‘Readers Speak Out!’ allows you to voice your opinions on local or national issues not been covered by The AV Times.
We only ask that you refrain from using obscenities or racial slurs, from engaging in personal attacks on other commenters (name-calling), and from knowingly posting false information.
Additionally, comments made solely to point out someone’s grammar or spelling errors will be removed, and so will blanket condemnations of entire races, ethnicities, religious groups, etc.
Read what others have to say or post a comment of your own.
Let your voice be heard… Speak out!
RayRay says
If you want to see a wealthy megalomaniac who is totally obsessed with someone who has a fraction of his wealth, check this video.
The fun starts around 8 minutes and then the meglomanic loses it.
You have to wonder what law school would turn out an attorney who cannot grasp the American legal concept of innocent until proven guilty.
The law school is probably not responsible for his obsession, but how anyone can practice law without understanding our system of law is astounding.
Alexis says
To Glenn, George, guy from Idaho, PoliticalMalpractice, Shane Falco, and everyone else; I am hoping for wonderful, peaceful times ahead.
Glenn says
I am hopful for peaceful times as well but there are certain people on this site who will never let that happen and will always be confrontational no matter what the circumstances are if your opinion is different than theirs.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all
Fool for Foolco says
I wish they would hook up with Rex and move to Laguna and stay there. The AV would be a better place. Although Foolco, like Rex, doesn’t live here.
GOD says
Yeah, it’s ME.
What are you folks fussing about? It’s the Holidays.
Go enjoy yourselves and the horses you rode up on.
Alexis says
I was mistaken. 2016 election turnout in Lancaster (11.2%) not (14%). 2016 election turnout in Palmdale (66.85%). I am going to respect the elected. The voters came out in record numbers to elect their choice of who the leaders would be to represent them. A.V. Empowerment stats.
Tim Scott says
So, Dingbat Don had five families visit the White House and gush about the tax bill. The one I happened to hear had submitted their info for examination and D’ump, playing the role of game show host, excitedly informed them that they had won SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. The proud winner informed us all that he planned to use this fifty dollar a month windfall to REMODEL THEIR HOUSE. Apparently D’ump’s reality disassociation disease spreads rapidly upon exposure.
I’m hoping that someone splices in Ivanka finding out that the Trump family is winning TWO BILLION DOLLARS and telling us her plans for that.
Palmdale resident says
Ludicrously contrived words like (dingbat Don) or (D’ump), don’t even work on the most basic level.
Tim Scott says
Really? The most basic level? You are suggesting that people don’t know who I might be talking about?
Laughing says
How about The Repugnant in Charge?
Deplorable Donnie?
It is easy to tell when he is lying, his mouth is moving.
Tim Scott says
The amusing question I’d love to see answered by Palmdale Resident…
How did you respond when your conservative friends were talking about “obummer” or whatever their preferred little wordplay names were at the time? Were you so indignant then?
Palmdale resident says
I’m a Democrat, Tim. Many of us don’t use wordplay names.
Palmdale resident says
The amusing question I’d love to see answered by Tim Scott…Did you cross party lines to vote for James Ledford? James Ledford is a conservative. So whether a person is a conservative or a liberal, wordplay names only shows a lack of maturity. Did you know that there are conservative Democrats? Did you know that there are liberal Republicans? It isn’t as narrow minded as some people see things.
Tim Scott says
Yes I vote for Ledford. I actually didn’t have any problem with Republicans until they collectively lost their minds.
Notice that I’m willing to answer your questions even though you don’t answer mine.
Palmdale resident says
President Trump is the liar in charge right now. If Hillary Clinton was elected, she would have been the liar in charge. Of course we know that each President, from 1 to 45, has been a liar in charge. Lying is the number one moral problem in this world.
Liar Pants on Fire says
Lying is Rex’s native tongue.
Tim Scott says
Bold words from the lying sack that spewed all those whoppers last week. Or are you a different “Palmdale Resident”?
Palmdale resident says
I did answer your question, Tim. You assumed I was a Republican and I am not. Democrats such as yourself have collectively lost your minds by your constant partisan rants. Which by the way, you accuse others of doing (hypocrite). And no, Tim, you are the liar by denying your actions. Like Trump does all the time.
Tim Scott says
LOL…to have any credibility you need to answer the questions I asked at the time? WHO is this person I was “abusing” at two o’clock last Monday? WHERE was I? HOW do you know where I was? Or did you just make that up, whole cloth, because you are a lying sack of excrement and don’t care that you got caught?
Please, provide any supporting details to your whopper story, or feel free to retract it, scumbag.
Palmdale resident says
Boy did you take what I said and twist it beyond recognition. I said at 2:00 P.M. you were making someone’s life miserable, because that’s what you do on here consistently. As far as harassing fast food workers, well, that was a literal statement. It’s one thing to complain about not getting the service you think you deserve, but to keep going back to harass and intimidate youngsters making minimum wage because once wasn’t enough for you. That says a lot about your hateful ways. It’s a burger place, Tim.
Palmdale resident says
Wow, you have no idea what you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter what time it is really, because you will be abusing someone here.
Palmdale resident says
Credibility! That’s rich coming from you. You have no problem maligning the politicians in Palmdale, let alone many of the commenters, without proof! Self-centered fake. Giving yourself the right to malign others, but how dare anyone malign you. You want proof when it comes to you, but do don’t believe that applies to others.
Tim Scott says
You claimed to know where I was…now you say I was “wherever.” You lied. Period. Scumbag.
Palmdale resident says
At 2:00 P.M, any day, any month, any year, you are making someone miserable. That’s the truth; live with it and move on. LOL, scumbag.
Tim Scott says
As long as the someone is you.
But back at how you “knew where I was”…once again, review your libelous lying posts and get back to me.
Does it hurt you to get caught in a bald faced lie, or are you just used to it? Makes me wonder if maybe you are Steve Hofbauer.
Fred says
Hey Tim Scott,
It must suck being a liberal sore loser dingbat such as yourself. Perhaps you should go find a country you will be more comfortable in such as Mexico.Might even be able to talk that idiot Moonbeam in joining you.
Save the Planet Wisely says
Outstanding article on the impact of, among things, the solar farms in the Antelope Valley.
Of course the leading proponent of solar farms lives in a beach house in Laguna, so he could care less about the impacts of Valley Fever, dirt pollution, visual pollution, future disposal impacts, loss of open space, loss of rural lifestyle, etc.
Enjoy the read:
Tim Scott says
Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Apparently there ARE lines that even Republicans won’t cross to put their party first. Who would have guessed?
Alexis says
No man or woman should be above the law! Glad to see Roy Moore didn’t get elected. Too bad people have to cross party lines to take care of a moral problem. This has been going on for a very long time. Most people that call themselves Democrats are more likely to minimize reprehensible sexual immorality. The only reason Frankel was called to resign by his own party was because they want people to buy into their moral superiority so they will get the votes. Both parties are corrupt all the way through. Notice how one party will always maximize a moral problem when it comes to the other party, and minimize their own.
Alexis says
Oops, Franken.
Just wondering says
Your posts are intelligent and very well written. Please keep up the good work Alexis: so it doesn’t appear; as if the valley is completely made up of buffoons & bullies.
Tim Scott says
Palmdale resident says
December 12, 2017 at 7:11 am
“At 2:00 P.M. you were verbally abusing someone. You don’t DO anything but call people names; pointing that very long finger at others, because you have appointed yourself the moral compass for everyone. Loose the “LOL”, Tim Scott, and point that finger back at yourself. I know that when you walk in your shoes you are making someone miserable. Case in point, Tim; harassing the workers at a fast food place because they didn’t treat you like the king that you think you are. You actually went down there three times to make their lives miserable. Once wasn’t enough for you.”
What in the WORLD are you babbling about here? If you want to spew this kind of made up slanderous BS come say it to my face, you lying sack of excrement.
T. Tex Harris says
It was a hot time in the old town this weekend!!! While the commoners were mingling on the BLVD we were living large on the deck overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. Pandhandlers be dammed!!! I think my egg nog was over spiked but what the heck, it’s the holidays.
See you on Fern Street on Tuesday, baby!!!
Tim Scott says
The latest released job numbers are blasting through the right wing echo chamber like gangbusters. They are portrayed more or less the same everywhere I looked, but a good example comes from Breitbart, where they run under the headline BOOM: Economy Adds 228,000 Jobs. The number is more or less official. It is the Bureau of Labor Statistics preliminary figure for November. Final numbers won’t be out for a couple months, but no one wants to nitpick about that.
What is worth noting, and conspicuously absent from the right wing echo chamber coverage, is that if you go to the source you will find that this 228,000 number ranks fourth among the last five Novembers. If you check the “1.7 million so far” (Feb-Nov) being touted on the ‘Trump Scoreboard’ you will find that it is the weakest for the Feb-Nov period since at least 2013, where I got tired of doing the math.
So we have a FACT: 228,000 jobs added, that is being presented as evidence of a completely false claim.
Should there be anything done about this? If so, what?
George says
Nobody tells it completely true. When the previous guy was in office, they used to cite rapidly dropping unemployment rates, except a lot of that was due to expiring benefits for those on unemployment until it ended for them. Still unemployed, but no longer counted.
To be honest….I am not sure who to believe anymore. News is more propaganda than news now, no matter what network or channel you watch. You can gather all the numbers you want, but when the sources of those numbers can’t be believed anymore, or they all spin statistics to a particular direction it all becomes garbage. Anyone who knows how to calculate statistics can tell you, it is all in the way you figure and present them.
Tim Scott says
Except that the Bureau of Labor Statistics hasn’t changed how they do the calculating. The job creation numbers that the right wing echo chamber used to call “anemic” were calculated exactly the same way as the current smaller numbers that the same right wing echo chamber now calls a “boom.” You can look at the numbers themselves and verify that.
So it isn’t in “the way you figure” them, it is purely in the way the right wing media presents them. Unfortunately, their consistency and complete disregard for any sort of ethics has created a large segment of the population that believes their various fictions.
George says
Like I said before, it does not matter who is in office, each has their propaganda machine in operation. The right and left are equally misrepresenting.
The numbers I would look at are from a governmental site most likely, which leads me back to you really can’t believe anything they are spewing out these days.
Now you can go back to your Nancy fundraiser. I am sure Chuck appreciates you helping his girlfriend.
Tim Scott says
The numbers do come from a government site. What did you think the Bureau of Labor Statistics was?
How about thinking before you go on a partisan rant next time?
George says
I said…the numbers I WOULD LOOK AT would MOST LIKELY be from a governmental site. I did not comment on where you find your information.
MY point, which you obviously missed while holding a picture of Nancy with only one hand…..You have to be pretty skeptical of any statistics put out by the government. They will spin it whichever the way the wind blows that day.
I really don’t see that as a partisan rant.
I did however mention a comment toward you and your affiliation with a segment of the corruption. Now you can go back to stealing peoples Christmas light bulbs Grinch. Or, you can call me a bunch of schoolyard names like is your norm.
disgusted says
Tim, you need to go back and read your own comments. No one goes on partisan rants, ad nauseam like you. There used to be civil discourse here before you came on the scene.
William says
Hey, disgusted.
I resent that.
I thought I was the #1 partisan here.
There can’t be 2 of us.
I guess I’ll leave.
MST3K says
So glad to see the positive in you, William! Keep up the good work! You inspire me to do more self examining each day.
William says
The Three great mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself. — India Proverb
Alexis says
George, you nailed it! It isn’t the numbers that lie, it is the corrupted people that present the numbers to suit their own agenda. There is no such thing as an unbiased party, so depending on what party you belong to, that is the party you align with consistently. All parties are soulless echo chambers of falsehood.
George says
Yup, I have pretty much quit watching or listening news unless it is to find out the weather. Even the sports segment anymore is a political propaganda spewing moment.
Tim Scott says
Good idea George…there are no facts, so you just get to make up stupid stuff and go with that, right?
George says
So you think I just make stuff up because I don’t believe the news…..there are other ways to discover America you troll.
Good Samaritans says
A big thank you to all the kind hearted people who are helping the homeless with food and clothing especially now that the weather has turned cold. There are lots of homeless off the BLVD at Boeing Plaza who appreciate the help.
Katie says
Like the one I saw drop her pants and urinate for all of us sitting at the intersection to see? That corner is an absolute eyesore now! Continuing to give them handouts does nothing but perpetuate the problem. There is help and permanent options available to almost all of them but they come with rules that must be followed and that turns them off.
Not a Crony says
The wisdom of our city leaders created this mess. Putting all the social services in and around what is supposed to be our precious downtown is moronic. That’s what happens when you continue a tradition of cronyism and make sure your political buddies get their buildings rented out to government agencies.
The idea of a BLVD was wonderful. The execution of it and the surrounding area is a miserable failure.
This lies solely at the feet of our city leaders and their obsession with cronyism.
Randy says
Who in their right mind would put all the social services next to what was supposed to be an arts and entertainment area? It’s so bad that even the mayor’s wife refuses to go there. Epic failure.
Tim Scott says
Just out of curiosity, if you are ever denied access to bathrooms do you plan to just hold it ’til you pop?
Alexis says
There are plenty of places in the city that the homeless have access to so they can relieve themselves. Some choose not to use those places, mostly men. The camps are different; those places need porta potties and washing stations for health reasons.
Katie says
No, but at the very least I would find some way to conceal myself from the public’s view.
Are you now advocating for people to just pop a squat whenever and wherever the need arises, Tim Scott?
Tim Scott says
Nope. I was just wondering about shoes. You know, those things people should walk a mile in.
Palmdale resident says
Tim Scott, you do nothing but troll other commenters. Your shoes haven’t done any walking; your too busy checking everyone on what you think they should be doing. Why don’t you start doing, instead of always being a chatty Cathy.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so, you have some way to keep track of my shoes? Do tell, how does that work?
Please, do me a favor and post where I was at two this afternoon as verification for me.
Oh, what, you have no way of having a freakin’ clue where I was, or what I was doing? Why didn’t you just say so.
Palmdale resident says
At 2:00 P.M. you were verbally abusing someone. You don’t DO anything but call people names; pointing that very long finger at others, because you have appointed yourself the moral compass for everyone. Loose the “LOL”, Tim Scott, and point that finger back at yourself. I know that when you walk in your shoes you are making someone miserable. Case in point, Tim; harassing the workers at a fast food place because they didn’t treat you like the king that you think you are. You actually went down there three times to make their lives miserable. Once wasn’t enough for you.
Palmdalian says
I do not agree with a lot of what Tim Scott says. However, Tim Scott exposes the truth about the Fern Street Mafia and its attempts to infiltrate and absorb neighboring Palmdale.
For that alone I tip my cap. Thank you for your tireless efforts in protecting Palmdale from the scourge of Rex.
Alexis says
It’s ALL about due process, Palmdalian. So if he has the evidence to prove that the Fern Street Mafia is attempting to infiltrate and absorb neighboring Palmdale, then he needs to bring it forth as facts for all to see in Palmdale. What are his tireless efforts? Where are the facts to present? You can’t just comment with nothing to back it up, when you want to expose corruption. It’s all about due process. Innocent until proven guilty.
Palmdalian says
Alexis, give me a break. I didn’t just fall off the Calandri Sonrise Farms onion truck.
The Fern Street Mafia donated money to Palmdale candidates. One of them was complaining about how much it costs him.
They ran two candidates against Martinez. One was their hand picked boy Bishop. The other was a Hispanic employee of the R. Rex Parris law firm. The game plan was to dilute the Hispanic vote. It worked.
Parris, Mercy, Crist, and Hall are behind the Ledford smear campaign. They are using Hofbauer and promising him the mayor’s seat. They will dump Hofbauer as soon as they can and insert Loa.
They are pushing tax sharing and trying to sell their shady power company. Go ask any one of them on the Lancaster City Council.
The Fern Street Mafia has been trying to infiltrate Palmdale for years. Remember the smear campaign against John Mayfield? Do you recall the Sorsabal debacle? Carney? Norris?
Are you new to town?
You want evidence? Go ask any of the Lancaster City Council what they want and they’ll tell you. They want tax sharing and to sell their electricity. They even showed up at a public meeting, violating the Brown Act, to show their support for their questionable power company.
That’s something that will benefit them, but not the people of Palmdale. Tim Scott has been a voice for we the people, not the Fern Street Mafia.
Keep you head in the sand all you want, Alexis. I’ve got some beachfront property in Rosamond to sell you.
Alexis says
I came as a child to Edwards Air Force in 1956. I have lived in Lancaster and Palmdale. Worked in Aerospace when James Ledford was also. I am going to wait to see what happens, Palmdalian. I don’t accept sources from an anonymous person in the comments section. Too many lives have been destroyed because of gossip, which is peppered with some truth along with falsehood. I left Lancaster because Rex Parris kept getting elected (4Th) term. Only 14% voted in the election, so apathy keeps Parris as Mayor. I will not seek the truth (facts) from someone anonymous that comments here. I question whether you have your head in the sand, if you believe someone named Tim Scott or anyone that you don’t even know that comments on here.
Alexis says
I respect due process of law, Palmdalian. Tim can say whatever he wants, and you can believe whomever you want.
Alexis says
I am not going to malign the politicians in Palmdale. The people elected these politicians and I am going to respect the elected in Palmdale. (4th) term for Hofbauer, so he must be doing something right.
William says
If trump says “i’m a liar.” can we believe him?
Palmdalian says
Correct me if I’m wrong Alexis, but I don’t believe I maligned Hofbauer or the politicians of Palmdale. I said that the Fern Street Mafia was using him. I don’t know if he realizes it or not. I voted for him before the Fern Street Mafia forced districts upon us, but now I don’t live in his district.
This has nothing to do with due process. I never said the Fern Street Mafia was being put on trial. What they are trying to do is to infiltrate Palmdale, force a stupid tax sharing agreement which will harm Palmdale residents, and push a highly questionable electricity agreement. They also donate money and inject themselves into Palmdale elections.
If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you. No one can.
Tim Scott says
@Palmdale Resident…let’s see some proof, you lying sack. At 2:00 PM you say I was ‘verbally abusing someone’…WHO? Provide a witness, you lying sack.
Harassing workers at a fast food place? NAME IT, you lying sack! Don’t just make an accusation because you know Alexis-know-nothing will have your back no matter how much you lie, support your claim or eat it.
Now, go cry because I called you names. Or, option B, if you don’t like being called out for lying then DON’T TELL WHOPPING LIES, you lying sack.
William says
Hmm. If Roy Moore does get elected Tuesday, Al Franken should run again next November and let the voters decide.
Isn’t that the new paradigm?
George says
Just like Marion Barry, the mayor of D.C.
Arrested on cocaine charges, served time in Federal prison, then re-elected as mayor of D.C.
I guess the people will and shall decide. If Franken wants to run again, let him. In his case there was a little more than just some accusations. There was some photographic evidence of his issues.
William says
As far as the Antelope Valley is concerned, I’m for a “2 state solution” for all time.
Ex Fern Street Mafia says
Hear, hear William! Please keep all thing Rex/Marv/Visco/Gilley/Mercy north of Avenue M.
I have nothing against the good people of Lancaster, but everything against the Fern Street Mafia.
Alexis says
Loving James Comey and his A+ trolling of Donald Trump.
T. Tex. Tarris says
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder where you are
I see you way up in the sky
From my beach mansion with my eye
Twinkle, twinkle little are
I can’t believe I’m still in the bar.
Alexis says
There’s an infestation of vermin in the White House!
Alexis says
All politicians are liars; able practitioners of the dark art of prevarication. All the people that are appointed by politicians are liars.
Tim Scott says
Michael Flynn cops a plea. The only reason to give him a deal is if he will cooperate in a “bigger case.” So, who would be a bigger case than the National Security Director?
William says
They’re all “big cases” as in having “issues”
This is exciting. The New Year will ring in the indictments left and right, mostly right.
But, it could be dangerous. You know who is crazy.
For copping a plea, anything he offers the feds will have to be 100% fulsome, accurate and true or else……
I hope ol’ trump was wearing Depends today when he heard the news. Where are all the trump supporters? Hiding???
Tim Scott says
Don’t get your hopes up. In the “interests of getting on with making America great again” I expect D’ump will be pardoning “that great patriot who served his country with honor;” Mike Flynn.
William says
Like I said below, I’m gonna sit back and wait “…like a spida.”
The funny thing is didn’t everyone but fox ‘news’ watchers know back in January/February that something like this was gonna happen?
President Obama warned trump not to hire Flynn.
Flynn lied to pence.
trump fires Flynn but never says a bad word about him……………or putin.
I wonder who won’t be indicted for something. The mind boggles as Special Counsel Robert ‘The Anaconda’ Mueller squeezed flynn and will do so with all of them.
How many in the White House will head for the hills to avoid being charged while racking up attorney fees?
Tim Scott says
Unfortunately, if the congress passes the “billions to Trump tax reform bill” D’ump may very well sign it and say “I got what I came for” and resign…with a pardon from Mike Pence.
William says
“Somebody, PLEASE! Turn off the fan. It’s all over me.” – Donald J. Trump
Rick says
Maybe you’ll finally get to open that bottle of Champagne.
William says
Hey, Rick
This is more fun than fun.
I wonder if they’re taking bets in Vegas on who is next.
Tim Scott says
I got ten bucks on Kushner.
William says
Like father like son. Chris Christie put Kush’s daddy in prison.
I wonder if Kush would rat on trump to save himself. He’s sure pretty and would be snatched up right away in the showers. Gee. That would be awful…….ly well-deserved.
They say that the Supreme Court is like 9 scorpions in bottle. I dunno what analogy would best describe this White House. There just aren’t enough lifeboats on the Trumptanic. And, absolutely no love story.
I’m surprised Melania hasn’t moved back to New York. Does she have teeth? I’ve never seen her smile.
William says
How ’bout this? Gun owners have to have liability insurance and pay premiums in case of any accidents or whatever.
If you have a dog, your homeowner insurance goes up.
If you have a car, likewise.
I just saw a law firm commercial acing if you were a victim of the Las Vegas shooting, call their number as the shooter had a few million in assets.
As for the Second Amendment, the first 3 words are ‘A well-regulated…” They coulda left those words out but didn’t.
You can still have your guns but you should have to have insurance. For each and every gun, like with cars.
Discuss. I want to hear the counter arguments.
George says
If it were the Clintons involved and anything was getting close, there would be a bunch of mysterious suicides…..
Willaim says
Hmm. The 25th Amendment is just sitting there…waiting….waiting. The gop doesn’t seem inclined to do anything about trump so far.
You don’t suppose they and their billion dollar sugardaddy donors want trump’s signature on their billion dollar tax cut bill for billionaires and a tax hike for the rest of us before they implement the 25th, do ya?
They could do it now but that might sideline their tax cut bonanza for their impatient donors. Pence would sign it in a heartless beat. Oops. It was Cheney who didn’t have a heart beat. Ahh, none of them do.
Well, since the gop can’t or won’t govern, e.g. Steve Knight, Rex Parris, etc. It’s impossible to know what they will or won’t do next. And, neither do they.
Phil says
… notice that peculiar lag, in all your electronic devices, the moment your modem activates? Ever notice, how wonderful and trouble free our PCs become, how everything suddenly functions properly, how all these nagging problems systemically plaguing our computers mysteriously disappear, the moment we disconnect our modems? Amongst the 10 most amazing phenomena of the last decade, the moment we unplug the modem, presto chango, suddenly everything functions properly –
aManOfTruth says
Modems are evil! My son was having trouble in school, my car needed a new starter, my house had termites and my wife is very ugly.. but when I unplugged my modem, all those problems were solved! (except for the wife, but at least she moved out)
William says
Best Laugh of the Day Award goes to……..the envelope, please………aManOfTruth. (applause)
Accepting for aManOfTruth is Jerry Seinfeld.
“What’s the deal with modems?” (boos)
Next category is Most Insufferable Comments. Wait. There’s a 10 way tie.
(I know a few who are already expecting their names to be announced.)
evilmodem says
Most insufferable comments category: And the winner is…….William! Accepting for William is, Gypsy (Mystery Science 3000).
William says
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thank you too much.
It’s Mystery Science Theater 3000. The head that wouldn’t die with Jan in the pan.
My favorite is a Japanese spy movie and some guy is trimming a hedge with a electric hedge trimmer and one of the character says Toro Toro Toro.
MST3K says
“Overdrawn at The Memory Bank.”
William says
After I wrote the MIC Award comment regarding the 10 names, I thought “Who will offer themselves up for the list?” I just sat back and waited…..”like a spida.”
Voila! 2 so far.
Laughing says
Meesa thinks yousa gots bit miners!
Fredo says
… a common myth, never in human history has an antivirus ever saved a hard drive, from badware, from malware, or adware, much less a computer virus. Putting an antivirus algorithm to your C-drive, what you’re actually installing is, zombieware (e.g., crosses the browser boundary; subverts your Winsock chain). Every antivirus firm in the Milky Way Galaxy caught flatfooted, what the Wannacry ransomware virus ultimately proved was, commercial anti-virus is utterly useless, an extraneous drain on system resources, and a complete waste of money. Purge all antivirus from your PC, and behold how amazing your PC suddenly performs. Caveat emptor; deleting your antivirus will not likely delete your antivirus (e.g., henceforth, “zombieware”). You’ll have to boot a window into your c-drive, delete the remaining files, manually.
Ryan says
It is not your imagination. Pulling the plug of your modem is immediately discernible. Two different things entirely, powering off your modem, or turning it off, is not the same thing as disconnecting it. What you’ve just described is known by defense-intelligence insiders as, air-gapping. The instant your PC makes its initial www connection, something happens to it. It is never the same. Of the several devices Edward Snowdon never traveled without, was his air-gapped laptop (e.g., a permanently isolated computer, never connected to the www).
Taxpayer says
AVEK is the latest to announce a price hike for water rates. Thanks once again to our local Republican Robbie Parris, brother of the megalomaniac mayor of Lancaster who is on the board.
This comes after the AVTA board of Republicans Marv Crist, Steve Hoffbauer, Austin Bishop, and Angela-Underwood Jacobs signed a letter to support for the gas tax hike. Do they not realize that more than half of the AV commutes to LA for work? All taxes are not bad, but this one sticks it to AV people.
