The additional remains were found soon after the Oct. 11 discovery of remains belonging to three people on a property in the 30900 block of 106th Street in an area known as Juniper Hills, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
The remains were located apart from where the original remains were found, officials said.
Homicide detectives were sent about 3:55 p.m. on Oct. 11 to the property, which had a burned-out structure and car on it. They were investigating the fatalities as suspicious, though how the three died and their identities have not been released and the coroner’s office reports the case is on a security hold, meaning no information about the investigation would be released until detectives lift the hold.
The sheriff’s department did not disclose how the remains came to light, nor say whether the grisly find was related to the disappearance of two men and a woman in the area in January.
Guzman is Hispanic, 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighs about 150 pounds, and has black hair and brown eyes. He owns a black 2009 Toyota Corolla, California license plate 6SCD663.
A $20,000 reward was offered by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in April for information in the case of the three people who were presumed dead after they disappeared.
Jose Lara, 65; Cuauhtemoc Lara, 39; and 49-year-old Julieta Arvizu left behind what seemed to be all their possessions, according to authorities.
The elder Lara’s vehicle was found abandoned on Feb. 5 in Littlerock, an unincorporated area of the Antelope Valley where all three lived. Their cellphones were turned off and had not been used since the date they vanished.
Supervisor Kathryn Barger, who recommended the reward, said that the families of those missing were in contact with investigators and devastated by the turn of events.
Tipsters can also call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
Previous related story:
Detectives searching for “person of interest” related to human remains discovery
Remains of three people found near Littlerock
Remains found near Littlerock, unclear if they’re human
Detective seeking help in local missing persons case, $20K reward
LA County offers $20,000 to find 3 missing, presumed dead
Fake news says
Well he was supposedly shot and killed right out of Las Vegas last week but no details at all…does the AV Times or anyone have any details ?
Laughing says
Froggy says
And no details at all,just that he was killed by US Marshalls,sounds like BS
KIA says
Laurie sounds like she knows things but switching things up a little,and you all talking about Monique Figueroa have your facts wrong
Laurie says
The Metrolink goes by that particular property. I saw a black Nissan and I saw a large hole that was dug, a month later the hole was dug deeper because there was more dirt piled up. I thought the home owner was fixing his septic tank.
mr says
I don’t know what your smoking! but I want some!. FYI the metrolink is no where close to the Juniper Hills property in question. Do you guys make this shit up as you go!???
Michelle says
Exactly. Metro link is NO WHERE NEAR THERE!
Laurie- says
The car appeared small but the shape was clearly that of a Mazda. On a regular occasions it was a black car that was parked there. I also saw the hole he was digging. A month later the hole got bigger because I could see more dirt piled up.
mr says
Wow!, You saw the car on the property in Juniper Hills all the way from the Metrolink train??? that’s some pretty good eyesight!
Laurie says
The Metrolink goes by the property. Once I saw the hole dug up and a month later the hole was dug deeper. People on the train thought he was fixing a septic tank.
Tim Scott says
Ummmm…no. Unless there’s a Metrolink to San Bernardino that I’ve never heard of, just no. To see this property from the metrolink you would need to be able to see about ten miles…straight through Mount Emma.
You may have seen *A* property with a burned out car. You may have seen someone digging a septic tank. Burned out cars and septic tanks happen…in Acton as well as Juniper Hills. But you didn’t see this one from the Metrolink train. Not even close.
Learn your local geography. I’d be happy to help you if you want.
Laurie says
That’s odd, because I saw what appears to have been Guzman’s car on that Acton property. There must be more bodies on that Acton property. Guzman must have rented various properties. Both properties look identical.
Tim Scott says
Hmmmm. Well, “red, late model Mazda” isn’t exactly a one of a kind car, and you did see it from a passing train window. So maybe jumping to the conclusion that it was his car is a leap. But, you might be justified in calling it in to the cops tip line. If it was his car and there was a hole being dug then they’d probably appreciate knowing about it. Unfortunately “saw it from the Metrolink” isn’t a very specific location for them to run with.
Alexis says
After reading all of the comments, Laurie’s comment is no more bizarre than any of the others.
Tim Scott says
More bizarre? Probably not. More glaringly at odds with physical reality, yes. Even the wildest conspiracy theory has at least some slim possibility of being accurate. Seeing Juniper Hills from the Metrolink train is a physical impossibility.
Like many local residents, Laurie apparently doesn’t know off the top of her head how the variously named unincorporated areas of the valley are laid out. No crime in that, or in correcting her mistake.
Alexis says
So what. Her comment is harmless, yes.
Tim Scott says
Sure. But it could actually be helpful, with application of a little actual real geography. If she did see the suspects car from the Metrolink train, somewhere in Acton or Agua Dulce or wherever, and there was a large hole being dug, then that might be worth checking out.
Not that facts, in and of themselves, aren’t worth presenting. The widespread lack of even the most basic knowledge of local geography would be well for us all if it were corrected.
Laurie says
If those other human remains are Monique Figueroa’s, the cartels are going to know that Guzman stole from them because the $20,000.00 was money that was being transferred to a boss in Mexico. The cartels are going to put a contract on Guzman to have him killed on sight.
Feathers says
And how is it that you know that information you should be quiet
Police says
Your right, if he gets arrested the prosecutor might offer him life in prison if he tells detectives everything he knows about his criminal associates. Guzman will sing like a bird, to avoid the death penalty.
Tom says
He would live longer on death row, no threats on his life. He ain’t going to say a thing to law enforcement . Without death row he is dead with in a year depending on what he knows about the cartel, and how high up he is. He can be too much of a liability.
