The event was held from 7 to 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 19, at Crazy Otto’s, located at 1228 West Avenue I.
“Our veterans community is robust, diverse, and deserves access to the best possible resources,” Hill said. “Coffee 4 Vets is an incredible venue to have in-depth conversations about the issues facing our local vets and how we can solve them.”
The group addressed access to healthcare, with a focus on the need to provide better transportation options — an issue especially important for senior veterans. Concerns about insufficient mental health and substance abuse counseling were also shared.
Hill shared her family’s military background and spoke to the group about the constituent services her office provides. At the end of the breakfast, special recognition was given to the women veterans in attendance.
“I am looking forward to continuing our work on behalf of our veterans and military families,” Hill said. “At a time when our president is threatening to pull mission-critical military construction funding from California, it is more important than ever to assure our service and defense community that we stand with them.”
Hill announced last week that she was an original cosponsor of the Ensuring Safe Housing for Our Military Act. This bipartisan legislation increases accountability and oversight over private contractor-provided housing for military families to address serious health, safety, and environmental problems. The bill is sponsored by Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49) and is also cosponsored by Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Elaine Luria (VA-2), and Abigail Spanberger (VA-7). View the draft text of the bill here.
“Our district is rooted in service, and the military families in our community deserve a safe, clean, and reliable place to call home,” Hill said. “This bill would ensure our service members and their families get the accountability they deserve from private contractor-provided housing.”
Hill represents California’s 25th Congressional District, which includes the Antelope Valley.
[Information via news release from the office of Congresswoman Katie Hill.]
Angel says
Sorry to disagree but no one stood up to Rex on his racist hit mailers and they continue to be his stooges. This Valley is full of Rex stooges from all walks of like and all ethnic groups. I never blamed African Americans or any group for any of my problems. I blame Rex for all the destruction he has caused for
so many, and I blame his supporters for turning a blind eye to what goes on in Lancaster. Good day!!!!!!
I was there says
Liar! Angel, the facts dispute your vile lies. Many people stood up to Rex Parris over the hit mailer, including all the people that you chose to put on a public forum, while you sit on the sidelines in anonymity.
Angel says
Rex continues to have the support of Hearns, Parker, Smith, and other so called leaders in the community who claim to represent African Americans. They like so many others in this dysfunctional city cowtow to Rex, often with their hands out hoping that he will donate to their various organizations.
Get your head out of the sand. I was there, too. I am still waiting for leadership to stand up against Rex’s bullying, racist tactics, cronyism, interference in the business of others, and wasted spending on his pet projects that benefit his donors.
I was there says
You are full of hate, and you are making up stories about these African Americans to demean them, with out any proof. Only falsehood that you bring to a public forum anonymously.
Union Made says
I can guess who Rex and Hofbauer are in these comments as “Thou protest to much” Mayors. With that said the whole valley knows who is calling the shots for these misguided Republican misfits and Marvin needs DUI Drew to keep the party spin and the consultant money coming.
D. Richardson says
Alexis: A little advice to you young lady from an old man. Stay away from the negative comments that abound on this forum continuously. There are plenty of positive things happening in this valley, and many wonderful people doing positive selfless things that have nothing to do with this group on here. Surround yourself with the people that matter.
B. Woodward says
Truth is truth regardless if it is positive or negative. There are many positive things happening in the Valley, this is true. There is a group of caring people helping the homeless who are being bulldozed out by Rex. People are sharing information on how to stop the excess of solar fields that are destroying our beautiful desert. Wasted tax payer spending on LEAPS is being exposed, money that could actually help reduce crime in our city.
There are many positive things happening. Keep the information coming.
I was there says
Once again you use your anonymity to disparage these people with zero facts. Accusing these African Americans that do so much for their community.
QH Holdover says
Its not hate if its true! Rex does contribute to those mentioned and people defend it because they think those people might displease Rex and still be good. That is not the reality of Lancaster. Disapoint Rex and your out, notice Hearns always pleases him and supports his crazy talk when needed.
Angel says
If by standing up you mean they said something to the effect of aw, shucks, Rex is just a bit rough around the edges, then maybe there is a case to be made. But no one in the TCAL circle dared call him out for what was a blatantly racist hit mailer. Not a single one. They are beholden to him and his money.
