PALMDALE – An elderly woman died Saturday night after she was hit by a car while pushing a shopping cart across the street in Palmdale, authorities said.
The collision occurred around 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, on 45th Street East near Avenue R in Palmdale, according to a news release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
“A female pedestrian [in her] 60’s was crossing Avenue R from the north side to the south side while pushing a shopping cart. The pedestrian was struck by a silver Honda Civic driven by a female, 24 years old, who was traveling eastbound on Avenue R at 45th Street East,” the news release states.
“The pedestrian was pronounced dead on scene by Los Angeles County Fire Department Paramedics. The pedestrian did not have any identification and her identity is pending per the Coroner’s office,” the news release states.
The pedestrian had not been identified as of Monday afternoon, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
The investigation is ongoing, and no further information was immediately available.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to call Palmdale Station’s Traffic Department at 661-272-2400.
UPDATE: The deceased has been identified as Adela Gonzalez. She was actually 80 years old, according to Sarah Ardalani, spokesperson for the LA County Coroner’s Office.
Jessica says
Hello everyone, I saw this article when it was originally posted. To those of you who left kind words, they mean so much. You are complete strangers but the fact that you all took the time to say words of comfort to people you don’t even know is truly gratifying. I cannot emphasize this enough. It’s been more than two months since this tragedy has affected our family. Colleen, Debbie King, Justsayn, Tim Scott, Alexis, Linda S, Lilli, Donald. thank you all for taking the time to help heal a family.
David G, go back to that sh*thole where you came from. Your ugly words suggest to me that you are somehow connected to this. I hope I am wrong.
debbie king says
I get it now…David G is trying to get a job with any market that will have him . He is applying for the cart counter job and rounding up carts that have been taken by elderly women. Have you gotten that giant pat on the back yet? What do you mean that my assumptions are 100% incorrect? My opinion of you is formed because of what you said. This woman did not deserve to die because of a shopping cart and she did not die because she was in possession of it. She died because she was struck by a driver who obviously did not see her. It was an accident people, a very tragic and sad accident that I would not wish on even you, David G. I have been there and felt the pain of losing a sister and that pain doesn’t ever leave you. If you cant say something nice then why not keep that sewer of a mouth closed and quiet. Its that simple. Lets just say she was arrested for the theft of that cart, would she get the death sentence? NO! So why does she deserve it? If it turns out that she had her own cart what are you going to say about it? I sure hope you have an apology ready for her family Hell, you should pay for the funeral. All I know is there is so much hate and everybody is so quick to judge the other person or make it something about race or something else. It would be so much easier if we could all just get along. Find another way to entertain yourselves and stop adding to peoples pain. Go to church, make new friends and in your case David…change your name.
justsayn says
seriously people, who cares about the shopping cart? the article does not say a shopping cart died. a woman died! this woman who probably made this same trip to the grocery countless times without incident. I personally wouldn’t let my 80 year old relative male or female walk alone especially at night but she did and unfortunately there was an accident. it’s sad she lost her life and it’s also sad that a young woman that hit her must live with the stigma of this accident for the rest of her life.
debbie king says
How can anybody be so heartless at such a sad time. What an embarrassment to the human race you are. The woman probably was shopping at Target and took her stuff home with the cart, most likely she took it back and forth with her, lots of people do the same thing with no intention of stealing. All she was doing was transporting her groceries because there were too many to carry. You David G. and anybody else who cant find it in your hearts to be sympathetic need to put a sock in that hole to keep the [removed] from running out. I hope you choke on it. Is your record so squeaky clean that you can afford to accuse people of something before the investigation is completed? I bet its not. You probably abuse animals too because anybody who can speak ill of the dead with such ease are the type of non-human trash that beats and kicks animals and probably your wife if theres anybody foolish enough to marry a scumbag such as yourself. I hope that it does turn out that it was her personal cart .. This woman had family and friends who loved her, but then you probably cant relate to those kinds of feelings. I bet you really had a ball with the guy they found at Winco.. You must not have family or friends who give you any love and its clear to see why. Get over yourself, get a life and be happy , then you might see what a cold hearted ass you are. Thankfully, your spot in hell has been reserved.
David G says
Your assumptions are 100% incorrect.
Marilyn says
My Grandma did NOT steal that cart ! She was walking home From the grocery store ! You have no heart ! My grandma was the most beautiful person with the purest heart . May she Rest In Peace now
God bless you David
David G says
When you leave the market property you have stolen the cart.
Alexis says
@David G…The family member posted that she did not steal that cart. She was walking home from the grocery store. She is disputing your allegations, David. She very well could have been using her own shopping cart, or because of her age they gave her permission to use the cart, due to the fact that she had an agreement with management. A beautiful elderly woman lost her life and her family is grieving. Point is, David, you don’t have the facts or the authority to decide who should die. Your opinion is irrelevant, so why don’t you go back to the drawing board of your life, and work on your deep flaws.