With Republicans like these people, who needs Democrats? SMH
Anon says
Elizabeth Warren: ‘Yes’ the Clinton campaign rigged the election against Bernie Sanders. An unethical, dangerous woman.
William says
trump laid another egg today calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ once again at an even honoring Navajo code talkers who weren’t amused.
His behavior always reflects well on those who voted for him. He’ll skrew them good and their little dogs too.
Z says
Why is it that the only people who voted for Hillary Clinton are all of the old and crusty people leftover from the 1960s?
Tim Scott says
LOL…your lack of connection to reality is hilarious. Examine the demographics from the election again.
William says
Oh, Z Oh, Z
You haven’t been paying attention. trump voters were mostly old white men who aren’t making it in life and resent immigrants who come here, start businesses and get to work while they take their pain killers, hoping trump will save them from themselves.
Are you one?
Matt K. says
“Z” is right in the sense that most of us younger Democrats and Independents voted for Bernie Sanders, not Hillary Clinton.
It was the old crusties in the Democratic Party who made sure Hillary Clinton illegally got the nomination.
The cat is out of the bag on all of that, now, thanks to Donna Brazil.
Alexis says
Absolutely, Matt K.! Even Elizabeth Warren admitted that Hillary Clinton rigged the Democratic campaign. Unethical to be sure.
Alexis says
DNC rigged the system!
William says
Sanders wasn’t a Democrat and isn’t now. Hillary fund raised for the party not Sanders.
He deserved nothing from the Democratic Party as an interloper.
Why is that so hard to get for you guys?
Alexis says
Bernie Sanders was elected independent, but he is now a Democrat and ran as a Democrat. Yes, he is a member of the Democratic party, looking for ways to make the party more progressive. The DNC rigged the primaries with unethical (Hillary) at the forefront. Even Elizabeth Warren admits to knowing this as factual. Bernie Sanders wants Democratic Socialism to be a part of the fabric of the U.S.. Yes, more freebies for all, so the people can be completely dependent on their government.
Van Dammit says
This is why an NBC News/GenForward poll finds 71 percent of millennials think there should be a third major party because neither the Republican nor Democratic parties represent the American people well.
Just 26 percent of millennials said they think the major parties now do an adequate job of representing the American people.
My guess is that Gen X and Baby Boomers are increasingly becoming turned off by the politics as usual of both parties.
Laughing says
I am not old or crusty.
Some of the blame goes to the goofy Bernie followers that decided to vote for anyone not Democrat because they felt the Democrats cheated their ‘freebie’ choice. An unintelligent move that cost them more than their votes.
But really we just have to listen to Trump, the election was rigged.
Matt K. says
I’ll say it once: If Bernie Sanders had been the nominee (like he rightfully should have been), we wouldn’t have Trump sitting in the White House.
Just think about that and let it soak in for awhile.
Laughing says
If Bernie supporters had not voted for Trump or thrown votes to other parties we likely would not have Trump. It was a childish tantrum move to purposely vote against Hillary if a voter had planned to vote for Bernie.
I understand he got stiffed, there seems to be plenty of proof for that that, however voting for the other Democrat (Hillary) would have gotten the Bernie supporters more of what they wanted. Trump is determined to strip everything away that Bernie, Hillary, Obama (I see a trend here) and many other Democrats helped to get in place.
William says
I feel so sorry for the wretched Bill O’Reilly. He’s hated Al Franken for years, especially after a verbal scuffle on a panel years ago.
But, after the repulsive O’Reiily paid $32,000,000 to Fox legal analyst, Lis Wiehl, and Fox paid millions to Andrea Makris for the ‘loofah’ sex tapes, he can’t really say much about Franken can he?
It must be killing him to keep his mouth shut about Franken’s problem. Good!
The lesson here folks is don’t mess with a legal analyst. I think they know the law. O’Reily thinks he knows everything including how to write a check in the amount of $32,000,000 and 00/100—————– Ouch!
It costs big bucks when you’re so unattractive to the opposite sex that you have to pay out when you can’t get any otherwise.
Lily says
Predatory sexual behavior has NOTHING to do with how attractive you are! It’s NOT about getting any either! It’s about power/control. It also has NOTHING to do with political party you belong to.
William says
Your comment doesn’t make sense. Try a re-write.
aManOfTruth says
If its all about power and control then how come nobody ever abducts a pretty girl, takes her home and forces her to paint their house?
William says
How true.
Lily’s reply looked like nothing more than a copy and paste from somewhere. No thinking required on her part and it showed. And, you made that point beautifully.
I suspect that the username ‘Lily’ is some else who posts here frequently.
Palmdale resident says
You nailed it, Lily. Some of us get it when it comes to sexual harassment, and assault. There are too many men that make light of a culture of violence that harms women, and stays with them for the rest of their lives. Yes it is about control! Pay no attention to the two immature comments. It is obvious they are still in mental middle school.
Palmdale resident says
In case my last comment doesn’t make it, I want to say that you nailed it, Lily.
William says
Dear Palmdale resident.
You need to think this through.
I worked at place where a young guy got in trouble for giving an older more senior female employee an unwanted neck massage. I’m sure there are thousands of cases where a male and female employee of equal status have been the subject of harassment when he wasn’t the boss.
Was that about power and control? Geez. He wasn’t her boss but he touched her without permission disproving the several comments stating that it’s all about power.
It doesn’t necessary have to be that. Now, you know. Make the correction in your future
comments on the subject. Your comment was thoughtless and immature, lacking any wisdom or knowledge about the broader subject.
Got it?
Linda D. says
Patronizing sexist reply that William agrees with. Both have the same creepy mind-set as Bill O’Reilly, Bill Cosby and so many others.
Z says
William is a product of the crusty old 1960s “screw anything, anytime, anywhere” generation.
William says
Hey, Lily and Linda D.
How many millions of American women voted for trump after the Access Hollywood video?
How many women in Alabama will vote for Roy Moore after knowing he molested a 14 year old girl?
How many women on fox ‘news’ continued to appear with bill o’reilly after fox setted a multi-million dollar harassment suite with Andrea Makris? Lis Wiehl appeared across a desk from him regularly and got $32 million for his unwanted advances. We don’t know how bad they were.
Al Franken will have to face the same issue with female voters if he remains in the Senate and runs again.
Nothing excuses men’s bad behavior but what possible excuse can you 2 provide for women who enable such men? By the millions no less. They, too, are part of the problem.
I’ll bet that most of the women who will vote for the child molester Moore didn’t vote for Hillary. And, not only didn’t vote for her but hated her with a passion. Women hating women is a current phenomenon that’s largely overlooked. Watch fox ‘news’ to see those women’s unconcealed rage against Hillary and Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren. There is not the same ugliness by Democratic women that I’ve noticed. What’s with that? Please explain if you can.
I’m curious since you 2 know it all. Give it some thought and not the usual talking points.
BTW Did you 2 vote for trump?
Lily says
Sexual assault is sexual assault. It is NOT a partisan issue! It is NOT an issue for the Democratic or Republican parties to solve on a partisan basis, or to use as a means to further a political agenda. Sexual assault needs to be condemned by all people, despite whatever party they support.
William says
I have compassion for you, Z, as you can’t help it that you don’t know any better.
Lily says
Sexual assault is NOT a partisan issue, or to be used as a political agenda. As a woman I do know, William. There are men and women that understand, this is NOT about politics, or who someone voted for. You can try to intimidate me with your insults, but it only shows that you don’t understand this issue. I don’t know it all, but I do know about sexual violence.
William says
Guess again, Lily.
The republicans spent millions going after Bill Clinton, a Demorat, who had consensual sex with Miss Lewinsky.
That’s partisan potitics for you. Why can’t you accept that?
You seem stuck on something that isn’t the whole story.
Alexis says
The whole story is that their is a long line of women in Bill Clinton’s life. Also unwanted sexual advances by many women. Hillary Clinton, in her book, blames his mother for Bill’s sex addiction. It’s not partisan politics when Hillary says her husband has a sex addiction. No right wing conspiracy, here.
Alexis says
Meant to say “there.”
Glenn says
No it is not a partisan thing, both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of sexual harassment, but apparently its only Republicans that are guilty just by being accused and we need more proof and investigations when it happens with Democrats in Nancy Pelosi’s world. Everyone regardless of political party needs to be investigated before we jump to conclusions about guilt or innocence
Laughing says
Current phenomenon? All through history we find female hating and taking out other females they perceive as more powerful or better looking. Same with men. Maybe some men are just now noticing women act like them (equals).
William says
I too was told I’m under consideration for Time’s Man of the Year but I have to submit to an interview, so I declined. I’m way too busy playing golf and tweeting.
Tim Scott says
But are you being considered for tangerine of the year?
William says
Nah. When I went to the store I decided not to grab me some. But, I could be lying. I’m trying to keep up with you know who. He lies over 5 times a day. Someone’s counting.
Anon says
You’re expecting too much from these two.
William says
Who are you talking to, anon?
Pants on fire says
Almost as much as Rex.
Tim Scott says
It was only a matter of time before these two met in a championship level buffoon off. Ball has potential, but I can’t see him beating D’ump. The president just has too much buffoonery experience for LaVar to take him.
Vic says
To be fair to both D’ump and LaVar, neither one of them has claimed that bird sounds will lower crime, Bangladesh would be wiped out by a cyclone, a Cessna with a camera will keep us safer, the BLVD is better than Disneyland, Asians and ‘The Gays’ will lower crime and uplift education levels in Lancaster, a natural gas power plant will kill children, prohibiting the burial of dead terrorists somehow makes us safer, and people will drive to Lancaster to see a 10 story tall Buddha.
That comes from the bizarre mind of our illustrious Lancaster mayor.
When it comes to a championship level buffoon off, he needs to be there.
Blame the Sheep says
Looks like Valley Fever is on the rise again. As Rex continues to destroy the West Valley with thousand of actres of solar farms, be on the watch for him, Marv and his puppets to blame sheep grazing.
Blame the Sheep says
More on Valley Fever.
Still think it’s the sheep, Rexie and Marvie?
Alexis says
I read the article, and it was very informative. It’s going to take a lot more deaths, and a lot more very angry people to get things done.
No Valley Fever says
Maybe we should mail it to 705 Emerald Bay in Laguna. Down there they are not affected by the destruction of the desert, dirt in the air, harm to plant and animal life, and Valley Fever.
They do not care.
Do you see solar farms in these photos? I do not.
Alexis says
Rex Parris is going to shepherd his city into becoming the first net-zero city in the world! Even if it kills everyone in the Antelope Valley. I hope more people will exercise their right to vote. 14% of the people voting is appalling.
Save the Antelope Valley's Environment says
‘Shepherd’? A true shepherd protects the flock, not expose it to disease and destruction. He is a fringe element thinker who takes every issue to its extreme worse case scenario. President Obama and Chancellor Merkel were far more intelligent and measured in their approach to climate change than this former drug addict and current wannabe Ted Talker.
Besides, there are cities far ahead of what his is trying to do and they are not exposing their residents to a deadly disease. Burlington, VT. Aspen, CO. Kodiak Island, AK. Rockport, MO. Greensberg, KS. These cities use all renewables. None have destroyed their environment and spread Valley Fever.
Net Zero is a crock. Who cares if you produce more solar energy than you use? You still rely on the grid for your energy, especially when renewables are not working (hint: night).
This is more bloviation coming from the King of Hot Air.
Stop destroying the Antelope Valley!
Alexis says
I agree with you. I read that in an article about Parris, and I think the same as you do.
valley resident says
I’m a Democrat and I am wondering what’s going on with dirty dealings between the Clinton’s and Russia over the years, along with the blessing of the Obama administration.
William says
Nothing. It’s Benghazi redux.
George says
Sure, it is easy to avoid any prosecution for anything when you own the current party in control. Benghazi, aw, no big deal. Just get the media to spin it, all the intelligence agencies to “look” at it and then have them all dismiss it as a nothing sandwich. Meanwhile our servicemen are being laid out.
Now fast forward to Russia, uranium, speaking fees, deals made with the promise of getting close to those in power. Those all were said to be no biggie either and swept away. Now recent events have come to light and the same sweepers are trying to get it cleaned up. Only problem is anyone with common sense knew back then, and right now, it is a big deal. Without their corrupt little network fully in place, the Clinton’s grip on making things disappear are not so strong.
Perhaps everyone is fine with paying out millions to pay off the victims of the sex parties the people in power seem to think they also own. Everyone in Congress….I think taxpayers should now get a detailed accounting of who the money was spent getting out of the issues. It does not matter whose party they are affiliated with. Let the truth out.
William says
11 hearings on Benghazi found NO WRONG DOING, NO COVER UP, NO STAND DOWN ORDERS GIVEN. Republicans headed those hearings and they were out for blood. Hillary’s.
But, you know better, George.
Check for polyps while your head is up there.
BTW You have no common sense or even uncommon sense from reading your reply. Carry on.
Alexis says
Roy Moore and Bill Clinton; minds that think alike. Roy Moore’s wife and Bill Clinton’s wife; minds that think alike. Roy’s wife saying it is a left wing conspiracy; Bill’s wife saying it is a right wing conspiracy. None of them telling the truth.
William says
What is the 4-digit number in which the first digit is one fifth of the last, and the second and third digits are the last digit multiplied by 3? (Hint: The sum of all digits is 12.)
Math Guy says
William says
Correct. Well, actually I didn’t need to tell you that. It was the first question in a MENSA quiz and seemed awfully easy.
I thought I’d try it out on the AVTimes community.
Question Lancaster Authority says
If the city of Palmdale had to go to voting districts…
And the Antelope Valley College in Lancaster has to go to voting districts…
And the Antelope Valley Union High School District in Lancaster is going to voting districts..
Why isn’t the city of Lancaster going to voting districts?
There are no Hispanics on the city council.
There are no council men or women from East Lancaster.
All the council are West Lancaster Republicans.
Where is the outrage?
Where is LULAC?
Where is the NAACP?
Where is the ACLU?
Tim Scott says
They are waiting for a qualified plaintiff…ie a resident of Lancaster that they can sue on behalf of. Contact me at timshatemail at gmx dot com.
Tim Scott says
LOL…just checked my hatemail and found a threat of physical violence from what I have to guess is one of the Wrecks crew. Anonymous, of course, because we know they aren’t going to follow through on that. They are the ‘send out the code enforcement lackeys” types than the actual having the guts to fight their own battles types.
I wish it were otherwise, actually. If all that it took to get Lancaster out of the depths of corruption it has fallen into was a fistfight I’d happily volunteer.
William says
It’s odd that we read occasional comments from Lancaster residents who have legitimate complaints about parris and how the city is run.
But, I don’t recall ever seeing a comment here from someone who is fine with the city and its government. I wish somenone would tell us so we can get a hint as to the thinking that has such low voter turnout and acceptance of the status quo in Lancaster.
It seems as though there is hardly a debate in Lancaster about the direction of the city as though there are over 100,000 residents that don’t care, don’t pay attention or are okay with it the way it is. Or, they’ve simply given up.
It’s been a real mystery since parris became mayor. It’s been said that there’s a church group that supports parris but it seems like they are cloistered in their own community and not really representative of the whole city and its needs. In a way, it mimics trump’s base who care little for the rest of the country yet manage to put him in power.
Vic says
There isn’t a lot of difference in Rex and Trump. Both are megalomaniacs. Rex is far les significant but his view of himself is as inflated as the Donald’s.
William says
Both like to>
-paint their names all over the place
-make big fat promises about how their ideas will be fantastic when implemented
-use being an elected official to improve their own finances and those of their friends
-play to a small base that keeps them in office but forget the rest of their constituency
-call their rivals names and behave in unprofessional and obnoxious ways
-bring the legal system to bear on their rivals
-think they aren’t laughing stocks everywhere but in their own minds
-LIE and LIE some more. They lie when the truth would do
-use their minions but have no loyalty to them
-and on and on
Did I forget anything?
anonymous says
Instead of being so concerned with Lancaster, and its people, why aren’t you focusing more on your own complete dissatisfaction with the dysfunctional politics going on in Palmdale?
Alexis says
There is plenty of political dysfunction going on in Palmdale too. According to some commenters that are dissatisfied with elected officials.
Tim Scott says
There’s an Alexis newsflash: according to people who are dissatisfied with elected officials, elected officials are not satisfying.
The difference between complaints about Lancaster city government and Palmdale city government is that objectively speaking Palmdale is way ahead and pulling away from Lancaster in every measurable way.
Alexis says
LOL, O.K. Tim, so you’re not satisfied with James Ledford, Steve Hofbauer, and Austin Bishop, even though Palmdale is way ahead and pulling away from Lancaster. Everyone knows that Palmdale is a better place to do business. Breaking down my comment in an attempt to show off is your prerogative of course. By the way, Tim your comments aren’t important enough for anyone to email you with threats.
Alexis says
LOL, O.K., so you’re not satisfied with James Ledford, Steve Hofbauer, and Austin Bishop. I understand.
Fern Street Mafia says
The people of AV would be better off without Rex, Marv, Hofbauer, Bishop, and all those associated with, supported by, and tools of The Parris-Visco-Gilley triumvirate of sleaze.
Tim Scott says
Actually, I’m very satisfied with the city government’s performance under Ledford. Thus far Ledford, Betancourt, and Carrillo have prevented the Wrecks Parris pocket puppets (Hofbauer and Bishop) from doing any harm.
William says
Alexis, I don’t understand how you equate two candidates getting elected with less than 50 percent of the vote as dysfunctional? It was by design. The Lancaster political machine backed Bishop and a Hispanic candidate who works for Rex Parris to dilute the Hispanic vote. It worked. Same thing with Hofbauer. They split the vote.
It worked once but now people can see that Bishop and Hofbauer are tools of Rex. We won’t be fooled again.
Alexis says
Please read my original comment, and comments thereafter. You and others are talking about the dysfunction in Lancaster, yet you and others are calling your own elected officials dysfunctional. Steven Hofbauer was elected to a fourth term by almost 50% percent of the people of district two. Not just once, but four times, William. Austin Bishop was elected by almost 50 % of the people in his district. Are you saying that these people don’t know what they are doing in the fine city of Palmdale?
Tim Scott says
Two corrupt members on a five person city council does not make a dysfunctional government. Lancaster has a dysfunctional government.
We know Alexis is all about “both parties are the same” and “CNN is just like Breitbart,” but rational people can see the differences in all these insane absolutes that she draws.
Alexis says
If these two are corrupt then present the evidence you say you have, to the people of this fine city of Palmdale. Innocent until prove guilty, Tim, whether you like someone or not. Otherwise, stop nattering on with gossip. Your last paragraph has nothing to do with my original comment; it’s something you throw in to convolute original content. So, did you pass the psych test before you began commenting on here years ago?
Alexis says
You’re are a sneaky fella, Tim. I said both parties are corrupt. Any rational person knows there is a difference between parties. I also never said CNN is just like Breitbart. I said it is all about revenue and both are corrupted by bias. At least try to maintain some respectability by being honest, sometimes.
William says
Alexis, Hofbauer and Bishop know exactly what they are doing. So do many residents. That is why people like Tim are taking notice and will be doing something about it.
The only ones who got 50% of the vote were Ledford, Bennantcort, and Carillo.
The Lancaster Political Machine pulled a fast one by supporting one of Rex’s employees to dilute the Hispanic vote and knock out Martinez. That won’t happen again.
Hofbauer will self destruct.
Alexis says
You are right, William, about Ledford, Bettencourt and Carrillo. Also Steven Hofbauer won by 49.64% in District two, (fourth term), and Austin Bishop won by 41.32%. Innocent until proven guilty, William. Since Tim is gathering all this evidence against Hofbauer and Bishop, it is the right and proper thing to do, to wait until he has gathered this evidence, to present to the people. This means coming out of the shadow of anonymity, because a defendant has the right to face his/her accuser. Nattering gossip only taints the truth.
Question Lancaster Authority says
If you live in Lancaster, expect to be followed and harrassed by Sheriff’s and enforcement. If you live in Palmdale you are safe for now. Rex only owns two of their council at this point.
William says
If Rex had any principles he would have gone to districts as an example before he went on his suing spree. But it takes a lot of money to buy and maintain a house with an ocean view in Laguna.
Principles be damned.
Cindy says
His wife wanted that house in Laguna. She hates the AV and has a lot of contempt for us. If I were her, I would feel guilty about the kind of life she’s lived.
Please Go Away says
She should have her permit to carry a conceal weapon revoked, too. If that were you or me who tried to walk onto a plane with a gun, we’d still be in jail.
She won’t go to the BLVD because it’s too sketchy. I can’t say I blame her on that one. Her hubby the great all-knowing Rex says we have no good restaurants in Lancaster. I beg to differ.
The AV would be better if they both just made Laguna their permanent residence and stayed out of all things here.
Tim Scott says
Actually, at the time of the plane incident her permit had expired. She is the poster child for the “responsible gun owners.” Couldn’t be bothered filing the renewal. Claims she didn’t actually know where the gun was and thought it was in her other purse…as if leaving a loaded gun in a purse in the closet is the right thing to do.
Tim Scott says
“I didn’t remember that meeting the first time, I didn’t remember that meeting the next time, but now that you remind me about that meeting I clearly recall that I did the right thing there.”
– Jeff Sessions, giving his third contradictory testimony under oath regarding D’ump campaign involvement with Russia
William says
“Mem’ries, light the corners of my mind…”
– Jeff Sessions, giving his third contradictory testimony under oath regarding D’ump campaign involvement with Russia.
How do they light the corners with that dim bulb of his? SNL will have fun with his latest testimony.
In other news, my sister told me that I have to get the turkey gravy at Whole Foods for that dinner next Thursday. It just might be worth the drive to Santa Clarita. Best ever gravy is at Brent’s Deli in Northridge. You could eat it with a spoon like soup. But, that’s for brisket. Flour, fat and water. How do they do it?
BTW When does trump pardon Sessions, I mean, the turkeys? Those lying turkeys don’t deserve a pardon.
William says
Why are republicans so exercised about selling uranium to Russia? I thought they were fine with trump wanting to be friends with Putin and his pals.
You know, if trump sold Russia all of our uranium and threw in the White House and the Statue of Liberty his fans would cheer. Yeah. They are like that.
Alexis says
Facts, William. In 2013, Rosatom, backed by the Russian state acquired a Canadian mining company (Uranium One) which has assets in the U.S. Uranium. Bill Clinton received $500,000 speaking fee in Russia and reportedly met with Putin around the same time. Obama administration knowing this. Democrats have some explaining to do. Your comment is a complete falsehood.
Alexis says
Check your facts. Republicans have nothing to do with this! 2013 deal between Bill Clinton and Putin with Obama administration knowledge. Rosatom backed by Russia to acquire (Uranium One) with assets in the U.S. Uranium. Democrats have some major explaining to do.
Will says
LOL!!! Another BYD bus breaks down!!! LOL!!! The latest casualty occurred yesterday on Sierra Highway and P!!! LOL!!! All that tax money for busses that break down!!! LOL!!!
Too bad AVTA didn’t buy REAL busses from Proterra!!! The ones that go 1,100 miles per charge and are made by an AMERICAN company!!! LOL!!!
Instead we get busses made in China and assembled here and then they don’t work!!! LOL!!! We get double sized busses that run nearly empty all the time!!! Way to use our tax money!!! LOL!!!
I guess that what you get when you donate thousands of dollars to the people who make the decisions at AVTA!!! LOL!!! They’re the same ones who supported the gas tax!!! All Republicans!!! LOL!!!
American says
Why aren’t we buying busses from Proterra? They get over 1,000 miles per charge and are made entirely in America.
William says
Would it surprise anyone if trump ‘fixed’ the Roy Moore problem by appointing him to a court somewhere?
“There. I fixed it.” – Donald J. Trump
Tim Scott says
The only thing D’ump could do that would surprise me is a good job…on anything.
William says
You win.
Alexis says
He needs to be cellies with Anthony Weiner aka “Carlos Danger.” Then they can have civil discourse with each other about how both parties are ruining this country. Maybe Bill Clinton can be their pen pal and tell them how to overcome their addictions, the twelve step way. Hillary can send them an autographed copy of her book telling them to blame their mother’s like she did with Bill’s addiction.
Alexis says
Oh, and let us not forget about the sexual predator Harvey Weinstein and his significant connection to Bill Clinton. A sexual predator himself accused by many women. Fact is, their are many sexual predators in politics, and a whole cluster of liberals (Hollywood) that donate millions to these predators. Republicans are just as bad when they back the so called Christians that are just as predatory.
Don't Touch Me There says
Let’s hope some local people come forward about the antics that went on in the 80s/90s at the Racquet Club Apartments.
William says
Preparation H (for hate)
Have you noticed that Alexis(alex) uses the word ‘hate’ more than anyone else here?
She projects too much.
She hates Hillary and teams up with like-minded (her words) Glenn who also hates Hillary.
But, they never said that, you say.
Neither do all those who Alexis says ‘hate’ others. I guess it’s only okay for her to do it. .
Read her posts below where she constantly accuses others of hate.
1. alex says
August 18, 2017 at 6:25 am
As a Jewish American, it breaks my heart to witness racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism, raise it’s ugly head on a national level with hatred, manifesting in violence. White nationalist’s that are loyal to Hitler’s ideology (fascists) brings back memories of unspeakable horrors. Now I am witnessing another group that started out against fascism, turn into another monster, using the same tactics of hatred, manifesting into violence, (anti-fascists). Blessed are the peacemakers.
1. alex says
August 17, 2017 at 8:33 am
If you don’t condemn all forms of hate, then you justify hate according to what you hate. That includes certain commenters on here that justify telling other commenters to go commit suicide or to go off and die. There are a couple of commenters that have been dishing out hate on a daily basis for years, and because they are like-minded, they team up for a double portion of hate.
So, the big HYPOCRITE Alexis says to condemn all forms of hate while she and her sidekick, Glenn, do some hatin’ of their own.
She’s the Queen of Hate……………………and Denial. Just wait and watch.
Oh, well. Her loveless life is its own reward, I guess.