I was there says
Angel…Once again you lie. Every one you mentioned stepped up and called the hit mailer a “flat out lie.” Shame on you.
Union Made says
Its the same for the NAACP not calling out Mayor Hofbauer for racist comments he made. Oh wait didn’t the Mayor just appoint the NAACP President at the time to his Planning Commission. “Quid pro Quo” in Palmdale lately.
Alexis says
Clueless people. What don’t you understand about politicians being elected by the people? If the people aren’t satisfied with Hofbauer, then the people can vote him out. Show me where you gathered your facts, Union Made. Let us say that even if you do show me the facts, the people have spoken by voting for him, so I will respect the process, and give him a chance. You keep complaining though, and see how far that gets you, Union Made. Unions bully others and use intimidation tactics.
Solidarity? says
Earth to Alexis. Earth to Alexis. Come in Alexis. Come in Alexis. Unions backed Hofbauer in the last election. Repeat Unions backed Hofbauer in the last election. Hofbauer picked V. Jesse Smith for his commission. Smith is works for Union with the California Faculty Association is in solidarity with our public higher education colleagues in the University of California system, members of the Union of Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE-CWA 9119) and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME-3299).
Which means you are right. Unions bully others and use intimidation tactics.
Alexis says
All the stooges in Lancaster and Palmdale according to all the commenters: Hearns, Parker, Smith, Hofbauer, Carrillo, Bishop, Crist, oh and so many more! The people voted for Hofbauer and the others, so your comment is irrelevant. Poor, poor pitiful situation for all you complainers. earth to Solidarity. Earth to Solidarity. Come in Solidarity. Come in Solidarity. Unions bully companies to have it their way, but they didn’t bully the voters. Hurry, run, the whole A.V. is under siege.
Solidarity? says
Alexis, have you ever worked for a Union? They don’t bully their rank and file regarding voting? Whatever you smoke, please share it.
Alexis says
The only solidarity going on here is “playing the victim card.” I don’t need to smoke up like you do. Plainly and simply put, Solidarity, the voters elected Mayor Hofbauer, and the other politicians in the A.V. The Unions can back any politician they want, as well as law enforcement, as well as any individual in a church, etc. Yes, Unions bully their own, just ask Union Made. Maybe you know each other.
Solidarity? says
Thank you for at least admitting that Unions bully their own. Churches in Lancaster do it differently. Not all churches. The ones that are in bed with Rex. You know, the ones that do political polling for him, do public appearances with him, stay quiet about his racist hit mailers and support of anti Semetic people. Law enforcement is told to support Rex, Marv, and the rest, but I doubt they do. They may not say anything publicly, but behind the scenes, they know what’s going on.
Union Made may be my Union Brother or Sister, I don’t know. It sounds like Union Made is as sick of our local Unions supporting candidates who are sold out to Rex and his group. For that reason alone Union Made has my support.
James V. H. says
Man, Solidarity, your mind is all over the map. Your comments are dazed and confused ranting. Take a breather from all your tantrums. It’s all their fault, you know, the churches, the unions, the NAACP, and all the sold out groups that are too numerous to mention. At least you and Union Made have each other.
Solidarity? says
Oh boy. Here come’s Rex psychologist James VH with an evaluation.
Don’t you have a commission meeting to attend? Tell Marv to save a few snacks for everyone else.
You guys are pathetic.
I was there says
Angel, your comment is a complete falsehood. The A.V. Times even printed an article about the backlash about the hit mailer, and every one you mentioned was included in the rebuke.
Tim Scott says
That article is pretty easy to find, and NO, none of those people were “included in the rebuke.” They are mentioned in the article as having spoken at the hoodie march, just like Ervin did, but there is no mention AT ALL that they in any way stood up for Ervin when Wrecks sent out his swill to further the campaign of one of his chosen rubber stamp council members.
If you are going to misrepresent articles as if they support your claim it would be wise to use articles that are not readily available on the internet.
Also easily found is the ridiculous and obviously insincere apology from Wrecks, in which he ‘apologizes’ for being misunderstood. That ‘apology’ in itself should be enough to make the local gang turn their backs on him…except for the grim reality that they are indeed all in his pocket so they instead “respect him for apologizing.”
