Supervisor Hilda Solis championed the move, asking her colleagues to send a letter to the county’s congressional delegation, Senate and House leaders and President Donald Trump in support of the DREAM Act of 2017.
“For many years, the DACA program has brought hope and security for thousands of young people throughout the nation,” Solis said of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program introduced during the Obama administration. “We can never forget about our DREAMers who have proven their ability to make significant and positive impacts on the county of Los Angeles and every community throughout the country.”
The DREAM Act of 2017 — sponsored by Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, and Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina — would allow more than 1 million young people who came to the U.S. before they turned 18, often known as “Dreamers,” to gain legal status. Applicants must be longtime residents with a high school diploma or GED certificate or working toward those goals and meet other eligibility requirements.
The proposed legislation would go beyond DACA to offer a path to permanent legal residency and citizenship and would allow applicants to gain that right through either higher education or work experience.
“Our immigrant communities are working day in and day out to succeed in this country. Programs such as DACA truly help our young immigrants continue to provide support to their parents and the idea that brought them to believe in the `American Dream,”‘ said Alessandro Negrete of the Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council.
The Trump administration has allowed the DACA program to remain in effect for the time being, despite campaign promises to revoke it.
Republican state officials have threatened to challenge DACA in court if it is not rescinded by Sept. 5.
Then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, now Trump’s chief of staff, told members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in July that it might not survive that challenge, the Washington Post reported.
The DREAM Act legislation would provide a long-term solution.
At a July 20 news conference to introduce the bill, Graham said he hoped to persuade the president to protect immigrants who were brought to America as children.
“President Trump, as you fix a broken immigration system, remember that you have the power to fix lives as well. Use that power,” Graham said.
An April survey by Morning Consult and Politico found that 78 percent of registered voters believe “Dreamers” should be allowed to stay in the country. Of those who voted for Trump, 73 percent agreed.
Get more information on the DREAM Act of 2017 [Senate bill 1615] here.
Marty says
… to the hoodlums, the punks, the illegals and the gang-bangers, it’s with opened arms and a opened wallet the Sanctuary City of Mexifornia welcomes you. Different law for different people, but for you, anything goes –
Tim Scott says
When Trumpanzees from the Midwest say ridiculous things like this I can give them the benefit of the doubt that they just don’t know any better. Are you posting on the AVTimes just because your podunk Midwestern town bores you to distraction, or are you a local that is actually this out of touch with reality?
ACTON ranger says
libturdzees posts and replies are making my day, that’s how funny they are, way better than circus.
To tim fool says
it looks obvious at Tim’s is one of those ignorant Hillary supporters they can’t get over the loss.
nothing but a pedophile a long with bill.
so what does that make you tim just ignorant FOOL. Hides behind
the laptop
Rutler says
As opposed to the Trump supporters at the Antelope Valley Voice and on Fern street? I have to side with Tim on this.
Jamie says
Nobody has the right to be here illegally !
Tim Scott says
And nobody deserves to be treated like a mass murderer because they committed a misdemeanor decades ago without even knowing about it. Frankly other than Trumpanzees no one really cares about these “criminals.”
Tim Scott says
Well, as always it’s pretty easy to get me out from behind my computer. I won’t bother posting my contact information again, since I just did it yesterday.
As to this nonsense about “but the taxes could help others,” let’s face facts, that isn’t what the Trumpanzee nationalists are about. You guys are about thinking that YOU deserve some sort of privilege, not “helping” anyone.
ACTON ranger says
Crossing border illegally isn’t a misdemeanor, but a federal crime, get it right libturdzee! Educate yourself.
Tim Scott says
LOL…are you implying that federal law doesn’t include misdemeanors?
Before you start telling people to educate themselves, look in a mirror.
Then look at 8 US Code section 1325. If you find the word “felony” in there take a picture.
Aunt Shanice says
I found words : “shall be imprisoned “. Thats good enough.
Sec. 275. [8 U.S.C. 1325]
(a) Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or b oth, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
Tim Scott says
LOL…okay, so we have someone who thinks that you can’t be imprisoned for a misdemeanor defending someone who thinks that there are no misdemeanors in federal law.
I love being dogpiled by clueless people.
Strike up the band for ONE more time.
Illegal entry is a misdemeanor violation of federal law.
Laughing says
Civil first
Then misdemeanor
Then felony
Tim Scott says
There ya go dogpilers. One of your own nutty right wing organizations could have told you you were wrong.
Huh says
Penalty for mass murder in cali-25 to life
Penalty for being her illegally-deportation.
Not the same.