District 2 says
William…You are a predator on this forum, and you are the hypocrite. Please take the time to write your own comments down, because it will reveal just what evil comes from you. Just a few of the many people you have viciously attacked over the years: Granny13-Jud-Ladyliberty-bird-MollFlanders-Politicalmalpractice-high school students that submitted their opinions-Glenn-Alexis-Jane-Eric, Palmdale resident, and so many more. Too many trolls like you.
Anon says
William is right more than he is wrong. Especially on local issues.
William says
Wow, Anon.
Better be careful. Alexis and the rest of the local brain trust will think you’re me or something else that pops into their imaginations.
Alexis says
Here’s where your wrong William. The Republicans did NOT send Uranium to Russia as you stated. I gave you facts that Bill Clinton was the one that brokered the deal about (Uranium One), and Obama knew of course. I will keep you honest, Bill.
William says
District 2 or is it Alexis? Or alex? She ssems to have kept a record of my posts going back to 2011. Who does that?
You may be right.
Does it make me a predator to ask what this sentence means that your just wrote?
“Please take the time to write your own comments down, because it will reveal just what evil comes from you. ” Were you upset when you typed that?
Who do you think was writing my comments that you apparently read for years yet I’ve never seen your username till recently? How many names have you used by now? Or, do you just read the articles for years like people say they do with Playboy magazine?
You called me a hypocrite and evil and Alexis recently said I was sadistic but I’m the predator.. As least I don’t whine about it like you did. I’ve had people complain that their replies to me were moderated. Now, why do you suppose such nice people as you are defending have their comments blocked? Were they overly nice or what?
I’ve seen posts here frequently with [blocked] in the middle of a sentence. Have you ever seen [blocked] in any of my comments. Yet, you overlook those. Mskes you a hypocrite. Y’know, selective outrage.
See. Unlike you, I gave you an example of your hypocrisy.
By your post you offered yourself up for a reply, so don’t whine about mine. . Or, you can. Take yer pick.
Alexis says
William, chill. Stop being so paranoid! There are other people that see what you have been up to. As far as keeping track, you are so obsessed with me that you post past comments I’ve made word for word. So what, William! My name is Alexis; Alex is short for Alexis, so what! I call you sadistic, William. Why, because you use the word masochist when describing other commenters that take your abuse. Get some help dude for your anger issues that you’ve been hanging on to for a very long time. You tell everyone that has a different opinion than you, that you are wayyyyy smarter than them. Who does that? someone extremely insecure.
William says
My feelings are hurt. I’m so delicate just like you.
I notice you are here 20 times a day commenting on nearly every article and being your unpleasant self all the way.
How did you know I was here in 2011 if you aren’t monitoring me? I never saw either name back then. But, then again, I may have simply ignored your nonsense without remembering who wrote it. You ‘stuff’ is so memorable for its lack of intelligent content.
William says
Well, Miss Lonelyhearts (See the movie Rear Window for a better look at yourself)
When someone who votes for the biggest bully on the planet, trump, and then keeps coming back for more and saying I’m bullying him, that makes him a masochist.
Don’t you get anything? Everything has to be ‘splained to you. And, still you don’t get it.
But, that’s you in a nutshell. You can’t help it. trump can’t help. Glenn can’t help it. Y’all share the same brain apparently.
Glenn says
I am not surprised by your response to District 2 it is always the other person that is wrong and not you. Of course you do not whine about it, you are the one attacking others for their opposing views and it seems that opposing views that target you are not allowed, I am beginning to wonder if you are one of the moderators, hopefully I am wrong about that but it would not surprise me.
William says
Hey, Glenn
I’m not surprised you chimed in. Your only posts here seem to be directed to me. Don’t you have anything to say otherwise?
BTW Can you ‘spain that Direct 2 sentence I quoted assuming you actually read my reply?
Glenn says
why would I want to explain that sentence to you? You have already said in the past that your reading comprehension is so much better than mine.
William says
See, Glenn
You have nothing to say here except offering opinions on me which I wrote earlier and then you proved it.
Hey. Wanna know how to silence trump? Ask him about Roy Moore. He just walked off the stage. I hope they keep asking him and he keeps walking off. A true blessing.
Alexis says
Hey wanna know how to silence William? Give him facts that contradict his thought process. Case in point; a lie (hypocrisy) about Republicans selling Uranium to Russia. That didn’t even have a kernel of truth. He’s a sneaky fella.
Alexis says
Bill Clinton, Roy Moore, Bill O’Reilly, Harvey Weinstein (Bill and Hillary’s friend), Anthony Weiner, all share the same mindset. They have all used their power to sexually assault minors and young women.
Tim Scott says
Funny thing is, you’ve been talking about this for days and I’ve been looking for where William said it and haven’t been able to find it. Given that you have a history of telling whopping lies about what other people say and do I’m kinda wondering if this is just you going back to your usual ways.
Alexis says
Yes, Tim, William said that the Republicans sold Uranium to the Russians. I have been trying to get William to respond but he won’t. Why won’t he respond? Because he knows it isn’t true and he has nothing to back it up. Talk about a whopping lie! You just choose to overlook his comment because he strokes your ego, over and over again. You wear the badge and he’s the badge licker.
Alexis says
If you have been keeping track of my comments then you know William said The Republicans sold Uranium to Russia. That is why I have been trying to get him to respond to his lie, but he won’t. Of course you choose to disregard his comment because William strokes your ego. Again, Tim, your comment is a fail, and obviously you wear the badge and Bill is the badge licker.
Tim Scott says
No Alexis, “keeping track” of your comments tells me you have been chanting “William said, William said” over and over. Keeping track of your comments doesn’t tell me anything about what William actually said, because I have no reason to trust your claim when you make it fifty times than I had when you made it the first time.
I didn’t “disregard” his comment. I didn’t see this supposed comment. I looked for it when you first started babbling about it, and didn’t find it. I looked for it again about the thirtieth time you claimed he had said it, and again didn’t find it. I still haven’t found it.
If it wasn’t for the fact that you have on more than one occasion accused me of saying things that I didn’t it might have been harder to just assume you are either mistaken or lying. But since you have a history of going off on these “he said…” rants it was pretty easy to just watch you repeating yourself and assume you will never stop.
Alexis says
I’m still the same, Tim. Keeping it real while you two make stuff up. I give facts and it’s too much for you to handle. You’re still the same; pointing out how superior you are by being everyone’s spell-check.
William says
While trump is preparing to pardon a couple a turkeys before Thanksgiving, his family and cohorts in the administration are busy pasting white feathers all over their bodies.
I wonder how this movie will end.
Glenn voted for trump. Be PROUD, Glenn. Be proud.
Glenn says
I am very proud that Hillary is not President
Tim Scott says
LOL, because she would be doing sooooooo much worse? How?
Internationally, we are a laughing stock and even our most entrenched allies are doubting us.
We are within an eyelash of having another budget busting gift to the wealthy tax plan passed through the Republican congress with no one standing up to veto it.
Our national healthcare system that the GOP has demonstrated that they have no idea how to replace is being forced into collapse on the “well if it outright fails we’ll think of something” plan.
And the nation is dividing into camps with the clear intention of going for each other’s throats.
But no good conservative will EVER admit to a mistake, so roll on Glenn, roll on.
William says
Sheesh. That was weak, Glenn.
Are you blind in both eyes or just the one blind eye you turn away? Of course, you couldn’t bring yourself to say you are proud of your vote for trump and/or proud of him. That’s okay. I understand.
trump has been a disaster and it hasn’t even been a year. The Chinese gave him a big, extravagant welcome knowing how much he’s addicted to flattery. You can be sure that they know what they’re doing and will play him like a Stradivarius while he’s acts like a 4 year old at his own birthday party.
So far, health care legislation didn’t happen like the Great Deal Maker promised. His response to Puerto Rico’s plight was predictable but still disgusting as was his response to a pregnant widow who lost her husband in Niger. The list is endless.
Republicans, including former presidents and members of Congress, are questioning his mental health. It’s not just me criticizing him.
I guess someone who claims that there’s no news and both political parties are the same would find trump’s behavior ‘normal’.
He represents you perfectly, Glenn. Someone’s gotta do it.
Glenn says
I never said I liked what he is doing, what I said was I am proud Hilarry is not President, I also never said his behavior is normal, it is not. I also never said both political parties were the same , I said they are both corrupt. What I have said is we had 2 Horrible choices for President and I did not want to see another Clinton Presidency. keep firing away William it is becoming quite entertaining
William says
Whatever did Hillary Clinton do that hurt you personally that you chose the most corrupt president in our livetimes and he was that on Day 1.
For someone who says that there’s no news, you sure sound like you bought all of trump’s lies about Hillary and likely fake news by Russian trolls and/or Breitbart and fox ‘news’.
If there’s no news, where did you get your information on Hillary that had you vote for trump?
I would say “Keep digging.” but you’re already on quicksand with that guy.
William says
Did you vote for trump, Glenn, knowing that you were being conned by the master.
You must know that con artists need a mark and you offered yourself up willingly just like students at trump ‘university’.
And, you know what con artists do to their victims dontcha? He’ll eventually get you one way or another through his tax plans or health care bill or he’ll find a way. The people that didn’t enroll in trump u didn’t get shafted but you will sooner or later.
We’ll know when you’ve stopped posting because you wouldn’t admit that you were conned. In other words, you’d rather be conned and shafted than have voted for Hillary.
But that was apparent with your first recent comment.
Glenn says
Hillary has done too many things wrong to list them all, If it is called being conned by someone when there are only 2 bad choices and you refuse to vote for one and pick the other then yes, I guess I was conned.
Tim Scott says
If there are “too many to list” Glenn, how about you just cut it down to the ones that have been proven…and a right wing echo chamber e-mail chain doesn’t constitute proof. Oh, hey, down to zero, eh Glenn? Yeah, it does look like you were conned.
William says
So, Glenn
We can assume by your posts that you don’t care for corruption. Right?? Right.
Then, how on earth do you reconcile voting for the most corrupt person in the entire 2016 field? Was that your intention?
Y’see, Glenn. Your rationalizations for your vote are based on Hillary doing so many things wrong yet you don’t trust the news. Where did you learn that Hillary did so many things wrong and why do you believe what you read or heard if it’s not to be trusted?
Your thinking on the subject is is……well, there doesn’t seem to be much thinking. You pretend you made some kind of thoughtful hard choice but with every post/reply you show that it wasn’t.
You ‘guess’ you were conned? You really were conned and not only by trump but by the right wing media, Russian trolls and anyone else who fed you your information whose credibility you’ve already dismissed.
There are trump voters who thought and likely still think that Hillary is responsible for killing over 40 people. Remember Hannity’s crusade re: Seth Rich? I’m not sure that you aren’t one of folks that think that along with the many other things Hillary did wrong which will remain unidentified by you.
I bet there are some whoppers on your list. Is the Pizzagate child-sex conspiracy on your list? I suspect you conflate those ‘news’ stories with reports on CNN, MSNBC et al asbeing fake news. Or worse. You believe those conspiracies while dismissing those cable news channels.
BTW How old are you? Your decision didn’t show much maturity or experience did it? You would be more credible if you just said you flipped a coin instead of those flimsy reasons you’ve given. Even the definition you proffered for being conned is a joke in addition to not being the definition of conned.
Y’all come back now and try again. I’ll be here all week. Take care so you don’t keep getting conned even by blatant con artists with a public record of con jobs.
Glenn says
It has nothing to do with the email controversy and spans decades back to the days Bill was governor of Arkansas.Let”s just say I am not a fan of the Clinton family. I do not have to explain myself to either either one of you two.You will just spin my words into whatever you think anyways. But Since you two believed I was conned because I despise Hillary as much as you two despise Trump so be it. You two are never Trumpers and I am a never Hillary person . Keep the insults coming , it is very amusing
Tim Scott says
This isn’t meant to be insulting, it’s just an observation that you won’t like.
If you are going to comment on the internet you really should make an effort to read and comprehend what you are responding to. It’s pretty much impossible to hold a conversation with someone who sees “right wing echo chamber e-mail chain” and thinks it means “the e-mail controversy.”
If you are laughing at your mistake I’ll laugh with you, but admittedly if you don’t I will still be laughing at you.
William says
Really, Glenn? You’re amused at having the things you say deconstructed revealing how nonsensical they are?
For example, your ridiculous definition of being conned. Or, voting for the far more corrupt of the 2 candidates you thought you had to pick from.
That’s why I asked your age. You keep generating fuzzy logic and not the good kind.
What should be even more amusing to you is that your vote, if you voted as a California resident, didn’t count anyway and now you are getting mocked for your stubborn defense of it. That’s like getting a speeding ticket for sitting in a parked car. But, that’s you.
Now, THAT’S entertainment. And, I’ve been very amused by your posts which appear to be serious to you and I’m having fun with them. You really should apply for a job with the trump administration as they’re always looking for people like you.
Glenn says
Yes William I am well aware that my vote for Trump meant nothing which is why it is so amusing that you take issue with it, at this point what does it matter? Sound familiar? Plus the only one really mocking me is you, Tim and a few other people. You and Tim always tear into people who do not follow your beliefs or political views and to me that is amusing. And for the record the last speeding ticket I got was 15 years ago and it was well deserved and I was not parked. You may think I am being serious but I am not, I often just say something just to see how you and Tim respond and it is pretty predictable. I am simple minded remember Tim, that is why when you mentioned email echo chamber, I made a point of saying it had nothing to do with email perhaps I should not have included controversy, I will own that mistake. Fire away gentlemen
Tim Scott says
Glenn, I didn’t “tear into you” because I disagree with you. I pointed out that your last response made no sense at all. You grabbed on apparently familiar word and went off on what appeared to be a randomly generated rant. Now you are just being whiny about how undeservedly picked on you think you are.
But, thanks for the reminder that you are simple-minded. It does explain quite a bit.
William says
Oh, Glenn.
Wow! You do know your vote didn’t count yet you showed up here after a long absence for what purpose? You said you were bullied. Are you a masochist?
What you have done is show your flawed thinking over and over. Glad to point it out to you.
You kinda remind me of trump. He’s all over the map with his ‘thinking’ too. A match made in Bizarro World.
And, it’s not at all obvious that you are amused. You should have someone read your own comments and replies back to you. That’s your excuse just like when trump gets caught saying something offensive or weird, he says he was joking after the fact when he’s called out on it.
Can you tell that I’m having a blast at your expense?
Alexis says
Oh, what to say about Hillary Clinton! A woman that thinks her husbands many sexual conquests is a right wing conspiracy ( said in front of the world), isn’t fit for presidency. Then she writes a book saying Bill’s sexual addiction is his mother’s fault. Which is it, Hillary? Of course Donald Trump is no better, so both parties need to go. Then you have the wind up people that keep saying (right wing echo chamber) over and over again in their own echo chamber. right wing conspiracies, left wing conspiracies, oh what to believe! Breitbart, Fox, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, New Yorker, MSNBC (starting to move to the right) due to revenue adjustments.
William says
Okay, Glenn
Is this you not being serious?
“Hillary has done too many things wrong to list them all, If it is called being conned by someone when there are only 2 bad choices and you refuse to vote for one and pick the other then yes, I guess I was conned.”
If not, there are others.
Did you purposely misconstrue (to fail to understand the true or actual meaning of-Merriam- Webster) the word ‘conned’ in order to be ‘not serious.’? I’m helping you out with a dictionary definition.
See. That’s the stuff I’m referring to that you put out routinely. Too bad that you don’t like being replied to given who you voted for. Y’know, the guy who was totally inappropriate with a pregnant widow whose husband died in Niger, while you seem to be so delicate and sensitive to harsh rebuttals. That kinda makes you a big hypocrite. Are you proud of that too?
Face it, Glenn. Hillary Clinton for all her faults has a bigger set than you and trump put together, ye of the thinnest skin. Speaking of thin skin, you don’t hear me and Tim Scott, the other libtard, whining about being called names and being bullied and every other form of whining.
I guess Miss Lonelyhearts who has the “‘aisle be seeing you look in her eyes” will chime in to help you out which makes you look even weaker. You can hold her purse while she types.
If she shows, it’ll make you look weak and needing help despite both your denials.
If she doesn’t show that will be a magnificent blessing for us all. I knew she was a Hillary Hater even though I had never read any posts to that effect. They are called ‘mean girls’ in school and later ‘republican women’.
Happy Holidays.
Laughing says
We all know she was already president, Bill was too busy doing ‘other things’.
Alexis says
Hi Glenn, it’s a beautiful day! These two guys actually believe they are qualified to critique your comments, and point out your flawed reasoning. Of course, being completely blind to their own flawed reasoning. Both have fallen into a deep groove of illogic, being helpless to allow reason to pull them out. As for William, well, he has been bringing his sadistic personality to this forum since 2011, so don’t take it personally. A long list of commenters have tried to have civil discourse with him and Tim, to no avail. This is their little power trip that gives them a false sense of super intelligence.
Glenn says
William, I showed back up commenting on this site because I got tired of watching the way you take shots at people who do not share your political beliefs .And yes I am all over the place with my comments, it is done purposely, And yes I am kinda of a Masochist. What you call whining is just pointing out the type of person you are on this site, a keyboard bully to those you do not agree with. I do not take their attacks personally Alexis, i just consider the sources, they can not help themselves. I do have to give credit to Tim he is not nearly as nasty as William
Glenn says
They both fall in line with the Democratic way of thinking, they are always right and anyone with a different opinion does not know what they are talking about. It is rather amusing how they think I am completely serious all the time. My last post was deleted by the moderator so I am not going to go into too much detail. They do think they are superior to anyone else on this site though
Tim Scott says
Not “anyone” Glenn…just you, and only because you make it so obvious.
Alexis says
So true Glenn! Anti-intellectualism on the left, an attitude of self-righteousness that says we are so pure, we’re morally superior, we cannot bear to hear an idea with which we disagree. It’s called group thinking (tribal mentality), that keeps a person from thinking individually. What does liberal mean when you go against your own definition with completely rigid thinking like Tim and William? They can’t back anything up with facts because they spend all their time mocking, bullying and being extremely immature. They get together and tag team anyone that disagrees.
Alexis says
Sounds like a couple of Democrats want to take away free speech by any commenter that doesn’t lock-step to their way of thinking. They want you to go away, like William said.
#DavidGrajeda says
Rex a Republican likes to take away your right to speak at Lancaster city council meetings. If you don’t believe me, show up and speak out against him. A warning to you in advance – you may be followed home and eventually arrested. #DavidGrajeda.
Alexis says
DavidGrajeda… I already know about Rex and his corrupted ways. So you see, David, both sides are guilty. Then there is mayor Ledford in Palmdale (Republican), that most people love, for what good he has done. Democrats that hate Republicans; Republicans that hate Democrats, yet there is good and bad in both. The divisiveness between both parties is ruining this country.
Question Lancaster Authority says
AVRA Republicans can’t stand Ledford because he is not a tool of the Parris-Visco-Gilley Unholy Trinity. That is why they are working double time to destroy him. Ledford stands in their way of controlling the entire Antelope Valley.
It will not be good for anyone except those controlled by the Unholy Trinity if they run the show.
People need to wake up and smell the alfalfa.
Alexis says
Hillary Clinton going after all the women Bill had. I can visualize this crazy woman confronting all the women, telling them to stay away from her husband because he has an addiction and can’t help himself. The only reason he got away with the same behavior as Donald Trump is that he is more likable.
Quartz Hill Water Customer says
A very bright spot election night was the overwhelming defeat of Rex’s spawn. He finished dead last. Hallelujah!
We the customers of Quartz Hill Water District have had enough of any Parris for a lifetime. After destroying our rural community by forcing a Super Walmart center upon us that we didn’t want and ruining our pastoral hillside with your solar panels, we don’t need you near our water supplier.
The entire family should pack up and move to their beach palace in Laguna.
Go away. Please, go away.
Alexis says
Happy for you! Hallelujah!
Alexis says
Rutger Rex Parris, finished dead last.
Alexis says
Now, get rid of the rest of the kleptocrats.
Taxpayer says
Yes! Rid the Valley of Rex, Marv, Gilley, Visco, Mercy, Mahli, Bishop, Vose, and the rest of them who have made lots of money off the back of the taxpayers.
William says
Annnnnnnnnnd, Steve Knight.
He was on the voter suppression bandwagon before it became national and red state governors and legislators were passing so-called voter ID laws, many which were unconstitional.
Knight opposed having polling places on California university campuses because, now get this, they couldn’t handle the crowds according to our dimwit congresscritter.
He is unfit for elected office simply because of that.
A Boy Named Sue says
Is there a more despised name than Parris in Quartz Hill, Palmdale, Santa Clarita, Rosamond, Littlerock, Lake Hughes, Lake Elizabeth, and most of Lancaster?
Tim Scott says
Short answer: no.
William says
@A Boy Named Sue
You don’t understand. rex paints his last name (like a trump wannabee) all over the Antelope Valley and, so, it doesn’t matter to him that he’s despised.
He can look at his name in 1 million point fonts and still he’s despised. His name plastered all over is a great reminder for us all to KEEP ON DESPISING THE DESPICABLE CHARACTER.
BUT, we must remember to point out all the failed fantasies he’s put in place to make Lancaster the 3rd most desirable city/town in the Antelope Valley. Y’know, I better check with Rosamond and Mojave residents to see if they prefer their towns to Lancaster aka Palmdale Adjacent. I bet they do.
And, I’ll bet that if given a choice, those as well as Quartz Hill residents would prefer Palmdale over Lancaster if they had to move.
Heck, rex can’t even stand to live in the city he’s using for personal gain and aggrandizement year round. I wonder which address he uses for voter registration and how he handles his Lancaster propertiy taxes. Do ya think he found a loophole somewhere? Maybe he’s listed it as a church.
Tim Scott says
The day after Republicans got trounced in state elections around the nation, the lead story on Breitbart is “the untold stories of election night 2016.” Not that they are desperate to downplay the losses, or anything. Unfortunately, the right wing echo chamber is the primary source of “news” for so many conservatives that they will probably think that Trump got re-elected instead of rebuked.
William says
Not to mention faux ‘news’. They barely covered the elections (gop losses) but were sure to find some red meat stories for their ill-informed teevee watchers barely conscious as they seem to be.
Glenn says
There is no such thing as news anymore, the left gets the mainstream media propoganda (CNN, MSNBC,ABC and CBS) and the right gets the conservative media propoganda FOX NEWS, BRIEBART and FOXBUSINESS. . None of these outlets give you the complete truth or news, they only give you their viewpoints and opinions.
William says
some of us can tell the difference Glenn.
I guess you’re one of the ones that can’t.
Glenn says
And how do you know what I believe William? Are my beliefs based on who I voted for? I voted for Obama in the past so what does that say about me? I am sure you voted for him as well. Go ahead and go on another rant about me choosing Trump, we had 2 horrible choices for President in the last election and both of them did not deserve to be President, unfortunately we had to choose one or the other and I did not want to live through another Clinton Presidency
Tim Scott says
Well, you pretty much said in your comment that you can’t tell the difference between network news and a blatant propaganda outlet like Breitbart, so I don’t see why you’re acting offended.
William says
What Tim Scott said.
I have no idea what you believe, Glenn. So, your tactic is to pre-emptively strike regarding something I didn’t say.
You’d be wise to have someone else write your comments. If you can’t tell by now that trump is and was unfit to be president or even supervise an ant farm, there’s nothing that can fix that, oh righteous one.
I’m guessing that you actually bought some ‘real’ fake news by now put out by a Russian troll farm but I doubt you’d admit it.
So, from now on, you have to play the victim and defend your indefensible vote against any criticism. Be my guest.
William says
Buh, bye, Glenn.
Thanks for making your infrequent appearance and now we’ll be rid of you till next year……perhaps.
Until then, I’ll keep an eye on your small-handed, pathological liar, ‘grabber’ in chief for ya since you seem totally oblivious to what is goin’ on.
I enjoyed seeing agreement here from someone who has no problemo with your voting for the ‘grabber’. That would be someone who is so judgmental on everything under sun.
Says lots ’bout both of you.
I like it when y’all cluster together and share 1 brain. It makes my work much easier.
Alexis says
There are a lot of grabber’s on both corrupt political sides. For instance, NBC didn’t report Ronan Farrow’s explosive story about the sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, because they had an agenda. Harvey Weinstein backed the Clinton’s for years, and helped Bill out his problem with Monica. Both sides are corrupt; both sides with their conspiracy theories. Both sides show a desperate need for critical thinking in this country. Bow your head, get in line and without hesitation, full heartedly support your parties narrative, if you want to look like a real liberal, or a real conservative, when that is just not the case.
Alexis says
The left and the right are political parties. The media that corrupts such as Fox News (right)MSNBC (left) etc. Not gonna work, Tim. You might want to chastise William though, for thinking along the lines you say I am. Oh, and then you throw in Breitbart (Extreme right). then you throw in right wing conspiracies (political). You are very confused and can’t keep up with your own comments.
William says
Apparently, our Glenn has access to the COMPLETE TRUTH such that he can tell us that he knows which news outlets aren’t providing it to their viewers/listeners/readers and, of course, Glenn who has some mystical powers.
So, tell us Glenn, when Rachel, Ari, Lawrence or any other MSNBC hosts put out a story about one of trump’s sycophant’s lies before Congress, how do you, Glenn, know that that isn’t a true journalistic report.
Please tell us. Where do you go to get the ‘truth’?
“The earth is flat.”
“The earth is a sphere.”
Okay. Glenn. Do ya call that ‘fair and balanced’ to split the difference or is one true and the other not true. If CNN says the earth is a sphere, is that fake news since you dismissed it along with the others?
Y’know, Glenn you painted yourself in a corner and Alexis can’t help you since she’s there too with a big roller and a 5 gallon bucket of Donald Orange 1 coat.
Alexis says
Thank you William, for associating me with Glenn.
Alexis says
Finally, someone that gets it. Thank you Glenn. Straight unbiased news is gone.
Tim Scott says
There’s a difference between “biased news” and outright fabrications and blatant omissions. No doubt MSNBC is making a stretch about how the election results are totally D’ump’s fault and a sign of the Republican apocalypse; certainly they are biased, as they actually invented ‘niche market news.’ CNN is pointing that direction, but mostly presenting basic numbers; they would be hard pressed to not be biased, since D’ump has declared open warfare on them, but numbers are numbers and that’s a fact, and they seem inclined to stick to that. Breitbart and Faux news have opted to pretend that the major political news of the week just never happened, since their readers/viewers would rather that it had not happened. That’s not biased, that’s open disregard for the facts.