Angel says
Tim, it’s useless trying to reason with a Rexite. They don’t want to know the truth. They are beholden to their master. Whether he donates money to their sham organizations, pays for their bills, gets them off the hook with the law, puts them on one of his useless commissions, they will never deny their master.
The fact remains that not a single one of these so called leaders called out Rex. They still hitch their wagon to his team of horse’s, or in reality, horse’s a**e*.
Tim Scott says
I know. I wasn’t trying to reason with them. Just setting the record straight for any lurkers that might be mislead by them.
Alexis says
Just my two cents worth on all of your dragged out comments. Just setting the record straight, and making this issue verrrryyyy simple. The voters elect the politicians, so the responsibility falls on the voters to vote for or against the mentioned politicians. In Lancaster 89% of the voters didn’t show up to vote, (voter apathy). There are more people on Facebook complaining about Rex than went to the polls. In Palmdale the people voted for Hofbauer, so if you don’t like what He’s doing as mayor than vote him out! But some of you will complain constantly about your politicians that the people voted for. The people deserve the politicians they get, which is what Obama said, and he’s right. Take that finger you keep pointing, and point it at yourself, (the people).
Alexis says
If other commenters don’t parrot your words they’re the enemy. You have been whining about your politicians for seven plus years. You can slam these leaders from dawn to dusk but it’s irrelevant at the end of the day. 11.2% voter turnout says you get what you deserve.
Alexis says
Come to think of it, all opinions are worth two cents and solve nothing. None of you are happy with any of the elected politicians. You’re not happy with Rex (understand why)… You’re not happy with Hofbauer, or any other elected politicians in Palmdale or Lancaster. You guys have been whining for five years, oops, over seven years now about the same stuff, and you call every one that doesn’t parrot your comments, the enemy. Parris doesn’t have to rent space in your heads, he lives there free. It’s the peoples fault, not the politicians, because they were put there by the voters, except in Rex’s case with 11.2% voter turnout (pathetic).
Tim Scott says
Since you are constantly citing voter apathy I have a question: how do you react to intentional efforts to reduce participation? That low participation no doubt contributes to Wrecks not getting voted out, so do you have any doubt that Wrecks and his cronies take an active role in keeping turnout down? Is that a violation of what we expect from an elected representative?
Alexis says
I am constantly citing voter apathy, but realize my comments fall on deaf ears, so I won’t be trying to reason with commenters that like “playing the victim card.” I am sure that Rex and his cronies count on voter apathy. Collective outrage about the hit mailer that came out right before April elections still didn’t get the voters to act, and once again Rex proved that the voters will come up with any excuse to not vote. Rex is corrupt to the core, and I know you are smart enough to realize that it is the voters that can make a difference. I feel sorry for the voters that actually went to the polls to get him out, and saw that they stood with the minority. The rest didn’t care.
Brian K. says
A…They like being victims, and constantly complaining. It’s easier than taking action and going to the polls to vote Rex out. The voters know that elections are held in April, and even after the hit mailer in April 2014, old Rex managed to get elected again.
Mr. Verga says
She looks hot
Alexis says
Soon, no political party will be in power.
Tim Scott says
I think our current form of government is more or less dependent on the two parties being in a sort of locked state of both being “in power” to varying degree, and if we suddenly had neither party in power we would have anarchy and blood in the streets…like a LOT of blood.
Alexis says
It’s more interesting when you show up.
Tim Scott says
Thanks…I think…
Or was that a reference to the ancient Chinese curse; “may you live in interesting times”?
Alexis says
I don’t have time for ancient Chinese curses, or any other curses. Stay safe and positive in these challenging times.
Trumpist#1 says
Washington’s farewell letter warned of parties and partisanship tearing the country apart. He also warned us of debt, uneducated citizenry and foreign entanglements.
Nice going America.
Monta Vista says
Congresswoman Hill is trying to reach out to local Republicans to show a bipartisan agenda yet the leadership refuses to talk. This stalemate only hurts our AV and stops any forward progress. At least she is trying.
Trumpist#1 says
Rep. Hill was gutlessly silent and dishonorably feckless when she failed to confront Rep. Omar on un-American and anti-semetic comments.
Matt says
Who cares?
Alby says
You make it sound like she came to America in a banana boat just like your ancestors and relatives did.
Serena says
And…? I didn’t vote for her to represent Israel, I voted for her to represent me, here in California!
