PALMDALE – Protesters rallied outside the Palmdale office of Republican Rep. Steve Knight on Tuesday in opposition to the Trump administration policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Organizer Brandon Zavala said the congressman “could introduce legislation today to stop this cruel and unnecessary policy.”
Knight issued a statement condemning the family-separation policy.
“I understand that our country’s immigration system is in dire need of reform and I absolutely oppose the practice of separating children from their parents at the border,” Knight said. “Right now, I am actively working with my colleagues on legislation that would end this practice. Additionally, I am pursuing solutions that will strengthen security along the southern border as well as provide a permanent solution for DACA recipients.”
President Donald Trump continued to point blame at Democrats for the situation along the border, saying the Democratic Party is responible for “loopholes” in federal laws that “cause family separation, which we don’t want.”
“As a result of these loopholes, roughly half a million illegal immigrant family units and minors from Central America have been released into the United States since 2014 at unbelievably great taxpayer expense,” Trump said during a speech to a business group in Washington, D.C. “Nobody knows how much we’re paying for this monstrosity that’s been created over the years — legislation that nobody has any idea what they’re doing.
“… Child smugglers exploit the loopholes, and they gain illegal entry into the United States, putting countless children in danger on the perilous trek to the United States,” he said.
Earlier in the day, Trump wrote on his Twitter account: “Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!”
That post drew an angry response from at least one local congressman, Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Los Angeles, who retorted on Twitter: “Dear (Trump), Like you grandfather, my parents infested America. As their son with yellow skin, I now get to vote against your harmful policies. And after you leave due to either losing reelection or impeachment, I will still be here reversing your (expletive). Cheers.”
Doittherightway says
A criminal does criminal things..he or she goes to jail and is seperated from his or her family. If you come to the U.S. …do it the legal way and you will have no worries. No other country allows us to come live there permanently without the proper process of becoming legally allowed to. Remember keep it simple. The law is the law.
Tim Scott says
And the law says illegal entry is a misdemeanor. Show me any other misdemeanor you can commit that involves having your children caged in a converted WalMart?
By the way, now that whimsical Trump has, on a new whim, said “okay, reunite the families that I had separated on a whim” we are finding out that since no preparations were made for taking thousands of children into custody before that order was given there seems to have been no real process for keeping track of where they went. So now that the loose cannon in chief has changed his mind it appears that no one has any real idea which children belong with who. Another gigantic fiasco that will take years to clean up. Thanks D’ump.
Alexis says
Some of the commenters are putting logic on the backburner because they’re overwrought with emotion, and they can’t think straight. It’s like the protesters that do nothing but scream back and forth at each other, belching out hatred. What an embarrassment this nation has become. What happens in the A.V. is happening everywhere.
Just wondering says
Alexis says
This article is about children being separated from their families, and the protesters against this act targeting Steve Knight. I am not political, but I can see the complete bias in this protest and any other protest that only points out one side of an issue. Children were being separated during the Obama administration, only on a smaller scale. I guess the “smaller scale” scenario is more palatable. There was never this much coverage about the atrocities the border patrol was perpetrating during Obama administration.
Tim Scott says
That’s because Obama never said “Hey, atrocities! Let’s make them a priority! Commit all we can!”
Alexis says
So you’re excusing Obama for the atrocities committed while he was in office because he is a Democrat. No one said “Hey, atrocities! Let’s make them a priority! Commit all we can!” I presented facts, and there will always be the lunatic fringe commenters that come from both sides of center to make sure they’re heard. Nothing gets accomplished but back and forth people talking at each other to get their own agenda across.
Tim Scott says
Actually, yes, the Trump administration did basically say “Look, atrocities, let’s commit all we can.” The outcome of their “We will treat people committing this misdemeanor crime to the most extreme prosecution in the history of law enforcement” had a predictable outcome, and they apparently wanted exactly the outcome they got.
Similar family separations did happen under the Obama administration, when a minor was accompanied by a parent who had a violent criminal history. They were an unfortunate outcome that no one really could find a way to avoid. Comparing that to what the Trump administration is doing is singularly naive.
Vote for Scott says
The question was “So you’re excusing Obama for the atrocities committed while he was in office because he is a Democrat.” Deflect the incoming question is what you have been great at over the years. If you listen to a lot of politicians, they often deflect the incoming question maneuver their reply to talk about the topic but not answer the question that was asked. Have you thought about running for political office?
