The incident began around 2:23 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 18, according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
“Deputies responded to the 37100 block of 47th East, Palmdale, regarding a carjacking which occurred by force,” the news release states.
Authorities broadcast a description of the vehicle, then a Palmdale sheriff’s deputy later located the vehicle and initiated a vehicle pursuit.
The pursuit ended “seconds later” when the vehicle crashed into a black sport utility vehicle on the 40100 block of 10th Street West, according to the news release.
The black sport utility vehicle was occupied by a man and woman, two teenage boys, and baby boy; all were transported to the hospital, where the woman died of her injuries, officials said in the news release.
“The condition of all other parties from the black sport utility vehicle is unknown at this time,” the news release states.
“The driver of the suspect vehicle is a female juvenile. She was transported to a local hospital. Her condition is unknown. Charges are pending,” the news release states.
The suspect’s name was not released. The investigation in ongoing.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500.
UPDATED 2.20.18: The deceased has been identified as 37-year-old Christine Jackson of Lancaster, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. The teenage driver of the stolen vehicle was treated at a hospital, and charges are pending against her. Her name is not being released because she is a juvenile.
Sandra says
In response to Really, I might believe the sub par teacher. It could be their fault. Depends on how many failed the class.
Keisha P says
The victims in this and the mother that lost her life due to ignorance of a minor, was a beautiful woman, who loved everyone and everyone loved her. She was full of life and i had the pleasure of being her neighbor. Our children playing, carpooling and growing together as young kids…cookouts, parties etc…I know, she and her family was my neighbor.
To the family, I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart and prayers are with you!
aManOfTruth says
Could drugs or alcohol have played a part? Our jails and prisons are filled with people who committed their crime while high or drunk. And the alcohol companies and Mexican Cartels rake in millions while we fill our prisons using taxpayer money… and we blame the PERSON who used their product, instead of who made it.
Really says
So by that logic every bad thing is someone elses fault. If your overweight its Mc Donalds fault. If you dont pass a college class it the sub par teachers fault. If you shoot a bunch of people its the nra’s fault. And if u get a dui its budweisers fault. How about personal responsibility for the poor choices people make.
childofgod says
when did a teenager jack a car for a cheeseburger? and since when does the nra manufacture guns they exchange for stolen vehicles to teenagers? drug addiction is a disease, uae is a symptom, according to the dsm. it requires treatment from a medical professional, and treatment is astonishingly inefficient and expensive is america. according to harvard medical, treatment in america costs 80-120k a month with 5 to 8% success rate, in europe average is $2600 for 6 months, 75-80% success. people who have mental illnesses should be sentenced to treatment. its true that drugs get into our country easier than they should, especially considering the funding enforcement recieves. assuming they used that money and fixed the problem, theyd all be without jobs. as long as treatment is scarce and ineffective, and they focus on users and smalltime dealers, theyll always have a job. the police couls take every illegal weapon off the streets and congress could create laws that require you to be old enough to buy a beer in order to buy an assault weapon, and the nra would still be filthy rich. there are many flaws in your analogy is all im saying, and its a commonly, albeit innaccurately, used one by people who make a decision before researching and reaching a well-informed conclusion.
Carol says
Carol says
It’s never that simple but that would be a great start! Wish everyone would open their eyes to the real truth of what’s going on in America. Without drugs, with rehabilitation centers that actually work, with a mental health system that got money pumped into it like drug enforcement does, we’d actually be making progress. But who wants that? It’s more important to keep the police, DEA, jails and hospitals well staffed and funded. Without all the people addicted to drugs or with unabated phycological issues, without all the illegal guns in the hands of gang bangers and the mentally ill, they wouldn’t have enough to do and the politicians wouldn’t have enough excuses as to why they need to keep taking our hard earned money from us.
Leigha says
Exactly!!! That’s the problem with society today, instead of assuming responsibility, everyone passes the buck. Time to grow up folks! Even if drugs or alcohol played a role… the driver was 16, that’s old enough to know it’s wrong and she still chose to use. Therefore, whatever happens next, is her responsibility and hers alone! I hope she gets the time she deserves for taking that woman’s life and injuring the others.
Alexis says
Where there is a demand, there is a supply. Big Pharma understands, as well as cartels, and anyone taking bribes. It has always been this way.
Reefer Madness says
Rex and Marv used to help supply the demand back in the day. Now with Raj on board, they’re getting Lancaster into the business of growing weed. Ah, the circle of life.
AV says
Didn’t Marv Crist lose his clearance at Plant 42 over dope?
Alexis says
@AV: Los Angeles Times- May 28, 1987: Heading- 18 Firefighters Win Fight With AF on Security.
AV says
Many ;thanks Alexis. The article reads – But, Marvin Crist, 32, one of those who intends to keep fighting for clearance, said: “Some of us are mad. We don’t want to see this happen to anyone else.”
He was one who did not get his clearance back at the time. Did he ever? Is this why he went into the insurance business and eventually into the thick of the dirty Lancaster political scene?
Is there any truth to the stories surrounding the Racquet Club Apartments?