Alexis says
When you’re a Democrat and make an anti-Semitic remark, you’re called strong willed, and opinionated. When you’re a Republican and make anti-Semitic remarks, you’re a hateful, ugly, racist, bigot.
Sam says
When you support an anti Semite and put him in one of your silly commissions, you get elected mayor of Lancaster on an election held in April, run by the city, and without districts, although you have sued your two neighboring cities and school districts for not having districts.
Alexis says
Jim Ledford opposed the district voting system. As far as the election held in April, well, after decades of April elections, you would think the voters would catch on. Everyone knew about the hit mailer that went out before the election, so it’s the lazy voters that don’t care enough to vote him out. There are more people that comment on “Get Parris out” Facebook, than went to the polls. The people have themselves to blame. Voters in Lancaster are to blame for this mess, and Palmdale has to suffer along with you.
William says
rex wanted voting districts in Palmdale so he could pick off council seats one at a time more cheaply and more easily than if they ran in at-l;arge elections.
And, he’s managed to do it with all but one on the council now owned by rex including mayor what’s his name.
Hofbauer needs to go next election. If he loses, he’s out of city hall altogether including his old council seat. That would be fine.
Alexis says
James Ledford opposed districts. The Lancaster voters know the elections have been held in April for decades. Get with the program.
East Lancaster says
Who cares what Ledford thinks about voting districts. Lancaster is dominated by West Side rich Republicans. East Lancaster is a mess because there is no representation. Lancaster’s mayor sued Palmdale and Santa Clarita for voting districts but he won’t implement them. He is a shiester and very hypocritical.
Doc Rivers says
Jim Ledford put Districts on the ballot in Palmdale and the voters narrowly defeated the measure over 10 years ago. Nice try always looking to rewrite the history books Raymond, we already know the truth.
Anon says
I remember voting against the districts in Palmdale. It was a bad idea then and a worse idea now. Palmdale is a mess because of it. Rex controls the council and poor financial decisions are happening. Glad I left before the boat sinks.
Gerrymander says
2015, Palmdale settles voting rights lawsuit, moves to district elections. Mayor James Ledford opposes the new voting system.
Lancaster Cowboy says
How much money has Rex made suing cities and school districts for voting districts that he won’t allow in his own city? Enough to pay for a house in Laguna.
Lizette says
Palmdale could have avoided a lawsuit if they had voted for districts. Yes Ledford put districts on the ballot that was narrowly defeated. Then Ledford changed his mind and blamed Rex when Palmdale was sued. What a mess is right!
East Lancaster says
When will Lancaster be sued for districts? All it takes is a lawyer and some stooge to make a claim. Problem is, there’s only about two lawyers shaking down cities and school districts and one of them is mayor of Lancaster who enjoys controlling his council by not having districts. Notice all the council is rich west side Republicans. Not a Hispanic to be found. No one from East Lancaster. Yet he has sued many other places.
Lizette says
Palmdale was sued due to racial bias. Latinos voted for districting in Palmdale, but it was narrowly defeated by whites, hence the lawsuit. Lancaster on the other hand has a track record of minority representation on its council, including an African American who twice served as mayor.
East Lancaster says
Racial bias? Lancaster’s mayor called an African American veteran a gang candidate. He declared war on Section 8 which has a majority of African American and Hispanic participants. Let’s not forget that he supported an anti Semite and homophobe on one of his commissions. There are no Hispanics on his council. The only one ever was a rich west side Republican. The former African American mayor is a Rex stooge. The current African American council rep is a rich west sider.
Palmdale on the other hand has had four Hispanics and an African American. They lived on both east and west sides of the city and were Democrats and Republicans.
After Rex sued Palmdale for districts he won’t ha e in his corrupt city, there are no African Americans and one Hispanic Democrat who is a Tex puppet.
Which city has a problem with minority representation?
We who live in East Lancaster would love to have someone who looks like us represent us. Right Darren?
Lizette says
Your calling an African American a Rex stooge? Who’s the racist, East Lancaster? You call him a stooge, making disparaging remarks, and offer no facts. Palmdale was sued over districting by the NAACP, and Latinos, and you know this. You are full of hate! Many people love Bishop Hearns, and all the ugly words that come from you only says who you are. Also, the current African American isn’t to your liking. You’re the racist! Jonathan Ervin wasn’t poor, so he wouldn’t have been good enough for you either. Stan Muhammed (you an thank him), was happy with the Palmdale settlement.
