The city won the award for its Avenue S Widening Phase II Improvement Project.
The second phase of the Avenue S Widening project resulted in three vehicle lanes in each direction from 30th Street East to 45th Street East, which has significantly improved traffic flow during the busy morning and afternoon commutes.
The city also constructed a dedicated bikeway on the south side of Avenue S for the length of the project, making it much easier for cyclists to commute without competing for space with vehicle traffic. Other improvements include a new traffic signal at the intersection of Avenue S and 45th Street East, modifications to three existing traffic signals, drainage facilities, street lights, raised medians, landscaping, modified signing and striping, and other miscellaneous improvements.
“It is an honor for the city of Palmdale to be recognized by APWA for the Avenue S project which greatly enhanced a significant corridor and key entry into the City,” stated Interim Director of Public Works Lee Swain. “The city of Palmdale has been a leader in the Southern California region, having been recognized by APWA for dozens of notable city infrastructure projects over the last two decades.”
“I’m especially proud that Palmdale was the first public works agency in Los Angeles County to gain accreditation with APWA by demonstrating the use of best practices in public works management,” Swain added.
The purpose of the APWA is to advance the design, construction, maintenance, administration, and operation of public works facilities and services.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Driver says
The finished product is very nice. Same with the work done on Rancho Vista.
David says
Improvement was not done right and when we had the last rain, Ave S & 35th st all the way to 42nd st got flooded again. And was not finished on time as they promised.
BobM says
“American Public Works Association”
Bunch of tax eaters patting themselves on the back.
no news here