“I am very concerned about the increase of illegal dumping, particularly in the Antelope Valley,” Barger said. “Illegal dumping is a blight on the community that erodes the quality of life for our residents.”
Barger’s motion cites a 2007 ordinance adopted by the board that requires residents and businesses in unincorporated Antelope Valley communities to pay for trash pickup, or to file as “self-haulers.” However, since the ordinance passed, only one application to be a self-hauler has been filed, which some see as proof that the inconvenience of the dumping process has dissuaded residents and commercial entities from following proper protocol.
The second root cause of the issue, according to the motion, is enforcement. While county departments have filed notices of violation on land that contains illegal waste, the property owners of such land are not always the party at fault, as they often live out of state or even out of the country.
“There are many possible approaches to solve this problem. Residents should be incentivized to dispose of waste legally and illegal dumping enforcement efforts must be significantly increased,” Barger said.
The motion asks fellow board members to direct the county Chief Executive Office to convene the Department of Public Works, Department of Regional Planning, Department of Public Health, County Counsel, the District Attorney’s Office, Sheriff’s Department, County Fire, the Illegal Dumping Task Force, and other pertinent county departments to create a coordinated action plan with recommendations to address illegal dumping in the Antelope Valley, as well as other rural areas of the county.
The recommendations, she said, should include a coordinated county- driven illegal dumping enforcement plan, an assessment of existing funding for these efforts and, if necessary, recommendations for the allocation of additional funds and strategies to incentivize residents to dispose of waste legally in a proper setting.
We saw you says
I live up by 47th and Mountain Emma Road
when I see out here is immigrants and I do mean immigrants don’t tell me I’m wrong
they come up here in their pickup trucks their Guardian trucks and their cars and throw trash all over we caught a guy and made him pick up for bags of trash and we video tape them
he told us we were stupid Americans we can mind their own business
this is a couple of people that I hope get their a$$ deported I can imagine what their house looks like full of cockroaches in trash
Magnetlady says
I have dropped Waste Management TWICE for a cheaper Trash Service in the last 30 yrs… Each time, Waste Management has bought out these ”Cheaper” Trash Services… Luckily, since they bought Benz Sanitation, they’ve kept my trash bill the same, however, I wonder when they’re going to RAISE my fees for ”Littlerock Residents”… WM gouges us on fees, charges us ”fuel fees” & NO we don’t have 3 barrels either only ONE… We can set out 2 additional barrels for trash if needed… So far, they’re coming on time weekly & my rate hasn’t jumped up YET!! I hope they keep my ”Benz” rate the same, but doubt it, they’re money hungry… There is a nice service at W.M. if you want to get rid of your ”electronics”… It’s part of an agreement with Palmdale, I believe, & there is NO FEE to dispose electronics.. It’s only on a specified SATURDAY tho…
Katie says
The entire Antelope Valley is completely trashed out. Go up in a Cessna or a helicopter and, from Interstate 5 to US395, from Ridgecrest to Palmdale, it’s one big blanket of garbage.
Anna says
So disgusted with the illegal dumping. I have watched many a gardener dump bags, branches, etc. Always know when there is a mattress sale; the old ones get dumped. Drive on 10th St W north of Ave H and see all the trash. If you have ever been south of the border, this is what it looks like: they drive right outside the city and dump their garbage all along the roads. WM allows four pickups a year with no charge. I have lived here since the early 80s and it is sad to see what has become of the AV.
Kay says
I work at a local high school. The students have lunch, and there are many trash cans located in the area for trash. There are trash cans located right at the end of the table in most cases. It just amazes me as to what PIGS many of the students are. They will take their trash (I’ve seen them do it), and with a swiping motion of their arms, they knock their garbage onto the ground. When questioned by a custodian who saw a student seen doing this, the student’s snotty reply was, “That’s what YOU’RE PAID to do!” Pigs without an ounce of respect. It is easy to see why our desert looks the way it does–these are probably the parents of the piggy students doing the dumping. The old adage rings true, “The apple does not fall far from the tree.”
10dog says
Are they going to start with the homeless camps first?
Tim Scott says
The number of people who have failed to grasp “Dumper’s” message is genuinely hilarious.