Glenn says
So you are telling me that MSNBC and CNN tell the truth and do not stretch the facts? I know that Fox news and Briebart stretch the facts and do not tell the truth. The same thing that you accuse Fox of about the major political stories of the week that are ignored happen just as often on CNN when it comes to Democrats. Both political parties are corrupt and have both sides of the media feeding their bases frenzy
Alexis says
Both political parties are corrupt, yes they are! Both political parties need to go.
Tim Scott says
No Glenn, I wasn’t trying to tell you that. Since you couldn’t figure out through basic reading comprehension that “CNN and MSNBC tell the truth” is NOT what I was trying to say, and in fact I pointed out a strong difference between CNN and MSNBC so I pretty clearly didn’t lump them together into what you wish I had said, it is pretty easy to figure out why you can’t tell the difference between Breitbart and network news. Apparently, based on this interaction, you cannot read.
Alexis says
I told you the insults would follow. It is best not to argue.
Alexis says
Simple wisdom, Glenn. You’re the only one that understands. Insults always follow.
Glenn says
Alexis, I am well aware of the insults that are about to follow, William is a keyboard bully who has been attacking me for over a year, which is why I do not comment often,
Tim Scott says
Yeah, yeah, yeah…play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Trying to equate bias in network news with the blatant propaganda spewing of Breitbart is a stupid game, and if you get a stupid prize you earned it.
Alexis says
More wisdom, Glenn.
William says
Glenn. You should read your comments and maybe that will give you reason enough to limit your comments. Poor thing. You voted for the biggest bully in town and, yet, you whine about being bullied. Go tell someone who can help you.
Go figure.
And, those who accuse the main stream media of being the ‘fake’ news got that meme from either Russians, fox ‘news’, breitbart or other purveyors of misinformation and provable falsehoods.
So, Glenn. Was the crowd at trump’s iinauguration (with empty bleachers) the largest in history?
Does trump have the smartest brain and the best memory of anyone?
Has everyone on his team who met with Russians during the campaign LIED about it?
There’s got to be a website that lists all of trump & co’s lies and exaggerations. Go find it and read all about it.
Your assertion that CNN, MSNBC et al are fake news tells us more about you than about them.
Alexis says
I’m sorry Glenn. You made a simple statement of truth, that both political parties are corrupt, and it was twisted into something that didn’t even resemble your comment. I don’t blame you Glenn for not being a part of this. Both political parties will be the ruin of this nation. I wish there were more commenters like you with an open mind to the truth. By the way, you’re not the only one that has been attacked over the years for commenting about politics.
Tim Scott says
I’m sorry Glenn. You said something about media, and Alexis has attempted to co-opt it into her crusade against political parties even though you said nothing about political parties. Please excuse her.
William says
Once you’ve said there’s no news and both parties are the same, you’ve stopped thinking altogether.
And, it shows.
Thank you for exposing yourselves as non-critical thinkers.
People who can’t make obvious distinctions, such as Glenn and Alexis, invariably eat the yellow snow. All snow is the same, right?
Tim Scott says
Simplicity isn’t necessarily the path to accuracy. By “simplifying” into a “they all look alike” assessment Glenn is using the obvious falsehoods and omissions of Breitbart and Faux News to discredit far more reliable, though biased, news sources. One has to wonder whether this effort is intentional or not, but there is no reason to let it pass unchallenged.
William says
You know what they say about those who can’t tell Shinola from the brown stuff. They say “Hi, Glenn. Hi, Alexis.”
Tim Scott says
This isn’t wisdom. I encounter this regularly with followers of the right wing echo chamber. They list all the things that are “too flawed to believe,” including every source of information, and come away justified in believing whatever they want because there are no “reliable” sources to disagree with them. They live in their bubble of birtherism, wild conspiracies, and paranoia, and there is no reaching them.
Glenn says
Dont worry Alexis their comments do not hurt my feelings like they want to believe, I have thick skin and am used to being belittled by these 2 Supreme beings of the AV Times. I actually laugh at most of their responses. I sometimes complain just to get a rise out of them and see what their crazy responses are going to be. They call me ignorant and uniformed and frankly I could care less what they think of me. It strikes me as funny at the top of this page is says do not engage in personal attacks but William and Tim seem to be allowed to do just that. That being said this is probably going to be removed by the AV Times
Alexis says
Thank you, Glenn. I need to have thicker skin, because I know there will always be people like Tim and William. Thank you for responding to my comment.
William says
Glenn. You wrote>
“…frankly I could care less…”
Please do. You are so funny.
You complained of being bullied then it took a day or two to come up with your feelings aren’t hurt and you have thick skin while trying to pre-empt any replies. Nice try. Which is it?
Read my comment re: the yellow snow. It applies to you and your shadow. When you post foolish nonsense, don’t be surprised if others call you out on it.
You musta seen and heard the ugliness at trump’s rallies last year but you voted for him anyway just like those people at his rallies. Oh, but you’re different. No. Not really.
Yet, you are so delicate here on the AVTimes site that you need backup from the mouth that roars …..constantly.
Wait for it. She’ll be here soon with some incoherent typing.
Tim Scott says
Calling the nonsense you post nonsense isn’t personal Glenn.
William says
Well, Tim on “…there’s no reaching them.”
Like they say about training a mule.
First. You git yerself a length of 2×4.
Second. You slap the mule upside the head.
Why do that, you ask? You have to get their attention. As you can see from Glenn and Alexis’s posts and non-responsive replies, they live in their own tiny worlds and think that’s all there is. A mule is easier to educate than those 2. They are only a few degrees different from the folks in Alabama who still support Roy Moore comparing his 14 y/o victim to the Virgin Mary who was a young girl at the time. That makes it okay. They both think that the ‘grabber’ is a fine choice. Alexis sounds like the kind of woman that hates Hillary a la Coulter, Conway, et al and don’t forget the late Barbara Olson. She was the apex hater.
The:’there is no news” is their version of the right’s fake news meme that they’ve bought into even as they criticize the right wing media. The right wing media ‘owns’ them now. No thinking required…….or allowed.
Why do you suppose that the “thick-skinned” Glenn stepped away for months because he said I was bullying him? He has nothing to say once he decided that both parties are the same and there’s no news. And, he can’t seem to defend his guy trump. Yet, he comes back for some unknown reason and still has nothing to say.
Go ahead, Glenn, tell us more of your sweet nothings that’s music to Alexis’s ears. What a pair.
Alexis says
I admire the people in Lancaster that work hard to change the present circumstances, but are up against complacency within this community. Measure H passed which is a disappointment for those that are informed. Watching this city that I lived in for so many years turn into a wasteland, is sickening. Only 14% actually voted in the last election. Parris and his crew count on apathy to stay in power.
Never Forget says
Raymond Lee Jennings spent 10 years in jail thanks to the biased and incorrect case built by Raymond Rex Parris.
Never forget.
Tim Scott says
Well, D’ump and his GOP cronies have released their tax plan. Standard Republican stuff…toss the middle class a thousand dollars while handing billions to the wealthiest Americans, then when the deficit explodes blame it on a few pennies being spent on the neediest among us.
Repeal the “totally unfair” alternative minimum tax rate, which was adopted to prevent people “earning” millions of dollars a year, mostly in interest and dividends on accumulated wealth, from using loopholes to avoid paying any tax at all. This way D’ump can get back to paying zero instead of the alternative minimum rate…which is comparable to the rate the lowest income people are taxed at. As Warren Buffet said when endorsing the alternative minimum rate, “why should someone like me pay a lower tax rate than my secretary pays?”
Repeal the estate tax. I mean, why should D’ump’s family be expected to contribute anything to the US that he swears he is so patriotic about? The country they all talk about as having been so good to them? Surely they will use the billions they save for the benefit of their fellow Americans just like D’ump did with his massive inheritance (which was still massive despite paying estate taxes).
East Lancaster Resident says
Another outstanding letter in the paper. That makes it three days in a row. Maybe the people of the AV are finally waking up to what most of us know in Lancaster- we are ruled by a megalomaniac and a bully wrapped into one corrupt mess.
School should be renamed for St. Clair
Does Lancaster Mayor Rex Parris ever tire of bullying people? What grade is he in? If I were a resident of Lancaster, I would be more concerned with Rex’s penchant for appointing non-elected “vice mayors” to perform the duties for which he was elected while he obsesses on Jim Ledford and the business of the city of Palmdale.
Could it be that Rex is somewhat bitter that, as a former Palmdale native, he had to take his game to Lancaster to get the attention he craves? I would also recommend that the high school named after Rex, in Palmdale, be renamed for a more civic-minded resident.
The late Dr. Robert C. St. Clair comes to mind. He was not only a notable Palmdale mayor and City Council member, but a member of the school board and generally, a man who loved this city and labored endlessly to help the community in which he resided for more than 90 years. Seems more fitting, don’t you think?
Ken Kassinger
Tax Payer says
Today the cost to fill up my tank on my vehicle went up. People are blaming Democrats, and that’s a fair criticism to a point.
Let’s not forget that it was our local REPUBLICANS who as AVTA board members supported the gas tax hike.
So THANK YOU Marv Crist, Steven Hofbauer, Austin Bishop and Angela Underwood–Jacobs for supporting the gas tax hike and hurting tens of thousands of Antelope Valley commuters.
With REPUBLICANS like those four, who needs DEMOCRATS?
Tim Scott says
If you drive three thousand miles a month, which is sufficient to consume all the value out of your vehicle in about two and a half years, and you get twenty miles to the gallon, which means you should have bought a different car in the first place, the increased gas tax is going to cost you eighteen dollars a month. I’m not trying to defend this eighteen dollars a month, I’m just wondering if people who are railing against this thing as if it was the detonator in the bomb blowing up their personal economy have done the math.
When president D’ump complains about taxes he focuses on the estate tax that is about to cost his family several BILLION dollars. It strikes me that even though I think he is an idiot he does seem to have his eye on the REAL ball when it comes to complaining about taxes, and most people apparently don’t.
Laughing says
My full size 78 Chevy pickup had 1050 miles put on it per week. Several years of doing that, then became a gardener for several years running around this valley with same truck and trailer. Guess I got my money’s worth out of that old Beast. Does not even count the out of state excursions and family get togethers, trail rides and shopping. Guess that is why I still have it, it still starts but it needs a major overhaul. Was thinking of going hybrid electric power train. Makes sense for a truck, plenty of room for battery rails, and under the hood a gas generator with a solar bed cover or shell.
What do you think? Doable?
Tim Scott says
Interesting project. Doable or not a lot would be learned along the way…and ultimately anything is doable, though whether it is worth doing depends on circumstances. You might find that the most frustrating part is getting it registered after you get it done.
As to what I said about “driving all the value out”… If you were driving 1050 miles per week in a brand new truck for two and a half years you had a two or three year old truck with 140,000 miles on it. It can still be a great truck, and I’m glad to hear that in your case it was, but the resale value of a three year old vehicle with 140K on it is usually about 15% of what it cost when you bought it, and even at 15% it’s a tough sell.
Laughing says
Yup I purchase in 88 at $3500 which was too much, but the price was normal for Orange county.
Called the DMV a few years ago and was told full electric only as they have no check boxes for the gas generator. It seems the cost would be nearly as much or more than a new fuelly.
Anon says
I think you’re right, Tim. Eighteen bucks a month won’t bust most people’s budgets. If gas goes up again then it’s a different story. But for the time being it’s not going to hurt that bad.
I also think Tax Payer makes a good point. The Good Old Boy Republicans here in the AV talk tough about taxes but they sure don’t mind supporting a tax increase like the gas tax or spending government dollars on pet projects like the electric busses.
Don’t get me wrong here. I am for going green. I do question why we’re passing up Proterra busses that are proving to get far more mileage on a single charge than BYD busses. It costs a lot of money for those charging systems that have to go in around town because the BYD busses can’t go as long.
At least the Democrats are more honest about these things.
Really says
True, however there is also a increase in vehicle registration fees of between 25-175 dollars. Additionally diesel excise went up 20 cents a gallon and sales tax on diesel went from 1.75% to 5.75%. In reality diesel cost increased 20%.
This means the cost of delivering goods increased by roughly that amount.
East Lancaster Resident says
Another outstanding letter in the paper today. People may finally be starting to wake up. We can take back our city if we all take a stand and say NO MORE of the shenanigans, cronyism, corruption, ill-will, and kookiness of Rex and his gang.
Exchange not germane, and was self-serving
Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris grills Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford on his involvement in a pending corruption case. I think this exchange was not germane to the meeting and was self-serving in the extreme.
For God’s sake, grow up or just get out of town.
Before you leave, how about spending a little money repairing the streets? If you can spend $89,000 a month on the Eye in the Sky, start with Avenue L between Sierra Highway and 10th Street West. It is a disaster.
Do this before you build another traffic circle to nowhere.
David Stilwell
Tim Scott says
The difference isn’t in the letter writers, the difference is in the AV Press. Apparently the new ownership has overturned the “Wrecks Parris is our biggest advertising revenue stream so nothing against him makes it into print” policy.
Good to see journalism making a comeback in the Antelope Valley.
JPB says
If that is the case, they need to start doing some investigative journalism into the mess he has created with LEAPS, Ecolution, TractionSeal, Chinese birth tourism, character assassinations (Jennings, Floyd, Jorge, Ervin, Ledford), ruination of Antelope Acres, lack of voting districts, cronyism, illegal purchase of McMahon’s building, racist hit mailers, no bid contracts, etc.
Tim Scott says
That would be great. It is probably a lot harder to get rolling with though. I’m sure they have been getting, and round filing, letters like these all along, and just a change in policy can start letting them into print. Anyone who ever considered investigative reporting about Wrecks no doubt got purged off the payroll, so it will take more than a change of policy to get that ball rolling.
Ron says
Collecting information would be easy. There is a wealth of information on the Internet. Simply Google R. Rex Parris and all sorts of stories come up, from his whacky interview with Vice on China to his infamous Wall Street Journal story where he told a reporter straight faced that bird sounds were lowering crime citywide.
Then there is the informative Facebook page Get Parris Out of Lancaster. They have a chronology of Rex’s antics dating back to 2008.
There may be archives of the old Quartz Hill Town Crier available, too.
The information is out there. If there is an honest journalist looking to make a name for themselves and to help a community under the control of a megalomaniac, the opportunity awaits.
East Lancaster Resident says
Outstanding letter in the paper this morning. So true. So very, very true. Outstanding.
Lancaster street plan creates traffic back-ups
As for the street plan for Lancaster, it sucks. Ever since we have had the bike lanes added there are nothing but traffic back-ups and people trying to cut in front of other cars and passing on the right into the bike lanes. I have yet to see one bike in those bike lanes.
Also on the east side, where the new Aldi’s is being built, if you go into the Stater Bros. shopping center there is no way out to go west except to go east first and then make a U-turn at the light on 20th Street East There is a “no left turn” sign now on the 20th Street East exit from Stater Bros. It is a real pain with all the traffic.
Buses are in the one lane available to auto traffic and the traffic gets backed up while we are waiting behind a stopped bus. Also, whoever designed the Lancaster Boulevard must have been on drugs. There are no stop signs all the way down the boulevard. It is dangerous. Also parking in the middle of the Boulevard makes it hard to back out with through traffic and stopped delivery trucks in the way. I avoid the boulevard at all costs.
How about getting us some new stores or restaurants instead of all these ridiculous bike lanes that are not even used? Palmdale gets all of the new stores and restaurants, so we Lancaster residents spend our money in Palmdale where we have nice places to shop and eat, which we don’t have in Lancaster anymore.
They have all gone to Palmdale, where they are welcomed. All we get are stupid street makeovers and homeless people. How about our leaders doing something for the taxpayers for a change instead of wasting taxpayers’ money on frivolous, unneeded things?
Mayor Jim Ledford has made Palmdale a very nice place to live and shop. Not like Lancaster.
Marie Waldrop
Tim Scott says
A huge part of the ‘street plan and traffic problem’ in Lancaster results from misappropriation of developer fees. In most cities if you want to build a housing tract or a shopping center the fees the city demands as part of approving your plan are not actually paid in cash. You have to provide infrastructure as part of the deal, like improvements of streets that will be impacted by the traffic you are creating. In Lancaster for decades the developers have been able to get less expensive solutions by just paying cash into the city funds, which is then directed into the Fern Street Mafia’s pockets.
That’s why you see big housing tracts where there are the right number of access points to handle the number of residents, but one or more of those access points are just openings into the desert that aren’t connected to streets. It is also why you see shopping centers where one or more of the adjacent streets don’t get any improvement to allow access and are left in the same condition they were when the corner with the shopping center was just a vacant lot.
Just Saying says
It’s weird how Ave L goes from 3 lanes, to curb-less 2 lanes for a couple hundred feet, then back to 3 lanes in front of the Kaiser Bldg. This is where Northrop employee traffic use the overpass to come into Lancaster when the shift ends. Bad enough the bottleneck at the under-designed traffic circle, then just try to get past Costco.
Lioness says
Palmdale is lucky to have Mayor Ledford. We have Rex. Look at the difference in the two people and two cities.
What did I do so bad to deserve Rex?
William says
Just came upon an accident on the southbound 14 just north of Avenue H. It looked like a truck rolled over….and over.
Y’all can now begin debating who was at fault even before the article appears tomorrow. Yeah!
Laughing says
Dibs on distracted/tired driver!
Tim Scott says
I’ll take alien abduction.
In Depends says
Speaking of alien abduction, do you think aliens have taken over Lancaster city hall? I mean with the bizarre things that come out of the mouths of Rex and Marv and the general thinking of the leaders and commissioners it’s almost like there minds have been taken over by aliens. Sort of like Invasion of the Body Snatchers but instead of the bodies, their brains are taken over by some weird space fungus that produces stupid ideas like LEAPS, Ecolution, Traction Seal, Chinese Birth Tourism, Ramblas, etc.
Maybe that’s where all the corruption and cronyism comes from too. It has to be aliens.
Lancaster is one strange place.
William says
Real space aliens would be an improvement for Lancaster.
Tim Scott says
Space aliens are the next big thing in birth tourism. Wrecks will be launching an interplanetary promotional campaign shortly. The ad agency will belong to one of his political contributors and vast amounts of city funding will be poured into their pockets.
Okay, I’m kidding. We know that such criminal corruption cannot possibly happen in Lancaster under the careful scrutiny of the eye in the sky.
Laughing says
Unless they are Ferengi
William says
Here’s the deal, folks. Pay close attention.
It’s not trump or parris that is the problem. Or, paul ryan or mitch mcconnell.
It’s the people that vote for them. What’s with those people? Read the letters in the Valley Press and get an earful from whom Russian troll farms have targeted for their fake news articles.
The ones that vote for parris likely voted for trump. They were separated at birth with the same lying, dishonest, unethical behaviors that their fans just love.
trump and Russian hackers know their targets well and it shows every day in what falsehoods are believed by our ‘fellow’ citizens. The Antelope Valley is full of ‘believers’ and who would certainly give a pass to trump shooting someone on 5th Avenue in New York City.
THAT’S THE PROBLEM. Now, what to do with them? They don’t accept facts, evidence, scientific proof, actual videos and recordings and so on.
Palmdale resident says
Both sides are guilty! Democrats full of hatred for Republicans. Republicans full of hatred for Democrats. We don’t need to protect the perimeter, because the enemy is us, and the hatred we have for each other. “Now what to do with them.? We’re all in this together, William. Where do you get your facts that you think is evidence? Not to mention the millions of people in this nation that are addicted and couldn’t care less what’s going on. Your comment is arrogant and self-righteous, William. You don’t know anymore than the people you condemn; you just think you do.
Vic says
I have to agree with William when he questions anyone who votes for Parris. He is a deceptive, destructive, and vile person who has ruined many lives. Parris is a megalomaniac and is a poison in the AV.
William says
@Palmdale resident
You project too much.
Your reply makes so little sense, I leave it at that although it reveals much about you.
William says
“How do you irritate a liberal?” Tell him a lie.
“How do you irritate a conservative?” Tell him the truth.
There IS a difference, Palmdale resident. A distinction with a difference.
Well, that probably went over yer head.
Palmdale resident says
I agree with you ,Vic, about Rex Parris.
Palmdale resident says
I’m a liberal, William. I have many friends that are liberals and conservatives, and we don’t allow our political differences to interfere with our respect for one another. We don’t get caught up in hateful rhetoric like you and so many like you do.
William says
@Palmdale resident
“hateful rhetoric” you say???
Go back and read your first reply. Was your hair on fire?
Ledford supporter says
Thank you, Palmdale resident.
Van Damnit says
Every time Rex opens his mouth it is more apparent that his thinking is bizarre to say it politely.
His latest moronic comment calls his current attack on Ledford as ‘the most controversial thing that has ever occurred in the Antelope Valley’.
We beg to differ. You were the one who put Raymond Lee Jennings in jail for 10 years for a crime he didn’t commit.
You were the one who destroyed the careers of Randy Floyd and Esmeralda Jorge.
You were the one who sent racist political hit mailers to smear African American veteran Johnathan Ervin’s campaign.
You were the one who declared ‘war’ on Section 8 and dragged the Department of Justice into a lawsuit against Lancaster, Palmdale, and LA County.
You were the one who came up with the $10 million dollar taxpayer funded boondoggle known as the ‘Eye in the Sky’ which funnels money to your friend.
You were the one who bought his business office illegally.
You were the one who told us that bird sounds on the BLVD would lower crime.
You were the one behind the failed Ecolution which cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
You were the one suing Santa Clarita, Palmdale, Highland and several school districts for millions of dollars which were paid by the taxpayer.
You were the one who tried for force Chinese birth tourism on an unsuspecting community.
You were the one who said he wanted to bring Asians and ‘the gays’ to Lancaster to raise education levels and lower crime.
You were the one who got into fisticuffs with a resident at a local gym.
You were the one who forced and unwanted Super Walmart upon residents and students of Quartz Hill.
You were the one who forced unwanted solar fields in the rural community of Antelope Acres.
You, sir, are the most controversial thing to ever happen to the Antelope Valley. Please go away.
Question Lancaster Authority says
So very true. Sounds like Rex was frothing at the mouth.
Ledford is in his head. He’s also in the heads of Lancaster Planning Commissioners Drew Mercy and Randy Hall, not to mention the loons over at the Antelope Valley Voice.
This is sure fun to watch.
Tim Scott says
You left out my personal favorite…when Wrecks acting as Mayor AND chair of the redevelopment district board was pointed out as being illegal he made a huge show of “recusing himself” as the council selected a new chairperson. When his rubber stamp council selected…surprise!…an employee of the Wrecks Parris law firm he not only didn’t point out that this continuation of the gross conflict of interest was horribly corrupt, he had the audacity to act like he had had no idea who they were going to appoint.
Dan says
What law school did Parris go to? Was it a school in North Korea, China, or Cuba? Apparently that school doe t teach the American legal concept of innocent until proven guilty. What a dimwit.
It seems that you have to be equally as dim to be on the Lancaster city council or planning commission.
We are being led by the ignorant.
Pepperdine Alum says
Whatever school he went to would be wise to distance themselves from him. His monetary donations to Pepperdine have tarnished their reputation. Why would any university accept money from someone like him?
I will never make another donation to Pepperdine again.
Maria says
Definately “bizarre” to say the least…..look very closely. Something (or someone) just not right. Hmmmmm. Me thinks some switch a roos a happenin
LOL!!! says
Happy Monday to everyone in Rex’s Antelope Valley!!! LOL!!!
This week we’re going to take a look at Rex’s AVTA.
Does anyone know what an Innovation Coordinator is? Neither do we!!! LOL!!!
They have one at AVTA. We never saw a job posting for it or else we would have applied!!! LOL!!!
Looks like one of Rex’s former employees got the gig!!! What a coincidence!!! LOL!!!
Have a wonderful and happy Monday!!! LOL!!!
JPB says
This is the same AVTA with a board that supports the new gas tax that will hurt thousands of AV residents.
Nepotism. Pet projects. Way to go Rex, Marv, Hoffbauer, Bishop.
Alexis says
Internet Hitler finds out about Harvey Weinstein. You know things are going bad when Bill Clinton doesn’t even have his back.
JPB says
We know about the $1.50 an hour wages. We know about his attempt to force Chinese birth tourism on us.
Is this next on Rex’s list?
Raids on marijuana grow houses often find Chinese ‘farmers’ inside
Alexis says
Just bandying about the word “racist” is dangerous and easily misapplied.
Tim Scott says
That’s generally what racists say, right after they say “Supporting ‘build the wall’ doesn’t make me a racist, building the wall is just the best way to solve all of our problems since problems are always caused by the brown people.”
By the way, I don’t think Alexis says it because she is a racist, I think she just says whatever seems to snotty without thinking much about it.
Alexis says
Calling anyone a racist on here is ridiculous. A wall isn’t going to solve anything, with the massive problems we have in this nation. Most of this country is too focused on where they’re going to get their next fix, to care about what’s going on. No one is credible on here, Tim, including myself. Just a bunch of gossip and people twisting comments to suit their own agenda. Don’t get so caught up in bait comments. This is NOT real life.
Vic says
When someone sends out a political hit mailer calling an African American veteran with no gang affiliation a ‘gang candidate’, that is racist in my opinion. It is racist in many people’s opinions, including professors from USC.
Alexis says
Calling people racists doesn’t solve anything either. This is an addicted nation, and most people are more interested in making sure they’re stocked up with their drug of choice to really care about a wall.
Not Rex Parris says
I think it’s racist that you automatically associate the word, gang, with black people. APOLOGIZE
Anon says
The term racist can be misused. When some repeatedly makes statements and uses stereotypes, chances are it is being used properly.
Tim Scott says
So, every conduit of information within the administration is apparently saying that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. The Secretary of State says they are in compliance. The Secretary of Defense says they are in compliance. In addition, all the other signatories to the agreement are indicating that their intelligence agencies agree that Iran is in compliance.
Yet, the president is apparently relying on some secret information source and claiming that Iran is not in compliance. Maybe he read it on Breitbart.