Alexis says
@Both of you…Families were not separated under the Obama administration only because a parent had a violent criminal history. So you and William can stick with your constant back and forth fighting with the other party that goes nowhere, and the one’s like me that are sick of both political parties will carry on. And, William, I wasn’t asking a question, but stating a fact. So you both can deflect, justify, excuse your mind-sets, and continue with your continual arguing. By the way, Steve Knight is not the only politician that practices STV within their own party, Democrats are guilty of doing the same thing.
Alexis says
As for you, William, I know your history of attacking the commenter for views that differ from your views. You hated what I had to say back in 2013, so much, that you took my screen name and said the words “I am sorry William for disagreeing with you.” Childish, just like those that pretend to be Tim Scott, or anyone else.
Alexis says
I love you both anyway!
Alexis says
Something else to know; whether it’s Bush, Clinton, Obama, or Trump, it’s the same policy, but nothing moves forward because both sides are always fighting. Like the same endless fighting that goes on here. The only difference with Trump is that he has taken this broken system, and brought it to another level. There you have it from a person that cant’ stand the back and forth fighting. Carry on with the chaos you create on a smaller level.
Vote for Scott says
Alexis, Who is William? Did I miss something?
William says
Which laws are ok not to enforce?
Or is it only laws that Democrats break,are ok?
Like rex,a corrupt mayor,according to you.
And yet,he’s not the mayor indicated for corruption chardes.
You pick and choose.
William says
Atrocities?how about follow the law!the same law that was there 10 years ago.illegal to enter the u.s.without proper paper work.anything else in a crime.but that won’t fit the snowflakes narrative.
Alexis,not the same william.
Tim Scott says
It’s a misdemeanor. Do you think we should throw your kids into cages the next time you are caught jaywalking?
William says
What part of the word illegal,do you not get?
Can I come to your house,rob you of 995 dollars?it’s a misdemeanor.
Here’s a thought,blame the parent or mule,who is useing the kid as a political pawn.
Alexis says
@William…Good point.
Alexis says
It was a misdemeanor when horrendous acts were being committed by border patrol during Obama administration. Check out your favorite group ACLU.
Tim Scott says
What part of “punishment to fit the crime” is too complex for you William? Come on by and I’ll try to dumb the explanation down to your level.
Really says
Well, years of failed policy created this mess. No a misdemeanor should not necessarily equal being thrown in jail. However when you are here illegally you should not be released on a notice to appear and then be allowed to go on about your business here in the USA. And for the record you would be jailed for a misdemeanor here in the state of CA if you cant provide sufficient ID of who you are. I feel for the children but ultimately its the parents who have placed their children in these situations. The most humane thing would be to lockdown the border so people stop trying to game the system. Once you fix that we can start allowing people in in a controlled manner
Alexis says
@Really…Great comment! Yes, years of failed policy created this mess. The children are suffering because of the actions of the adults.
Tim Scott says
“Years of failed policy created this mess” is only a useful comment if at any point during those “years” you backed some initiative to change the policy for the better. As far as I know, no one has proposed any improvements, because no one has any great ideas on how to solve the problems.
Any potentially useful thinking on the subject has been drowned out by the GOP progression from “build a fence” (GWBush) to “build not just a fence but a high tech fence” (Romney) to “build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it” (Trump). The commitment to spending billions on something that won’t work makes sense at the top of the corrupt heap, so long as their cronies get the contract, but how they manage to sell such nonsense to Republicans at large is hard to fathom.
Alexis says
It isn’t just the Republicans that have made this mess.
Tim Scott says
Maybe not…but they have sure blocked any real effort to solve the problem for the past couple of decades.
Alexis says
Both parties are guilty of constant fighting, with nothing being accomplished. A vocal critic of President Trump’s immigration policies, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, D-Wash, took contributions from the PAC Management and Training Corp., a facility that houses immigrant detainees. She’s going to get hers, isn’t she? She’s no better than a politician receiving funds from the NRA, saying they aren’t influenced. Receiving dirty money to fund their agenda, which is their own glory.
Really says
The fix is complicated yet simple. It should be in phases.
1. Enforce the laws on the books
2. Lockdown the border
( dont care if its a wall, drones, agents etc)
3. When someone is a fresh illegal entry into our country, expel them immediately.
4. Refuse assylum seekers who arrive on our border. We are bordered by two countries that are perfectly fine places to stay while awaiting approval.
After these things are done im pretty amicable to the idea of a path to legal immigrant status for those who have been here and are contributing to society. If your a felon take it on back to where you came from.