Alexis says
@AV: I use to live at the Racquet Club Apartments back in the 70’s when I was working at Rockwell corporate offices, but I just lived there and didn’t know anything surrounding those apartments. I also don’t know if Crist got his security clearance back.
John says
Just another typical day in the good old AV!
Modelling Clay Dinosaur says
Stupid [removed] waste of life. And yes “it” is a [removed] because we saw “it” blow the red light at 25th and Elizabeth Lake. Another example of a [removed] that should’ve been aborted by coat hanger. I hope that “it” suffered life crippling injuries but unfortunately I hear that’s not the case. If “it” had hit my car there they would be in the local morgue cold as ice. My condolences to the family in the black SUV.
Desert rat says
It’s not a “property crime” if someone forcefully takes the car of another person. Looks CA penal code 215. The teen driver already committed a serious felony. Deputies located the vehicle and initiated the pursuit and the teen took off. I’ll tell the deps I know to slow down if you were the victim of 215pc.
Fact of the matter a senseless act caused a family to be forever changed. Prayers to the husband and children.
Breanna Hess says
I noticed this same car when I was looking for my friends purse. At Lazy T Ranch on Elizabeth Lake Road.. She had left the ranch heading twords 10th street west to go to albertsons. When I was walking on the side of the road to see if it flew off the back of her car. When I saw the White SUV going over 100 past my ranch. Coming from Leona valley going twords 10th. My friend had called be 10 min after that and said she saw her driving up behind her when she got over and she past her still going over 100mph running a red light and smashing into the black SUV.. I don’t see HOW she came from Leona Valley if this happened on 47th street east???
Irena says
The car was originally stolen on 47th st, e and was later in the area of 10th w.
Kiki says
That thief needs to pay for her stupid desision she is just killed someone’s mom and she probably didn’t care stupid b**** no education probably an addict low life b****
Gina says
My heart and deepest sympathies go out to the family who caught the raw end of this tragedy. I can’t imagine the feelings that must be going through their minds and their hearts. I imagine the same questions are going through the minds of the suspect. They now have to deal with her bad decision making and will be marked as the family who daughter killed an innocent person. The sad part is that the victims here in this tragic accident their lives are changed forever and the teenage girl probably could careless. I pray for the families during this time. My heart hurts for you all. As a community it is time we start doing and quit talking about cleaning up our towns. Enough is enough. Our families and friends are in danger just doing daily activities. So sad. Prayers to all.
Ashante says
Thank you for your kind words. We are all taking it hard..this has changed our lives.
Garth says
The police need to back off on these chases. Yes, the girl carjacked a car – a serious property crime. The act of the police engaging her in a chase turned it into murder. Don’t misread me, the entire thing is her fault but the police need to exercise the good judgement to avoid chases that might result in innocent deaths just to recover stolen property. Simply reporting the location of the vehicle and requesting the dispatch of an unmarked car to follow her at a safe speed might well have avoided the crash. At worst, she would have gotten away with a vehicle which, while certainly not desirable, is much better that what occurred. I certainly wouldn’t want a stolen car of mine recovered at such a terrible cost. Here’s a link to an article discussing such chases:
Really says
Wouldnt be so quick to blame police. She blew through 25th st W/ lake elizabeth as i sat at the red light. The cop car was a good mile behind her. So far that you couldnt even say for sure if the two were related. She took the car by force, who is to say what was next on her agenda. Had she committed another crime or ran someone over on her own you would say police dont do their jobs.
Keep it real says
I know right.. these people just like to blame.. No matter how it goes they’re never happy.. it’s part of the self entitled I got all the answers mentality going around.. educate yourself and then comment.
Alexis says
Great comment, Garth.
Tucker the Mother Trucker says
Sad people just bandwagon each other when it comes to either blaming cops or sucking cops off. Don’t even start to blame them for this. If the girl didn’t steal the car in the first place none of this would have happened, trying to put a twist on it like “well if the police did X then X wouldnt happen” is beyond ignorant.
Tim Scott says
At the end of the day it’s pretty easy to say “if there were no crime then the cops would never have to get off their seat at the station.” However, what they are paid to do is deal with crime, and do so in the best possible way. Generally speaking, high speed chases are recognized as less than the best possible way to deal with pretty much anything, unless you are making a movie. I can’t think of much of anything that’s more likely to end badly than panicking a criminal in a car.
Really says
So when cops get a call of a person with a gun they should not confront the criminal? Cause nothing would be worse than panicking a criminal with a gun. Cops are supposed to capture criminals and when the criminal has committed a violent crime you must pursue them in order to prevent further violent acts. If you actually research it you will find most police agencies have pretty restrictive pursuit policies. These policies are a result of years of chasing anything and everything. Now most agencies only chase drunks, violent felonies and stolen cars.
aManOfTruth says
And if police “back off” – then criminals will know they can jack people’s cars and get away with it because police will not pursue.
@Garth says
hey Garth! Why don’t you call the police and tell them how to do their jobs! Better yet, instead of complaining, get yourself into the academy and learn the ropes!
Diana says
This is my feeling as well behind police chases. If they follow the suspect at a safe speed and distances eventually he’s or she will need gas. Instead they pursue them aggressively putting everyone in their path at risk.
