LOS ANGELES – Metrolink will offer a $10 holiday discount on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
On both days, the rail service will operate a Sunday/Holiday schedule on the Antelope Valley, San Bernardino, Orange County, Inland Empire-Orange County and parts of the 91/Perris Valley lines. There will be no service on the Ventura County or Riverside lines or to the four stations on the Perris Valley extension of the 91/Perris Valley Line.
To serve the 130th Tournament of Roses Parade on Jan. 1, the Antelope Valley Line train 260 will operate as train 258X and will depart Lancaster at 5:40 a.m. making all stops. The special train arrives at Union Station at 7:40 a.m.
From Union Station, passengers can transfer at no additional cost to the Metro Gold Line. The parade route is a short walk from the Del Mar, Memorial Park, Lake or Allen stations.
Metrolink will resume normal service on all lines on Jan. 2.
There will be regular service with regular fares on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
For additional details on Metrolink’s holiday schedules, visit metrolinktrains.com.
Peggy Genoway says
I grew up in Lancaster. We used to throw snowballs at one another on Lancaster Blvd in front of the old Woolworths store when we had snowfall. We also used to block off our little dead end street in the summer…for our steak, potato salad, home churned ice cream and water melon neighborhood socials. All us kids went trick-or-treating with no adults and we didn’t need cell phones–you just looked for the house with all the sting ray bikes in the yard. Moms…were always home
Roscoe says
I really want to be around the homeless…..mentally ill…..the drunk….The high on narcotics….
And the belligerent….on the metro link!
I also would like to be the victim of a crime!
Van Dammit says
You don’t need to take Metrolink for that. Just go to the BLVD and hang out.
Lancaster is a big fail says
I know. If you are near the Lancaster Metrolink station you might as well visit Destination BLVD, a world-class destination.
Make that a 3rd world-class destination. You can pick up local color. The yellow and brown stuff on the sidewalks is the local color.
Alexis says
It’s the people that live in homes, that are mentally ill…drunk…high on narcotics…and the belligerent, that are the real problem.
F...K AV says
Oh, poor Roscoe – what’s it like to live in fear of, well, sounds like almost everything. Waah, the Metro is sooo dangerous. I’m sure you’re quite the asset in a foxhole.
Rail Service says
I hope that the Positive Train Control system is working in case the engineer is distracted or falls asleep.
Robert the cool guy says
Nah! Too many panhandling homeless around that area.