William says
Fox & Friends no doubt.
Alexis says
Since I have been posting on this forum, someone has been using my screen name to comment. It is sad that a person hates my comments so much that they have to resort to this infantile way of getting back at me. It seems no one cares unless it happens to them, so there is no integrity on this forum. There is no accountability.
Tim Scott says
Happens to me all the time. Just an unfortunate piece of the landscape on a comments section with uncontrolled screen name access. For me it has always worked out okay, because the fakes are so clearly not me that I’m pretty confident that most people identify them immediately. I recommend you just make it a point to respond to your copycat directly whenever it happens.
Vern says
I try to focus on what is said in a post more than the screename used. It is pretty obvious to me at least which Tim Scott and Alexis posts are the “real” ones.
On the other hand, I really haven’t found any post from the screen name Depends or Politically whatever worth taking seriously or responding to.
Tim Scott says
I’m intrigued. It had never occurred to me that there might be a fake Alexis. Do you think the constant libelous nonsense directed at me is the fake, or is that the real Alexis? Which one do you think yammers about “keyboard warriors” but is unwilling to meet face to face?
William says
Hard to tell which alexis is the ‘real’ one.
Does the ‘real’ one realize that there is no difference in the posts?
In Depends says
Hey Vern (William):
And you’re not the only one, LOL.
I thought there were now two Williams. The evil, obnoxious and annoying William, and the MORE evil, obnoxious and annoying William.
BTW: Vern’s a very good alias for you because you remind me of that uneducated bumpkin of a silly hillbilly that was dumb as a box of rocks.
Also, who would want to identify with the drooling, semi-literate internet pest/troll without imagination or creativity previously named WILLIAM?
Don’t worry, I still LUV ya buddy. Imagine if I didn’t.
Alexis says
I like you In Depends.
In Depends says
Lady Alexis:
And to misquote Mr. Z’s “Help I’m a Rock”:
Tim Scott says
He’s more likable in Depends than he would be if he were leaking all over.
Vern says
What is wrong with the name Vern? Why do associate with bumpkins? You are a stereotype machine.
William says
You do know what ‘Depends’ are loaded with dontcha?
I’ll give you credit for accurately describing yourself.
Akmed says
In Depends is a stereotype pushing moron. Fit for a Lancaster Commission.
In Depends says
Purposely using someone ELSE’S screen name corrodes the integrity of this forum.
KNOCK THAT S_!T OFF !!!!!!!!!
Quartz Hill Water District Customer says
As a Quartz Hill Water District customer, I encourage all fellow customers to NOT vote for Rutger Rex Parris. The Parris family has devastated our community by shoving a Super Walmart down our throats and putting it next to the premier high school in the Antelope Valley.
Our hillsides are littered with solar fields that send electricity to customers far away.
The Parris clan should stay in Lancaster and continue to ruin that community, not ours.
Tim Scott says
Word of advice…you need to encourage people to get out and vote for whoever opposes Wrecks, not just to not vote for Wrecks. 86% of Lancaster voters didn’t vote for Wrecks last time, but notice he still won since they also didn’t vote against him. If you have a parrisite sucking out your blood you have to take action to get rid of it, not just ignore it and hope it goes away.
Alexis says
Mayor Rex Parris blackballed by the California Club.
Anonymous says
I asked a long time member of the California Club why they blackballed R. Rex Parris.
He said to me, “Who”?
True story.
Anon says
I asked a long time member of the California Club why they blackballed Mayor Rex Parris.
His response to me: “Who is Rex Parris?”
Mr fed up says
Fyi those solar fields, Walmart, & Quartz hill high school are actually in the city of Lancaster, look at a map
Vic says
Yes sir Mr. Fed Up. These are Rex’s doing. He is bad news for the AV.
Laughing says
Did you notice Rex only annexed neighborhoods with good tax bases or open land that could be developed cheaply. Lots of holes in the city of Landscatter.
East Lancaster Resident says
Rex has ruined a once decent community. He and his friends have made millions, while East Lancaster and other places have rotted.
Mr fed up says
How is east Lancaster rotted?? Soccer fields, remolded old park playgrounds, new schools, streets being repaved, Aldi coming soon, old shopping ctr on division & ave j being remolded all the shopping ctrs @ 98% capacity i wouldnt call that rotting
East Lancaster Resident says
You obviously don’t live here. The soccer fields are nice. Not so much the areas around Ave. K where empty storefronts sit. The roads suck. The black paint isn’t fooling anyone. Homeless people in the parks. Panhandlers. Thugs. Graffiti.
If you like police sirens and helicopters to sing you to sleep at night, then East Lancaster is the place for you.
Too bad Rex and the rest of our pathetic leaders never go there to see what is happening.
I’m getting out as soon as I can.
Mr fed up says
I do live in east lancaster what empty store fronts? what location? I wa was just @ tierra bonita & pierre baine, not homeless person in sight, & thugs, u mean kids playing sports who how low to calling good people thugs
Tim Scott says
Should be noted that kids playing sports doesn’t mean there aren’t also thugs, or that there is or is not overlap between the two. Saying there are thugs in the park doesn’t mean everyone in the park is a thug.
Easy Lancaster Resident says
I guess I have higher expectations of my community than you do Mr Fed Up. Sierra Highway is a drug infested magnet for prostitution. The area around White House burgers is delapitated. On the west side, the Center on L and 20th is a ghost town. Ave I makes Tijuana look like Beverly Hills. Boeing Park spews Hepatitis A. The BLVD is the tattoo capital of the world. The Metrolink station is a bum’s paradise.
Yet our mayor claims that Lancaster is Bette than ever.
What Lancaster do you and he live in? The one in Pennsylvania?
This one in California sucks. I can’t wait to get out.
Mr fed up says
The parks are safe, every city has areas & pockets were theres crime. But to say a whole area a city is bad just becasue you hate the mayor is pretty messed up! Rast Lancaster just lacks major retail! Just stick to leaps, ecolution, birth tourism & suin everybody
JPB says
The words of Raymond –
“I walked into a city that was on the edge of the abyss … and you don’t pull it out and make it thrive by the normal way decisions are made in times of calm,” Parris told me. “Am I autocratic in how I do it? Yeah, I am. Are they eventually going to vote me out because of it? Yeah, they will. But what gets left behind, they’re not going to be able to undo.”
– Interview from Vice magazine with Mayor Rex
Stuck in Lancaster says
The more Trump talks and posts on social media, the more he sounds like Rex.
The more Rex talks and posts on social media, the more he sounds like Trump.
Now In Depends says
Where’s Tim? I miss Tim. (Tim Jung Un).
Independs says
I’m a passionate advocate of the 2nd Amendment.
That said, I see no good reason that we should be allowed to have military weapons in civilian life. Two of my kids have AR-15s (both Army vets), and it’s fun to take to the range, but if they banned them altogether, I wouldn’t cry. My kids might.
Independs says
I’m stunned that criminal illegal aliens are DEMANDING federal ICE agents leave them alone. DEMANDING!!!
What rights should they have after sneaking in and breaking the law? What other laws and constitutional amendments do they find inconvenient?
I’m popular around here, no?
Independs says
On Wednesday the Committee on Homeland Security in the House of Representatives approved the Border Security for America Act.
And ICE will intensify efforts to deport illegals in CA sanctuary state.
Hey, what do ya know? Our side won the election after all. Maybe some of you guys should start making preparations to “self-deport”.
Independs says
Bowe Bergdahl (damn has eyes), the soldier Obama praised and traded 5 Taliban for, will plead guilty to desertion (copped a lesser plea). His fellow soldiers would like to kick his a$$.
Obama was the worst Commander-in-Chief since Jimmy Carter.
Politically Whatever says
BLM disrupted an ACLU event in VA yesterday shouting: “The revolution will not uphold the Constitution!”
Do they want civil war?
Laughing says
Interesting. So that means BLM does not believe in alienable rights. Then right are they complaining about being subjugated?
Bill O'Reilly says
Hi, William. I’m your new moderator.
Tim Scott says
Not long ago there was a guy on here claiming to be a blow up sex doll. Now you are claiming to be Bill O’Reilly. I’m not sure if that is a step up or a step down.
William says
Suaxel paterodr blil o’irlely mderaotes?
Hdie the wefolnmok.
Bill O'Reilly says
Don’t worry about the womenfolk. It’s YOU that I think is pretty!
William says
Are those marks all over you from 10 foot poles that the ladies at fox carry?
I hear you and sean hannity are an item lately given that you 2 used to hate each other.
Gracie says
This Las Vegas thing really freaked-out the mainstream media. The next three weeks our clumsy, frigid, alt-left newsies are going to be hopelessly steeped, in cloves of their neurosis.
William says
Say “Goodnight”Gracie
William says
It gets even worse.
“A small number of the more than 3 million residents in Puerto Rico still without power were gifted paper towels, which Trump apparently thought was the most pressing need for those in the crowd.” from a MSN article
He tossed rolls of paper towels to the crowd.
Laughing says
To dry their ‘snowflake tears’?
Nah, maybe to dry up the puddles so mosquitoes can not breed.
Tim Scott says
The right wing echo chamber has started panicking over a possible “wave of illegal immigrant refugees”…from Puerto Rico.
RabbleRouser (It's me) says
Alexis says
Puerto Ricans can freely travel and move to the U.S. mainland, because they are U.S. citizens. Most people know this, and it has nothing to do with a political party.
Fool for Foolco says
I hope droves of them relocate to Foolco’s neighborhood. I’ll be a hoot listening to him b1tch and moan.
Alexis says
I highly doubt that; they’re U.S. citizens. You seem to be the one that’s doing most of the moaning. I notice you’re always seeking him out, so he must hold some attraction for you.
Tim Scott says
LOL…if you pay attention to what President D’ump says it is pretty obvious that “Puerto Ricans are US citizens” was news to him. The right wing echo chamber isn’t lit by the brightest bulbs in the fixture either.
Alexis says
Actually, Tim, you are just as odious as conspiracy-mongering Alex Jones. You come from the left flank to spread your conspiracy theories, only on a much smaller scale. The extreme left wing echo chamber isn’t lit by the brightest bulbs in the fixture either. Never mind, your light burned out a long time ago.
Tim Scott says
Good thing I don’t represent the extreme left then I guess, eh Alexis? Of course, YOU are going to call me extreme because I’m so far from you…but notice that from the wingtip the body of the bird is a long way off. That’s why right wing dingbats who call everyone a leftist need to be asked “so who is further right than you are?”
When it stumps them they will still claim to be “moderate,” but at least their lack of self awarenesss becomes obvious to everyone else.
Alexis says
Not going to work, Tim. You being so far from me makes me very happy. You convolute your own comments, that’s how dangerously confused you are, Tim. You never shut up about the right wing dingbats, when you are that left wing dingbat that can’t see out of the prison of your own mind. Then when a bunch of left wing dingbats gather together, you spread nothing but dingbat excrement. Thank you for seeing that we are so different. you tell people to die, that think differently than you.
Tim Scott says
The vast majority of the Democratic party is to the left of me Alexis. Sanders, Hilary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren by quite a bit. Even Bill Clinton and Obama. Most of the Democratic party considers me, correctly, to be a carpet bagging ex Republican.
There is no way for me to stop you from posting your constant stream of falsehoods and insults, so, sure, I would be happier if you just died. Why shouldn’t I be? It isn’t because you “think differently,” it’s because of your behavior.
Fool for Foolco says
Foolco is the one who bragged about people with ‘those kinds of names’ not living in his neighborhood. It was referring to Hispanic surnames. We already have Politically Whatever putting racist garbage on here. We don’t need Foolco or others. They have a platform over at the Antelope Valley Voice. There, fellow racists, conspiracy theorists, loons, and homophobes can play in their sandbox of bigotry.
But I do think he looks mighty fine in his tight blue dress blues. Hence, I am a Fool for Foolco.
tarred&feathered says
Don’t worry, we’ll deport ’em!
“Odious’, LOL. Good one.
Alexis says
Calling others dingbats; like dingbat right wingers-dingbat Donnie (whoever that is). Well, Tim, you’re the left wing dingbat that spreads the most dingbat guano. Blowhard, grinding your axe, daily. advocating violence, just not with guns, huh, Tim.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the idea that you are complaining about me calling you names is hilarious. You attack me what…ten times a day, on average?
Alexis says
Alexis says
Don’t get that twisted, Tim. I observe and then I comment about what I read, which is you attacking anyone with opinions different than yours. Your a verbal vigilante, Tim, that is so hyper-sensitive that you can barely contain yourself when someone posts a comment that deviates from your rigid mind-set.
Tim Scott says
I have to thank you Alexis. When I created the hate mail account it was, genuinely, because a keyboard warrior clown was pretending they wanted to fight. Little did I know that clown was a sniveling girl who would continue to natter mindlessly and never back up the challenge. But, today I once again spent a very nice afternoon in tea and conversation that I may never have had the opportunity for without the hatemail account.
Now, what were you chattering?
William says
“President Trump on Tuesday told Puerto Rico officials they should feel “very proud” they haven’t lost thousands of lives like in “a real catastrophe like Katrina,” while adding that the devastated island territory has thrown the nation’s budget “a little out of whack.” from a MSN news article
Isn’t trump a complete idiot? He makes W look smarter ever day of the world.
Glenn voted for this guy and gets upset because I point that out.
Politically Whatever says
I voted for Trump too. But as an Independent, I also got to vote in Dem primary and voted for socialist Bernie just to stop Clinton. So I’m truly non-denominational. I ACTUALLY voted for a sociaIlst, LMAO. Who would have thunk t?
Tim Scott For Mayor says
Political Whatever voted for Trump. Now there’s a shocker. After reading all your stereotypes and other nonsense, it makes sense. Next up for you is a position on a Lancaster commission. What a collection of misfits. Right up your alley.
Politically Whatever says
But I voted for Bernie too. Doesn’t that count for something? I should be a hero here in The Socialist State of Californiastan.
Hmmmm…….”Commissioner”. I like the sound of that. Not as good as emperor. But you gotta start somewhere.
William says
After reading a post regarding of the expanding stupidity of the trump, Politcal Whatever goes ahead and admits to voting for him. There are millions more just like him while he thinks he’s unique and special cause he’s independent.
They outta make a new adult diaper for you guys called “INDEPENDS”.
Now, we know where to stick the pitchforks.
Politically Whatever says
“INDEPENDS” That’s great, LMAO. Ouch.
Politically Whatever says
I’ll need ’em soon !
yolo says
Do you regret it?
Politically Whatever says
Certainly not. He’s a NYC bigmouth with no couth or subtlety (just like me), but he’s not a politician and might get something done.
Tim Scott says
That “might get something done” may have seemed like a good argument at the time, but surely you see by now that “not a politician” does not balance out “basically incompetent for the job” enough to make getting anything done likely.
Politically Whatever says
“Basically incompetent for the job” seems to be a prerequisite since Billy Clinton was elected. But he was very adept at seducing young girls, so I’ll give him that.
OK, torch me.
William says
Hey, Glann, Secretary of State Tillerson says trump is a “moron”.
What’s that make you for voting for him.
Your second to the last sentence tells us all why an intelligent debate can’t be had with you.
Glenn says
Im not upset when you point that I voted for Trump. I just do not wish to engage in conversations with you any longer because as we all know if you do not agree with our opinions you start shooting insults. You also seem to forget that I also voted for Obama, which I have stated many times but you ignore that fact because you cannot attack me for that one. Do I like the things Trump tweets about, absolutely not but I still believe he was the better of 2 Horrible choices. Go ahead William fire away
yollo says
I think my pet parrot would have been a better Presidnet than Dump.
Nothing of Interest AKA PoliticalYadaYada says
Poor people in Vegas. World isn’t dangerous enough with natural disasters, traffic accidents, random crime, etc.
Cowardly and deranged to snipe at innocents with assault rifles from 32 floors up.
World’s going crazy.
JPB says
Ain’t it great that rex and city decided to start buying health care for their friends? Latest “fake mayor #4” doesn’t even live here!
But than, for the most part, neither does rex.
from the AVP
“Parris taps electrical union chief
LANCASTER – An electrical union leader has been named Mayor R. Rex Parris’ fourth deputy mayor.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 11 Business Manager Marvin Kropke,
“Joined at his appointment Tuesday night by his wife and dozens of union members, Kropke, a Brea resident………….”
JPB says
I don’t think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislature. You’ve got to work on his conscience. And his lack of conscience is what makes him a lawyer. –Will Rogers
Question Lancaster Authority says
We have the lowest of the low lawyers right here in Lancaster. Lower than whale excrement which rots on the bottom of the ocean.
Misquote AKA PoliticalPollution says
Just stopped in seasonal store selling Halloween paraphernalia with my grandson. Along with usual ghosts, goblins and such (great stuff we didn’t have), there is an animated Trump doll with a MAGA hat. The face is so Trump-like it’s priceless. And we can use it to scare away snowflakes, lol.
Make East Lancaster Great Again says
Thank you Michael Rives for standing up to Rex, Marv, and the rest of the disconnected council regarding Lancaster’s elections. You were correct in stating that Lancaster should have voting districts and hold their elections on the normal Election Day in November.
Too bad this council is only concerned about lining their pockets and the pockets of their friends. Districts would help. Maybe then East Lancaster would have some representation and stop from becoming a worse s-hole than it already is.
Angry Taxpayer says
Outstanding letter in the paper today calling out the money wasters running our clown show in Lancaster. Mr. David Stilwell has my vote for mayor!
Throwing taxpayers’ dollars out the window
How completely detached from reality is the Lancaster City Council and City Manager Mark Bozigian when it comes to spending tax dollars and knowing the actual value of tax dollars and the cost to we who pay them?
Case in point: the Eye in the Sky fiasco as reported in the Antelope Valley Press, $1.3 million in start-up costs and $89,000 a month to fly a Cessna 172. You have got to be completely disconnected from real life to think this is a good way to spend money, unless of course your friend or relative owns Aero View.
Our streets are in awful condition and they are never repaired (sub-grade), only fixed to look nice that only lasts a short time. One other example of tax dollars thrown out the window in Lancaster, the bike lane from 10th Street West to Sierra Highway, the traffic light etc. – how much did that cost?
I would like to see Mr. Bozigian and Mayor R. Rex Parris work as, say, a roofer or construction worker over one summer for $15 an hour to get a real grip on the value of money.
David Stilwell
Tim Scott says
They have a grip on the value of money. That’s why they are totally dedicated to transferring that money from you to themselves. What they have no grasp of at all is the SERVICE part of PUBLIC SERVICE. They are cogs in the Lancaster political machine that runs exclusively for the benefit of the very few at the expense of everyone else in the city and surrounding area.
Not Stupid says
Rex and his boys only serve themselves. They step up to the public funding trough and dig in.
Yet the stupid, stupid, stupid voters of Lancaster continue to put these misfits in office.
Yes, I’m talking to you, church people. After Rex told you to pound sand when you asked him not to grow marijuana.
Yes, I’m talking to you, business people. Our city is dying. Empty storefronts, bad roads. Rex’s big mouth has cost us millions in lawsuits and who knows how much more in lost revenues from businesses leaving or refusing to come here.
Stupid, stupid people.
Misquote AKA PolticalMalfunction says
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said this today:
“Freedom of thought and speech on the American campus are under attack,” Sessions said. “The American university was once the center of academic freedom — a place of robust debate, a forum for the competition of ideas. But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogeneous thought, a shelter for fragile egos.”
Not on this forum, huh?
Tim Scott says
The problem is that the kind of “robust debate” Sessions and his ilk want to see is “I know the courts have ruled this unconstitutional, and I know that the most basic reading of the constitution says that it’s unconstitutional, but I want it to be constitutional, so it is.” Followed by “all scientifically derived facts have supported your statement to be true, but I want it to be false, so it is.” Allowing this sort of nonsense to sidetrack our educational system isn’t promoting “academic freedom,” it’s creating the chaos and confusion that the conservatives need as cover for their abject failures.
Alexis says
Whether there is chaos and confusion, and this sort of nonsense sidetracking our educational system, by American University (Methodist); or whether chaos and confusion comes from Berkeley (liberal), caused by radical left violence, ultimately, isn’t promoting “academic freedom.” Both sides are duplicitous; both sides are guilty of chaos and confusion. Neither side will admit their guilt. they justify their position because both sides are prideful and arrogant. Robust debate that goes nowhere because no one is listening.
Lex says
Who knew that the ideas of Nazis and white supremacists were ‘debateable’. They should be utterly rejected along with the anarchists, NAMBLA, and child porn producers/users. Am I closed minded? To garbage like that, you bet your bottom I am.
But in the spirit of free speech, there is alway the Antelope Valley Voice. They didn’t have a lot of perverts, but if you’re a racist and like to spread lies you will he adored there.
Tim Scott says
In Alex’s defense, I don’t think she really supports white nationalists or Nazis. She just has an overpowering compulsion to attack me, so if I say something against the white nationalists she will defend them without even considering what she is defending. If I said that eating excrement was a bad idea she’d probably look for a spoon and a bowl. Can’t help herself, apparently.
Alexis says
Coming up with stuff to throw out there, Tim, hoping it sticks to someone. I never support white nationalists, even if you did or didn’t support them. They’re just as odious as you, who wish death to those with differing opinions than you. It’s a good thing you’re not running the country, Tim; there would be a whole lot of dead people that you would justify killing. You seem to have an excrement fetish, because you have much to say on the matter (fecal).
Tim Scott says
Nahhh…it’s just that when I think of you turds just come to mind.
Alexis says
Once again, Tim, don’t get that twisted. You’ve been thing of turds way before I started commenting.
Alexis says
Oops…meant to say thinking; starting drifting off to the dark side where you’re concerned.
Ex Alexis says
Alexis is paid by Raymond Rex Parris.
Alexis says
That’s what I said, Lex. When people use an ideology to justify violence, that ideology is no better than what they’re trying to put down. Taking the law into your own hands is lawlessness. By the way, Rex, there are plenty of racists right here, commenting. I doubt they are all going to migrate over to another forum.
Lex says
I am Lex, not Rex. Rex is a racist and a narcissist, and I have no use for either.
Lex, Rex, Shmex;
You’re a weenie. Can’t hang with uncomfortable ideas. Just arbitrarily call everyone racist and wish they go away. You’d do real well in the service, ha.
Lex says
Hey INDEPENDS, put your application in for a Lancaster commissioner position or run for council in East Palmdale. Rex hasn’t completely infiltrated that yet with his racists. Dolt.
Someone previously nominated me for that one. “Commissioner INDEPENDS”. Has a ring, no? But I deserve a promotion, don’t ya think?
Let’s go for overlord or supreme leader, but regent would be acceptable.
Lex says
I wasn’t talking to you Independs/ Political unstable/ whatever. I was talking to Alexis. You interject yourself into conversations a lot. Are you starved for attention? Were you ignored by your mommy as a child? You seem to have narcissist tendencies like our litigious Rex.
I will ignore you from now own. It drives narcissists crazy.
Independs says
Yeah, like I said. You just proved it, crying weenie.
Politically Whatever says
Freedom of speech, gentle little snowflake. Make me go there, if you have the chops. Debate it. You people that say “go to the Voice” are pathetic. I’m embarrassed for your gutlessness and close-mindedness.
No intestinal fortitude. Can’t hang in open debate. You just cry and say: Go away, bad man. Ha.
Alexis puts you dudes to shame. I think she has more heart, courage and spirit in her little pinky than the lot of you losers that whine: Go away, mean people’.
So you go read the socialist journals, CNN and MSNBC, where your tender little sensibilities and fragile little feelings won’t get hurt.
Maybe the 1st Amendment is no longer needed? Maybe the 2nd and 4th while we’re at it. Where did you sneak in from? They don’t have free speech there?
What do you say to that?
I’ll probably get snuffed.
Sill E Will E says
Wowie zowie! The crazy eyes are back! LOL! Check it out ppl!!!! Watch the Lancaster council mtg!!! Look at those eyes!!!! WTF????
Turd Ferguson says
What is going on with LEAPS? What is going on with LEAPS?The Lancaster City Council is going to vote whether to keep it or dump it? The Lancaster City Council is going to vote whether to keep it or dump it?I say dump it.I say dump it.Dump it now.Dump it now.It is a waste of tax payer money. It is a waste of tax payer money.It does nothing.It does nothing.Except pollute the air.Except pollute the air.And make money for Rex’s political pal Frank. And make money for Rex’s political pal Frank.At a cost of $90,000.00 a month. At a cost of $90,000.00 a month.That is $1,080,000.00 a year. That is $1,080,000.00 a year.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00. That is $10,800,000.00.For what?For what?To catch Wal Mart shoplifters?To catch Wal Mart shoplifters?Let Wal Mart catch their own shoplifters. Let Wal Mart catch their own shoplifters.We need more sherriffs not more LEAPS. We need more sherriffs not more LEAPS.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to more sherriffs.Yes to more sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
Vic says
Welcome back, Turd. Haven’t heard from you in a while. Keep up the good fight against LEAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pro Law Enforcement says
Good morning, Lancasterians! Tonight we have to chance to speak our minds and put an end to one of the largest wastes of public dollars in our city’s storied history. Tonight at our city council meeting, we can tell Mayor Parris and the rest to put an end to L.E.A.P.S. Since 2012, we have wasted $90,000 a month on a useless attempt to lower crime. It is nothing more than a cash cow for Parris’ political confidant and contributor Frank Visco. Not that Mr. Visco has the permits to grow cannabis in Lancaster, he has no need for the million dollar a year L.E.A.P.S. contract. The money can and should be used for real law enforcement.
Tim Scott says
Get real. Wrecks still owes Visco. The rubber stamp squad still owes Wrecks. The entire city could turn out and the council would still continue the program.
Alexis says
Good morning, humans of California! Etymology of the word “California.” Named after mythical Queen Califia in novel by Garci Rodriguez De Montalvo ( Las Sergas de Esplandian ). Women warriors taking care of business. Welcome the collective outrage.
Tim Scott says
Good morning Alexis. Were you expecting outrage because Califia was a queen in a matriarchy, or because she is a character in a novel written by a Spaniard, or because the mythical queen’s subjects were black? I would guess that the pointy hood crowd would take offense at all three.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Not me. First female Marine infantry officer just graduated. I wouldn’t mess with her for anything.
