PALMDALE – The city of Palmdale, which is in the process of acquiring almost 18,000 streetlights located throughout the City, is partnering with Sierra Display and Waste Management for a streetlight demonstration program to begin soon on City Ranch Road, the road leading to the Antelope Valley Landfill.
Waste Management donated the use of several streetlight poles on City Ranch Road, and Sierra Display loaned several colorful banners at no charge to the City.
Demonstration Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights will be installed within the next several weeks, and the banners will help visitors gauge how well they can distinguish colors and observe the illumination provided by the lights.
“We are evaluating several different LED lights which eventually will be used throughout the City,” stated Palmdale’s Interim Director of Public Works Lee Swain. “Once the demonstration lights are installed on City Ranch Road, we’ll ask local residents and businesses to go there and let us know what they think about the lighting. Since these LED streetlights will be installed citywide, we would like input from as many people as possible as part of the evaluation process.”
Banners and identification numbers have already been placed on the poles, and there will be a website and a text only phone number for comments. The demonstration start date will be announced soon.
“LED lights are very energy efficient and provide high quality light,” Swain added.
“We are grateful to Sierra Display for donating the banners and Waste Management for allowing us to use the streetlights for this demonstration,” stated City Manager James Purtee. “With their help, we’re going to make every effort to ensure that everyone is happy with the positive changes we’ll make with our streetlights, using less energy while providing a higher quality light.”
For more information about Palmdale’s streetlight program, contact Public Works at 661-267-5300.
(Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.)
Mr Roboto says
this thread sound like an episode of the “Playa Haters Club”…LOL
Eric says
We’ve had them in neighborhoods here in Lancaster for a few months here. They are noticeably brighter, yet not intrusively so. The real issue I have with them is purely based in nostalgia; the light isn’t orange. It doesn’t maintain that warm feeling we all had growing up with the orange lights.
Joe says
To heck with nostalgia we need brighter streets in our neighborhoods . Hopefully it will deter the scumbags running around at night defacing public and private property with their tagging and break ins.
Eric says
It won’t, it just provides better lighting for them to operate.
Laughing says
Exactly! The bright light just allows them to see which color they are holding without also holding the flashlight.
Criminals casing homes also love the extra light, because then they are not as obvious holding the flashlight.
Also makes it easier to run, you can see the dogs, who has spikes on the fence top, and what is nearby.
Light helps criminals, it does not hinder them.
Eric says
If you seriously believe light is a deterrent to the commission of a crime, I’ve got some ocean front property for you in Arizona.
Tim Scott says
Hey Eric…is that property well lit?