PALMDALE – Registration is on for the 2019 fall session of the Palmdale Partners Academy, which will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 24, and continue through Nov. 5.
Classes will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Chimbole Cultural Center, located at 38350 Sierra Highway. Residents may register online at www.cityofpalmdale.org/engaged, or by contacting Trish Jones at 661-267-5473 or emailing tjones@cityofpalmdale.org.
Registration ends Sunday, Sept. 10.
“The eight week Palmdale Partners Academy, recently recognized by the American Public Works Association (APWA) as a ‘Best Practice,’ is designed to present citizens with a first-hand look at city operations and services through the eyes of each department,” said Palmdale’s Community Programs Supervisor Trish Jones.
“The Academy will help citizens gain a better understanding of local government, the community, the resources and how to get things done,” Jones said.
During the academy sessions, participants will interact with city staff and learn the challenges facing municipal governments, as well as gain insight into the city’s future goals and objectives.
“If you’ve ever wondered who decides what businesses come to town, or where does the funding come from to take care of the city, or how can I present an idea to the City Council, then the Academy is for you,” Jones said.
The academy schedule of classes is as follows:
The Greatest Story Ever Told
An introduction to the City of Palmdale, its Past, Present and Future.
It Keeps You Runnin’
A behind-the-scenes look at the administrative aspects of the City.
If You Build It They Will Come
An introduction to development services and the many departments responsible for the structural growth of the City.
Clean Sweep, the Care and Maintenance of a City
An overview of the programs and departments that keep the streets, buildings and parks clean and operational.
Law and Order – Palmdale
An overview of Palmdale’s efforts to prevent crime and how the City works with the criminal justice system locally.
Who Are the People In My Neighborhood?
An overview of Neighborhood Services including crime prevention, housing, neighborhood outreach, parking and code rnforcement.
For the People
Recreation and Culture programming highlighting, special events, Palmdale City Library, Airpark, Playhouse and recreation facilities.
To Infinity and Beyond
Staying connected; future opportunities. Alumni dinner and graduation.
For more information on the Palmdale Partners Academy, contact Trish Jones at 661-267-5473 or e-mail tjones@cityofpalmdale.org.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Academy says
A waste of time and money…