“There are several successful prison dog training programs throughout the country,” said Alex Tonner, the founder of Paws for Life K9 Rescue. “What makes the partnership with L.A. Animal Services unique is that we are selecting great dogs who may have previously been overlooked to attend the training. Community members can adopt one of these preselected dogs knowing that after the training, they will be bringing home a fully trained friend into their home.”
Dogs chosen for the “Shelter Paws for Life” program will come with an offer to the adopter to receive free training after adoption, according to Tonner.
The program was launched July 5 at LAAS’ highest intake location, the Chesterfield Square Animal Services Center, and is being expanded to all six LAAS centers. The goal is to train 250 dogs annually at the California State Prison in Lancaster.
“We are so excited to launch this program with Paws for Life,” said MeLissa Webber, assistant general manager of LAAS. “It’s really a community project that benefits both the dogs and the incarcerated men who are continuing on their journey of rehabilitation.”
Paws For Life K9 Rescue pulls its dogs from local shelters, often choosing animals in need of socialization and training, and places them with incarcerated trainers throughout California state prisons because they can dedicate all of their time to the task of rehabilitating the animals, according to the organization. Some of the dogs are trained to become service animals for military veterans with PTSD.
Savanna Lamb says
What protocols are in place so that the dogs are not abused or killed at the prison? There have been other incidents where dogs in a program similar ended up dead. This program sounds great, I just worry about the safety of the shelter dogs.
Alexis says
This is a wonderful program! It helps so many people, also helps the inmates change.
Eissal says
This is great. In memory of all the dogs Rex had killed when he went on his pit bull extermination program, may these beautiful animals and those who train them be blessed.
Hannah says
Eissal…Here are the facts: There was no extermination program. There was a round-up of roaming pit bulls because of five fatal pit bull attacks. It was a spay-neuter program. The same with Rottweilers. It’s easy enough to look up and get the facts instead of the wild rumors that persist in the opinions section.
No More Rex says
Bull. Parris singled out pit bulls and rotweillers not because of attacks but because they were associated with people of color in gangs.
Here is his quote from the Los Angeles Times.
“A year ago, this city was overrun with individuals — namely, gang members — who routinely used pit bulls and other potentially vicious dogs as tools of intimidation and violence,” Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a statement.
“These individuals delighted in the danger these animals posed to our residents, often walking them without leashes and allowing them to run rampant through our neighborhoods and parks. Today, more than 1,100 of these animals have been removed from our city, along with the fear they create. Lancaster is now a great deal safer because of it.”
There were no where near 1,1oo attacks. This was pure Racist Rex in action.
Now that the pit bulls are gone and crime is up again, he is using the homeless as a scapegoat.
People have had it with Rex and his lies.
Alexis says
Sorry, but walking pit bulls, or Rottweilers without a leash and letting them run rampant is frightening to people, and especially vulnerable senior citizens. They should be taken off the streets, and yes there were fatalities because of these roaming dogs. Roaming chihuahuas aren’t as scary although they can be fierce. The likelihood of being killed by a chihuahua is extremely unlikely, but I can say I, as well as many others have been intimidated by angry people with angry dogs.
No More Rex says
Rex was once again coming up with a scapegoat to cover up his failures. First it is dogs, then it the Mongols, then it is the need for a $10 million dollar LEAPs, and now it is the homeless. The problem comes from the top in Lancaster. Rex needs a scapegoat to deflect from the mess that is Lancaster. Can we bring back Barbara Little or Frank Roberts?
Alexis says
now you’ve gone off in a completely different direction. I read your first two comments and I know this much: Dogs that should have been taken off the street were; As far as you mentioning gangs, there are gangs of all colors (races).
Alexis says
By the way (No More Rex), gang members come in all colors (races). Hispanic gangs, white gangs, Asian gangs, etc. I encountered plenty of white gang members tatted up with their gang affiliation walking their intimidating dogs without a leash, and letting their dogs roam without a care for anyone else and the harm they caused. Maybe your inclined to be a racist if you think only one color represents gangs.
No More Rex says
Rex is an equal opportunity offender Alexis. There are gangs of all colors. Funny how Rex goes radio silent on the Peckerwoods of the AV. Do you buy his propaganda that all these dogs were running around? He killed over a thousand. I have walked the streets of Lancaster for years. He is off his rocker.
Alexis says
I don’t buy propaganda, and I am not political. I don’t want to see anyone injured or killed by roaming dogs or one dog. Whether a Peckerwood or any other gang, or just a person with no affiliation, it is our responsibility (or should be) to have outward concern for others, and their safety. I am happy to see this program of training service dogs come to this prison. You can believe what you want, it’s your mind. I choose NOT to allow Rex to govern my thoughts. Keep on keepin on.
No More Rex says
Right on Alexis. Right on. Do not allow Rex to govern your thoughts. He will not govern mine either. Now we need to make sure Rex does not govern our city. Lancaster used to be a great place to live. Now our downtown is seedy, the east side is ignored, money is funneled to political contributors, our roads are getting worse, we have more vacant buildings, and crime is on the rise.
Alexis says
No More Rex: LOL, not me! I don’t get involved with anything Rex does or doesn’t do, and I sure don’t give him any space in my head. I’m content with my life now, and I stay far away from all the complaining about the politicians in Lancaster, Palmdale, and what’s going on in this divisive world. I don’t live in Lancaster anymore, but I visit frequently.
Alexis says
I’m not getting involved, so I’ll leave the fighting to you. I have nothing to do with politicians and I’m good with that.
The Mad Hatter says
Maybe they should hire dcfs case workers to train the dogs…naaaaahh too many dogs would die.
Lili says
Alex is you say you don’t live in the a.v. but your still worried about the a.v. since your always commenting about what happens here if your so happy like you say than forget about antelope valley
Dog Rehab says
Best of luck to all of the dogs in the program…
Yvonne Navarrete says
Are they going to do this in other prisons? My son is in Calipatria prison he would love this program