PoliticalMalfunction (new alias to hide my ID) says
Kurdish female Peshmerga soldiers are so tough (and feminine) that ISIS foot soldiers are terrified of being killed by a woman, as they wouldn’t go to heaven.
I emailed ISIS and told them, it’s OK, in that case I will entertain their 72 virgins.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Great seventy eight.
Raymundo says
This must have made Rex’s and Marv’s heads explode:
Dateline: September 19, 2017.
Headline: Lawyer letter backs up Ledford
Discounting objections raised by Lancaster officials, an attorney for the public agency that operates Lancaster’s sewage treatment plant says Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford “continues to have full legal authority” to act on the agency’s business despite a pending criminal case.
Tim says
Things have not gone well for Team Lancaster. Their coup to oust the Palmdale City Attorney failed. Now Mad Marvin cuts a meeting short because he will not sit with Ledford and the Agency’s Attorney rebuffs him.
It is back to the drawing board for Team Lancaster. We will see what they cook up next.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Kurds are going for independence from Iraq. Nobody deserves their own country more than them. Glad for them, Good guys win for a change.
Maria says
If you find or know of an attorney that will take on a case against the city for their MANY CRIMES ( HUGE LIST ) INCLUDING MURDER (which i can prove ) please let me know. My name is Maria Elena Paesano you can contact me through facebook
PoliticalMalpractice says
Wow, imagine the residual effect of radiation on our children, ocean and food chain if that evil, decadent and funny-looking dictator blows off a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific. Russia & US agreed to stopped testing in atmosphere on 1963 (when they hated each other most) because of child leukemia, thyroid cancer, etc. worldwide.
Tim will rightly call me a war mongering neocon a$$hole or something much worse (also rightly), but I want to kick Kim’s a$$ now if it’s possible with minimal loss of life. The sooner or never.
OK, torch me.
Tim Scott says
I think that the best solution would be to let their childish name calling clown and our childish name calling clown fight each other in some arena, or maybe the schoolyard at an elementary school.
More directly related to your comment…
It actually ISN’T possible to “kick Kim’s … right now” with minimal loss of life. It hasn’t been possible for several decades, unless of course you just mean American lives. That’s the problem. Any attack on North Korea leads immediately to heavy shelling of Seoul with tremendous numbers of civilian casualties.
I suspect that Dingbat Don will, in fact, say “well, even though we’re allies they’re just Koreans so no big deal” and start this war before any actual provocation happens…other than the bruising of his ego, of course. That will serve as an object lesson to any other country that is allied with us.
On the other hand, if North Korea fires off a nuclear missile into “somewhere in the Pacific” without notification there is almost no chance that they wouldn’t kill anyone with it. A passing aircraft or ship loaded with who knows who getting caught in an unannounced testing zone would be the end of North Korea.
Unfortunately the best solution from the world’s point of view is the worst solution from the US point of view. China only supports North Korea because they don’t want a unified Korea on their border as a US ally. If South Korea dissolved their alliance with us it’s very likely that China would lop Kim’s head off for them and give them North Korea, and a more stable alliance, without any casualties.
PoliticalMalpractice says
All true, correct and well-said, but I start twitching if I can’t argue with you.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Funny how you put that first paragraph. It struck a chord. Ever since I was a kid, I always thought old, stodgy politicians with narrow parochial interests should duke it out in the school yard like we had to, instead of butchering young, naïve young people and innocent civilians.
You would think in 2017, we humans could do better. And the reality of the world is, we can’t.
William says
Both PolicalMalpractice and alex have become interchangeable as they are so easy to get ’em ranting……like Trump
.Fire away lids.
PoliticalMalpractice says
“Interchangeable”. Is that socialist PC speech for transexual, metrosexual or something?
Witless dolt.
PoliticalMalpractiice says
Only 50-60% of my love and admiration for you gets through moderation. Lucky you, lol. Is the moderator your cousin?
PoliticalMalpractice says
Your spelling is suffering. Getting flustered?
Battle of wits,……LMAO
William says
You signed a comment “Witless dolt”
Don’t be so hard on yourself, PM
Take a break. Eat some bran. You’ll feel better.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
LOL. Good one. Now you’re getting it.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Trump is certainly an a$$hole with a big mouth. But Obama as commander-in-chief was feckless, mealy-mouthed, gutless, and ineffective. He used our magnificent military for social experimentation which destroyed readiness and morale. He did however, pardon Chelsea Manning, a decisive strategic decision that ensured our safety and security while chubby little dictator made preparations to nuke us.
Naïve, ignorant, group-think Democrats have knee-jerk reactions over everything Trump says. Can’t any of you think for yourselves?
Vic says
Blabbermouth Trump is no different than Rex and other loudmouth local pols who speak first and think second. They would all be much wiser to be slow to speak. But that ain’t gonna happen.
William says
Your reading comprehension has deteriorated even further, PoliticalMalpractice.
But, do rant on.
You know we can see the veins bulging in your forehead as to blow your top with these ‘tweets’. They really aren’t comments.
Your ‘tweets’ get uglier by the minute as your try to prove how smart you are. Do you know what ‘counterproductive’ means? You are displaying it beautifully.
Why don’t you and alex get a room? On Sierra Highway somewhere.
PoliticalMalpracice says
What does she have to do with our discourse? That was despicably dishonorable, brutishly underhanded and totally uncalled for between us.
No finesse or class at all, and you’re a real gentleman, LOL. Your pathetic pen is like a cave man’s club versus my rapier, so you insult someone else like a real hero?
Stick to the issue with me, cause you know I will, and will, and will………..
Please don’t moderate my big mouth this time.
alex says
God bless America, land that I love: Stand beside her and guide her, through the night with the light from above: From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam: God bless America, my home sweet home. Irving Berlin
PoliticalMalpractice says
Yes, ma’am.
William says
Then there’s alex wrapping herself in the flag as most scoundrels do. See trump and everyone associated with him And, she includes God as well.
We all know what a nasty, desperate hypocrite she is so she ain’t foolin’ anyone.
alex says
I am going to take the very high road, William, and wish you a peaceful day.
alex says
You use the word “hypocrite,” too much, William. You might want to stop spending that filthy lucre that says “In God We Trust” so you aren’t a hypocrite. I love “God Bless America!” Third generation U.S. Air Force Veteran (dad buried at Arlington) gives me the right to wrap myself in the flag.
William says
But, ya couldn’t help yourself and had to get ugly as you are wont to do.
Your dozens and dozens of posts here illustrate that you are not the godly person you pretend to be and that makes you a hypocrite.
BTW Every American citizen gets to wrap themselves in the flag not just you. But, you think you’re better than other citizens. Big mistake alex.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” -Samuel Johnson.
That was said hundreds of years before you were born and yet he predicted you. You can’t win this one alex. You’ve already lost.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Wow, William. She torched ya. The smell of burning excrement still lingers.
PS Alex: I’ll say you have that right. Great post.
alex says
Taking the high road about the Sierra Highway comment. Have a peaceful day.
Tim Scott says
You wouldn’t know the high road if you tripped and skinned your knees on it. It’s WAAAAAAAY too late to rehabilitate yourself with some random patriotic lyric and a couple smug claims about turning your other cheeks.
alex says
Earn an answer, Tim.
Tim Scott says
I can’t think of any questions I’d be interested in asking you, “alex.” You’ve displayed no particular knowledge of any subject. You seem to be just a boring gossip with no credibility.
alex says
Your idea of taking the high road is to tell people with differing opinions to “eat a bullet.”
Tim Scott says
Just you “alex,” and as I remember it that wasn’t over a difference of opinion.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Why? Cause then you wouldn’t have to think for yourself instead of being a member of your group-think herd? Don’t like hearing opinions that differ from yours? Free speech too much for you. My micro aggressions keeping you up at night? Going to cry?
Gutless snowflake. Debate me, if you have the chops.
alex says
Another word that is overused “bigot.” As soon as someone starts expressing a different opinion than yours, you throw out the word “bigot.” You become enraged and start the verbal stoning… bigot, bigot, bigot.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I thought they said “big idiot” instead of “bigot”, so I responded in error.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Uh, oh. Just looked outside. Townsfolk with torches and pitchforks surrounding my house.
William says
I’m waiting for our PoliticalMalpractice poster to begin slowly singing “Daisy, Daisy / Give me your answer, do. / I’m half crazy /…….”
as s/he descends into malfunctioning neurons…..and then outta here.
PoliticalMalpractice says
What? Are you descending into drooling delirium? Or even worse, a Laker fan? And you tell me I’m losing it !!! LOL.
William says
Too late, PoliticalMalpractice.
You’ve already lost it. Go sit with alex and try to make sense of each other.
alex says
Do you just throw stuff out there and hope that it sticks to someone? “God Bless America.” Kate Smith sang that patriotic song to our wounded Veterans and to everyone else. Veterans are not scoundrels, William. Your lousy supremacist attitude toward others just shows what a deeply insecure, miserable human being you are. Two of my family members gave their lives for this country, along with many thousands of other honorable men and women, so you could have the freedom to be an offensive, contrary donkey.
alex says
You’re quoting Samuel Johnson! Samuel Johnson was no friend of Americans, William. He who wrote “Americans multiply with the fecundity of their own rattlesnakes.” God Bless America!
alex says
Never mind, Tim. Nothing you would ever say could be anything more than the same hateful rhetoric you post, continually. Man up and actually go do something, instead of sitting in your safe place babbling all the time about how much better you are than other people. You are seriously disturbed, Tim. Your idea of taking the high road is to tell people with differing opinions to “eat a bullet.”
PoliticalMalpractice says
I believe Johnson was inferring that at that time scoundrels with no other honorable characteristics hid behind patriotism as if it was an emotional get-out-of-jail card.
Certainly, he didn’t intend it to mean all patriots were scoundrels. Only you could interpret it that way. Now I ask you directly, do you equate patriotism with being a scoundrel?
William says
Reading comprehension, PolitiicalMalpractice??
It’s typical of you to do that.
“Wrapping oneself in the flag” is what makes a scoundrel.
It’s analogous to ‘bible thumber’. bbile thumping’ and ‘wrapping in flag’ both imply HYPOCRISY. I give you alex.
Now go play with her outside.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ingoramus says
Always a pleasure, William.
PoliticalMalpractice says
You better hope my post in response to your post about my prayers for our unfortunate fellow citizens suffering natural disasters does not get published!!!! Been moderated twice (red hot and caustic). I’ll keep trying though, lol, You’re too much fun to humiliate.
PoliticalMalpractice says
William said:
“It musta taken quite a lot out of you to write that comment, PoliticalMalpractice.”
Ouch…..lame witless troglodyte.
Nah, actually there’s plenty more where that came from. And since you brought it up, I’ve just gotten started on you. You are obnoxious and clueless, and you inspire my pen (i.e. keyboard).
PoliticalMalpractice says
Did you look that up, William? Can you? Talk about competing with 3-year-olds, lol.
William says
You wrote this, PM “Ouch…..lame witless troglodyte.”
I see I bring out the inner 3 year old in ya.
You certainly do bounce all over the place, one minute schmoozing, the next your hair is on fire.
It must be a trial being you.
Case closed.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
LOL. You’re damn right it’s a trial being me !!!!! Sometimes, I disgust myself.
alex says
Hi William…Yes I have hope! I have a strong and confident expectation. I hope for the future. Hope is a dynamic, active directive, and life sustaining. Hope is never s static or passive thing. Yes, I am full of it. Thank you, William.
William says
@Miss Hope aka alexis aka alexis and so on and so forth.
You never express any hope here on this site. You just like to pick apart others. Isn’t that correct?
Glenn says
That sounds a lot like you when people do not agree with you. I have not read the readers speak out in a long time because I got tired of having conversations with you that always turn into you insulting me or anyone else who does not agree with your opinion. I am reading with great pleasure that someone is giving you back what you have done to others. At least Tim Scott will try to have conversations with people he does not agree without throwing insults around unless baited to do so, you on the other hand have been a keyboard bully for a long time on this site. I will not be responding to you William so go ahead and fire away. And before you start insulting me because I voted for Trump, I only did so to keep the criminal Clinton family out of the White House. I do not like his big mouth either but to me he was the better of 2 evils
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says
Is that you, Glenn with 2 n’s?
William says
You voted for trump, Glenn. Say no more.
He does the talking for you.
You must be very proud of him.
PoliticalMalpractice AKA Ignoramus says says
If you’re Glenn with 2 n’s, call me. I’m sorry for whatever the hell I don’t know I did. How’s that for butchering the language?
PoliticalMalpractice says
Yes Alex, William is also full of it, and we’re all full of it, lol. You go girl.
Fed Up says
Why doesn’t our leadership focus on Lancaster and quit sticking their noses in Palmdale’s business? While Rex Parris, Marv Crist, Drew Mercy, and Randy Hall work overtime to destroy Ledford and Palmdale, Lancaster is going to pieces.
The latest casualty is Ben’s Corner. They’re closing.
Last month it was Domingo’s. We keep losing restaurants and stores. Our leadership does nothing but interfere in other people’s business.
Enough is enough. We’re tired of having to drive to Palmdale for everything.
Worry about us for a while.
Tim Scott says
They already looted all the money from Lancaster. So of course moving on to the Palmdale treasury is their next objective.
Mr fed up says
Domingos was disgusting, trust me no lost there! When u have 5 mexican restaurants within walking distance! Theres gonna be some closing
GM says
As Rex says, there are no good restaurants in Lancaster.
What an idiot.
Yet you vote for him.
Ergo, you are idiots, too.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Good news for a change. Congress passed $700+ billion defense budget, which I’m sure includes every penny of William’s tax dollars.
Dauntless says
Sometime in June, near or on Sierra Hwy., there was a head on traffic collision, killing one driver and seriously injuring the other. Do any of you “regulars” posting here, remember anything, regarding that accident, in the news? Was alcohol involved?
PoliticalMalpractice says
I hear there’s one or two people out there that I haven’t offended yet. And it’s already been 2 weeks! So to them I say:
Evil curses of perpetual losing and grinding mediocrity on the Lakers and Dodgers !!!!!!
PoliticalMalpractice says
Thoughts and prayers for my extensive in-law family in Puerto Rico, a US territory. FEMA failed them miserably in 1992.
PoliticalMalpractice says
And prayers for Mexico City. Caribbean Islands. Houston Florida. And on and on. Hurricanes, earthquakes, fires. Natural disasters on a biblical scale.
So grateful all we have to contend with are CA/LA/AV politicians, illegal aliens, and William.
My keyboard seems to be malfunctioning. Lucky you. Boy, someone up there likes you guysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…….
Vic says
With Rex, in addition to the natural disaster like fires, earthquakes, and occasional floods, we now have to contend with increases in Valley Fever, thanks to his obsession and greed with solar fields.
Those are just the physical obstacles. With Rex, we also suffer neglect in East Lancaster, and mismanagement of tax dollars with LEAPS, Ecolution, Traction Seal, and lawsuits. We face belittlement, retribution and mistreatment when we speak up, or have our characters soiled by racist hit mailers and false accusations.
Yes, we pray for everyone affected by both natural disasters and the Rex made ones too. His are not as large scale in devastation, but if you or someone you love is destroyed by him, it feels like a natural disaster.
William says
PoliticalMalpractice appears to be indifferent to the millions of Americans who will lose health insurance if the republicans have their way. And, who may lose their lives if the Medicaid program is cut significantly due to untreated illnesses and injuries.
That is a PREVENTABLE DISASTER. It doesn’t need your prayers PoliticalMalpractice.
PoliticalMalpractice is only capable of offering prayers and such to those who have already been hit by catastophes. He is so “self-enchanted”. “Look at me, folks. I’m offering prayers.” –
You should change your name to “Johnny Come Lately”. Where were your prayers to prevent those disasters?
PoliticalMalpractice says
Well William, ya caught me red-handed. I now have to admit that Republicans in Congress never make a move without me.
They came crawling to me as supplicants, hat-in-hand, begging my direction and instructions on health care for the poor. After reflecting momentarily, I proclaimed that ALL poor people should be immediately stripped of all medical, financial and resource assistance, especially Medicaid, since they’re only poor people and Republicans are needlessly heartless. While we’re at it, let’s beat them, kick them and subjugate them further, just because they’re poor.
And I personally took their money away and churned it into a $700+ billion defense budget (along with all your tax money, if you pay any). Doesn’t that tweak your nose?
Very unusual for an Independent from CA (that they ignore completely) to have that kind of power, don’t ya think. Better not mess with me, I’m powerful. And not to mention my power of prayer. Pretty impressive, huh?
Are you delusional, LOL? Never mind, I know the answer. WTF do I have to do with Republican pettiness? I hate both parties, and all individuals equally. But if I had the power, I’d make you the Democrat’s mouthpiece, so the entire country could see their foolishness, close-mindedness, lack of patriotism and socialist hypocrisy in all its glory. Trump would be re-elected, and we could really stick it to those poor people. We could take their food stamps and Medicaid cards and have a bonfire.
Don’t worry, son, I will be PREYing on you (with an ascerbic pen) from now on. You’re such low hanging fruit though, you’re not that interesting. And Obama was born in Kenya!!!!! You should go there and research it. With power like mine, you know I can’t be wrong.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Boy, are you lucky that my reply got “moderated”, you braying burro. It was red hot. Let’s see if it shows up. If not I’ll do it better and get back to you.
William, you make cordial and civil discourse impossible, and I don’t mind at all. Game on. I’m almost glad (almost) that I have a intellectual pinata and troglodyte like you to ridicule. But I feel guilty that I’m fighting a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
BTW: I nominate you for site jester and class clown. You make us laugh and let us mock you, so you fit the bill. You’re in a class of your own, with no class, intellect or sense of humor. A real pleasure as always, William.
PoliticalMalpractice says
If I didn’t have a close-minded, obnoxious, unpatriotic, stick-in-the-mud socialist like you to mock, laugh at and have fun with, I don’t know what I’d do with myself.
Signed: President, Obama Birther Movement
(Sorry Tim, I take it back. Forget cordial. He’s too much fun).
Tim Scott says
I never suggested cordial…that was you.
PoliticalMalpractice says
LOL. By George, you’re right. What was I thinking?
William says
You’re going downhill fast, PoliticalMalpractice.
Such is the fate of phonies like yourself.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Ouch. I might have to give it up cause most of my best stuff gets moderated and it’s too frustrating.
Fortuitous for you, you couldn’t have won.
Been fun.
Make East Lancaster Great Again says
You have to wonder when our elected officials and hand picked appointees in Lancaster will quit worrying about Palmdale and focus on our crumbling city.
Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen letters to the editor by climate change denier planning commissioner Randy Hall, the disclosure that planning commissioner DUI Drew Mercy is behind the Ledford charges, and King Rex claiming that people should go to jail.
People should go to jail. Start with the shenanigans that have been going on for decades in Lancaster. No bid contracts. Insider deals. Illegal purchases. Gifts of public funds. Yada yada yada.
Maybe if these movers and shaker would put half the time they put in on trying to ruin Palmdale into making Lancaster a better place, we might see a couple a grand openings of new businesses, lower crime, less pandhandling, and better roads.
Focus, guys. Focus. Lancaster. Our city. Lancaster.
William says
What goes around, …….
Remember when Michael Flynn led the “Lock her up.” chant at the gop monstrosity of a convention? Well, look who might be going to prison soon.
As for Mayor Ledford, if he is found innocent of all chagres, it doesn’t matter to Parris and Co. They are out to destroy him anyway they can even if it’s to break him financially.
That’s how they roll. Ugly isn’t it in that ‘Christian community’? They will get their just desserts eventually.
Tim Scott says
They are focusing. They have looted Lancaster, and as you say it is crumbling. So they are focused on Palmdale, which is ripe for looting. That’s what Wrecks and his cronies are about. That’s what attracts people like Hofbaur and Bishop into their orbit.
Dumb & Dumber says
Hofbaur and Bishop are only useful tools to the Fern Street Mafia. They’re too dumb to know it, which makes them very useful. Very, very, very useful.
William says
I recently saw a racist cartoon passed around by Hofbauer. What a fool?
It wasn’t even funny as racists can’t both have a good sense of humor and be racist at the same time. It’s far easier to be both a breath mint and a candy mint.
Watch fox ‘news’ and see for yourself. Ironically, their attempts at humor are laughable. Fortunately, Bill O’Reilly took the unfunny Dennis Miller with him when he was fired.
PoliticalMalpractice says
That’s one of the most ridiculous and ill-informed comments ever uttered, but we should expect no less from you. Funny is funny, imbecile.
How can anyone take your mentally-unbalanced braying seriously?
PS: Agree Dennis Miller is NOT funny.
Glen says
They meddle because they need to deflect what is going on in Lancaster. Our debt is sky high. We issue junk bonds to investors because we are on such shaky financial ground. Our BLVD is a haven for panhandlers and druggies. East Lancaster is a dangerous place. No one except the good old boy network has a chance of making it. Our mayor says and does the weirdest things.
I can’t wait to get out of his dump. 4.5 years.
Frankie says
Deflection is a tool of the Fern Street Mafia. Things are so bad in Lancaster they have to divert attention elsewhere.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I’m sure most of you have seen this before, but if there’s anyone left out there I haven’t pissed off or offended yet, I’ll be sure to now with this politically-incorrect ditty submitted for your amusement pleasure:
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. You vote people into office that put a tax on your cows, forcing you to sell one to raise money to pay the tax. The people you voted for then take the tax money, buy a cow and give it to your neighbor. You feel righteous. Barbara Streisand sings for you.
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So?
You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor. You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.
You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it. It is expensive and sour.
You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. You go to lunch. Life is good.
You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You have some more vodka. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 12 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka. You produce your 10th, 5-year plan in the last 3 months. The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.
You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.
You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point you have to sell both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow, which was a gift from your government.
You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours the milk down the drain.
You have two cows. You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one. You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have downsized and are reducing expenses. Your stock goes up.
You have two cows. You engineer them so they give excellent quality milk. Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.
You have two cows but you don’t know where they are. While ambling around, you see a beautiful woman. You break for lunch. Life is good.
POLISH: You have two bulls. You are regularly maimed attempting to milk them.
William says
Says a lot ’bout you, PoliticalMalpractice. You seem to think in stereotypes.
But, that’s you.
What else ya got for us?
PoliticalMalpractice says
A sense of humor. Lighten up. That’s a big part of our problems nowadays. JMHO.
William says
YOU? You have a sense of humor.
Show us sometime.
I guess I could copy and paste a comedian’s stand up routine and I too can claim a sense of sense of humor.
BTW why dontcha tell our alex to lighten up while you’re at it? His rants suggest an unhappy character lurking within. But, I digress.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Wow…. you’re a real piece of work. Always a pleasure, William.
alex says
Hi William…I’m not a man, I’m a woman. Alex is short for Alexis.
Tim Scott says
Were all your previous screen names short for alexis too, “alex”? You really don’t have the credibility to make corrections like this.
William says
alex aka ‘alexis’
I told ya you were hopeless. You said you were full of it.
Well, that’s true.
William says
Alexis de Tocqueville was a guy.
So, what’s yer point ‘alex’ aka ‘alexis’. You get to make people wrong constantly for not knowing that you’re a girl????
That’s on you until we get a gender neutral pronoun for you unless you want to be referred to as ‘it’. Which I will do from now on.
My apologies to the Addams Family. But, that’s so YOU to pull that little stunt with your name. Why don’t you join the rest of the scurry on this site and sort things out? Your posts are all over the place.
alex says
I have all the credibility that’s needed for the comments section of the A.V. Times, Tim. Considering your screen name isn’t your real name, Tim. You can change it anytime you want and you still won’t be credible.
alex says
Your comment is too absurd for a reply, William. I’m going to go listen to Jeff Beck.
William says
alex says
September 22, 2017 at 4:36 pm
Your comment is too absurd for a reply, William. I’m going to go listen to Jeff Beck.
Yet, she REPLIED. This is like placing chess with a 3 year old.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I bet the 3-year-old could beat you.
Now that I know she’s female, I respect her even more for standing up to your nonsense and mean-spirited foolishness. You bray like a abandoned donkey.
William says
It musta taken quite a lot out of you to write that comment, PoliticalMalpractice.
William says
Did I say “hopeless”, alex/alexis???
I meant “hapless”.
There. Fixed it.
Copernicus says
Thank you for keeping alive the stereotype that Polish people are stupid.
You sir, are what’s wrong with this country. Not the people playing basketball. Not the people of color. Not the immigrants. It’s you.
PoliticalMalpractice says
From what I understand, this stereotype was started by German Panzer officers after Polish cavalry charged their tanks and were destroyed in WW2. The Poles knew what they were doing and what was in store for them, but their honor and military contingencies drove them into tank fire. So bravery and sacrifice started that false story.
I apologize for offending you, but you must have some awful hangups about it if you can’t laugh about the unfairness of life. The Polish people are great chess players and very intelligent. Why get so worked up over conjured-up microaggressions in your mind? Oh, you’re a tight-ass snowflake, I see.
Tim Scott says
Your stated intention was to “piss off or offend” anyone that you missed, so it’s too late to pretend to apologize now. Man up and take the heat for having been offensive, don’t try to blame whoever you offended while pretending remorse.
By the way, offended person of Polish descent, brilliant choice of screen name.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I just differentiate between what I consider harmless humor and a targeted insult. He should know the difference. No excuses. He’s a tight-ass or a snowflake (that’s an intentional insult).
And agree it’s a great screen name.
Copernicus says
I may be a tight a$$ snowflake as you say, but you are truly an ignoramous. Keep the stereotypes alive.
PoliticalMalpractice says
An ignoramous? LOL. Good one. I agree. Lighten up, you’ll live longer. I grew up in NY with lots of Polish buddies, but they weren’t whining weaklings like you. We all could take a joke, not cry like little weenies.
Copernicus says
PoliticalMalpractice, if you look up clueless on the dictionary, you’ll see your picture. You don’t get it. I dong think you can get it. Have a nice life.
Copernicus says
*don’t not dong.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I thought “dong” was more poetic, but I’m sorry if I upset you. Don’t take it personally. You’re right, I am clueless and politically-toxic sometimes.