Lizette says
Thank you Bishop Hearns! You are loved by many, and no one can diminish what you continue to do. You never were, and never will be a stooge. Shame on you, East Lancaster! Your comment is filled with hatred toward African Americans in this A.V. You even have hatred for Hispanics if they are Republicans.
East Lancaster says
Yes Hearns is a Rex stooge. So is Stan Muhammed, Dr. Coronado, Marv Crist, Raj Mahli, Darren Parker, Jim Vose, and all the rest who do as he tells them or pays them to do.
Now he’s got his claws in Palmdale. Just you wait and see what happens there.
What hatred for African Americans are you talking about? Or Hispanics?
Get a clue . Or will it cost you a commission seat or hurt your business?
It is a good thing to be out from under the power of Rex and his corrupt cartel.
AV Observer says
1.a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work.
“he seems more like a stooge than a master criminal”
There is nothing racist in calling someone a stooge. There is something very racial when you call an African American veteran a “gang candidate”. Only a stooge would sit in silence when Rex called a fellow African American a “gang candidate”.
Angel says
Where was Hearns, Parker, Muhammed, Smith, and the rest of TCAL when Rex was calling Veteran Johnathan Ervin a ‘gang candidate’? The news covered it. A racist hit mailer sent by a sitting mayor and yet not a single leader of the AV African American community would stand up to Rex. Are his donations that much? Is getting a permit to grow pot in Lancaster worth more than standing up for what is right?
Racism sucks and that was racism in one of its lowest forms.
Alexis says
Where were the voters when it came time to vote Rex out? The hit mailer came out right before it was time to vote, and yet only 11.2% voter turnout. That’s 89% that didn’t care about making a change. Where were all the Lancaster voters that should have voted for Veteran Johnathan Ervin? Don’t blame others for not standing up to Rex when lazy voters didn’t stand up to him by voting him out. It’s the voters fault! Yep, it’s your fault for being lazy. You just sit back and complain, instead of doing something about the situation. You deserve him!
Alexis says
Let’s see: The hit mailer came out right before elections in 2014…Then there was plenty of collective outrage over the hit mailer…Then he gets elected in 2014, and again in 2016…Why? Low voter turnout is why. No one to blame but the very lazy voters that only want to complain, instead of actually getting themselves to the polls to make a change. 11.2%, really? This is why I left, because of all the outrage that just sits and does NOTHING. Wallow in your own apathy.
Lizette says
So, A.V. Observer, all the stooges in Lancaster including you that sit back and do nothing. Now you’re blaming African Americans for your problem.
Lizette says
Angel….Flat out lie, Angel! All those you mentioned called out Rex Parris about the hit mailer. It had to do with the “Hoodie March,” that Rex was using and twisting to suit himself.
Alexis says
Sam…The NAACP sued Palmdale for not having district voting. I’m know Parris was happy to help them out though.
Tim Scott says
Parris also located the plaintiffs the NAACP filed on behalf of. Parris also was an active participant in blocking me when I went searching for plaintiffs for a similar suit against Lancaster. People in Lancaster are afraid of being targeted by selective law enforcement, having their businesses driven under, and a number of other retaliatory measures that Wrecks and his cronies are known to use.
Alexis says
Honestly, I’m glad I don’t concern myself with what’s going on in Lancaster or Palmdale anymore. I stay more peaceful that way, and stay on my own path with projects that help others. Giving back what was given to me when I was in need. I didn’t vote for Parris, and realized the voters weren’t showing up to vote him out, so it’s on them. I knew elections were in April, so that’s an excuse voters want to use. I knew all about Rex before he was voted in as Mayor in 2008. It is now 2019 and He is still Mayor of Lancaster. 11.2% voter turnout is appalling, and Obama said “you get the politicians you deserve, when you don’t exercise your right to vote.”
Alexis says
There are plenty of articles from 2011 on, that state both Lancaster and Palmdale were at ‘war’ with Section 8. “,” and many other articles, lay out the facts. The Federal lawsuit aimed to end the Antelope Valley ‘war’ on African Americans and Latino residents of both cities. Facts matter to me. Yes, I also realize Parris has an agenda, but the people are at fault for allowing him to be mayor for four terms. Lancaster voters come up with every excuse they can think, other than “I was too lazy to vote him out.” 11.2% voter turnout is sad.
