Ashley Hawkins was arrested after an incident that occurred Nov. 15 on the train tracks near the intersection of 6th Street East and Palmdale Boulevard, according to a news release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station. Around 3:15 p.m., the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station received a call for service regarding a woman and child sitting on the tracks.
“Detective Borits and Deputy Hegge arrived to the location and saw a child sitting on the train tracks. Meanwhile, the child’s mother was 20 yards away looking down on her cell phone,” the news release states.
The deputies guided Hawkins and her son to a safe distance away from the tracks, and then spoke to Hawkins about the incident, officials said in the news release.
“The mother told them that every day she has her child sit on the train tracks and as the train gets near she tells him to move out of the way as the train goes past,” the news release states.
“Detective Borits cautioned her on the dangers of ‘playing chicken’ with the train… the mother expressed no due regard for the safety of her child and continued to state it was okay because they did it every day,” the news release states.
Hawkins was arrested on suspicion of child endangerment, and her child was taken into protective custody, according to the news release.
“The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department encourages parents to educate their children on the dangers of walking and/or playing on train tracks,” sheriff’s officials said in the news release.
Hawkins is due in court Dec. 20, the sheriff’s department reported.
Debra Wright says
Before anyone ever makes comments shouldn’t you check into it because all those negative comments are not right and it was a DA reject and now this woman’s name Ashley is all over the news like a bad mother but that is not what happened and she’s a great mother check it out da reject
Debra Wright I put my whole name Deborah right and my email address I don't have a website though The Weather Channel website says
too bad I love you making those comments never really checked into it huh cuz that is not what happened cuz obviously it wouldn’t be a da reject I’ll get your facts right first cuz you all paying with that picture but very nice woman who is a good mother and that is not what happened so I don’t know what to say you do know that cops don’t always tell the truth look it up
Kimberly K. says
Ashley Hawkins is dangerously deranged and should never be allowed to see her 4 yr. old son again! All parental rights past present and future need to end. That crazed momster should have multiple felonious charges against her. Not only child endangerment, but attempted murder as well.
What a disgusting excuse for a so called “mother.” She should never had been allowed to breed.
SMH over the mentality of her callous disgusting disregard she has for her baby.
TC Taylor says
That whole scenario is just WRONG. Thank god sumone had the gumpshun to actually call it in. Who knows how many times sumone sees a child being mistreated and/or abused and just turns away from it thinking its really not their business or responsibility?! We have seen the results of these kind of actions. Let’s not turn away or ignore a child in peril. Children automatically accept parental abuse bcuz basically they dont know any better. Its terribly sad but true. I hope that 4yr old is in a good and loving home rite now or at least ends up in one where he doesn’t have to dodge trains to be considered a good boy.
Karen says
The mother is a lier…. just like my grandsons mother jaimee…. she needs arrested and taught a lesson. We have a huge problem people and her child needs taken away so he does not die like Gabrielle. This is a warning sign and unfortunately. Look at Gabrielle and this little boy… the mother is a l ier she’s not teaching him chicken she’s abusing him teaching him fear…. and that’s a fear tactic to keep her child from reporting the real abuse… If you tell I’ll make this train run you over…. My point is authorities have a chance to save that child please remove him from the mother as soon as possible. Save that child please before we read another Gabriel murder.
Karen says
After Gabrielle Fernandez being thrown in a cop car and warned he’ll go to jail if he does not stop lieing…. you owe it to this child to save him and to save all abused children…. children do not lie about abuse. Adults lie children don’t. How many innocent children need to die…. this was a fear tactic. Does she get a free welfare check? It’s seems a lot of children are born for the payday not love. Let’s sweep welfare take these abused children away from these evil humans who are just looking for a check.
Tax Payer says
You nailed it Karen it’s all about welfare check free housing and a boyfriend fresh out of jail. Don’t ack like Y’all don’t see this.
Patricia barco says
Patricia barco.I have seen so many children getting hurt from their Owen parents. This woman needs help. She is out of her mind!! Wow! What in the world it she thinking, she most me in same kind of medicine, a normal person will never do that. I adopted a child because the grandma use to burn him with cigarette when him was only 6 months old. Now he is mine. He s a such of wonderful smart and a happy boy. I been bless with him.
Karen says
My grandsons mother kept taking my grandson Nicholas to hotels and shooting heroin… she even sent my grandson to family with heroin needles in his diaper bag… I have a court file, proof, and she has a criminal record…. I went to sheriff about jaimee….and they treated me like a l ier. What’s wrong here? I have criminal records, proof, and more and Ladd came to my home and personally loaded her car with suitcases full of heroin… I said to the sheriff she’s a drug dealer and he the Lasd… said now’s not the time to talk lady…. and the only reason I kicked her out is because her family are heroin dealers… and I stay up out of fear that they will come retaliate against me. So my question is why are people told to shut up… stop lies… when they are the innocent why do cops side with the bad guys?
Tim Scott says
Generally speaking “bad guys” understand that cops operate under at least some connection to the law. Proof is for courts. I’m guessing that as an “innocent” you assume that you can just spew a hate filled rant about your grandson’s mother, pointing into the vague distance towards your cache of proof, and that the cop will then do whatever it is you think “needs to be done.” If you want to get something done follow the legal process, don’t just assume that a cop is some sort of thug for hire that somehow you have paid for in advance by estimating yourself as a ‘good guy.’
Sal says
Her son should not be returned to her custody. Who in their right mind will play chicken on train tracks with there 4 YEAR OLD child telling them “to move out of the way” when the train comes… No …something is wrong with her and her child should not be returned
aManOfTruth says
There goes her chance at Mother Of The Year.
Gloria says
I’ll take him in