LANCASTER — Family members and loved ones are holding a community vigil Wednesday evening for Lonzel Monjae Francisco, the 14-year-old Lancaster resident who died early Sunday morning after an ATV accident during a night ride in San Bernardino.
The vigil will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 26, at the Marie Kerr Park Practice Field, located at 39700 30th Street West in Palmdale.
This is the second vigil for the popular Lancaster teen, who recently graduated from Amargosa Creek Middle School and was a defensive lineman for Highland Youth Football’s “Highland Bulldogs.”
“Lonzel was an outstanding athlete and student that genuinely cared for everyone. He touched so many people in a positive way,” said Highland Youth Football Coach Byron Devers. “As a community we are devastated by this loss and will miss him dearly.”
Lonzel’s teammates will wear their “Bulldogs” jerseys to the vigil Wednesday, and attendees are encouraged to wear “Bulldogs” gear, as well, organizers said. Marie Kerr Park is the site where the team practiced.
The first vigil, an impromptu event the day after Lonzel’s death, was extremely well attended. Residents of all ages packed Journey Church in Lancaster, and many told heartwarming stories about how Lonzel impacted their lives, said family friend Pearl Devers.
“Lonzel was some special kind of kid,” Pearl Devers said. “Most people thought he was special only to them, but this first vigil turn-out has proven quite the contrary.”
Funeral arrangements and other services for Lonzel are still pending.
Donations to the Francisco family can be made to: PO Box 1993, Lancaster, CA 93539 or through PayPal at lorie.francisco@ymail.com.
View a flyer for Wednesday’s vigil below.
Kaya D says
That’s was ma brother man R.I.P. bro #58 ballin for Lonzel
Andra Kai Shaw says
I am Rochella’s Mom and wanted to reach out and express my most sincere condolences for the loss of your precious son. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Andra Kai Shaw
Irene says
My daughter and son, Anthony and Taylor Giorgio used to ride with your son. So sorry for your loss.
Anceo Francisco says
Thank you for your kind words. Yes I remember those days of racing. In fact, Taylor attended to Lonzel during a couple of his MX accidents. One resulted in a broken collarbone and another required about six stitches above his eye. She is such a sweetheart.
Could you please have Taylor contact me?
And I want to say Thank you again Irene.
Anceo Francisco,Jr
Anthony Sheridan says
Loved him like my own son. He was a loving beautiful young man. Raised by a great mom and awesome dad. Loved by all to say the least. I’ll miss watching him do his thing on the football field. My prayer for out to all family and friends. We all will miss him dearly. My son plans to where his number 58 on his football jersey showing him much respect as deserved. Love you Lonzel. Rest in peace my bubby !!!
Anceo Francisco says
Thank you Anthony. And mannnnn, tell lil Sheridan I’m thank you for his #58 tribute to my son Lonzel.
Please contact me Anthony.
Anceo Francisco, Jr
Nathan Jackson #777 says
I will always have my friend Lonzel in my heart and he will never be forgotten. If I race at LACR Mx race way in Palmdale on Sunday …Its for you Lonzel Francisco #199 .
Anceo Francisco says
Thank you Nate!!!! Way to represent. Love you for that!!! And we will always have you as our friend as well.
Please stay in touch.
Brandon says
My nephew was good friends with lonzel and deeply impacted by his death… my condolences to his family in this tough time.. May God wrap his hands around the many affected by this ordeal
Anceo francisco says
Thank you Bradon for your kind words. Please tell your nephew to feel free to contact me. We can help each other during these tragic times.
Please reach out to me.
Anceo Francisco
Jalina Martinez says
Everyone that knew him were impacted dearly. He was an amazing kid and truly was something special. I loved the kid so much and every time we talked about football. Lonzel loved football so much and was going to get so far in it. I am staying strong not only myself but him as well. Lonzel hated to see people sad he always was trying to cheer someone up no matter good or bad terms. He was loved by everyone and this is truly a heartbreaking accident. I am keeping the Francisco family in my prayers and hoping they stay strong through these harsh times. In loving memory of Lonzel Monjae. Francisco, we miss you kid !
Anceo says
Thank you so much. Your heartfelt comments are true and well.appreciated.
Anceo Francisco