It happened in the area of 247th Street East, according to a news release from the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control.
“The Department had responded to a call regarding a deceased horse and found several horses that appeared severely emaciated and in need of immediate veterinary care,” the news release states.
“The Department provided veterinary support and necessary treatment for the horses before transporting them to the County of Los Angeles, Lancaster Animal Care Center for further medical assessment and treatment,” the news release states.
An investigation has been launched to determine whether criminal charges are warranted, officials said.
No one has yet been arrested in connection with the incident, and the owner’s name was not released.
No further information was immediately available.
Hemi says
There are many things that we CAn say about this lady but that doesn’t change the fact these horses need our help and a new place to live. I will look into setting up a go fund me account for the rescuers of these horses. Energy spent on a solution to this disappointment would be better than using the same hate..
Kati says
I agree ! Thank God they were rescued and are on the road to recovery! Tremendous thanks to the team of people who rescued these beautiful animals!❤️❤️❤️
justsayn says
this woman is a wacko for sure and she’s old but I hope she is sent to prison for this! this woman claimed to own horses worth 50 – $60.000.00 . now it is obvious that due to their lack of care they aren’t even worth .50 – .60 cents. many people know this woman. she is racist, sexist, and every other “ist” there is. she hates more things and people than she likes. she accuses her neighbors and businesses of wrong doings and tries to sue everyone and anyone who crosses her path. I just cant believe this. some of those horses will never fully recover due to their emaciation but once brought back up to weight will be able to live a little while longer (maybe a few years)in a good home with an owner that will love and respect them. as for her……….may she rot in hell!
flyonthewall says
How could someone look into those horses eyes everyday and I am feeding and taking care of you! Those pictures are haunting.
Jill says
there just isn’t an excuse on this planet for this crap—–get a rope & hang the owner
Susan says
Listen up people…a lot of these animal neglect cases involve mentally ill people that think they are helping the animals yet have no ways or means financially or mentally provide for them. They aren’t intentionally abusing animals or even aware that they are. They are sick not criminals. LA County Dept. of Animal Care and Control- (w/ emphasis on the word Care) employees dedicate their lives and careers to care for all animals. And yes we have Major Case Units that do “get the bad guys” too.
Adam says
If California brought back horse sales for meat these and other horses in the same situation would have never suffered. It may sound mean but it’s more humane then starvation.
Holly says
I know Porter and she has mental problems. They were not horses for the meat trade just neglected. Thankfully she’ll never be allowed to own horses again.
Cowgirl says
Throw the book at this person. There is no excuse for this!!! Asshole- I bet he/she didn’t go hungry!!
Holly says
Actually she barely has enough to eat, but maybe with the horses gone she can buy food. I’m worried about a little cat she had. He was a mouser but god knows if she supplemented his food.
Lovethoseanimals says
If you can’t care for an animal…then don’t have one. Having and caring for an animal is a lifetime achievement. Having and caring for an animal is one of the most rewarding things so to those who abuse that privilege…remove the animals from their care.
I hope all these horses find loving people who have horse property and can help care for them.
We need to change laws. We need to make all shelters NO KILL. We need to write to Congress to put back the Wildlife Preservation Laws put into effect prior to November 2016.
Stan The Man says
Impossible for all “no kill” shelters, number of animals adopted cant keep up with number of those brought in at many shelters. Rescues can help but many are run by crazy people. I worked at one on 130th street where cats are kept in small rabbit cages and nobody ever comes up there to adopt them so that’s how they live their life.
Janet Schultz says
NoKill is real and works. When people stop thinking life is impossible, everything becomes possible. Compassion is living breathing consideration.
Laughing says
Sounds less like a rescue and more like a hoarder.
belinda says
She fed her horses cattle hay for years
Laughing says
Cattle hay?
flyonthewall says
Yes, cattle hay cause it was $8/bale. She tried to get me to feed it to my horses. No no no thank you
Laughing says
flyonthewall, I was asking what is cattle hay. Another horse owner explained to me that it is cheaper hay sometimes with mold in it that a cow can handle but horses can not. Learn something new everyday.
Holly says
Also called border bales because it comes from the edge of the field or an area of a hay field that doesn’t get as much water. Generally lower quality hay. Cattle being ruminants having a caecum is water gut they utilize feedstuffs that are lesser quality.
Lovethoseanimals says
If you can’t care for an animal…then don’t have one. Having and caring for an animal is a lifetime achievement. Having and caring for an animal is one of the most rewarding things so to those who abuse that privilege…remove the animals from their care.
I hope all these horses find loving people who have horse property and can help care for them.
Ang says
Poor horses….I am glad the survivors were rescued…hopefully they can all be brought back to health, be placed in loving homes and live happy lives from this point forward.
Julie says
Hard to say what will happen here the laws needs to be stricter in regards to livestock the only reason we are seeing it is because social media (its been going on for decades) the neglect and abuse HAS to STOP. I called THIS County AC department a few weeks maybe a month ago about a owner who was letting a pregnant mare die while giving birth even though there was a rescue standing by who offered to cover vet costs she was in distress and foal had already died but owner did nothing let her suffer in pain even if nothing could be done to save her she could have been humanely euthenize but he let her suffer in pain till she died, her and foal both died and as of 2 days later when I called back to follow up there was no status from AC (they had not been out to the location, they were too busy) laws need to be changed and the government needs to provide more funds for better support (more AC officers) and people need to call and report (squeeky where gets the grease) if you SEE something SAY something
Alexis says
What would you say about the 2.4 million healthy adoptable cats and dogs that are euthanized every year by shelters? Of course this is in your face, to see abuse (neglect), but too many people are desensitized to an animal being put down when you don’t have to see it.
Susan says
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about I’ve had no personal experience in Shelter medicine. If you have so many questions why don’t you volunteer at one and see what really goes on. Instead of posting comments about something that you know nothing about why didn’t you inquire about how you can help if you’re so concerned
Susan says
*typo- when you have no experience in shelter medicine
Hol says
I purchased a Warlander mare a few years ago that had bee been bred, not checked by the vet,and subsequently gave birth to twins that died. I was told by the owners son that the mare couldn’t get up for four days. No vet was called. I purchased my mare a few months after she foaled and she’s suffered from ulcers ever since. They also bowed her tendon and tied her right hind leg leaving a deep scar on her ankle. I believe she’d been bred at home by these Hispanics and it’s a typical thing to put a rope around a hind leg to prevent kicking while being bred. Idiots
Bree says
So horrendous! I hope charges are filed against that sick owner. Thank you to the rescuers of all these horses <3
Animal lover says
Indeed. I hope that they all find great homes and dont land in the hands of anyone who cannot afford to care for them and who genuinely loves them
Saddened says
That is just charges?? That is basically saying it’s ok to abuse animals
Animal lover says
I`m sure that justice will be served since they know who the owner is and an investigation has been launched.