The crimes occurred from May 14-23 between 5 p.m. and 1 a.m. at the following locations: the 4400 block of East Pacific Coast Highway, the 3200 block of East Anaheim Street, the 400 block of Roswell Avenue, and the 2200 block of Lakewood Boulevard, the Long Beach Police Department reported.
Police released security video of the crime on East Anaheim Street, which occurred about 7 p.m. on May 15. An unidentified man was knocked to the ground and kicked in the head by one of the assailants, who returned to deliver more blows as the victim was trying to stand up.
Even after robbing the victim, two of the suspects appear to be ready to flee but turn back to continue the beating while one appears to record the attack on a cellphone.
“The suspects forcibly took the unsuspecting victims’ property,” police said. “None of the victims reported severe injuries as a result of the robberies.”
On June 17, detectives arrested 20-year-old Dominick Smith of Palmdale and the following day arrested 19-year-old Cordell Lathom of Long Beach. Both are suspected of being involved in all four robberies, police said.
After their arrests, detectives served search warrants at their homes and recovered evidence associated with the robberies, according to the LBPD.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office filed robbery, firearm and gang allegations against Smith and Lathom on June 19, police said.
Both are being held in lieu of $315,000 bail, police said.
On June 25, detectives arrested 19-year-old Kahari Charles of Long Beach in connection with the robbery on May 15. He had been the subject of an arrest warrant issued June 19 and was booked on suspicion of robbery with a gang allegation, police said.
Charles is being held in lieu of $90,000 bail, police said.
mike says
They just attended evening church
Mars says
They can boohoo to mommy daddy grandma and girlfriends like they didn’t mean it but forget that throw the book at them and the ones that stood by did nothing ” GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION”. YOU STOOD BY DID NOTHING TO STOP IT! …TO THE STUPID GIRLS FOLLOWING THESE ASSHOLES DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE ..LIVING IS NOT FREE FOR ALL..And for the parents Let them pay for there crimes! Quit bailing them out!
A rule should be in place that they lose benefits if commiting crimes & found guilty!
Mars says
Make these criminals work hard labor to pay the victims restitution..& Make them literally clean the streets and toilets of the places they commited the crimes at..
FREEdom says
If these three “victims” had free health care and free college tuition, they would not be acting like this.
shut up freedumb says
free healthcare comes from my pocket, it is not free stupid. These people wouldn’t take offers like free college, they are too dumb.
FREEdom says
I was just being sarcastic.
AppleTwo says
Highly doubtful the “Palmdale man” was actually a Palmdale native…? His California ID card probably stated “Palmdale” as that is where he couch surfs the most and has a relative willing to let him use her address, and it’s a way to keep LA. County on the hook for paying their GR benefits.
Almost always, these people are from places like C0mpton, L0ng Beach, Carson, Watts, West Adams and that’s why they go back there to commit their crimes.
Losers go to jail! says
Wow these POS are nothing but losers! Where’s their families . No morals no decency no values
Vermin says
Three worthless people who contribute absolutely nothing…
The End! says
Hope the same EXACT thing happens to their families.
Christa says
Glad they have been caught & removed from our communities temporarily.
Unfortunately they will be released and back in our communities to reoffend.
Let’s hope next time is not murder or your family member being assaulted.
Vicious Cycle.
Mars says
Unfortunately I agree.. Along with the followers who think its cool what these young generation wasting time beating people up for what they consider free money A program should be put in place to make these youngsters work to pay restitution let them clean these streets literally dince they have no remorse for what they do..the followers are just plain stupid freeloaders without a care in the world!!