An investigation determined that 21-year-old Deputy Angel Reinosa had not been ambushed on the afternoon of Aug. 21 as he had claimed, Villanueva said at a news conference at the Hall of Justice.
“We are now faced with both a criminal investigation and a personnel matter,” Villanueva said.
“Please keep in mind by law I cannot comment on confidential peace officer personnel matters,” he said, adding that he could not “speculate on why he did what he did.”
“I have said on numerous occasions that transparency is vital for public trust. I have also stated that my priority is community service, and I will not stand for any member of my department who violates the public trust,” the sheriff said. “Employment law limits what I can say about personnel issues, but what I will tell you is that I have taken swift administrative action in the matter, and as of last night, Deputy Angel Reinosa is no longer employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department or by the County of Los Angeles.”
Villanueva also referred to the “criminal investigation of this incident,” saying, “It is our intention to present our evidence to the District Attorney’s Office for filing consideration in the very near future.”
Possible criminal charges could include the alleged “false reporting of a crime,” Villanueva said, or false reporting of an emergency.
Villanueva said that he felt it was necessary to release the information about the hoax to the public in a timely manner, so he ordered a rare Saturday night news conference where department officials revealed that the rookie deputy had “completely fabricated” the incident and would be relieved of his duties.
A statement released by Villanueva earlier expressed his disappointment and regret over the rookie’s apparent dishonesty and the significant waste of time and energy invested by Reinosa’s colleagues who immediately rushed to his aid.
“When the news broke on Wednesday, I dropped everything I was doing to be at Lancaster and check on the welfare of Deputy Reinosa,” Villanueva said. “Like many responding personnel, I spent needless time and energy on something that did not happen. Rather than delay reporting what we learned for another day, I felt that it was urgent that we share the truth with the public.
“As sheriff, I am responsible for my deputies and am embarrassed and incredibly disappointed at what this deputy did,” Villanueva said. “I apologize to our community and our elected officials who rallied in our support. During the investigation we had suspicions concerning the validity of the claimed assault, but had to exercise care before accusing an employee of making false statements.”
Villanueva said any sheriff’s department employee undergoing an internal investigation is given due process of the law, and he insisted it will be so for Reinosa.
Sheriff’s officials told reporters late Saturday night that several things did not add up in Reinosa’s story: No bullets were recovered in the parking lot, no cars were struck by gunfire and many people in the vicinity did not hear any gunshots.
The alleged ambush was reported by Reinosa at 2:48 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21, leading to a containment perimeter and an hours-long search of a four-story apartment complex from which Reinosa claimed shots were fired toward the station parking lot in the 500 block of West Lancaster Boulevard.
The apartment building was locked down, as was a nearby school. Dozens of SWAT deputies descended on the scene via helicopter and armored vehicles. Tactical teams checked each apartment.
The search of the apartment building and surrounding area wasn’t concluded until 5:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 22, according to the department.
Previous related stories:
Lancaster deputy “fabricated” claim that he was shot
Deputies recover pellet rifle during search for Lancaster shooting suspect
Deputy wounded in ambush outside Lancaster Sheriff’s Station
Laughing says
Any one know of a picture of the offender, that way we can see who not to trust when he speak’s. Criminal mischief ex-deputy is who I am referring to.
Alby says
Its the whole Lancaster department
Me says
Oh, not to worry… After a little “truth and reconciliation” with the offender, Sheriff Villanueva will have this ex deputy back on the force with his badge and his gun…
If this isn’t the fox watching the hen-house, I don’t know what is…
Recall Mayor Rex says
That is a great start. Now we need to make sure Mayor Parris is no longer employed as mayor of Lancaster. Join the movement at Recall Mayor Rex on Facebook.
Shamus McGillicuddy says
While you’re all on Facebook like you have been for years, there are people in front of City Hall doing something.
Send in the Clowns says
Yes. They did more than the clowns who have been in City Hall pretending to be mayor, vice mayor, and councilmembers.
Alexis says
If only they were pretending. The situation in Lancaster is all too real, except of course the fabricated story of the sniper firing rounds from the apartments overlooking the sheriff’s station.
Fabricated Incident says
Send Angel the bill for the police operation.
Tim Scott says
That was quick. When a deputy murders somebody it takes months to fire them, if they get fired at all.
Mark says
If you’re in NYC, it takes 5 years!
Duh says
That’s because the investigation is easier when there is no one committing a crime, running from/ fighting police.. Dummy.
Mark says
DUH, thanks for clearing that up for us.
DUH, what would we do with out you?
DUH, you should are an intelligent person.
Just wondering, how’s the DUH family doing? The DUH children doing good?
Duh says
Not living in the AV so… Yeeaahhh!
Mark says
Well Duh, I’m glad is all good in the Duh family.