My kids would say: Sometimes?? Sometimes??
PoliticalMalpractice says
And with your acquiescence, maybe I’ll change my screen name to Ignoramus.
PoliticalMalpractice says
BTW: Who the heck said anything about people playing basketball (other than Lakers suck) or people of color. I never said anything of the sort. People of color who are good citizens are my brothers and sisters, idiot.
And how do you know I’m not a person of color myself, you easily offended snowflake jerk? What’s wrong with this country are whining weaklings like you. JMHO
alex says
I asked you, Tim, who you campaigned for in Bakersfield twenty years ago, and you said you didn’t want to say his name because too many people dislike you. After at least twenty years I would think you would get it, that you bring all this on yourself. You’re not a victim, you’re a bully and have been for a long time.
Tim Scott says
You are a tiresome nit with your constant misrepresentations “alex.” When a raving dingbat like you wants to know who I associate with so they can be exposed to your psychotic trolling OF COURSE I am going to do the responsible thing and protect their anonymity.
How stupid are you, really?
alex says
No, Tim, You’re wrong. You said that people hate you (timshatemail); not because you stand for truth, justice, and the American way. Not because you have integrity and speak righteous words, but because you are a bully, and a troll that takes pleasure in belittling others. It’s ingrained in you, Tim. You never campaigned for anyone in Bakersfield. That was just another one of your lies, trying to get across to people just how important you are in your own eyes. You can call me stupid all you want, Tim. That’s what psychotic trolls do.
Stinger says
alex, who knows if Tim ever campaign for anyone in Bakersfield. But Go ask your daddy Rex about the time he shot up that office in Bakersfield. Might get mad at you and yell for asking for asking but he often yells. You know. Tell him someone told you. He will sheet his drawers but he knows he owns enough people around her to keep his secret safe.
Tim Scott says
Earn an answer, “alex.”
alex says
Please don’t answer, Tim. You’re a big mouth bully and a troll. You don’t listen, learn and apply, to become a better human being. You didn’t give this persons name in Bakersfield because it was a lie, and there was no name. Just glorifying yourself, again. Commenters have called you out so many times it’s ridiculous, but your mind is a steel trap. So continue on with your trolling, continually.
alex says
Thanks Tim! I am now added to the very long list of people that you have called “stupid.” There was one that you called “flaming stupid” a couple of years ago. I see a pattern of abuse toward others, Tim.
Tim Scott says
LOL…no “alex,” just you. Just like your complaint that I “tell lot’s of people to eat a bullet,” and that too is just you. And Shane, of course.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I have tough time getting my answers published, forums go away, etc. So in response to your response to my question:
That’s what my kid tells me also. I didn’t think so as I would very much resent any human beings lowering the quality of life, level of safety and traffic standards in my neighborhood and for my family, be they purple with pink polka dots or green stripes.
I happen to like Hispanic people, but I resent even more my community being destroyed by illegal non-citizens of any kind or ethnicity. Does citizenship count for nothing? And I think the word “racist” is frequently overused, misused and unfairly used, but…..I accept your analysis.
Tim Scott says
I’m still wondering about this “community being destroyed.”
In what measurable way is your “quality of life” being lowered?
How is the “level of safety” being lowered?
Other than the obvious fact that there is a lot more of it, what is this “lower traffic standard”?
The thing that makes it seem like maybe racist is the right word is that you mix these complaints into the discussion as if somehow you have not only proven they exist, but proven they are somehow attributed to this nebulous “Hispanic people” that you claim to “like.”
That may not mean you are a racist, but you should be aware that it is pretty much standard procedure among people who ARE racists so it makes the conclusion hard to avoid.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I was mostly referring to higher crime, unlicensed/uninsured drivers, mainly things that cause danger for my family. Check out the crime stats and traffic accidents for East Palmdale.
What a sweet little town I thought it was in the early eighties, with plenty of diversity. Tim, you can’t say it’s as nice a place to live as it was then, could you? You probably will, lol.
William says
Bless you for you know not what you say or something like that.
PoliticalMalpractice says
LOL. Good one. You’re probably right.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Never stopped me before!
Tim Scott says
The early eighties? That’s when I left, vowing never to return. The navy stationed me in six places over the next eight years and EVERY ONE OF THEM was better than the AV I left. When I got out of the navy it had improved, and now it’s a whole lot better, or I wouldn’t be here.
The crime rate hasn’t changed. Ten times the people mean ten times the number of crimes, but that doesn’t mean the crime rate is higher.
Traffic is basically the same thing. Ten times the cars means ten times the crashes…that’s life. As to unlicensed drivers…every wreck i or anyone in my family has been in has been with a licensed driver. That’s an anecdote, not a statistic, but just sayin’.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Thank you for your 8 years of service to our country. You never cease to surprise me.
My respect for your knowledge, points of view, humor and sarcasm continue to grow, whether we are adversarial or cordial.
This blog would be boringly unreadable without you!!
PoliticalMalpractice says
You’re a registered Republican, LMAO. That’s funny. Good funny. Life’s so ironic. Thanks for sharing.
But your point on my not being really Independent: All my family were Dems and so was I but the issue that drove me Indie was their lack of urgency on national defense. That’s the bottom line for me. Republicans routinely disgust me in many ways also, especially on social issues, whether you believe that or not. But they’re stronger on defense.
Tim Scott says
Commonly called “hold your nose republicans” back in the day. The AV lives on defense spending. Republicans are willing to bankrupt the nation in order to outspend the entire rest of the world combined on weapons. So the local wallets all push towards republican.
Therefore, I grew up in a republican former military defense worker home, and faithfully served under and voted for Republican Commander in Chiefs…until I learned that going bankrupt just to overpay for the latest shiny toys was probably not a good long term plan.
But as I said, it wasn’t worth re-registering.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Just curious (nosy, lol). Were you turned off to GOP because of little Bush? He had to be in bottom 3 worst Pres of all time! “The Decider” was a stupid arrogant #@!*%$
Tim Scott says
Originally, yes. Then there was Romney. Romney hired all of his foreign policy advisors from the GWBush crew that brought us Iraq, who were clearly looking to produce a sequel. In campaigning against Romney I found that issue after issue after issue that the Republicans brought up, just a little research demonstrated that they were outright lying.
My education is in economics. Economics has a lot of recorded facts. Every time Romney made a claim about Obama and the results of Democratic party policies the facts cut the legs out from under them. Every time he made a claim about the accomplishments of Saint Ronald of Reagan, again the facts cut the legs out from under him.
The GOP economic policies work one way, and one way only: huge deficit spending through off budget dumping into defense contractors as economic stimulus. Good for Palmdale, but grossly inefficient for the nation. If we are going to use deficit spending for stimulus, pretty much ANY way we do it will produce better results per dollar. Keynesian intervention is what everyone uses, D or R, but there’s still a choice.
Plus, as a great Roman philosopher who’s name I forget at the moment said: “the knife itself incites to violence.” When we dump all this money into building a giant military, just to make the economy turn, we end up with a giant military, and that demands to be used just by its existence.
If you are really nosy we should have coffee, or tea, sometime. Drop me a line.
William says
When did you realize that bush was a lousy president?
PoliticalMalpractice says
When he bought the Texas Rangers and ran them into bankruptcy and mediocrity before he became Gov.
The imbecile did more damage to us than I could imagine. Iraq, Afghanistan, housing and financial implosion, stock market crash, gas at $4+ bucks, massive debt, on and on.
I must say one of the very few things I liked about Obama was his stewardship when he inherited Bush’s messes. Bush was dumb and bold. Obama was smart but timid (and socialist).
(And I really don’t believe it, but just to have some fun with you William):
Obama was not a citizen, LOL. Just kidding.
PoliticalMalpractice says
My reply got moderated, so I’ll try again:
When did I realize GW Bush was incompetent? When he bought the Texas Rangers and drove them to mediocrity and bankruptcy before he became Gov. of Texas.
He did more damage as Pres than I could ever imagine. Nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq (after Vietnam, yet). Massive debt (none upon inauguration). Stock market collapse. Housing and lending implosion. Gas $4+ bucks. Dividing us instead of uniting us. FEMA response to Katrina. On and on.
I liked his dad, a lot. He should have drowned W at birth and made another that looks just like him (Just kidding, Secret Service).
GWB was as smart as a box of rocks, but bold. That’s dangerous! Obama was very intelligent but feckless (and socialist). Also dangerous.
And I don’t really believe it, and couldn’t care less, but just to provoke William: Obama was not a natural-born citizen, lol. (My wife’s right, I am a pr_ck.)
To tim the loudmouth idiot says
Tim. Such an idiot Jerry Brown’s a dumb idiot Democrat like Hillary and trying to rip everybody off with higher gas taxes and registration you’re an idiot to hell with the Democrats
Tim Scott says
LOL…wow, you’re creative.
PoliticalMalpractice says
And eloquently poetic.
PoliticaMalpractice says
Is that you, Anthony Weiner?
PoliticalMalpractice says
No Bullies:
Re: Your post of Sept. 14, 11:31 am
I agree completely. (There was no reply link).
alex says
This is suicide prevention week, Tim. Maybe you will think about others and not tell people over the years that disagree with you, to go commit suicide. I know you think it is perfectly acceptable to tell others to go harm themselves.
Tim Scott says
Only people the rest of the world would clearly be better off without.
No Bullies says
Rex has clearly done more to harm the psyche of people than Tim ever has. Rex has taken away people’s ability to make a living and provide for their families. Tim just sits behind a keyboard. Rex has put people in jail for up to 10 years. He has smeared reputations and ruined careers.
Tim is a keyboard warrior. Who care what keyboard warriors think. I am far more concerned about what evil and hurtful people do.
Tim Scott says
Not that I think it damages anyone’s psyche, but I never say anything by keyboard that I won’t say to someone’s face. The keyboard warrior in the mix is “alex.”
PoliticalMalpractice says
Here’s some red meat for William, Tim and Chelsea Manning:
Bernie Sanders and his naïve, ignorant “progressive” followers are trying to screw up my health insurance. Someone should question Bernie’s judgment, so here I am, lol.
How can anyone listen to anything this man says after he traipsed down to Venezuela years ago to extol the virtues of Hugo Chavez and socialism, and blamed the U.S. and capitalism for all problems in the world.
Venezuela now has no food, medicine, law and order or democracy, despite having larger oil reserves than any other country. Socialism at work. I’m sure you’ll blame the GOP for that too!
So you “progressives” vote for Bernie, Hillary, Pelosi, Jerry Brown, Maxine Waters, et al. We need to be more like Venezuela, right Bernie? Also went there: Oliver Stone, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, Michael Moore the disgusting slob, Sean Penn, and a glut of other weak-minded, sheep-like, unpatriotic socialists.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Why is the American judicial concept of innocent until proven guilty so hard to comprehend by Lancaster elected and appointed officials, as well as their two Palmdale stooges?
Tim Scott says
Because they aren’t actually concerned with guilt, they are just interested in the PR value of a smear campaign.
William says
Remember when the republicans pursued President Clinton endlessly from the day he was first elected? I recall the republicans declaring that his presidency was illegitimate because he didn’t win over 50% because of Ross Perot.
But, when George Bush and Donald Trump lost the populat votes, well, the hypocrites changed their tune.
Also, the republcans were out to bankrupt the Clinton’s with legal fees like Parris & Co. are attempting with Mayor Ledford whether or not he’s found guilt of anything.
Face it, the gop isn’t fit to serve in elected office and I can’t understand how decent republicans allowed the crazies to continue their despicable practices.
Steve Knight was IN on voter suppression long before it became a widespread effort in the red states. He’s unfite just for that.
Lawyers in Love says
Places where the principle of innocent until proven guilty applies: United States of America.
Places where the principle of guilty until proven innocent applies: France, Cuba, North Korea, inside Rex’s head, inside Marv’s head, inside Austin Bishop’s head, inside Hoffbauer’s head, Antelope Valley Voice.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I made some points you didn’t like and you threatened me with: “If you keep playing the same one note after this, I’m done with you”. That’s you’re great debating point??? That’s how you counter logic and facts?
What a narcissistic, immature jerk. And who gives a s__t, anyway, LMFAO ???????
You won’t listen to any reason, You’re mind is set in concrete and like most radical libs, you are intellectually lazy. You can’t seem to think for yourself or acknowledge logic or points made by anyone else. You just keep regurgitating the same, tired, hackneyed old Obama crap and socialist party line.
So do me a favor, and BE done with me, LOL.
Tim Scott says
As expected, the whole “we should be civil” bit was totally insincere and you’re just another antagonistic right winger pouring out the alternative “facts” and being hateful to anyone who won’t accept them as truth.
alex says
You’ve got that twisted, Tim. Both you and William are a couple of bullies that have been spreading alternative facts for years. Yes, your minds are set in concrete, Tim. That’s why you like each other so much, because you’re a mirror image of each other. The A.V. Times is all you have, to spread discord on a daily basis. You and William have no idea what truth is because you are both too self-centered. You are both so selfish that you don’t even want your taxes to go to people that are suffering and have lost everything. There are many that rise above your petty mind-sets and reach out to help those in need.
Tim Scott says
What are you babbling about here “alex”? I’m accustomed to your wild false accusations, but usually I can at least figure out what sort of anchor point in reality you flew off from. But “don’t even want your taxes to go to people that are suffering”? Are you so desperate now that you’ve abandoned even a shred of hope at sounding credible? Get help dude, you are losing it.
alex says
You are a liar, Tim. You commented on not wanting your taxes to go to a red state (Texas) and so did your other half William, for relief of the people in Texas that are suffering. Get help dude.
Tim Scott says
Well, no. But I can see how talking about how red states needing help when they talk out the other side of their mouths about how they raise no money to help themselves might have been taken that way by a cowardly little sniveler like yourself that just wanted to have something to hate about. Carry on, keyboard warrior, carry on.
PoliticalMalpractice says
But Tim, he wrote something like “agree with me completely or I’m done with you”. How do debate someone like that?
alex says
You nailed it, PoliticalMalpractice! I enjoyed your comments.
Tim Scott says
LOL…there’s an endorsement that literally no one on earth really wants.
Joey B says
Tim Scott and William are bullies. If you don’t agree with every liberal one sided leftist ideology you are called hater, bigot, racist, fascist and any other name their closed minds can come up with. They don’t want to have an intelligent debate. They just want to enforce their beliefs on the world. With the left its their way or no way. The people of America are finally starting to wake up. Electing Donald Trump was the first sign that the left and all their lies will not be tolerated any longer. Enough with the double standard of the left. They can break the law and lie. They mask the truth and deflect when they are caught. The left is responsible for all the racial tensions we are experiencing with their lies and propaganda. The party of hate is the liberal left democrats.
No Bullies says
No, Joey. Rex is a bully. He ruins lives and careers. Tim and William just write what they believe. I don’t always agree with them, but they aren’t doing what Rex did to Raymond Lee Jennings, Randy Floyd, Johnathan Ervin, and Esmerelda Jorge, and is trying to do to Jim Ledford.
alex says
Oh they’re definitely bullies. Rex is a different issue. If you have a different opinion, they go off the rails and start with the insults and worse. Belittling is their game when it doesn’t go their way.
Tim Scott says
Well, I try to belittle you “alex,” but you make yourself look so small that you’re a tough target.
No Bullies says
Nothing Tim or William write here ruins anyone’s life. No one loses a job. No one is charged by the DA on trumped up charges that eventually are either thrown out of court or overturned. No one has gone to prison on what they said.
I don’t agree with a lot of what they write. It hasn’t hurt be a bit. They have a right to their opinions and I have a right to mine. It’s called freedom of speech.
But no one has the right to ruin another person’s life with lies and false accusations, which is what Rex does. He is the Mother of All Bullies.
Tim Scott says
I think what we write might be ruining life for “alex.” For most people “life” is quite separate from social media, but since “alex” is afraid to leave his keyboard this may be all he has as a life.
alex says
O.K., Tim, You’re a mean-spirited Republican.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Here, here! Now that’s some red meat! Joey B calls it like he and many others of us see it. And I’m not a Republican. Just objective, logical, analytic and truthful.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I always get a good laugh out of people who lie to themselves about their politics. “I’m a registered independent, but I always vote republican, call democrats names just like a republican, parrot out nonsense I read in the right wing echo chamber, etc etc etc…but let me remind you again how independent I am.”
Can’t say I blame you, I wouldn’t want to be identified with the Republican party either, but your cover doesn’t really work.
alex says
I agree, PoliticalMalpractice.
alex says
You really don’t get it, Tim Scott. I’m not going to explain it to you because you will only throw out the “LOL”, and start your bullying. You’re too rooted in bitterness, and it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat. You’re a mean-spirited Democrat. And I’m not a dude.
Tim Scott says
Actually “alex,” I’m a registered Republican. I never bothered to change my registration when I got disgusted with the direction the party was taking.
Meanwhile, I don’t see why anyone would think I’m bitter. I’m certainly revolted by YOU, but that’s hardly a general thing. I suspect most people would attribute that to you being a revolting little cowardly gnat.
ATTEN HUN! Cap’n Lancaster here with your Lancaster City Cousul Update. Well well well it looks like Ole Rex and his Hand Picked Henchmen is gonna Rubber Stamp the Decision to let Ole Frank Visco an Ole Jim Gilly grow Weed over thar by that there Fox Field. The Peoples in the Business Park is Up in Arms about it and want Ole Rex to Deny them the Permits.
Fat chance a that happenin. Ole Rex has been helpin Ole Frank and Ole Gilly get Rich off the Peoples for Decades. Ole Rex done made hisself a fortune too in Business dealins as well as Suin Peoples
Watch the Counsul Meetin tonight for some Fireworks an Big Talk from Ole Rex. I’s hopin his Face turns all red agin.
PH 1. Appeal of Planning Commission’s Approval of Construction and Operation of a 583,000 Square-Foot Medical Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Facility on 32 Acres at the Southeast Corner of William J. Barnes Avenue and 47th Street West within Specific Plan No. 95-02 (Fox Field Industrial Corridor Specific Plan)
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 17-42, denying the appeal of the Planning Commission action, and approving Conditional Use Permit No. 17-16.
Just wondering says
says, Thanks Cap’n, I always look forward to your interesting & informative updates along with “heads up” on future happenins. Stay safe.
The Cap’n is safes in East Lancaster. We aint seen hide nor hair a Ole Rex in these parts for years.
Since I gots the boots from that there Racist Antelope Valley Voice page I’s feelin better than I has in years.
Just Curious says
Why are Lancaster Mayor Parris, Vice Mayor Crist, and Planning Commissioners Drew Mercy and Randy Hall so concerned about what’s happening in Palmdale when Lancaster is a mess? Why aren’t they investigating the no-bid contracts of Shepos and Visco? Where are the statistics to prove the worth of LEAPS? Where did the million dollars go that the county gave us for the homeless shelter? Where did the money go that was used for the failed Ecolution? Why did Parris get to buy his office building when it was against state law because it was in a redevelopment zone? What is being done about the panhandling on the BLVD? Why is East Lancaster always ignored? Why did we spend $8 million dollars to build a culvert on property owned by Visco and Gilley and nothing has been developed? Why do all the new businesses open in Palmdale instead of Lancaster? Why is our crime rate the highest in the AV?
Just curious.
Lance says
Outstanding questions. Outstanding.
Lancaster’s response?
Fed Up in Lancaster says
There has to be some lawyer and or law firm, (Outside the AV) out there that would work pro-bono in the investigation of the Fern St Mafia and bring them to justice! Look at the city of Bell there is no one that is untouchable and above the law I don’t care how powerful Rex thinks he is!
Help says
All it would take is one honest journalist and one honest attorney and the house of cards will come down. Many people in the AV know what is going on in Lancaster and will talk as long as they are protected. Rex will destroy you if you get in his way.
Where are the next Jeff Gottlieb and Ruben Vives or Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein? We the people of Lancaster need you now more than ever.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Just catching up on old posts. Your comments of 8/16 to 8/18 about anti-fascists were right on, IMHO. I must say the replies to your excellent posts were shockingly hateful and ignorant.
My family has also served 3 generations in US Army. Nobody lit up my ancestors, Tim. They did the lighting, LMAO. See 8th Army Air Force fire-bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, etc., presented for your amusement pleasure by my progenitors and Curtis LeMay.
BTW Alex my landsman, if I weren’t trying to be more civil, I would say that Tim gets a kick out of being the resident putz here. But I won’t say it cause I’m struggling to act like a mensch.
PoliticalMalpractice says
There was no reply link to your well-expressed and pertinent post of 9/9, 9:21 am so I’m responding here (are they trying to silence us, lol?).
I’m a registered Independent, not a Republican. And I agree/disagree with both sides on a policy by policy and issue by issue basis.
But Republicans have no monopoly on acting despicably. You gotta see that. Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Sen. Menendez from NJ, Bill and Hillary’s foundation, etc. Talk about corruption, pandering and screwing the country for their own benefit.
No, Democrats suck also. I read recently that in 2016 Pres election 15,000 more votes were cast in Chicago than there were eligible voters, lol.
“They” say that liberals try to engineer the world as they want it to be, and conservatives see the world as it really is and deal with it as best they can.
William says
Please tell me where you read/heard that 15,000 more votes were cast in Chicago than there were eligible voters.
Thank you very much,
PoliticalMalpractice says
Judicial Watch and a local Chicago paper. Here’s the link to Chicago City Wire:
Tim Scott says
First off, you claimed “there were fifteen thousand more votes than eligible voters” which is NOT what the story as reported actually says. The numbers being compared are the number of votes recorded vs the number of voters recorded as passing through the polls. There are literally millions of eligible voters who did not vote, and the total votes cast is millions LESS than the number of eligible voters, as expected.
The discrepancy between the number of voters recorded as passing through the polling places and the number of votes cast is still a concern, but is more likely due to trivial errors than the wild shenanigans your misrepresentation indicates. Tracking of the voter rolls…that list that they mark you off of when you check in with the unpaid volunteers who man the polling place…is not done with anywhere near the controls that the actual ballots are handled with.
This story, like many others, is part of the first step in what has long been prescribed as the best process for destroying democratic systems. The undermining of confidence in the electoral process is critical to establish the opportunity. Once that is in place pretty much any form of vote suppression can be portrayed as “corrective action” rather than oppression.
By promoting these misrepresentations YOU are helping to destroy the basic principle upon which our nation was founded. At least you chose an apt screen name for the purpose.
PoliticalMalpractice says
That was an eloquent, well-thought out comment and I appreciate your argument. I don’t agree right now by instinct, of course lol, but you are so logical and erudite here, I will certainly weigh your points.
PoliticalMalpractice says
See both Mayor Daleys in Chicago in 1950-80s that rigged votes and 1960 Pres election. Need I say more?
The political machine in Chicago didn’t do more damage to democracy than little ole me?? You make me sound like an insidious enemy of the people. But your argument is so excellent, I want to agree with you, lol.
Ron says
It is 2017. The city of Lancaster runs its own elections, keeps its own mail in ballots, counts its votes. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? These are good Republicans who hold to Republican values like using taxpayer money to fund pet projects on behalf of campaign donors, supporting a massive gas tax increase, incurring reckless redevelopment debt, embracing racism in campaign hit mailers, and perpetuating cronyism.
Ah, Lancaster. You crazy beeoch.
Voter says
Looks like the west coast version of Chicago (Lancaster) finally has to succumb to holding its elections like the rest of the civilized world. Still no districts even though our illustrious mayor likes to sue other cities and agencies for voting districts.
Can you say hypocrites?
Oh Well... says
The head of the Chicago Republican Party made the claim and Fox news ran with it.
alex says
Men can’t govern themselves. History is nothing more than a chronicle of men’s wars. The hatred that permeates this society, whether it comes from Republicans or Democrats or any other mind-set that creates division, is a mind-set that destroys. Outgoing concern for another human being is only a remnant, in the darkness that envelopes this nation.
Tim Scott says
Quite a sentiment “alex,” but the irony of having it posted by a hateful little troll like you gave me a good laugh.
alex says
Tim, I don’t wish death to people like you. Telling people to eat a bullet, go commit suicide, or just die, is what you do. You are the one that has nothing but hate for your fellow man, and it shows up with just about every comment you make. Maybe one day you will see that you are the problem and change. That’s why you have a supposed Timshatemail. Not because you are a truth teller but because you hate, and it comes back to you.
Tim Scott says
I made that account because some clown started yammering about “keyboard warriors” and acted like I wouldn’t say things to their face that I said here. I set that up so they could meet me and find out, but t5hey turned tail and ran…then changed their name to “alex.”
Meanwhile, there are people who I firmly believe the world would be better off without…hateful little trolls like you being among them…and I’m not afraid to tell them so. Fortunately there aren’t many of you.
Tim Scott says
Wrong, hateful little troll. The world would be better off without YOU, and I’ve told YOU so, but that’s about it.
Ralph says
alex is certainly correct when it comes to Lancaster. Those power hungry fools are not content with managing their own city. They want to take over the entire AV and bring it under their control.
Given the track record of massive redevelopment debt, poor credit ratings, waste of tax dollars on pet projects such as LEAPS and Ecolution, cronyism, crime, panhandling, ignoring East Lancaster, lack of religious tolerance in Rex’s Christian Community, mistreatment of neighboring communities, disrespect for opposing voices, and so on, the AV is better off with Lancaster being isolated and leaving everyone else alone.
Of course having a power hungry megalomaniac in charge makes that highly unlikely.
William says
Uh, alex
Where has your concern been for millions of Americans who could possibly lose their Medicaid insurance, ACA coverage and/or Planned Parenthood access because of republican efforts to dismantle or eliminate those programs?
Your routine hypocrisy is here daily for all to see.
Yes, Democrats are doing whatever they can to prevent the gop damage that could come from their harmful ideology and policies.
But, you think both parties are the same, right?
You are half-right however. The republican party can’t govern as we’ve seen time and again. You’d be smart to keep your foolish thoughts to yourself but if you were smart you wouldn’t be alex.
Okay, kid. Back on your high horse pretending to care but we know you don’t.
alex says
All of the commenters, and there are plenty, using the words “Trumptard” and “libtard” have gone so low as to malign a group of people with disabilities. There are a couple of commenters that use these words often.
