The crash happened around 9:15 p.m. Sunday, May 27, at East Avenue Q and Orchid View Place, according to Lt. Steve De Jong of Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
“Apparently the deputies were eastbound on Q when the westbound vehicle made a left turn in front of them,” De Jong said.
The right-front passenger was ejected from the civilian vehicle but, like the other civilians and the deputies, suffered only minor injuries, the lieutenant said.
All five were taken to hospitals where they were expected to be released, he said.
“Alcohol might have been a factor,” De Jong said.
The crash is still under investigation, and no further information was immediately available.
No names were released in connection to the crash.
Dr. Bryon says
… ever notice the subtle smears LASD propagates, and their propensity for coding special messages to prosecutors through the mainstream media, “… it’s unknown whether alcohol was a factor.”
Alexis says
I don’t know, Dr. Bryon, maybe the deputies were under the influence.
Mike says
Since the police are notorious for making up lies on just about every report they write up, im gonna have to say theres not a snowballs chance in hell that they didnt write something in their report regarding this accident thay wasn’t a lie too. I guarantee you that the cops involved in this accident and the investigators investigating it all got together and said ” ok this is what were gonna put in the report ” just so evrryones on the same page when we go to court over this. And i guarantee you they will get together again before court to say “Ok. Everyone has their story straight right? ” And i guarantee you nothing the other people involved in this crash have to say will be looked at as truthful if it makes these deputies look like they were even one percent at fault in this accident. I can picture the first officers on the scene (without having a clue as to what happened” asking the driver of the other car “why did you turn left in front of thede deputies? Over and over again in an effort to put every bit of fault of the accident on him or her. This is just how the police work. They would rather lock up an innocent man for something then take the blame for something they’ve done that might make them look bad. And if the nieve people out there don’t like what im saying here, too bad. Im just stating the facts in how the police work out there. Theres no such thing as an honest cop that will stand ip for whats right if it involves one of his partners being held accountable for some thing. he’s done thats wrong or illegal. No such thing.
Tim Scott says
“Theres no such thing as an honest cop that will stand ip for whats right if it involves one of his partners being held accountable for some thing.”
There might be a few…but if they ever actually have to do that standing up they will be out of a job.
Rick says
Nope, stood up several times. Retired in 2014 after 30 years with. the CHP….
Tim Scott says
Yeah. Funny how I’ve never met a cop who didn’t talk a good game. Unfortunate that you suffer from such a credibility gap.
Rick says
Email on the way. Let’s meet up for some coffee, or tea, and talk about my credibility gap.
Tim Scott says
That would be great. When an anonymity on the internet says “well I am (or was) a cop and…” there’s really no way to overcome the gap, but if you are willing to look me in the eye then it is actually your credibility involved, not just the general near zero cop credibility.
timshatemail at gmx dot com
Looking forward to it.
Alexis says
This is interesting.
Tim Scott says
Looking forward to it.
timshatemail at gmx dot com in case you missed it.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so I just proved that an e-mail from “Rick” titled “coffee or tea” is impossible for my spam filter to differentiate from an e-mail from “Mary” titled “hey can we meet?” I’m thinking this may be asking more from technology than it is currently able to provide.
In any event, Rick’s personal credibility is starting to fill in the general credibility gap he suffers from having been in law enforcement. Looking forward to further progress.
Alexis says
After listening to you slam all the dirty cops, and dirty politicians in the A.V., where most of the elected leaders are puppets for someone, I can’t imagine how the Antelope Valley will be able to survive. Well, it will, because there are a few people that know that working on a solution is the answer. Fatalistic views solve nothing!
Alexis says
The article is beside the point, right? Once again commenters really couldn’t care less about the actual article before the name calling and slurs, count as dialogue. None of you care about the actual facts, because you have already decided the cops in the patrol car are guilty. Hang them all, and don’t even bother to find out the truth. Vigilante justice whether from cops or civilians breaks this community apart, and has already infected this nation.
Tim Scott says
Best I can make out no one has said “the cops are guilty.”
There has been an observation that the cops are never found to be at fault, which is pretty much just a fact, and indicates that the “investigation” being reported on here might well be worthless.
I’ve suggested a variety of bets regarding the cops having been speeding. I gave good odds because I think finding someone who really thinks they were driving the speed limit is unlikely. That doesn’t really matter because even if they were going ten or fifteen over, and civilians, the person making the left turn in front of them would be found at fault…and rightly so. That’s technically the opposite of “the cops are guilty,” BTW.