Lawyers in Love says
Get your facts straight Alexis. It was Parris who declared War on Section 8. No one from Palmdale or L.A. County was dumb enough to say something so ridiculous. It was Parris who dragged the entire Valley into a lawsuit. I don’t care who voted for him or against him. The fact is it was his big mouth that caused all this. Just like all the other problems he has caused for so many. Do your homework and quit defending that meglomaniac.
Alexis says
I did get the facts straight. I gave you a link and you choose not to read the article, or other articles that bring out the facts. I didn’t vote for him. Obviously you haven’t done your homework, and instead of actually checking out the articles and gathering facts, you choose to try to attack me. My last two comments say what I won’t repeat again.
Alexis says
Lawyers in Love…Yes, African Americans (NAACP), and Latinos sued Palmdale over Section 8. Palmdale settled, but admitted no wrong doing. Deal with it, or don’t.
Gold Hat says
Facts? We ain’t got no facts. We don’t have to show you any stinkin’ facts!
Lawyers in Love says
Well said Gold Hat. Rex and his ilk don’t rely on facts. They use smear tactics.
Because people like Alexis don’t do their homework, here the link to the Lancaster City Council meeting where his Highness Rex made his whacked statement.
June 10, 2008 – At the Lancaster City Council meeting during a discussion about Section 8, Parris declares, “It’s time to go to war” at the 1:01:56 mark.
You have to wonder if Alexis is one of Rex’s paid writers. He used to pay by the word. What’s the going rate these days?
Gold Hat says
I was backing Alexis. I read the link she gave, and also was around when all this happened. I’ve read her comments, and she doesn’t support Rex. You’re the one with the problem, Lawyers in Love.
Lawyers in Love says
Looks like you need to trade in your Gold Hat for a Tin Foil hat. Alexis may have been here since Rex took power, but she is 100% wrong about the declaration of war on Section 8. Read the complaint. Watch Rex bloviate at his meeting. Rex dragged this entire Valley into a mess that cost millions of dollars, all paid for by taxpayer money.
Nice try.
Alexis says
Public Counsel sues Lancaster and Palmdale over “war” on Section 8 housing. According to the lawsuit, the two cities stepped up “compliance checks” of Section 8 units between 2004-2010. Mayor Parris was just more abrasive in his wording than James Ledford at the time, but both mayors were defending the aggressive “compliance checks.” Your comment about me being a paid writer for Rex is very funny, Lawyers in Love. I really wanted to see anyone other than Rex become Mayor, but you keep on keepin on.
Lawyers in Love says
Let’s not forget that after Rex declared war on Section 8 and dragged the Valley into an expensive lawsuit, he then claimed at the June 24, 2012 At the Lancaster City Council meeting, (watch at at the 2:24:10 mark) that he’d rather cut off his hand than settle the Section 8 lawsuit with TCAL. (
How many millions did that cost us Rex? What a piece of work.
Viet Vet says
Lawyers in Love…She gave you the facts, you just don’t want to see. Read these words: Both Lancaster and Palmdale were guilty of the war on Section 8. Read these words: The African Americans, and the Latinos sued both cities.
Lawyers in Love says
Viet Vet, if you are a Vietnam Veteran, I salute you for your service to our country. Thank you.
If you read what I wrote, I never said who sued the cities. I read the words: The African Americans, and the Latinos sued both cities.
What I said was that is was Rex, in his usual bravado mode, who declared war on Section 8. Not Palmdale. Not LA County. Mayor R. Rex Parris. He also said he would rather cut off his hand than settle. By his own admission, part of his brain was cut out. It appears that he still has his hand.
Have you read the complaint? It’s available on the Internet.
Have you watched Rex declare war at his council meeting? It’s available on the Internet.
Have you read the story where Rex said he would rather cut off his hand than settle? It’s available at the Antelope Valley Press.
Rex says a lot of strange things. He doesn’t think like regular people. Just ask him.
Brian K. says
Both mayors defended gestapo tactics on Section 8 dwellers in the past when it came to compliance checks. One mayor is no longer mayor, and the other mayor is still doing his thing with the approval of the voters. Move on! Both cities are a hotbed of racial discrimination, and it’s getting worse.