Leigha says
So apparently the cops are supposed to be able to tell the future and know if they persue a criminal (which is their job!!!) whether said criminal is going to injure someone else or not?! You’ve gotta be kidding me!
Assume responsibilities for ur own actions folks and stop blaming someone or something else!!!
Poncho says
The truth is, genetically defective people live in clusters, concentrated in palmdale, transported here by L.A County programs, Santa Clarita would not take them. These “defects” are multiplying,having babies, bringing more famly members, with the same genetic defect. The problem will get worst.
Beach pathlove says
Very true bro!! Very true.
Irena says
So what is this supposed “defect”? You know nothing about the teenage driver other then she carjacked a vehicle in Palmdale. It says nothing about her race, home etc. Stop spreading your hate and assumptions.
Steven says
…and neither do you. I just love how certain people are quick to jump on someone for “assuming” when they themselves know nothing about the suspect either. So let’s look at the FACTS. She’s a car thief, a reckless driver and now a murderer because her CRIMINAL acts cost an innocent person their life. So stop defending this lowlife. Unless you personally know the suspect, you’re just like everyone else… drawing assumptions.
Rebecca says
Exactly Irena, I’ve notice this Poncho character commenting on race on another news article, I guess he have more insight on the news article then others…My prayers and condolences to the innocent victims…
Carlene says
Never blame genetics alone. It is a combination of BOTH “nature” and “nurture” (genetics AND the quality of the environment in which humans develop) that dictates whether or not someone ends up a decent or horrible person.
aManOfTruth says
I agree Carlene – But I also think that when people do drugs and alcohol throughout their lives, it effects the quality of offspring they can produce, and when THAT offspring does the same thing and has kids, it just gets worse down the line and makes it less likely they will produce kids who are normal and decent humans. Although it has not been proven that has anything to do with this case.
Bree says
That’s not true my mom was an alcoholic made me choose a different path.. Not all stereotypes apply to everyone.
Desert Mom says
Santa Clarita is way over populated I wouldn’t want to live there and throw in the drug problem the families are going through with their teens, not a secret. If you dont like Palmdale you should consider moving.
Diana says
Good thing Santa Clarita didn’t take these low income rejects seeking better living conditions, lower rent, and better schools; because then they would be fighting heroine addition.
You Needtoopenyoureyes says
Here is a sad but perfect example of the scumbags up here in the AV!!!! I think its time the good people of the community run the TRASH OUT!!! Just like in Florida’s shooting- The people have had enough!! Go to your City Hall and demand change, demand the Trash be ran out!!! Whether’s its Lancaster or Palmdale, the AV area’s are now considered the Sh*t hole of SoCAL. And why? Because of the low-lifes, growing populace of homeless and trouble making, car jacking, people like this!! That poor family forever in sadness. Horrible! HEY MAYORS you are the Mayors of Trash City and a laughing stock to the other city & towns. Nothing to be proud about. Get over your ego and open your eyes
D says
I think san bernardino is still the top s@#$hole of california in latest survey
Poncho says
May the carjacking suspect burn in hell for all eternity and may her cries for forgiveness go unheard
God Speaks Truth says
Your stupid asf may you go to hell you have no right to say that only God can judge her actions and I hope you know that and BTW next time all you po claim to baby talking [removed] about someone else remember you guys only got one life just one and yeah who wouldn’t run the pursuit especially when you take a car the averge person wouldn’t stop no [removed] and so I would took of to because I wouldn’t want to go to jail but that’s the normal person maybe you w[removed] dont know that. How sad. And yeah she killed someone in the act but that was cause she was pressure by the cops accident happen all the time what can you do. You guys don’t know the full story on why she rob the car. You guys act like God but tell you what you guys ain’t God, let him decide what happen and my blessing go out to the family and that girl she too and she could lost her life because of a mistake or like I said you guys don’t know but at the end of the day all of you would appauld if she did die it shows how [removed] up you guys are in the head and how you all will never find that perfect life or love. God bless them all.
Cheryl Ross says
She took the car by force but I haven’t heard any reports on how the original victim is. Any updates on them? Are they okay?
Cheryl Ross says
She should be charged as an adult and her life ruined. She should follow her the rest of her life. I am sure their will be family and friends on here defending her tho. Sorry, no excuse and no one to blame but her for murdering an innocent person and destroying how many lives.
Alexis says
Heartbreaking! I also know that a carjacking that occurred on 47th Street East and the pursuit that ended “seconds later” on 10th Street West, took much longer than “seconds.”
Palmdale tg says
When the carjacked car was spotted by LEO, it was only a seconds pursuit before she crashed into a innocent family, hurt children and killed one, most likely the mother of those children! She ( the thief) is obviously not critical because she was transported to PRMC instead of a trauma center.
Laughing says
The article does not state when/where the officer spotted the vehicle. The suspect could have driven that far and then was seen and the chase began.
Still say a bullet through the radiator is safer than a pursuit.
aManOfTruth says
I hope they charge her as an adult – One family’s life is totally ruined now thanks to her.