Marilyn says
You are one cold piece ! How about we let my beautiful grandma Rest In Peace. No need for your negative comments !
JM says
David G, you’re a freaking idiot who has nothing better to do; who the hell are you, the shopping cart police? Find a job a**hole, and may God keep you from crossing the streets and getting run over, you dumb ass!! I bet you’d think differently if it had been one of your relatives…You’d probably be looking for someone to sue…Hope you read this f*ckface.
Colleen Wright says
David G you must be a very lonely man you are bitter and sad you sir need prayer I doubt there is any human hope for you. As for the lady who died may she rest well in Gods arms my prayers for her family.
Patsy Ovares says
Thank you
Linda S says
Wow, is this what our world has really come to? You David G are one heartless excuse for a human being! Even if she did steal the cart, and no where in this article does it say that, there are personal carts owned by many people, she didn’t deserve to die over it! You need to rethink your values! That comment is just sick!
Fernando Valencia says
Shut up bonehead. Punk .ass.yeah you.
Linda S says
LOL! I hope you didn’t give yourself a stroke coming up with that thoughtful opinion.
Seriously, get a life!
I stand by my comments.
Lili says
Some people are so heartless, how can she deserve death over taking a shopping cart? They should make sure the driver wasn’t under the influence of any substance.
Donald E Ramsey says
So , now a petty crime catties the death penalty? You sir are heartless.
Patsy Ovares says
That was my grandma you should not be talking like that if you dont know anything. You discuss me !
David G says
The old bag should not have been pushing the cart. She stole the cart. Taking carts off the premises is a CRIME. She got what was coming to her and no one should feel bad for the old scofflaw.
Faith says
You are very self-righteous! Try reading Matthew 7: 1-3 before you pass judgement on another human being.
David G says
And you should read: You hypocrite take the plank out of your eye so you can see more clearly the speck in your brothers eye….and then move on to the one about Thou shall not STEAL….stop cherry picking the Bible you silly crackpot
Tim Scott says
David G, I hope the next time you slip a single MPH over the speed limit you blow a tire and slide under a parked garbage truck. I’m sure you will agree that you would deserve it.
David G says
I would say that if that happened then yes I was responsible and would not complain about it.
Tim Scott says
And since you’ve displayed your character so clearly I myself would celebrate your death as a boon to humanity.
Mario G says
There’s no doubt that you are just a worthless piece of [removed] that has no heart and conscience. This must be the way of how you entertain yourself saying [removed] to hurt other people’s feelings. You better shut the [removed].
Alexis says
@David G…She very likely bought that shopping cart at any store that sells them, for as low as $15.00. They work great for seniors, or anyone else that wants to push their items, leaving their arms free. Point is, David, you assume she stole a shopping court, therefore she deserved to die. I believe she purchased the shopping cart, so that didn’t make her a scofflaw. Be careful, David; someone might think you’re guilty when you’re innocent.
Laughing says
Are you aware that you can actually purchase a shopping cart?
Of course you are not aware.
Alexis says
Thank you, Laughing. I posted a comment about two hours ago about shopping carts that can be purchased just about anywhere for as low as $15.00. I have one so I can keep my arms free, and carry more in the cart.
David G says
Shopping carts cost the store $300 each and each store loses $8 to 10K a year. 2 million carts are stolen each year and it’s a crime to take the cart off the store lot.
Stop hating…when you commit crimes you get what goes with it. She stole the cart and she got what was coming to her…you can try and spin it all you want. People like you…thug huggers who are always making excuses up for bad behavior…typical lib
Alexis says
@David G…Let me help you out, David. I know you have a computer, so pull up shopping carts, and you will see that they are available in all sizes and shapes for very little money. They even have shopping carts for seniors, so you see, David. Now you have been educated. She had her very own shopping cart, and prayer’s for this woman’s family.
David G says
The family member here just posted here that she TOOK the cart and it was NOT hers. Don’t let the facts get in your way.
Marilyn says
Hope your grandma is still living a healthy life . As for mine she’s gone thanks for the nice comment
The Reaper says
Al Gore talks about inconvenient truths and the wise sage Judge Judy often say But not for your own actions we would not be here. While no one wants to make fun of a deceased person…had Granny not stole the cart she probably would still be here. She contributed to what happened. I know it doesn’t sound nice but it is what it is. Even if she did not steal it herself she was in possession of stolen property. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime. Her sentence was a bit harsh and at the end of the day she bares some responsibility. OK haters let it rip. Is that what you teach your children…that it’s OK to break the law?
Alexis says
@The Reaper….You too can look up shopping carts for sale, and see that they are very reasonably priced. She had her very own shopping cart that she purchased for herself to carry items. She didn’t die because she had a shopping cart, she died because someone hit her with their car. Prayers for strength, for her grieving family.