PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale is encouraging residents to attend a community meeting next week to provide feedback on relocating the basketball courts at Domenic Massari Park.
The meeting will last approximately one hour, and it will start at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20, at the Buena Vista School cafeteria, located at 37005 Hillcrest Drive in Palmdale. Light refreshments and child supervision will be provided.
“At a community meeting we held in November 2015 to discuss park safety, one of the overwhelming messages from residents was the desire to relocate the basketball courts in order for them to be more visible,” stated Palmdale’s Director of Recreation and Culture Keri Smith.
In response, the City hired landscape architects Withers & Sandgren to propose several options for relocating the basketball courts.
“These options will change the park’s layout,” Smith added, “and we would love your feedback as we move forward.”
For more information contact Palmdale’s recreation and culture office at 661-267-5611, Monday through Thursday, between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Yamilet B. says
Unfortunately I’m one of those that’s been a victim of crime in that park! I say just ban the basketball courts or relocate them by the fire department since it’s at plain view. But what would really stop them since we are living in the time where many are, “having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride.” (2 Tm. 3:3,4)
simple is Best says
Nothing but stereo typing and negative remarks. If you don’t have don’t have suggestions or positive outlook you have no business making such comments. People that can do, people that can’t just sit by and complain…
Cracrasoo says
What else do you expect from the Shane Foolcos, PoliticalMalpractices, and alexs of the world?
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Is that you, William? Anthony Weiner? Cher?
Alexis says
Too funny!
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
BTW William/Cracrasoo:
There’s only one unique PoliticalMalpractice in this world, but I’ll go away if you pay me.
Alexis says
I am completely flummoxed by the screen name “Cracrasoo.” Is that anything like “Covfefe?”
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Stereo typing?? Is that using two keyboards??
With all this PC blabber about stereotyping (one word) being negative, I think I’ll cease and desist doing it. Maybe I’ll start “monotyping”, which hopefully will be more personally offensive.
Toughen up, delicate snowflakes. And lighten up. Could be worse. Imagine if you had to face a drill sergeant, or Donald Trump.
No offense, lol.
Tim Scott says
We would all be better off if ANYONE had EVER had the opportunity to face Dingbat Don. If his family hadn’t sent him out into the world with a constant security detail to protect the silver spoons in his every orifice he would have learned that when your inane words get stuffed back down your throat they can drag your teeth with them. Talk about “delicate snowflakes.”
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Trump has one of the very few concealed carry permit in NYC. With his personality, he needed it. I, as a kid, wasn’t allowed to have a BB gun.
And you hurt my little feelings.
Tim Scott says
I hurt your feelings? I didn’t even say anything about you. How did I hurt your feelings? Maybe YOU are a delicate snowflake?
Anon says
Rex and his wife have two of the very few conceal carry permits in the AV. She tried to board a plane with a gun. He thinks bird sounds lower crime, that ‘the gays and Asians’ will lower crime on the BLVD, that a 10 story high Buddha statue will bring in Asian tourists, that hen you’re rich, you can be different — it’s called eccentric. When you’re poor and different, you’re weird and shunned, that an African American veteran is a ‘gang candidate’, and a lot of other bizarre things.
I do not feel safe with either of them having a concealed weapon.
Misquote AKA PoliticalPollution says
Tim: I was just being facetious. You know I have no feelings.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Usually I don’t comment on a subject of which I am totally ignorant, but then I wouldn’t comment at all.
So years ago I played a lot of tennis in Palmdale and Lancaster Parks. As the demographics of the Valley changed, people started defecating all over courts at McAdams Park, Desert Sands, ?? Reynolds in Lancaster, and on and on. Ruined a lot of Saturday mornings. Pretty gross. That’s an example of what I call destroying the quality of life in the community.
Tim Scott says
What feedback is there to give? The park was poorly designed initially, and literally everyone knows it. Maybe there’s some question about whether to spend the money to fix it, but that’s a financial question that the community doesn’t really have the information to answer.
Shane Falco says
It’s not the design of the park, Tim. It’s the lowlifes that are at the basketball courts all day, all night, selling drugs, fighting, shooting, stabbing….and a design doesn’t change the inhabitants.
Firefighters at the station next to the park have had their vehicles broken into, the bottom feeders at the park see the fire vehicles leave on a run and the fine citizens have tried to break into the fire station. The sheriffs department has had to have additional patrols JUST for that park.
It’s east palmdale so you know they type of people you’re dealing with, the ones at the courts (basketball/judicial) all day because a job gets in the way of all that crime to be committed…but hey, it’s the design…not the people. Right, Tim?
Tim Scott says
Way to avoid the topic of the article and vent your spite. What a hateful creature you are. Maybe if you go smoke a dubey you’ll mellow out.
Tim Scott says
Inside joke “alex.” Drop me a line and I’ll share it with you.
Lee says
Shane, like his heroes Rex and Hoffbauer, isn’t comfortable with people of color.
Shane Falco says
I mentioned the problems well documented by crime reports. I mention the crime and the criminals and it’s rather interesting that you…not me…knows it’s “people of color”.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Foolco, your disgusting prejudice has been displayed so often for so long that it’s a little late to try denying it now. Keep your nose in your own lily white gated community where your paranoia won’t make you crazy.
Lee says
Foolco, no one said people of color were committing any crimes. What was said that you and others weren’t comfortable with people of color.
You and your ilk are too easy to read.
No Racists says
Spoken like a true Lancaster racist. The ones at the courts. I have played at those courts.
Please stay in Lancaster with your like minded people. East Palmdale does not want or need your ilk.
alex says
I don’t know where you get your information. There are plenty of racists in the Antelope Valley,(Lancaster, Palmdale, Littlerock, and surrounding areas.) East Palmdale has racists too. Also, the work “ilk” is being overused, and so is the word racist.
Laughing says
Ignorant and prejudiced are better descriptors.
alex says
Oops…I meant “word.”
Heraldo says
There are always fights at the basketball courts. I stopped going to this park all together when they cut the park employees from monitoring the skate park. Fights and chaos ran rampant shortly after. However, there was always problems with the basketball courts. I witnessed girls gather on the courts and using the courts as a meeting place for fights. Men getting heated and fighting, and people just laying on the courts for no reason. This whole park needs supervision.
In the Know says
Me thinks Shane Falco and Heraldo may have the same house as they may be one and the same. Just saying.
JB says
I play there a lot. I haven’t seen any fights.
It's true says
There’s plenty of good people on the east side. Believe me I’d like to see all these jobless welfare living people out of here too. But what can we do?