The program introduces underrepresented middle school students to careers in health care.
The students listened as seven physicians spoke candidly about their fears, struggles, challenges, and obstacles they overcame to become successful in the medical field.
This event is part of a series of activities designed to help students visualize themselves preparing for medical school. The next activity, scheduled for Sept. 13, is a presentation on admissions and financial aid from counselors from Antelope Valley College, Antelope Valley Union High School District and University of Antelope Valley. Students will also observe a dissection, receive CPR training and tour Kaiser Permanente Antelope Valley Medical Offices in September and October.
On Nov. 1, students, parents, physicians, teachers and school officials will gather for a graduation ceremony to celebrate completion of the Hippocrates Circle experience.
Hippocrates Circle first took root 17 years ago in San Diego, when Kaiser Permanente physician Ricardo Sistos, MD, and his colleagues began mentoring 30 students.
[Information via press release from Kaiser Permanente Antelope Valley.]
2livecrew says
Future hypocrites of America!
Christian says
The latest, straight from the KP’s executive water bottle gossip circuit, with KP information technology now 99.9% Indian nationals, they’ve gone soft on sexual harassment. KP’s HR people with their hands full, sweeping it under the rug, they’ve got every law firm in Pasadena licking their chops, fishing for KP internals to spill the beans