California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmates at the Fenner Canyon Conservation Fire Camp completed the Multi-Craft Core Curriculum (MC3) Pre-Apprenticeship Program last Friday.
The MC3 program was created through a partnership between Antelope Valley College Corporate and Community Education and the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building & Construction Trades Council to prepare individuals for the Building and Construction Trades. It is supported by various trade locals such as IBEW Local Union 11 and is funded by California Apprenticeship Initiative grants.
This was the college’s first class held at a correctional facility. The 21 inmates who participated were enthusiastic and excited about the prospects of having a career to pursue upon release. One inmate stated that he had never had an opportunity like this before, and that it would be life changing for him to become a union apprentice.
Local trade unions welcome formerly incarcerated individuals to fill much needed vacancies, especially with so much construction activity expected in the Antelope Valley in the coming years. A new class begins at Fenner in June.
The program provides students with an eight-week curriculum, during which time they explore a number of trades from plumbing and masonry, to carpentry and sheet metal work. By the end of the program students have competed CPR training, received OSHA certification, and are given a nationally recognized certificate of completion. The program seeks to help individuals discover their preferred trade and send them up the path to apprenticeship within that field and ultimately employment.
[Information via news release from Antelope Valley College.]
Union Made says
Outstanding program. Outstanding! Just imagine how many of these former inmates and hundreds of others could be working at the permanent Kinkisharo Facility in Palmdale if it hadn’t been derailed by Kathy ‘Job Killer’ McLaren and her Union pals in her Union. She don’t care about the rest of us.
Read for yourselfs.
Brotherhood says
Doesn’t IBEW care about the others Unions? Aren’t we all in the Brotherhood?
Union made says
IBEW killed our union jobs in building the state of the art manufacturing plant. Kathy “job killer” Mc Claren used environmental blackmail while her union killed a All union construction on the plant for their own organizing efforts. She is a piece of work.
GM says
Why does she think IBEW is superior to all the other unions? They are just one of many unions. What about the trades that were hurt by her actions? What happened to union brotherhood?
Union made says
She is living high on the hog off our brothers backs with her fat cat husband.
Local says
She doesn’t seem to care about the rank and file construction lab out that would build a permanent Kinkisharo facility. Shame on her. She is a job killer.
Alexis says
I love this!
Union made says
I love watching Kathy “job killer” try promoting those two bums in Dino and Steve “gas tax supporting” Hofbower.
Alexis says
This is a wonderful program!
Alexis says
This is what I love to see happening! Too often inmates being released go back to what they did before they were incarcerated in the first place. The MC3 program is making a positive difference, and is so much better than just incarcerating and releasing. Changing minds is what it’s all about. Inmates being released and taking the path to being a productive citizen.