Capt. Michael Shepard, a 63-year-old Agua Dulce resident, was killed in a collision that occurred around 11:15 a.m. on Jan. 23, on the northbound 14 Freeway just south of Sand Canyon Road, according to the California Highway Patrol.
According to the CHP accident report, the Caltrans vehicle — a GMC 3500 with a dump truck bed that was part of a sweeper operation — was traveling in the northbound center median when it was rear-ended by Shepard’s Jeep.
Shepard sustained fatal injuries, and the driver of the Caltrans vehicle suffered moderate injuries and was taken to Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital for treatment, according to the CHP.
Shepard’s widow, Catherine Shepard; their son, Clint Shepard; and their daughter, Conni Billes, are the plaintiffs in the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit filed Friday, Sept. 13.
The suit seeks unspecified damages and alleges that the Caltrans driver violated a section of the state Vehicle Code designed to protect drivers like Shepard, and that there were insufficient signs that would have allowed him to drive safely past the dangerous condition.
A Caltrans representative did not immediately return a call requesting comment.
Previous related stories:
LACoFD mourns the loss of fire captain killed in 14 Fwy crash
One person dead, Caltrans worker hurt in crash on 14 Freeway in Santa Clarita
well... says
Not sure what the situation was but I’m sure the family has their reasons to do this, many times I find myself questioning caltrans way of alerting people that they are doing work ahead, not enough cones or warning signs and not enough distance between the cones and the working area specially at night, it feels as if they get lazy and they half ass the set up of the warning signs.
Eric says
Thank you for allowing my comment
B.S. says
Funny how they don’t say he was on his phone. If it was a regular citizen the phone records would have been brought up in every news article, but I laugh how they hide the real report. Hopefully it comes out in court.
Herbie says
Looks like a money grab unfortunately. That section of the 14 at Sand Canyon is wide open and the accident occurred late morning in broad daylight when traffic is relatively light. I am sure the CHP has checked his phone for activity at the time of the accident and the State will have that evidence..
I see you says
Wow ! this family trying to get rich quick even though Mr Shepard wasn’t paying attention and caused the accident himself.
Read Ended says
Distracted driving takes its toll.
Eric says
Of course they are missing that fat paycheck those firefighters bring home. I’m sure he had a huge life insurance policy. No more new boobs and facelifts honey, sorry.
Meme says
How is it the caltrons trucks fault? he didn’t pay attention to the road? And know his family wants to sue CA for his irresponsible driving?
Alby says
I always see caltrans trucks on the 14 freeway median doing their job, picking up blown out tires and such. Why was he speeding on the median? Its just as sad and unfortunate as it would be for anyone else that isnt a paid civil servant. I wonder what the family is trying to sue for? I wish that I could sue for the time Ive rear ended a stopped car on the freeway, but sometimes people have no choice but to come to an abrupt complete stop. We just need to keep our eyes peeled, OBEY THE SPEED LIMITS and turn off the damn cell phone. Also be considerate if you know that a loved one is driving, dont call or text his or her cellphone. Another thing to consider, I got t-boned at the amazing speed of 10 miles per hour during rush hour traffic by someone trying to switch lanes without acknowleging my presence. I could have shifted into the median but would have been killed by a potential speeder driving a bigger car than mine… like a jeep. I see people blasting through the median or shoulder just to get a mile or so ahead of congested traffic. So whether you are an off duty Fire Fighter, an off duty well respected fighter pilot, or an off duty fascist fluffer, OBEY THE SPEED LIMITS AND ROAD RULES.
Tim Scott says
Which part of “got rear ended while in the median” is the truck driver’s fault?
Buck says
lol, anything for these people to get a buck… Probably texting and not paying zero attention and they want to capitalize on his accident. Gotta love California