Jose says
Guzman was a good guy.. He used to come to my property to store containers and he pay good. I surprised he name is Guzman he tell me he name is Juan Gutierrez but its ok he pay me cash to store containers for him for many years. Sometimes I store his trucks but no matter he pay me good in cash.
I dont think he involved in Narco job because he good hombre very in touch with God. i already call la policia they send detective i already give them all the information i know to help. He go back home to Mexico many times too i remember and i also remember that girl Monique she go with him many times. i think she no die, i think she in Mexico to stay clean from drugas and to stay away from here because of drugas. May God bless everybody
Kastay says
This looks like a fake comment
Mr. T says
of course it is, its crack head David Davis again with his BS.
Carmen M. says
Who is Monique? Is she the pretty young mom that went missing a few years back? Pretty sure her family never found her. She has a young daughter left behind :( So many missing people. So sad and scary. I feel so bad for their families
D.D. says
From what I read on a news article, she was doing her last job for a friend, by transporting $20,000.00 in drug money. Most likely she asked Guzman to accompany her that day to feel safe. He most likely killed her and stole the money. He hid her car in an old shack to make it appear she ran off with the money.
Ebbie says
Jose pm me
Feathers says
I’m sure you know more information on the suspect
Salazar says
The police need to use cadaver dogs and ground penetrating sonar to look for more dead people.
Murder, victim, grave yards like that Little Rock property are very common in Mexico.
Guzman most likely kidnapped and murdered Jose Ahumada at the orders of a gang leader in Palmdale. That same gang leader probably ordered the murder of Big Payback at the McDonald’s on 47th St. and Ave. S.
some guy says
If all this cartel talk is true, Guzman might already be dead. If bodies are being found then he screwed up and cartel leaders need to make sure he wont talk if captured. But I am leaning toward Guzman just being a serial killer.
Homicide Detective says
“Meanwhile, sheriff’s detectives continued to search for 34-year-old Jesus “Chuy” Guzman, who previously lived at the location and is considered a person of interest…”
He is most likely in Meshtleeko.
FBI says
Most likely scenario:
Guzman would’ve been fearful of transporting the victims in his car because a witness would see him, so he parked his car in Little Rock then walked to thier home. Julieta would have opened the door. He then would’ve pulled out a gun and made Julieta tie the hands of the two male’s behind their backs. He then would’ve tied Julieta’s hands behind her back and he would’ve escorted them into the back seat of Laura’s car. He then drove them to his property in Juniper Hills. He shot both men and he bound Julieta in his room. He drove Laura’s car back to Little Rock and left it at a distance away from Little Rock to make it appear that they were abducted and taken away from Little Rock. He walked back a distance to his car then he drove home where he took advantage of Julieta and shot her. He buried them in a pre-dug grave then he packed his belongings and burned down the house to get rid of evidence.
He asked a female friend to make friends with the families of the victims so he could keep in touch with the investigation. He most likely asked his female friend to help the families with the search to gain their trust.
Sam says
You got it down to the details, that’s pretty good analytical thinking.
Guzman would’ve never asked anyone to help him because there would be a witness against him that could brag and get him caught. One person against three? Guzman would’ve known he was outnumbered, so his only option is using a gun to get all three to comply. Julieta is the weakest, so he would’ve asked her to tie the stronger individuals. He most likely impostered as a Jehovah’s witnesses to gain their trust. He would’ve used a silencer to prevent neighbors from hearing the noises or he would’ve strangled them or cut their jugular’s to bleed them silently. If he took the least messy and least cumbersome method it would be shooting with a silencer. He wouldn’t use his car to prevent DNA from getting into his favorite car. That car he burned might have been the car he used to visit the home of the victims, in case a neighbor sees it parked near the residents. He wouldn’t want anyone to see his black Nissan on the road that day because that’s his escape vehicle. He most likely killed those two men inside the burned house so his neighbor wouldn’t see anything. He probably opted to shoot them in the head to end them quickly without them screaming and attracting attention. He most likely had his way with the woman. The graves were probably pre-dug to save time so the bodies don’t spoil and people don’t see him digging near the time of the disappearance. He probably dug the hole at night to prevent anyone from seeing anything. He probably lived on the property several months more before burning it. That other body could be Jose Ahumada which disappeared months later. He most likely left town because there were too many investigation and a reward was offered. He was scared of being caught.
Police says
Time would’ve been an issue for Guzman. He could only visit the home of the three victims once because he knows a relative or friend might visit them or a neighbor might be standing outside on his second visit to get Laura’s car. He waited until the coast was clear to knock on their door. When he had them under gun point,he was in a rush before before anyone came to visit them. He put all three of them in Laura’s car quickly and he drove off. Since he was alone, he didn’t have a lookout. Since he couldn’t make any return trips, he must have left the burned car at a distance close to the victims home. After parking Laura’s car, he took the car he would burn and it would’ve taken him under two hours. Returning to that home would’ve been a big mistake for him.
Laurie says
He didn’t burn that car to get rid of only his DNA but disfigure the car because he speculated that the media might show the car on a news report and witnesses would come forward to say they saw him in that car on the day of the kidnappings. When I was on the Metrolink a year ago I saw the car on property, it was a late model, red Mazda. Before that, while on the Metrolink, I saw a large hole dug up to the left of the home, I thought the home owner was fixing the septic tank, it was actually the hole the victims we’re buried into. I saw a black car parked to the right of the home. I didn’t see anyone outside which means he dug the hole and buried the victim at night while people slept.
Laurie says
He most have burned that car not only to get rid of his DNA but to disfigure the car because he speculated the media might show the car on a news program and witnesses would come forward to say they saw him in that car on the day of the kidnappings. When I was on the Metrolink a year ago I saw that car on the property, it was a red, late model Mazda.