There’s been some observations made about how anyone who dares question the cops is always going to be vilified, and some people proving the truth of that observation.
Alexis says
I’m going to keep it simple, and not turn this into some convoluted mess. Car turns left in front of patrol car; patrol car hits passenger side of car; all people involved received minor injuries. I’m not going to waste my private detective skills to find who is at fault, or even if this article can be believed. No arguing here, because it is futile and draining. Thank you for your input, and speculate away.
Sean says
Alexis says
Amazing, how an article about an accident between a car with civilians, and a patrol car is turned into a complete spin job! All people involved received minor injuries. Nothing major here with this article.
Tim Scott says
Amazing? I don’t even find it surprising. When cops get in wrecks there’s always going to be a discussion of their usual driving habits…which are notoriously bad and which they never seem to suffer any legal consequences for.
Tonyb says
Based upon your observation? Your statement doesn’t mean since it’s squat coming from you.
Tim Scott says
Funny thing is that anyone who wants to can drive around with their eyes open can see that I’m right, while all you have going for you is that you obviously hate me and jump to conclusions based on that emotion. Fun to be you I guess.
Alexis says
@Tim Scott… I agree with you that cops are notoriously bad drivers. Oh, how many times I have wanted to stop a cop violating traffic laws and issue a citizens traffic ticket, (wishful thinking). I have learned over the years that making blanket statements every time there is an article involving an officer, detracts from the facts of each incident. Emotions only get in the way of facts every time, Tim. My personal experiences with cops are just that, and what I have experienced shouldn’t matter when it comes to the truth of the matter in this particular incident. It’s called letting go of bias and learning to look at things in an un-biased way, without including my experiences.
Marilyn says
You are so right been a bus operatorin Los angeles and i have seen countless times they have ran lights with no lights on just to get through that intersection. So just because there police doesn’t mean there always right no one is perfect and they will lie to prevent a law suit
Sammy says
I need parts from that TL. Hmu
mike says
I notice how it’s never their fault and how they abuse power all the time and also, how people get attacked and de-validated when they try to criticize the authorities around here.
I understand your inclination but wrongful arrests and bullying is not conspiracy its part of our daily life dealing with bad apples. People have the right to express opinions and not get personally attacked. Its our public duty to observe and speak up if we notice something not inline with democracy, transparency and American values. Calling people conspiracy theorists suppresses their natural drive to speak up and to protect those who cant protect themselves.
Alexis says
That is why it is best to address each article separately instead of making generalizations that all law enforcement is bad. If you look at the picture, you can see that the patrol car wasn’t speeding, because the car didn’t sustain that much damage. The passenger would have either died or received major injuries. Put the blame where it belongs, Mike, not all law enforcement officers are bad apples. There are enough bad apples out there, but this isn’t one you can lay on them.
Alexis says
Well, after looking at the picture of the car’s damage, it is apparent that the accident was not major. Plus the passenger in the car would have likely died if the patrol car was speeding.
Tim Scott says
I was going sixty when someone pulled out in front of me. I’d guess I got down to about forty by the time I hit them. No one died. Just like this accident no one was seriously injured.
Jeff says
… ever notice, how nothing is ever LASD’s fault?
Tim Scott says
Yeah. Hundred to one odds they were exceeding the speed limit.
AV Illegal says
Ever notice how you conspiracy theorists never rest? Damages are not that bad meaning the speed was not a factor, and the other civilian vehicle turned left in front of the Sheriff’s car.
You are right, no matter what, it must be a cover up. Get a life troll.
Tim Scott says
“Not that bad,” other than both cars being totaled. No question that the driver turning left will be ruled at fault, and rightly so, but that doesn’t mean the cop wasn’t speeding. Speed limit there is 45, and I’ll bet that hundred to one odds you could sit there all day and not see a cop car observing the speed limit, unless they are stuck behind someone who is.
You can drive around all day and not see a cop obeying the traffic laws, and if you think saying that is a “conspiracy theory” you either don’t get out enough or at the very least don’t get your head out enough. They always speed. They claim the right of way in all situations regardless of law. They seem to get some kind of discount for having the manufacturer leave the turn signal equipment out of their cars. They park purely at random; facing the wrong way, in the middle of the street, against a red curb. If they weren’t total scoff-laws maybe people would have some respect for them.
RUKiddingMe says
Agree. How much effort does it take to signal? That’s just arrogance and hypocrisy. Sets a bad example.
Tim Scott says
Cue a badge-licker to say “but their job is so dangerous, how can you say something bad about them, must be a criminal!”