KeepAVClean says
Dear Dumper,
Being poor does not give the right to dump your unwanted items on the side of the road. That is an sorry excuse. I am sure you had money to buy a new couch therefore you had money to have it hauled off. Stop justifying your actions. You also could of called the Salvation Army 1-800-SA-TRUCK they pick stuff up for FREE. Also contacting Goodwill or contacting local thrift stores. I am sure you have a phone. Right? Figure it out next time!!!!!
Fiona says
Re: keep a.v clean : you are giving wrong info. Salvation army and good will accepts furniture in good decent condition NOT TRASH. You should get your facts straight.
tammy says
I live out on the Eastside and it is just terrible, from all the tires, furniture, mattresses and just plain household trash, not to mention when everyone from town wants to party out here and decides to tag the rocks , shoot anything they can find from glass bottles to old tvs. It would be nice if people could just respect it out here a little. We have four families that share one of the larger bins so not to cost us as much. I use to have service myself but when you only have 1 bag of trash a week, it is expensive. So maybe if you can’t afford trash service see if you can talk to one of your neighbors and offer to pay something towards his trash bill, so you would be able to dump some of yours. If I lived in town I would have no problem doing that for someone.
Fiona says
WM is money hungry and want to charge you a fine if u don’t have service they don’t care what the case is they only care that u have service.
Tm says
Maybe these people shouldn’t be so trashy and pay their waste management bill like the rest of us responsible adults do, if not I think they need to regulate on house checks and monitor neighborhoods that have no waste bins out on trash pick up days , and people without waste management should be fined on the spot….
Tm says
Maybe these people shouldn’t be so trashy and pay their waste management bill like the rest of the us responsible adults do, if not I think they need to regulate on house checks and monitor neighborhoods that have no waste bins out on trash pick up days , and people without waste management should be fined on the spot….
Laughing says
Um, that is no bueno. For three years I did not have trash pickup at my home. Being single and very low trash producing I was able to bring my trash to work and throw it away, or with larger items I would ask a neighbor and throw it away in their can. All while collecting trash wood, tires, and other crap from the desert near my home to be recycled/upcycled/repurposed.
Tammy says
Not many do what you did. The problem is with those that don’t. Every where you look when driving you see stuff dumped. In back of my work the dumpsters are over loaded with people who illegally dump couches, stoves, TVs, you name it.
Bob M says
If you are going to dump illegally please dump
your crap on the highway or the steps of city hall. They will remove the stuff with your tax dollars from both locations.
Alexis says
Kern County Waste Management does NOT charge a fee for garbage. Nor does it charge a fee for appliances, furniture, etc. Dump the Waste Management You use, and do what Kern County does. Isn’t that simple?
Laughing says
The fees are threefold for Kern
It is a ‘tax’ based system mostly.
In our area, we have a corporate operated for profit entity. Huge difference.
Alexis says
Thank you. I saw a different Kern County Waste site that said those items were free. So is Kern County Waste, better, the same, or worse?
Alexis says
O.K., all I saw was the section that said, “what is non-chargeable waste?” Which includes any furniture, appliances, etc.
Just helping says
To all that read this LANCASTER DOES STILL do the TWO VOUCHERS a year. Waste Management won’t tell you. When you go to the landfill in Lancaster just tell them you want to use your voucher. If you are having someone dump for you call ahead and give their name. The requirements are a City of Lancaster resident with trash service and your bill in good standing. Sorry County residents i.e. Lake L.A parts of Quartz Hill and Antelope Acres y’all get screwed, no VOUCHERS although you pay more for the service.
Also the City maintenance yard on Ave H right before the Sierra Hwy bridge takes alot of items. Mattress, box springs, electronics, paint, other hazardous liquids, used motor oil FOR FREE. Dump into the bins or area and go. It’s all FREE. I’ve used the site several times. Again something that is not known to all. And you DONT HAVE TO BE A CITY OF LANCASTER RESIDENT.
Alexis says
@Just helping…Out of all the commenters, including myself, you’re the only one that knows what the facts are. Thank you!
Melissa says
Waste Management Palmdale and Lancaster landfills both offer this service. I also believe (not 100% sure on this) that if a customer has a larger item for pickup that’s not considered hazardous waste or tires you can call and schedule a pick up of the item. The voucher is only good up to a certain tonage but you can use both vouchers at once to cover an overage or pay the difference if your load goes over.
Annoyed says
Or maybe the cities and counties should look at the ridiculous prices at the dumps. Kern County residents go to the dump for free…. I know more people would take their trash instead of dumping it.
