Eduardo Medrano Jr. turned himself in about 6 p.m. Friday, July 21, at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lancaster Station, according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
The two-vehicle crash occurred just after midnight Tuesday, July 18, at 20th Street East and Lancaster Boulevard.
Emily Tovar Echeverria of Lancaster, a passenger in one of the vehicles, suffered critical injuries in the collision and was airlifted to a hospital, according to Deputy Yeni Deciga of the Lancaster Station.
She died surrounded by family members on Thursday, July 20, coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter said.
Both vehicles were disabled in the crash, but according to the sheriff’s department, the suspect was driven away from the scene in a gold or tan Infiniti four-door sedan, the license plate number of which was broadcast by the sheriff’s department along with a photo of Medrano as authorities stepped up their search for him on Friday.
Medrano had been “positively identified by multiple witnesses and (was) seen fleeing the scene,” according to a sheriff’s department statement.
Investigators had also been seeking the driver of the Infiniti as a “person of interest” in the case, according to the sheriff’s statement, but it’s unclear if that individual has been identified and located.
Medrano was booked at the Lancaster Station on suspicion of felony hit and run, according to the sheriff’s news release, which said his bail was set at $250,000.
“We want to thank the public for their help in locating the suspect and convincing him to turn himself into authorities,” the news release states.
An online fundraiser has been set up to help Emily’s mother with funeral costs. To donate to this effort, visit:
Previous related stories:
Girl dies after Lancaster hit-and-run crash, suspect still sought
Suspect sought in Lancaster hit-and-run
sad man says
He is a douche bag that drove drunk and now a little girl is dead . He deserves everything he gets and to burn in hell .
Shyanne says
Omg stop fighting look at this little girl’s pretty face RIP Beautiful and as for Him he will suffer without us talking [removed]
Cali cali says
Well said
poncho says
many latinos maintain a chro·mo·some which was inherited from the native american which causes an addiction to alcohol
Oiler says
hey, is a mistake, ese. Thee muchacho, he was aiming for thee gringo. But, he miss. He drink too much cervesa. He hits thee chica, by mistake.
JD Tinkham says
The only thing that matters is a family lost their 11yr old little girl and a man made a stupid stupid choice that led to this child being ripped from her family. This affects 2 families, the family who is heartbroken and can’t figure out how or why this happened and a family who can’t figure out how their loved one could make such a tragic choice that took a child from another family. I hope and pray none of you ever have to experience either ones of these. My heart goes out to this little girls family. I can’t imagine the heartbreak you are going through even though I lost a beloved niece when she was 8 to a drunk driver. All she did was wait for the light to turn green before crossing in the crosswalk to the store……
Jonathon says
… heaven only knows by now just how many people this hit-‘n-run Mexican ran down, or killed. Good bet it’s probably 4 to 12 deaths he’s racked up, by the time the muchacho finally got caught –
Tim Scott says
For your wild guess to be accurate he would have to have done every unsolved fatal hit and run in the valley for the past year or so. That seems pretty unlikely, don’t you think?
Oh, wait, you probably just thought it sounded good and racist so facts wouldn’t matter, right?
Racist says
How do you know he’s Mexican? I’m guessing you are a white German Nazis.
Rose says
Prayers for the family of the 11 year old girl, my heart breaks for the their loss.
R.J.L says
Hey pendejos, it has nothing to do with being a Mexican or rather Latino!! This is a tragic and unfortunate incident. My deepest sympathy goes out to the child’s parents. To the idiot whose comment referred to ” alien ” , you are an ignorant fool ! You must be a white man with no culture or an education. Probably live in a trailer park. I’m a white Latino and proud of it, I thank God for giving me culture.
puncho says
we must wake up and smell the coffee. l.a. times reports that alcoholism is on the increased amongst latinos and until we acknowledge this we will continue to drink and kill. just say no to the beer
David Glazer says
Another victim of an illegal alien. Oh well…..
luis says
I am ashamed of being Mexican.
You're a clown says
No you’re not you’re just some clown pretending to be Mexican. Clown.
Amanda says
Not all people are mexican drinking and driveing u should watch the new more often then to just Be accusing people u know nothing about you should keep your comment to your self then to be so disrespectful ..yes This is vary sad news and I’m sorry for the family and my prayers go out to them we all just need to be more safe out there on the road and think about what we do before we get into are vehicle
Liz says
Why do u assume he is an illegal alien? Do u know? Do u have proof? Or the simple fact that hebis hispanic makes him one? You are by far IGNORANT an an IDIOT to say the least!.
Bob says
News events should state if the person is here illegally as it would sway public opinion. Instead the don’t print all the facts in an effort to sway public opinion in the other direction.
Rego says
Thats because we get the fake liberal version of the news. A liittle girl died but the liberals like to hide the facts and truth.
You're a clown says
He’s a citizen now stfu
Rego says
Tell that to the little girl’s family
You're a clown says
Where do cowards like you hide in the AV ? Seriously ive never met any ignorant clowns like you before. You probably just hide behind the keyboard 24/7.
poncho says
you are right