PALMDALE – According to the 2017 ALADS (Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs) latest Leadership Assessment, Palmdale Sheriff’s Station Captain Dennis Kneer was ranked second overall, receiving an overall ranking of outstanding, with a score of 4.97 out of a possible 5.0.
The rankings were reported in the June 2017 edition of the ALADS Dispatch magazine. Out of the 34 captains rated, seven received an outstanding ranking, with Captain Jack W. Ewell of Special Enforcement Bureau leading the way with a perfect 5.0 score.
The report noted that Kneer’s deputies stated that he “supports, cares and treats all his deputies the same. Despite being understaffed, Captain Kneer has provided leadership with has resulted in the troops doing what needs to be done….He motivates his deputies to get things done …he cares about the troops…and wants to hear his deputies’ concerns and talk to them about how he can become a better captain.”
The categories upon which the captains were ranked included integrity, fairness, crime fighting, proactivity, accessibility, concern, character, leadership, management and accountability.
“This is one of the reasons why the Palmdale station is the most requested station in North County among the deputies: Dennis’ leadership, vision and ability to build positive working relationships with his staff, the city and the community,” stated Palmdale’s City Manager Jim Purtee.
ALADS was formed in 1970 by 10 deputies who joined together to collectively resolve a dispute. In 1976, ALADS was certified as the majority representative for Bargaining Unit 0611, comprised of non-supervisory peace officer employees of the county.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
American Made says
I guess upholding a Tradition of following/hassling Blacks is not working toward
decreasing crime.
I respectfully, believe it’s Fake news.
Crime is high all over due to Employers have found reasons to excluded many Workers
These workers commit Crimes to survive many have families/kids
also in retaliation for mistreatment/unfair practices being used against them which naturally makes them mad some joined Gangs for work.
Know one prefer Gang over a Good job…”one of the sadist people on earth is a Gang leader”.
The more unfair practices are applied the more Crime rises.
These people are Corralled in a place like Palmdale which makes the city
like a large jail cell. *my opinion–not interested in comments
Natasha says
What I’m concerned about is why an assistant principal who says stuff like “Oh well maybe your daughter shouldn’t have peed herself”!! As an answer to leaving her in school to get a rash is still part of the district & working with children!!! ?
Mrs. Sommers at Yucca Elementary School !!!!?
Karen says
Congratulations I am proud of our sheriff department! Thank you for serving to protect our community. Prayers for safety and continued positive success.
Tim Scott says
I’m not sure that being considered “among the best” by the rank and file deputies of the LASD is a huge positive.
Shane Falco says
We get it Tim, you hate cops. Cops arrest criminals and your people so they’re the enemy.
Bottom feeders have the misperception that somehow bad deputies are sent to the antelope valley for “freeway therapy” but deputies come to the AV to cut their teeth. Just a few hundred yards from the palmdale station begins some of the highest crime neighborhoods in LA county.
Most wanted criminals, high crime, absconded parolees, gang members and the worst of the worst call east palmdale home and the deputies enjoy working away from home and trying to make a difference for the remaining good people in the rest of palmdale.
Tim Scott says
You should probably focus your rants on someplace you actually know, since the sheriff’s station isn’t actually in East Palmdale. But, I’m gonna leave it at that since I think the suggestion to ease up on you does have merit. There’s nothing I can say that would make being trapped in you worse for you.
KEW says
Tim, I think the ” East Palmdale” reference was a knock on you, not the location of
the Palmdale station. Two different sentences. Just my two cents..
Tim Scott says
They were two sentences, but I thought the “few hundred yards from the palmdale station begins some of the highest crime neighborhoods” tied to the “wanted criminals, high crime, absconded parolees, gang members and the worst of the worst call east palmdale home” to imply that both sentences were about the same place. Of course, they are also both false, but that’s just Foolco being Foolco.
KEW says
Karen says
Is East Palmdale everything East of Division? There are criminals in every town. There are also good people in every town. I have family and friends in East Palmdale that I love and whom are hard working.
Tim Scott says
East Palmdale is generally considered to be the neighborhoods that developed along 47th Street East and along East Avenue S during the big boom of the 1980s, and Pearland, which was already there. Division more or less marks the boundary between West and Central.
Karen says
Thank you Tim for the answer. I never knew that. I have always found it to be ridiculous how people are judged by where they live out here. I was brutally attacked in Mission Viejo which is a very safe place it happened at 1 am knock on door and a huge knock down it happened so fast. I can never go to bed before 2 am if then…. die to the fear. I live in the country club and a few neighbors like to tease me in the middle of the night by tapping on my slider. So I panic cry and then they call the cops on me for crying…. I have spy cams and SIM cards of the punks. I’m thinking it’s time to sue. Trouble can happen any place. Anyway thanks again for the answer.
Tim Scott says
You’re welcome. I’m sorry that such a thing happened to you, and that people of such little compassion as to torment you exist. It is not remarkable to me that they would be living in the country club though. In my “lower class” neighborhood such behavior would be stopped, but privilege breeds arrogance rather than compassion.
AV resident says
Who cares what Tim Scott thinks, grateful for the men and women in LASD that protect us.
William says
@NoToTim & AV resident
Well, I guess that’s the last time you 2 will have to say that. Right?
I love when people unwittingly take self-correcting actions.
Mister Bean says
Tim Scott has no life. Do not tease him.
alex says
Tim Scott posts hateful comments using a fake name so he doesn’t have to accept responsibility for what he says. Over the years posting hate, such as wishing death or suicide on those with a different opinion. He also posts comments praising himself as the real deal, and a morally upright person.
Mr Bean says
You are mostly right about Tim, but his name is real.
Tim Scott says
ALEX! You crawled back out of the woodwork to talk about the only thing that seems to interest you: me.
Talk about having no life.
alex says
You’re daily routine is posting hate speech. I feel badly for you T.S. because all people that hate, like you, are very insecure people. You are the very definition of a coward. A person that expends their energy in hatred and bigotry toward others, using a fake name. You are the one doing the crawling.
Tim Scott says
LOL…whatever you say “alex,” or whatever screen name you hide behind next.
I figured out why you won’t meet…can’t get hundreds of torchbearing fellows to come to Palmdale to back you up. Guess you need to be more eloquent on Stormfront.
Tim Scott says
Just out of curiosity Mr Bean, how much time do you dump into searching for Tim Scotts that aren’t me? Wouldn’t it be easier to just send me an e-mail?
Of course, your ilk only shows its face when it can gather from across dozens of states for a torch march. Otherwise you hide in your holes.
Fact Checker says
Fun Fact…. When was the last time rank and file deputies ever got to vote for this or any political endorsement. Answer: They don’t and they never have. That is all controlled by the same Fern Street Mafia and always has been. Now I love all law enforcement but the ALADS leadership has always spoke for the deputies with the blessings from Lancaster City Hall and there never has been a vote. Check it out for yourself.
Les says
Capt. Kneer oversees the Palmdale station so I’m not quite sure what Lancaster has to do with this..