Wait that’s too simple a solution and our money is spent on lazy low lifes instead.
too many pigs app here in the valley says
I myself drive over Angeles Forest Highway all the time and now Emma Road I see Hispanic gardeners construction workers just discarding trash all over the place and I take pictures of them and their license plate and nothing happens
Abc123 says
Dumper, I really hope that the couch your talking about wasn’t on 20th east, and k8. Regardless if it’s the west side or east side we are all citizens of Lancaster and deserve clean deserts. I am guessing you replaced the old couch with a new one? If so I am sure you had the extra few bucks to take it to the dump.
Laughing says
What if he found a better couch curbside from the ‘furniture gods’ and left his couch in trade?
Alexis says
When we moved to Edwards from Germany, I immediately fell in love with the desert. I still love the desert, and it breaks my heart to see all the trash that people dump because of laziness, and self-centeredness. I cry when I see large areas destroyed by unwanted stuff left by selfish people that justify ruining this beautiful desert. It’s getting worse, because there are people that don’t care about the eyesore as long as it’s not where they live.
Laughing says
Game cameras do wonders in getting pics of those plates at night in common dumping areas.
Your illegal dumping tickets will soon arrive in the mail.
BobM says
Oh bs
Nothing is done when they are caught in the act..
Please dump your crap within city limits and on a paved street. It will be removed!
The Dumper says
Dear Thatsmy Backyard,
I have trash service. however, anything more then a blue trashcan a week cost more money If I leave a couch out to get it picked up, it costs me $30 that I do no have.
My roomates accumulate more trash then anyone I have ever met with boxes like crazy and just random stuff over time.
Im really sorry..
The good news is: I dont plan on dumping any time soon.
Maybe by the next time I need to remove large amounts of waste, the city of Lancaster will start giving out vouchers to the dump.
The Dumper
Samantha says
You’re supposed to break those boxes down and put them in the green recycling bin. Is that such a foreign concept to you?
Jesus Christ!!!
Tomas says
Dude, you’re a pig.
Thatsmy Backyard says
Dear Dumper,
Do you not have any family or friends that you could dump your trash in their trash cans? In the city of Palmdale if your family or friends has trash service the Waste Management will pick up that old couch at no cost, just set a date up for pick up. There are ways to work this out instead of making the desert your personal trash can.
C. Garcia says
I live in Littlerock and it is really bad out here the trash and dumping, there is Sheriff out in the desert on motorcycles but they are only driving around chasing people on quads and motorcycles. I have not seen anymore questioned or chased when they are dumping here in the desert.
thedumper says
I dump often out in the desert.. I know this will make you readers mad but Im sorry. I struggle and I dont have much money.. I’ve tried to get a dumpster from Waste Management but my goodness they are super expensive.
Lancaster does not give out the two free dump vouchers a year like Palmdale. There is no other options other then to pay or take a risk of 1k Fine and dump in the desert in the middle of the night.
I recently had a old couch i needed to get rid of..
Here was my options:
-Dump on side of road at night (low risk if you do it right from getting caught)
-Pay the $30 to have waste management come and pick it up.
-Try to get rid of it via Goodwill who most likely would have rejected it.
So, yea i dumped it on the side of the road.
Dont worry, I dumped it on the eastside where most trash is anyways keeping our lovely westside nice and clean.
Im confessing this here so maybe someone from the city counsel will see this and do what Palmdale does and offer free vouchers for the dump.
good day everyone..
Lancaster City Council says
Dear Dumper,
You just keep on doing what you do.
Palmdale negotiated that deal with waste management where their citizens can just call for pickup of things like an old couch, and they get those voucher things for two loads a year. When we negotiated with Waste Management they were concerned that they might have to offer that same level of service in Lancaster, and they were complaining about how it cost them a lot of money.
That gave us an opportunity to make a sweetheart of a deal, where any business or residence owned by a council member or high ranking member of city staff gets free pickup and they also provided a direct cash kickback for each of us. It saved them a ton, and lined my pockets, so it’s another win/win deal arranged by our great mayor!
Have a great day su…ummm…faithful constituent.
Robert says
Sorry, WM no longer offers two dump tickets a year. Not on my watch and I’ve been in this god forsaken valley thirty years.
Tim Scott says
It’s in their contract with Palmdale, unless something changed recently..