LOS ANGELES – The filing period begins today for the June 5 primary election, with Rep. Steve Knight, R- Palmdale, expected to be the Los Angeles County elected official facing the toughest re-election challenge.
Seven Democrats have expressed interest in running against Knight in the 25th Congressional District, including attorney Bryan Caforio, who lost to Knight, 53.1 percent-46.9 percent in the 2016 general election.
Caforio announced his candidacy in May for the district that includes the Antelope and Santa Clarita Valleys, saying he was running “to give the people in this district a voice, to harness the unprecedented level of energy we have been witnessing, and to move this community in a direction that aligns with our values — not Donald Trump’s values.”
Knight’s campaign consultant Matt Rexroad told City News Service “the Knight campaign would be happy to see Mr. Caforio on the ballot again in 2018.”
“Congressman Knight has a lifetime commitment to this community that no amount of money from (House Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi and special interests can buy,” Rexroad said. “Congressman Knight will continue to work for the people of this community each and every day.”
Two other Democrats announced their candidacies earlier, Katie Hill, the executive director and deputy CEO of the homeless services nonprofit organization PATH, and Jess Phoenix, a geologist.
Other Democrats seeking the seat include Dr. Michael Masterman-Smith, a cancer biologist and pharmacologist, and immigration attorney Scott McVarish, who has said, “A vote for Scott McVarish for Congress is a vote to impeach Trump.”
On the county level, Sheriff Jim McDonnell and Assessor Jeffrey Prang are not expected to face tough opposition as they seek second terms.
The June 5 ballot will include primaries for governor, seven other statewide offices, four seats on the Board of Equalization, all of California’s 53 congressional seats, 20 of the 40 state Senate seats and all 80 seats in the Assembly.
The filing period will close March 9, but will be extended to March 14 for offices where no incumbent files, except for those where the incumbent cannot seek re-election because of term limits.
AdolphOliverMuff says
Steve Knight’s biggest accomplishment so far in life?
You tell me.
Kree says
Isnt Ledford being investigated for some Shady deals Timothy Scott me lord…liberals are the blindest sort lol and Im deplorable…wake up
Tim Scott says
IF (and that’s a big if) this “investigation” that Wrecks and company have launched ever comes up with charges that stick…then Ledford took some payoff from a company that BROUGHT PALMDALE A GREAT SCHOOL. Meanwhile, Wrecks and company corruption brought Lancaster a totally failed “law enforcement tool” and ten million dollars in taxpayer provided payback to his cronies. Then they brought Lancaster a big pot farm, licensed of course to his cronies. And who knows what all Wrecks has doled out at taxpayer expense in between?
Which sounds better to you?
Anon says
Rex also charged Raymond Lee Jennings with murder, Randy Floyd and Esmeralda Jorge with crimes, and accused Johnathan Evin of being a gang candidate. On all counts Rex was wrong. If Ledford is guilty, he would have done far less actual damage and taken far less money from the public coffers than the Parris, Visco, Gilley cabal, and actually left the community with something worthwhile. A school is far better than a redundant spy plane. But that’s still an if.
Mike says
Republicans are keeping silent while Trump hands over the next election to Putin, because they know it will benefit them. The have placed party over country. There may be some blindness involved, but it not with Liberals. While you revel in your deplorable fog, you might want to brush up on your Russian.
Mike says
Republicans remain silent while Trump is handing over our next election to Putin because they know it will benefit them. The have chosen party over Country. There may be some blindness here, but it’s not with Liberals. As you revel in your deplorable fog, you might want to brush up on your Russian.
Donald J. says
Knight lost me when he voted for the tax bill, sending more California money to subsidize red states. Which we’re already doing but now we’ll do it more.
Our taxes are high enough here in California to pay for California things. We don’t need to send more to Washington!
Tim Scott says
Just another demonstration that Knight puts party first. I dunno if his constituents even rank second with him, since “party first,” in his case is pretty much “party only.”
thriving says
I love the way Palmdale is thriving! Republican elected officials doing a great job! They could be Democrats doing a great job for Palmdale, but the elected officials are Republican. Just goes to show you, it’s the quality of these people, whether Republican or Democrat.
Ron says
Palmdale is thriving and will continue to thrive as long as they can keep Rex out he has his claws in the backs of both Republicans and Democrats in various areas. Follow the money and follow the actions of these Rex tools and vote their butts out.
RF says
Wait, his campaign consultant is named REXroad?
Tim Scott says
LOL…”that no amount of money from Nancy Pelosi can buy.” Of course not, since Knight is so deep in the pocket of the national Republican party that he probably has to stop and think to remember what state he is supposed to be representing. When Paul Ryan says “we need some Republicans who are willing to put party first and sell out their districts” Steve Knight doesn’t even jump to get in line…he’s the guy standing next to Ryan holding the clipboard.
stop complaining says
What is wrong with you, Tim Scott? Find something to do that’s positive in your community instead of your incessant complaining about everyone. You tear everything down.
Tim Scott says
Well, that’s just false. One of the things that has made me so unpopular in certain circles is that I refuse to go along with their “crime is running rampant” nonsense. I’m really unpopular with the Hofbauer sycophants because I think that Ledford has done a terrific job as mayor and that Palmdale has gone very far in the right direction in the past twenty years…and the thirty before that, for that matter. There’s a huge list of things I am very satisfied with.
Steve Knight licking the boots of the national party and selling out his district just isn’t one of them. Why should it be?
stop complaining says
You’re unpopular because you are a do nothing. All you do is post, post, post. you solve nothing because you never go anywhere to do anything to make positive changes. You’re not satisfied with anything, and there you go again trying to destroy an elected politician on nothing more than your twisted reality.
Stop complaining stop complaining says
Stop complaining stop complaining.
The names of the people who post are at the top of the comment so you don’t have to read them if you don’t like a particular username’s comments. Your complaint is more of the same and you don’t even know that.
Got it? Good.
AV supporter says
You should run for office you totally have my vote you’re a good man for standing up for what’s right and not putting up for the wrong no matter what people say on his board to discourage you I truly appreciate you speaking the truth
Tim's truth comes out says
He cant he has a felony. On government aid while living in Mexico. Thats why he can be on Av Times so much spreading his B.S.
Tim Scott says
LOL…well, as Hitler would say, “tell the colossal lie since no one would think that you would abuse the truth so infamously.”
Government aid while living in Mexico was a start, but you should have included something about incestuous pedophilia and terrorism, as long as you were just making up BS off the top of your head.
Tim Scott says
Then there’s this guy, who complains that I quoted Hitler while ignoring the fact that someone else was following the Hitler strategy that I was pointing out. Guess he doesn’t care what his “team mate” does.
Alby says
Hes an insult to the true AV supporters. He reminds me of someone that defecates in urinals and expects it to flush.
Tim Scott says
Actually, ‘Facts,’ ‘Stop Complaining,’ or whatever name Hofbauer has assigned you for the day, I’m as popular as I want to be. Most people like me, and slimy self promoters like Hofbauer don’t. I’m fine with that.
Make it stop says
Rex, Hofbauer, Knight, etc. each one worse than the next.
AV Supporter says
Hofbauer is the ultimate leg humper.
Alby says
And you would know plenty about that.