The Outstanding Public Works Employee of the Year award went to the city of Palmdale’s Senior Engineering Technician, Jason Finch. After a vacancy was created by the city’s departing Senior Civil Engineer in November 2017, Finch stepped-up his responsibilities to ensure that the city would continue to operate without this key position until it can be filled.
“With the current high demand for engineers, especially those who specialize in traffic related matters, it has been a long process to find a qualified replacement,” said Public Works Director Chuck Heffernan. “Since the needs of the City can’t be placed on hold and much of the duties of the employee need to be fulfilled in a timely manner, Jason stepped in to fill the void.”
Before taking on the additional tasks of the Senior Civil Engineer, Finch was responsible for handling purchasing for the Traffic Engineering Division, assisting Traffic Signal Maintenance, performing Traffic Division related field work, reviewing signage and striping plans, preparing and reviewing traffic control plans, reviewing traffic studies, and responding to citizen traffic inquiries. In addition to his duties, he currently participates in the city’s Development Advisory Board (DAB), the North Los Angeles County Transportation Coalition (NCTC) Joint Powers Authority (JPA), and the Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) JPA.
“The High Desert Branch’s recognition of Jason’s extra efforts are very satisfying and confirm how his peers at the city feel about him,” Heffernan said.
“I’m extremely proud of our staff who has continued to serve as outstanding professional leaders of the High Desert Branch communities,” added Heffernan.
Other awards presented included: Outstanding Public Works Project of the Year – City of Santa Clarita, Old Town Newhall Parking Structure; Innovative Design of the Year – City of Lancaster, Master Plan of Complete Streets; Best Improvement for Public Safety – City of Lancaster, Lancaster Auto Mall Pedestrian Safety Improvements; Best Environmental Project – City of Santa Clarita, Heritage Trail from Gateway Ranch to Wildwood Canyon.
For more information about the APWA High Desert Branch, visit
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Hunter munoz says
Way to go Jason! As your sister in law I’m proud of you! Love you
Award says
There is an awards ceremony for just about everything now.
Awardless says
Way to rain on someone else’s parade, Award. Jealous?
Just wondering says
I hope if Jason has the qualifications, then he will get promoted to the position.