Specific details about the case were not released, but according to a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department news release, Anthony Barretta used a firearm in the kidnapping and assault of the victim and should be considered armed and dangerous.
“The victim, who had previously been involved in a romantic relationship with the suspect, is safe. There are no other victims outstanding,” the sheriff’s news release states.
A $1 million warrant has been issued for Barretta’s arrest.
He is described as Hispanic, about 6-feet-2 inches tall, 235 pounds with brown hair and eyes. View the “Wanted” bulletin here.
Anyone with information regarding Barretta’s whereabouts should not approach him but instead call 911 or Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Detective K. Grijalva at 661-948-8466.
Voter says
Too bad Lancaster wastes $10 million on the piece a garbage Eye in the Sky. If that money was spent on more law enforcement, they would have more resources to capture bad people like this creep.
Where do the new candidates stand on LEAPS? I will vote for the two who will work to stop this obvious payoff to an insider and a complete waste of tax dollars.
Blizard W. says
My prayers that he is found and that no one else gets hurt. May the victim heal mentally and physically.1 King 8:32 “May you then hear from the heavens and act and judge your servants by pronouncing the wicked one guilty and bringing what he did on his own head…”
get help says
Domestic violence also includes name-calling, insults, and belittling, by calling that person (stupid). Telling someone they are worthless and that they should just go die. No doubt, the few people on here that use these ugly words are abusing those around them. It only escalates.
Kimberly K. says
I hope they find the large tub of lard, lock him up and starve his fat as s. That would would be some of his just desserts the creep has coming.
The only way that slob could get or keep anyone around is by kidnapping at gunpoint, beatings, and confinement. Too bad the car that jumped the curb- had rammed into him, instead of that unfortunate 17 year old girl.
Fiona says
It should of rammed in to this hoodrat that always walks through there and shes also fat and thinks shes hot
TBundy says
What I always want to know is these criminals are legal citizens or not.
The AV is a SH*&hole.
glad I moved.
Laughing says
Would it make a difference if they were tourists on a bad trip?
aManOfTruth says
You mean like if they did too much acid?
Gemini says