Juan Q says
Bonito. El recién retirado presidente del club demócrata local se atribuye el mérito de una acción con la que no tuvo nada que ver. ¿CHIRLA sabe que tienen un parásito en la espalda? ¿No fue también removido de su posición como delegado demócrata del condado, por un comportamiento impropio de su posición?
¡Qué vergüenza, Sr. Zavala! ¡Vergüenza!
Ron says
GO PRESIDENT TRUMP !!!! BUILD THE WALL,!! KEEP THEM OUT!!!! … STOP allowing them to milk the system!!!
Ron says
Any illegal sneaks back into the country the 2nd time should be 7 years in prison. We need Congress to act now. BUILD THE WALL 100 FEET HIGH,!!!
Ron says
If they would just deport them in a weeks time after they are caught it would stop this. We need the WALL close the loopholes, Congress needs to make tough laws now. We can send a message if you come across the border you get sent right back home within just a few days time. No court hearings, no lawyers, just put them on a plane, boat, train, bus back home u go. They will soon get the message. They cannot stay. Just detain for a day or 2 then send them back. They will stop coming. It’s a no brainer. Common sense.
LibTards says
Libtards just don’t get it.
Rochelle says
… look at this dimwit; nothing to contribute to this discourse; what he wrote above constitutes the humble depth, breadth and extent of his intellect. And, we wonder why America’s best days are well behind us? If we could systematically purge the lunatic fringe, from both Democratic and Republican parties, we’d solve 90% of America’s problems.
Alexis says
@Rochelle…Finally, an intellectually honest comment! Thank you Rochelle!
Ryan says
Me-first mentality, grandiose sense of self-entitlement as big as planet Jupiter, for Latin Americans social responsibility is not high on their list. They believe their ends justify their means; that no law is applicable to them. Save who may, they come en mass to make a grab, for the free stuff. They’re here for one reason: to take a free ride on the American taxpayer.
Ron says
The Liberals are the ones saying COME ON IN WILL TAKE CARE OF YA!!! then wonder why it’s a complete mess.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, except absolutely no one is saying that.
Why do you feel this need to lie about people just so you can dislike them? I despise you, and I don’t need to lie about you to do it.
Ron says
Jerry Brown saying that. He said You all come on in we will welcome you. Alot of Democrats are saying exactly that.
Ron says
Democrats want their votes. They want to flood America with illegals. It’s clear. Democrats want open borders. You got to remember Americans have to pay for all of them.
Ron says
When they run across the border just deport them within a few days. It’s a no brainer.
Tim Scott says
What is the point of rallying outside this national party lapdog’s office? He tells the protestors whatever they want to hear and then goes and votes straight down the line for whatever the national party tells him to vote for. If the national Republican party wants to punish Californians, they can count of Knight’s vote. If the national Republican party is too scared of Trump to stop him from starting a war, they can count on Knight’s vote. If Trump decides we really shouldn’t bother with elections any more so the GOP can stay in the majority they can count on Knight’s vote. Knight would vote for his own castration if the party told him to do it.
Mabels says
… you can’t see you’re biased. You can’t see your lack for objectivity. Archetypical dittohead Democrat, not to save your life could you objectively articulate either side to a particular issue. Your thought process wholly subverted, by your political party, anything beyond what they’ve told you to think, you are hopelessly out of your depth. It’s because of hysteric straight-ticket Democrats like you the Democratic platform lost its socially concerned moderates, to the Republican party. We’ve migrated. We flat refuse to associate ourselves with people like you.
Tim Scott says
How is it biased to call out Knight for his straight party line voting? It’s a matter of record.
Mabels are confused says
Mabels gave herself away when she wrote “dittoheads” a Rugh Laubaugh term for his followers. She thinks using it against Democrats is smart. Not so.
Bryon says
You already know well in advance, don’t expect journalistic objectivity on this topic. Mainstream media gone berserk, expect an ultra-left wing narrative on censoring, for commenting on this particular article –
Julianne says
… a hypothetical, if you’re destitute and migrate to, say, Russia? And, you’ve committed a crime? You crossed their border, illegally? Humblemost of apologies, no gentle way of putting this, you’re going to jail. You go, strait to a Russian gulag. And, your children go straight into detention, awaiting repatriation.Then, it’s up to the embassy of your native country to intervene, on your children’s behalf. As per international law, Russia would have no recourse but repatriate your children –