LOS ANGELES – Sheriff Alex Villanueva Tuesday reiterated a promise to remove federal immigration agents from county jails, drawing both boos and applause from a crowd at a Truth Act Community Forum convened by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
“We are going to physically remove ICE from the county jails,” Villanueva said, adding that he also planned to cut down the list of roughly 150 misdemeanor offenses that trigger department cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.
“We’re going to pare that list down substantially” and reduce it to reflect only the most serious charges, the newly-elected sheriff told the board, saying he planned on “honoring the spirit and the letter of SB 54,” sometimes called the “sanctuary state” law.
The Sheriff’s Department transferred 1,223 individuals to the custody of ICE agents in 2017, according to statistics released under the Truth Act. That amounts to less than half the number of inmates who were released with an outstanding request for detention by federal immigration authorities, according to LASD data.
Roughly a quarter of the people transferred in 2017 had been convicted of health and safety violations, which include drug crimes. Crimes against persons and property crimes made up about 20 percent each. Four percent of those released to ICE agents had been convicted of vehicle code violations.
Advocates for immigrant communities say the vast majority of individuals deported by ICE after release from county jail served their time for low-level, non-violent crimes.
“Are we saying that they should not have a second chance?” asked Andres Kwon of the American Civil Liberties Union. “Crimes should be dealt with by the criminal justice system, not the immigration system.”
Phal Sok said he was an example of someone who was given a second chance, in his case by a pardon from Gov. Jerry Brown.
Sok served 15 years in prison for an armed robbery he committed when he was 17 and was ordered deported to Cambodia, though he had lived in the U.S. as a lawful permanent resident for 37 years.
“Not everyone that comes out is going to go on to reoffend,” Sok told the board.
Sheriff’s Cmdr. Elier Morejon said Villanueva hoped to make promised changes over the next couple of weeks, before the year is out.
Immigration advocates characterized Villanueva’s election as a message from voters to end cooperation with ICE.
“The people have spoken and ousted the sheriff who sided with Trump, ICE and deportations and against the values that make this country great,” said George Chacon of the UCLA Labor Center.
More than a dozen victims’ rights advocates, many wearing T-shirts memorializing victims of crime, urged the sheriff and the board to strictly enforce federal immigration laws.
“Criminal aliens should be turned over to ICE … for the safety of the public,” said Robin Hvidston of the Remembrance Project.
Hvidston wore a shirt bearing the name of De Andre Mitchell, who was killed along with four other victims in a fire deliberately set in a vacant commercial building near MacArthur Park in 2016. Johnny Josue Sanchez, a Honduran man in the U.S. illegally, was convicted of the crime in November. He is expected to be sentenced in January to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Villanueva’s commitment to keep ICE agents out of county jails is not a commitment to end all transfers, Morejon said.
“Just because (the agents are) out of the jail doesn’t mean we’re going to stop turning over individuals,” the commander told the board, saying transfers required by federal law would continue.
Villanueva and other department personnel are still working out how to accommodate those transfers while banning ICE agents from the jails.
Many said they want the sheriff to go further and agree not to offer any assistance to federal immigration agents.
“There must be no involvement with ICE,” said Emi MacLean of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network. “In a period of learning, the sheriff mistakenly suggested that walking people to ICE would be better than the status quo. It would not and it would be inconsistent with the strong statements he made that he would kick ICE out of the jails in order to defend immigrants.”
Morejon stressed that the department does not ask anyone coming into jail for their immigration status and “never performs federal immigration enforcement as part of its patrol operations.”
Other moves by the sheriff could include changing public access to inmate release dates, which is required under law in order to share that data with ICE.
Supervisor Kathryn Barger expressed concern that victims’ families rely on that data, asking sheriff’s personnel to seek input from various stakeholders before finalizing any decisions.
Separately, the Probation Department reported that it received ICE requests for information on 25 individuals in 2017 and provided contact information for eight men on probation for crimes ranging from petty theft to assault with a deadly weapon
Judge Dredd says
The Law is the Law.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, Judge Dredd wasn’t prioritizing people who commit a petty misdemeanor and creating an entire department of federal law enforcement to prosecute them.
Notastupid says
The people have spoken and ousted the sheriff who sided with Trump, ICE and deportations and against the values that make this country great,” said George Chacon of the UCLA Labor Center.
So, this tells me the people are against Trump, ice, deportations,and the values that make this country great?!
Alby says
I guess this villanueva guy is interested in making crappy towns crappier.
Only in California ignorant Democrats says
all the new sheriff is already helping out his own
Let’s hope he gets caught up in some. Big
And he gets removed
I shared that supposed to be law-abiding by law .
but that Ben’s enforcement of ice. so he’s not a law-abiding citizen I say remove the Clown
College guy says
Yes both my candidates won: Villanueva and Hill: I knew the millenial vote would prevail in this election. Villanueva is already coming good on his promises, i cant wait till Hill gets sworn in January and see her come good on hers.
Viet Vet says
About Hill… her grandfather was in the Navy and her dad in the Air Force. She was just a brat related to them that used THEIR VALOR for which they earned for her POLITICAL GAIN. Their is a law against that and that is “The Stolen Valor Law”. OK Scott, the encycloman, tell me I am wrong!!!
Alexis says
Please help me understand your comment, “Viet Vet.” I am a member of a family of veterans, so why is it against the law, “The Stolen Valor Law,” to mention that in her bio?
Viet Vet says
Political gain.
Viet Vet says
I did some quick research and I stand corrected. The Stolen Valor Act applies to military medals and awards. I, as a veteran, still would not lend my accomplishments to a politician for political gain.
Tim Scott says
Soooo….you would want your kids to say “Dad is a man of mystery of which we do not speak”?
Get over yourself man, all she said was that she comes from the kind of family that serves, as differentiated from President Bone Spurs and his ilk.
Alexis says
Viet Vet…Thank you for helping me understand what you meant.
Alexis says
Yes, (Viet Vet), our veterans should never be used as political props. Unfortunately both Democrats and Republicans do this, and it is offensive.
Alexis says
I also know that Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker among others are guilty of using veterans as political props, as well as Presidents. So you see, both parties are use offensive tactics for political gain.
John says
How do we start a recall of this traitor? Basically a coward unwilling to do his job correctly. He doesn’t make policy he’s supposed to enforce it by following the laws. Didn’t vote for him because he’s so liberal I figured he’d support illegals and criminals over American citizens. Must be planned a future in politics, demcoratic I’m sure.
Ron says
Wait till the next Gov. gets in. He’s going to give free healthcare to all the illegals. So that means every illegal in the country will now come to Calif. Guess who’s going to flip the bill?
Ron says
Well that means more drugs, crime, gangs, and the people who it effects the most are the people who live in poor areas. He’s now invited MS 13 drug smuggling, child smuggling, etc. Get ready Calif. Your in for a real mess. Liberals are Mental. BUILD THE FRICKIN WALL!!! 100 FEET high!!!
Ron says
We’re all going to pay for it Big Time People. Trump warned us.
Cooperation says
“More than a dozen victims’ rights advocates…”
Crime victims get little or no coverage, sympathy, or backing.