Lawyers in Love says
If you or Tin Foil Hat or Alexis would dare READ the complaint, you will learn that it is replete with references to Lancaster and specifically our buffonistic mayor. The truth is out there if you seek it. I understand that your master may forbid you repeating the truth.
Here is a taste from the complaint. Did I mention that it’s on the Internet?
8. The constant surveillance and harassment to which Section 8 participants have been subject is part of a carefully orchestrated campaign by the Cities. As stated by Lancaster’s Mayor, “This City wants to limit the number of Section 8 units that are place in this community….It is a problem that is crushing the community…and it is time to go to war.”
d. After Lancaster’s mayor specifically asked the City Council to “look into a means for making it very easy for neighbors to file nuisance lawsuits with the assistance of the City against…Section 8 housing,” Lancaster enacted a nuisance ordinance that provided enhanced penalties where there were multiple calls to the police or public safety entities for service even where there is no actual criminal activity.
12. Finally Lancaster officials have propagated false stereotypes about children of Section 8 families as truants or troublemakers and their parents as indifferent to their education or well being.
16. Since filing of Plaintiff’s original Complaint, Lancaster officials have been particularly adamant that they will not end their war against their Section 8 residents. Lancaster’s mayor has reiterated bluntly: “I am at war with Section 8.”
Alexis says
Dear Lawyers in Love: A.V. Times (July 25, 2015): Stan Muhammad (TCAL), and his followers address $2 million settlement of Section 8 discrimination case against Palmdale and Lancaster, sums it up. READ the entire article as I have, along with other articles, and I see that the truth is there for all to see. Your biased hatred for one man blinds you and others from viewing the entire scope of this matter that has been SETTLED. Rex Parris just seized the opportunity before him which is what he does, but he did NOT set the wheels in motion in the beginning as anyone with a zeal for the truth can see.
Alexis says
I also believe your false accusations against me, saying I’m a Rex supporter, and mocking someone’s screen name is because you are hurting inside. Believe what you will, and I am not your enemy.
Lawyers in Love says
Alexis, I wish with all that is within me that I could be as Pollyannish about life in the Valley as you. You have no idea how much I wish I could. But I can’t. You are not my enemy. I am not your enemy. You are simply oblivious to the truth. Read the complaint. It is apparent you haven’t. It’s available on the Internet. Read and learn.
Chris W. says
All definitions are approved by humans.
Tim Scott says
You mean the comments about congressmen being deep in the pockets of AIPAC, which is a funnel for a foreign government to buy influence in the US congress?
I thought you Trumpist scumbags were in favor of “draining the swamp”?
Alby says
Thats because it wasn’t beneficial to her political ladder climbing.
Lizette says
Shining a light on veterans issues does absolutely nothing. That’s because these issues have been brought up, decade after decade by different politicians, and not only is nothing solved, but it’s getting much worse. She, like all the other politicians are just adding to their self-centered resume. Talk, talk, talk, and no walk.
Lizette says
What difference does it make what a persons sexual preference is as a politician unless you’re looking for votes.
Igancio P. says
Hill does NOT care one iota about our vets. This is all a publicity stunt for her to take over Newsoms spot when he gets fired. Sorry fake Katie, only a true republican can fix what the demonrats have destroyed because your kind only are everything worse for the hard working American.
Serena says
bleh! …just STFU and move to Arizona already!
Stymy says
bleh!…You don’t sound like a balanced person.
Tim Scott says
LOL…a “true Republican” like Steve Knight with his “no hero left behind” legislation as a crowning achievement?
For those who don’t know, the core of Republican legislating is all about putting fake names on bills that are totally misleading about what they are, then using the title in their campaigns. What Knight’s showpiece legislation actually did was direct the VA to invest a bunch of money in machines that were, AT BEST, experimental and use them on guinea pig veterans to see if they were useful in brain trauma situations. The purpose of this was to funnel VA money into the company that produced the machines, and also to provide proof of concept to make the machines easier to sell to civilian hospitals. Knight and the rest of his fellows received a very handsome payout from the company for their service…and that is the ONLY service that had anything to do with the passage of this legislation. It certainly had nothing to do with looking out for people who had served their country.