Scott says
No, since all you have done is prove that you are so desperate about being stuck as yourself that you need to pretend to be me. Pretty sad.