CAC East will offer artists a permanent place to live, create and thrive in the Antelope Valley. The apartment community features art-focused amenities, such as a ground-floor art gallery, digital art space, flexible art creation space, dance studio, art paseo and outdoor amphitheater.
To be considered for artist preference, applications must be postmarked by Feb. 28.
For an application or to learn more, call 800-801-8440, ext. 7206.
About CAC East
Located in the heart of Palmdale, CAC East is an affordable apartment community for individuals and families. The apartment community provides 81 apartments, including studios, one, two and three bedroom floorplans, for families and individuals earning 50 percent or less of the area median income. Rents will vary depending upon unit type and household size. Annual income limitations can range between $28,395 to $45,050, and monthly rents can range between $709 to $1,171. Artist preference will be given to portfolio-ed artists.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Kathy says
Wasn’t this originally marketed as specifically being for veterans? Nice bait&switch there, Palmdale!
This is the latest gimmick the state and county are using… build projects under the guise of them being “for veterans” so there’s no public outcry, then when they’re built, they suddenly become low-income housing projects with no veterans anywhere in sight.
Tim Scott says
If you think there are “no veterans anywhere in sight” I have to guess that your eyes are shut. Veterans are given preference in the CAC West building, as intended.
Les says
@Kathy- A quick search found that there is an “East” and “West”. . The west specifically states that it is veteran preferred.