Tim Scott says
Funny, I just wordsearched this page and the only uses of either of these words that came back was when you used them.
alex says
Tribal mentality an “us” verses “them” is a dangerous mentality, separating the community and the nation. The tribal view takes membership in group, instead of the right of an individual. It doesn’t matter if that person is a generous member of his/her community. I was asked by William, “what side are you on”? My answer is, “I will not get sucked up in the partisan drama that permeates this community.” You’re either angry at ‘Trumtards’ or you’re angry at ‘libtards’. I will not get caught up in the “Divide and Conquer” mentality. Political identity is fair game for hatred. This hatred is destroying this United States of America.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so how exactly does constantly venting your hatred on an individual basis improve the situation, you hate filled little slime?
William says
Poor alex can’t read and comprehend better than a 2nd grader.
I asked what side he was on regarding Lancaster’s interference with Palmdale’s governance which isn’t a partisan issue since most of the elected officials of both cities are republicans.
But, the various issues between the 2 cities bring up the question of whose side someone is on, protecting Palmdale’s sovereignty or letting Parris & Co. call the shots for Palmdale.
Your own post reeks of an emotional reaction akin to hatred but has a somewhat deranged quality to it. Definitley not a thoughtful, calmly put forth observation.
But, that’s you, alex. You post read like it was in ALL CAPS. We could hear you screaming.
BTW Do you think Lancaster should have 2 Palmdale council members voting for proposals that benefit Lancaster to the detriment of Palmdale? Weren’t you the one who demanded answers from Tim Scott? Let’s see how you answer that question if you can.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Alex, great point. Let’s disagree more cordially. Reasonable and honorable people can and will disagree. Don’t let it tear us apart. Democracy is a messy business. Churchill said it was the worst political system, except for everything else.
William says
Did you think that alex’s post was cordial? Or, were you encouraging him to be more cordial?
His post was a rant disguised as a call for civility. He should work for fox ‘news’ the cable entertainment channel that lives in an upside down world. For 8 years they accused President Obama of everything including not being a citizen and now they are calling Democrats hateful.
Isn’t that rich, PoliticalMalpractice? I have trouble taking you seriously.
PoliticalMalpractice says
LOL. I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I was encouraging all of us (and reminding myself) to be more civil when disagreeing. But you made me laugh as you seemed to miss the point entirely.
William says
You began your reply to alex with “Great point..” Really?
Scroll down and read some of alex’s previous posts and replies here. His call for civility is uh, how you say, inconsistent with some of those posts.
So, are you agreeing with his hypocritical call for civility or encouraging him to be more civil? It’s still not clear or are you playing the same game as he is only a little more civilly so as not to appear uncivil? ?
I’m sure you’ve heard trump say the most outrageous and divisive things one day and turn around and call for unity the next. That causes Democrats and others to shake their heads in disbelief. Is is okay with you for them to be suspicious of his integrity or do they have to pretend everything is as if should be?
Think this. Think how civil President Obama was in the face of the most despicable assaults on his character and his wife from the right.
Democrats have been fairly civil in comparison to the other side. Can’t you see that for yourself? I’ve pointed out the differences several times and you haven’t replied directly to them. You keep on sidestepping the things I’ve listed for you.
Think Sean Spicer and his over-the-top behavior to the press pool who were very restrained compared to him. S. H. Sanders isn’t much better.
Compare them both to Josh Ernest if you will.
If you keep playing the same one note after this, I’m done with you. Your username is fairly new so I won’t be surprised if it disappears soon.
Palmdalian says
As a resident of Palmdale, there is definitely an us against them situation when dealing with the Lancaster political machine. The everyday people get along just fine because the residents of each city aren’t hell bent on ruining or interfering in each other’s affair.
That is not true with the Lancaster political machine. I have seen them interfere my entire life and I am sick of it. When I see them infiltrate my city and try to do harm, I will not sit back and say nothing. If that offends you, that is too bad. I am sick of it and so are the rest of us.
They should focus on their own city. They have enough to keep them busy.
William says
Palmdale’s City Council is going into closed session to vote on whether to fire the city’s attorney and replace him with Lancaster’s city attorney’s law firm.
Can Parris and Co. get any more disgusting? They’ve got 2 Lancaster selected council members on Palmdale’s City Council now-Bishop and Hofbauer.
If they do succeed in firing the city attorney, that should be a wake up call to all Palmdale residents.
Mike says
Thanks for the head’s up. I can’t make it to the meeting but I will watch it online.
Did the city attorney do anything wrong? Or is this more of the same Lancaster interfering in Palmdale’s business? My guess is it is the latter. It’s too bad that Lancaster just can’t mind its own business. Under Parris, it has gotten so bad. He is a control freak.
William says
You’re welcome, Mike
Oh, it’s Parris interring when you consider that using an attorney from Lancaster’s own law firm is being proposed.
Well, I heard that Palmdale’s current attorney, Matt Ditzhazy, is keeping his job and Bishop and Hofbauer didn’t look too happy when they came from the closed session.
Also, Bishop’s proposal to pull funding for Mayor Ledford’s travel expenses on city business during the investigation lost 4 to 1 with Bishop voting NO on the funding.
Parris must feel like trump sometimes when his lackeys fail to perform and then get tossed under the bus. But, how is he gonna fire Bishop and Hofbauer. It’s up to Palmdale voters to correct that error next election.
Bill says
Uh oh! Seems like someone has some juicy poop! Where’s the proposed attorneys name from? This is getting good.
William says
Hey, Bill
Bishop’s proposal to not fund Mayor Ledford’s travel expenses lost 4 to 1.
Lancaster wants sales tax revenue sharing that Hofbauer and Bishop might vote for and the next council election could put another Parris lackey on the council to pass that.
Then, there’s the all out legal proceedings against Mayor Ledford to remove him from office so Hofbauer can be mayor. I doubt Hofbauer would put Palmdale’s interests above Parris’s when it is time to vote.
And, you think an attempt to remove the current city attorney is not on the Fern Street agenda.
Either you’re naïve or think we are.
Kilea says
Bishop and Hoffblower will push for the same attorney firm that handles the city I
Of Lancaster, AVTA, AVAQMD, and Rosamond Community Services.
Rex is a control freak and is using Dumb and Dumber in Palmdale to take over.
However the more those two talk the clearer it is that they have sold our and aren’t very bright.
alex says
Well, Kilea, Bishop and Hofbauer, (dumb and dumber), were elected by the people by a fairly wide margin. Are you saying the people that voted for them are not too bright?
William says
No. alex.
They aren’t informed about the stuff going on with Parris & Co.
We sure can’t count on you to get the word out, can we?
Just whose side are you on? Come on. Tell us.
Alfie says
alex, your own posts prove you are full of it. Hofbauer didn’t even get 50% of the vote. Bishop, thanks to a tone of money coming in from Lancaster that smeared Martinez, barely won. He only did so when R.Rex Parris employee Estrada ran with support from Bishop. Many of us in Bishop’s district were fooled by his fancy signs. Now that we’ve seen who he really is and who he works for, we’ll be waiting on Election Day. If he makes it that long. He’s got some shady dealings going on.
Bill says
Wow, it didn’t say that, It only said he was just up for a review. Isn’t that fairly routine? Somebody have the inside poop on this?
alex says
Good morning Alfie. You’re right about Hofbauer not getting 50% of the votes. It was 49.64% of the votes. Bishop received 41.32% votes. they both were elected by the people, Alfie. If the people in District 1, and District 2, don’t like the leadership, then the people can vote them out in the next election. You are entitled to think I am full of it, Alfie, but I won’t get caught up in gossip and rumors that are divisive.
Voter says
The majority of the voters in those districts did not vote for either candidate. Now that both of them have been exposed as Lancaster plants, they will have to face the voters who would prefer candidates with their interests in mind, not Rex and Marv’s.
It is sure going to be fun watching them defend their actions.
Bill says
Wow, it didn’t say that, It only said he was just up for a review. Isn’t that fairly routine? Somebody have the inside poop on this?
Tim Scott says
“Up for review” always includes the possibility of “finding unsatisfactory performance and terminating the contract.” Wrecks and his cronies are pushing for such a finding and his minions endorsing a replacement based on their “experience with representation of cities (namely Lancaster).” The firm is filled with Wrecks’ drinking buddies and would almost certainly be putting client confidentiality aside to help Wrecks keep a closer eye on Palmdale.
william says
Ah, Bill
You repeat yourself.
You repeat yourself.
Something tells me you would like Ditzhazy replaced or you wouldn’t have spoken up.
You are not simply a disinterested observer who shows up with a username not seen here before.
Who would bother to reply to my post but a rexophile?
Nice try.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I read the gist of this in Time and it struck a nerve. And despite a prescient, unmistakable warning in Washington’s farewell address in 1796 about not joining political parties, it states that (and I quote):
“We have self-sorted ourselves into a nation divided. These days, Republicans and Democrats no longer stop at disagreeing with each other’s ideas. Many in each party now deny the other’s facts, disapprove of each other’s lifestyles, avoid each other’s neighborhoods, impugn each other’s motives, doubt the other’s patriotism, can’t stomach the other’s news sources, and bring different, opposing value systems to such core social issues and institutions as religion, race relations, marriage, parenthood, etc. It’s as if they belong not to rival parties, but alien tribes.”
Wow. I can’t see this trend doing anything but tearing apart and destroying our great country. George Washington foresaw it, warned us against it, and would be devastated. But he also warned us to avoid national debt, don’t get involved in foreign intrigues, and educate our citizenry. G-d help us.
alex says
Wow, great comment, PoliticalMalpractice! G-d help us.
William says
You can’t possibly think that the 2 parties are equally responsible for the divisiveness and the quality of the ‘facts’ they base their policies on, can you?
Remember,PoliticalMalpractice, the gop held a majority of governorships and state legislatures plus majorities in the House and Senate for many years while blaming everything on President Obama and the minority party. See Kansas and some other red states for their winning policies.
As you can see from the last 8 months, the republicans can’t govern. They know how to win elections based on appealing to the worst of human nature.
If was a republican working for trump that came up with ‘alternative facts’ and trump has lied over 1,000 times since his inauguration. The Democrats keep bringing a slingshot to a gun fight but they aren’t close to being as corrupt as the republicans nor as incompetent.
There have been twice as many recessions during republican administrations as Democratic ones in the last 50-60 years. We are due for one on trump’s watch despite the gop claim that they are best at managing the economy. Crashes in 87 and 2008 with gop presidents.
The republicans gave us nixon, reagan, the bushes and now trump. Why do they hate our country so?
PoliticalMalpractice says
Good points, my eloquent and honorable friend. It’s just that we GOP’ers see things opposite sometimes, and believe it just as strongly. I’m not referring to who is wrong or right here. I’m just concerned that we are losing our civility and national attachment to each other over policy issues that should be voted on by the majority and done, with everyone cooperating and cordial until next vote.
And I’m just lamenting that the enmity and hate between parties is tearing us apart and weakening us. Washington warned us against just such a thing, and I worry for my grandchildren.
Tim Scott says
Thing is that “believing the opposite, and just as strongly” is fine when it comes to matters of opinion, but recent elections have hinged on disparities of facts. Republican candidates pointing to outrageous falsehoods have been elected by Republican voters who look at those falsehoods and say “I have a right to believe that” and get mad when actual facts that contradict their belief are presented to them.
PoliticalMalpractice says
But Tim, it really does cut both ways. I know you’re very intelligent, so objectively you must see that to some extent.
I’m basically frustrated and disgusted with politicians, media, operatives and advocates of BOTH SIDES. Equal Opportunity Corruption, Incompetence and empire-building, if you ask me. And “special interests” will be the death of us. We, as Americans, used to have common cause and just debated how to get there. Now though……….
I still advocate for only voting for wounded warriors and making career politicians get real jobs, lol.
Tim Scott says
Not really.
Right wing echo chamber: Obama is a Muslim Kenyan Communist. Believed by a majority of Republicans. False on all counts.
Normal media: Trump is widely supported by white nationalists and Neo-Nazis and hailed as ‘one of theirs.’ Actual truth, which can be verified by simply visiting their web-sites.
Outcome: Republicans consider the situation “even” and “cutting both ways.”
The list of similar examples I could give is virtually endless. But of course you aren’t really interested.
William says
What Tim Scott said.
PoliticalMalpractice If you can’t or won’t acknowledge that the current ‘debate’ between Democrats and republicans is asymmetrical, which it is, how can we have the civil discussion you ask for. One side is really uncivil. Guess which one?
When the president and his press secretary both say the his inauguration crowds were bigger than President Obama’s, who are you gonna believe, them or your lying eyes.
That’s just one minor lie. trump has lied over 1,000 times as president so far and millions of Americans believe those lies or choose to ignore them. It isn’t going to get better and you want us to behave as though it’s just a matter of opinions?
Do ya see a problem there with your point of view as reasonable sounding as it is?
I watch MSNBC most nights and I see young men and women speaking as you describe, calmly, thoughtfully, intelligently while the president and the leader of the republican party gets rebuked by the military, the Boy Scouts and chiefs of police around the country right after he delivers his red meat speeches to those groups. The people cheering trump as he says things we’ve never imagined a president would say are republicans.
I’d say the Democrats are being way too nice under the circumstances. If you want civility, talk to republicans.
At which convention in 2012 did the audiences cheer letting the uninsured die if they couldn’t afford health insurance and booed a gay soldier. The last year isn’t anything new for the republicans, just more so than ever.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Your reply: “One side is really uncivil. Guess which one?” makes me laugh.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about and trying to avoid. All sides are acting and speaking uncivilly !!!!!
We’re still all Americans, aren’t we? Oh, in the AV (and California) , I guess we’re not, LOL.
william says
I repeat. Which party cheered letting uninsured die if they don’t have health insurance, cheered a governor who said he had over 200 executions and booed a gay soldier at it’s 2012 convention?
Which party was led to boo reporters at campaign rallies last year and whose leader called the American news media “the enemy” to rousing cheers?
Are you simply turning blind eyes and deaf ears to that and much, much more?.
The 2 parties are simply not the same when it comes to civility now are they? And it comes from the leadership in your party.
Do not keep trying to claim otherwise as it makes you appear naive or willfully ignorant and I’m not saying that to be uncivil lest you think that.
I’m speaking straightforward to you. Can you handle it?
Antelope Valley Republican says
The GOP in the Antelope Valley, Lancaster in particular, in a joke. They call themselves conservatives but sign a letter of support for AVTA (Bishop, Hofbauer, Crist) to raise gas taxes. This will devastate the thousands of Antelope Valley Commuters.
They waste public tax dollars on boondoggles such as the Eye in the Sky and Ecolution. (Parris, Crist.)
They ignore the 11th Commandment used by Ronald Reagan, thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican, and constantly trash Ledford.
Republicans Crist, Parris, Hofbauer, and Bishop are in bed with union IBEW for solar projects, but they turned their backs on Kinksharrio and the Palmdale Power Plant, which were both job generators.
I might as well be a Democrat in the Antelope Valley. They are more prudent with my tax dollars, and more business friendly than these so-called Republicans.
William says
Oh, the irony.
Let’s see. Climate change is accelerated by the burning of fossil fuels.
Texas has been pumping oil for years.
Nature has its revenge on Houston.
Then, there’s the matter of the governor of Texas calling for prayers for rain a couple years ago when wildfires were ravaging the state. Well, Texans, your prayers were answered last week.
Unfortunately, irony is lost on right wingers. They’re just simple folk.
PoliticalMalpractice says
William, that’s an interesting (and ironic) point about Houston pumping oil and climate change, What goes around, ………….
But on your other point: I consider myself politically conservative and yet my poor, simple brain can still appreciate the sardonic irony in your insightful comments.
BTW: I respect the logic and forthrightness of your comments even though I disagree with your worldview.
William says
Thanks for your reply but exactly what do you disagree with? I’m not quite clear on that.
I wrote another comment on Texas yesterday but it disappeared into the moderation ‘black hole’.
Houston is notorious for little or no zoning regulations, so the city just kept building without much regard to what would happen to all the rain runoff in a place covered with concrete and asphalt just a few feet above sea level. Now, it wants aid from the federal government to cover its thoughtless city planning.
I say that the Texas oil industry should pay a large portion of the costs while trump wants to cut their federal taxes. Who will then have to pay for the costs?
Of course, poor planning didn’t cause a 1,000 year rainfall but what do people expect when they build like crazy in a flood plain next to the Gulf of Mexico with its frequent hurricances and tropical storms?
Should a state like California with all its despised regulations fork over tax money to bail out a state or city that doesn’t plan responsibly?
Then, there’s how Texans in Congress refused to bail out New York and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. So, there’s that.
Seriously, is that what conservatism is all about? In this case with Texas- “I do whatever I want and expect you to bail me out but don’t expect the same in return.” I’d like to hear a further explanation if I am mistaken.
alex says
Well William, yes, a state like California with all its despised regulations should fork over tax money to bail out a state or city that doesn’t plan responsibly. Just like when an earthquake hits in Palmdale and surrounding areas because of building on a fault zone. I’m not selfish, William. I pay my taxes and don’t complain. It’s futile for me to complain, so I say help those that need help in any state, and I’m at peace. You’re not very liberal after all, William.
Tim Scott says
At least California’s building codes are written to take the fault zone into account, where Texas pretends that somehow the magical ‘free market’ is at work there in the flood plains they built Houston on. Meanwhile, California has its own disaster relief funding that is always used when we have earthquakes, and if you recall we have at times raised state taxes specifically in response to disaster relief needs. Red states talk about “downsizing government” and how brilliantly they keep their taxes down…then stick out their hands for help.
William says
So, alex, how much money did you donate to the Red Cross for the Houston relief?
You wrote>
“It’s futile for me to complain, so I say help those that need help in any state, and I’m at peace.”
Was that just you talking big but not putting your $$$s where you mouth is?
You really don’t come across as someone “at peace” given all your posts here. Scroll down and read your “at peace” posts.
It’s bitch, bitch, bitch from alex all day, everyday.
alex says
I pay my taxes without complaining. I don’t get caught up with tribal mentality, “us verses them”, “red verses blue”. Instead of having outgoing concern for all those souls that are suffering, the only attitude you can muster up is disdain for another state that is in the United States. We’re all in this together but you would never know by the back and forth blaming that goes on daily, monthly, yearly. An attitude that is rooted in an extremely self-centered mind-set.
alex says
California building codes are written to take the fault zone into account! Smoke and mirrors with those codes. The Nimitz freeway built with California building codes taken into account, didn’t stand up well. Northridge didn’t do well either. Have construction of buildings with building codes written in, that take the fault zone into account, going to stand up to the stress? We will see. If not, FEMA (that’s federal, which we all are required to pay in taxes), will be asked to match funds on the state level. Quit complaining and blaming, and be thankful you can actually pay taxes on the money you receive.
PoliticalMalpractice says
No my friend, I was referring to the fact that I’m an Independent that votes ….gulp….wait for it………..”Republican”……..gulp….. and I sensed you vehemently disagree with GOP objectives. That’s cool and your points are all well taken.
I’m really disgusted with most all politicians though, lol. I like some California politicians personally but hate their politics.
Thanks for your high level of discourse and commentary. Peace.
Mike White says
Tim the unlicensed handyman talking about building codes is hilarious! His un-permitted crap work wouldn’t withstand a 1.0 earthquake!
Tim Scott says
LOL…more wild speculations from Mike no-I-have-no-real-info White. Must be a sad life when you have nothing to gossip about but your own speculations about someone you’ve never even met…who seems to be the only thing on your mind.
PoliticalMalpractice says
I am of the opinion that State, LA County and local governments for the most part, are incompetent, delusional and corrupt. Voters must be crazy, stupid and/or gullible for enabling them. They think the constitution is a suicide pact, criminals are to be coddled and open borders will help, lol.
What a shame!! The state is so beautiful and it’s turning into a third world country. If you disagree, come to East Palmdale.
Richard says
East Palmdale is a paradise compared to any third world country, and many steps up from Compton, Pacoima, Blythe, East Lancaster, etc.
Anon says
Interesting story out of San Bernardino that looks a lot like what’s happening here in the Antelope Valley.
After being accused of corruption, a developer and two SB county officials were found not guilty.
Jurors said that a lot of the prosecution’s evidence relied on a liar. The prosecution ruined lives.
Liar? Do we know anyone in the AV who have falsely accused people of wrong doing? Do the names Raymond Lee Jennings, Johnathan Ervin, and Randy Floyd ring a bell? That same person and his political hack now accusing Jim Ledford for political purposes?
The link to the story is below. It is eerily familiar to what is happening here.
PoliticalMalpractice says
Am I the only one that finds it ironic that sons of criminal illegal immigrants now control the California legislature and are leading the movement to deny my 2nd Amendment rights granted by Washington, Jefferson, Mason, et al.
Donuts to dollars this politically-correct rag doesn’t have the chops to print this.
Hey you!
Are you a worthless individual? Do you not know how to be an adult? Perhaps you’re ignorant and just need something to do. Maybe you don’t have life skills and blame other people for your life. If that’s you the AV Democrats need your help! We need more professional protesters to protest Steve Knights office! Please come and shout out your stupidity!
Tim Scott says
If you think you have to pay people to protest outside do-nothing-knight’s office you’re not paying attention to do-nothing-knight.
alex says
As a voter in this fine city of Palmdale, along with my family and friends, we are demanding transparency from you, Tim Scott. Back up your many words with substance, Tim Scott. You wouldn’t show up face to us when we asked you, so we question your motives.
Tim Scott says
Oh, give it a rest you cowardly little scut. If you wanted to meet me you know how to do it. Everyone knows how to do it.
alex says
What makes you qualified to take on the job as “savior of Palmdale,” Tim Scott? You said you are going to supply the monetary means to help William run a campaign in District Two, so once again I am asking you for your qualifications. You refused to tell me who you backed in Bakersfield. Please tell me about what you do in the way of volunteering in Palmdale. I have friends and family in Palmdale that have lived here for many decades, so I want answers from you.
Tim Scott says
Then drop me an e-mail you cowardly little scut.
Rather than continuing to lie about things I’ve said because you are apparently too busy babbling to keep notes.
Laughing says
alex, what exactly is your personal problem?
Anyone in our great American society can campaign for a better local area. A person can choose who they back and give reasons why (even if it makes no sense to others – thinking about Trump). What exactly does your family living here forever and a day have to do with another citizen living here for a shorter period? Many people living in America their whole life know far less about America than brand new citizens and ‘want to be’ citizens.
Tim Scott and I have agreed and disagreed on many things, but we both know how to be civil to one another.
Tim Scott says
“alex” used to use a different name, and he played the keyboard warrior card and basically challenged me to a fight like some kind of junior high schooler. That was actually the first time I posted the hatemail e-mail address. He proceeded to rant about how he wasn’t going to e-mail me but he’d “meet me on a streetcorner in Lancaster in half an hour” That’s apparently the time I didn’t show up “to have coffee with him and his friends.”
After that I guess he was shamed enough that he changed his screen name, because until recently I thought that loser had just disappeared.
Anyway Laughing…you and I HAVE agreed and disagreed and maintained civility, and I’ve always thought you would be an interesting person to meet. Feel free to drop a line.
William says
And, who is this ‘alex’ to demand anything of anyone?
Y’know, alex. You have the right to remain silent.
Tim Savior says
Anyone who stands up to Rex, Marv and the rest of the Lancaster Cartel that owns Hofbauer and Bishop is a “savior of Palmdale” as you call him alex.
alex says
You clearly didn’t know Larry Chimbole, because he would never have had anything to with such a divisive person as Tim Scott (not his real name). He would have seen right through his pretense. So many times I have asked him to back up his credentials and every time he had some lame excuse why he couldn’t back up his words. There are a lot of people that choose to follow a fraud, because they can’t think for themselves. He also would abhor anyone that called supporters of Law Enforcement, sycophants and leg-riders, calling on those to commit suicide. This is not the way you affect change. Carry on with your pretense.
Tim Scott says
And I’ve told you every time that all you have to do is drop an e-mail so we can set up a meeting “alex”…but you don’t seem to have the will to leave the shelter of your keyboard, or even a lame excuse…you just go on gutlessly yapping about how YOU want to but I won’t, which is the dead opposite of truth. Then you wonder why people “follow” me and ignore you…it’s because you prove over and over that you are just a bald faced liar.
As to what Larry Chimbole would think of our current law enforcement, with such fine leadership as Baca…who almost every current deputy in the LASD came up under…I cannot guess. I seriously doubt he would be a leg riding cops can do no wrong badge licker like yourself though.
Must be about time for a new screen name “alex.” I think you’ve worn this one out.
Eric says
Everything you know is a lie.
There is no Ginger at Camacho Auto Sales!
Tim Scott says
But is there a Gilligan?
William says
trump has told over 1,000 lies in the first 7 months of his presidency.
But, “Who’s counting?” say his followers.
Tim Scott says
Old news. That was Tuesday morning. With the jump start from his Tuesday rally in Phoenix he’s well into that second thousand already. I’m putting the over/under for his first year at 2200.
William says
It that why steve knight’s head is buied in the sand when it comes to republicans criticizing trump? I guess he doesn’t know where to beging. Yeah. That’s it.
Victor says
I got an email notice that Turner Outdoorsman is coming to Palmdale this fall. Another store coming to Palmdale? Everything goes to Palmdale. I’m sick of it. There is nothing here in East Lancaster unless you like graffiti and police sirens.
Maybe when we get some competent leadership Lancaster will be great again.
It sucks here in East Lancaster. Sucks out loud.
Tim Scott says
There’s a house for rent on the next block.
We would welcome you to Palmdale.
Victor says
I would move to Palmdale in a second but I am way upside down on my house. I spend a lot of time in Palmdale shopping and dining. It’s a lot nicer for sure.
For all you Confederate Flag lovin racists who Dare use the Good Lord to Justify the Racism of that Flag with BS Face Book Posts, Especially the Antelope Vally Voice, right here is the Truth
William says
trump is quickly decompensating before our eyes.
But, you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet. Wait till he is removed from office and his ‘peoples’ go nuclear, the poor things.
The best outcome will be that their ‘yuge’ disappointment and despair will have them staying away from the voting booths the rest of their lives.
Is this a great country or what?
I'll Ride Metrolink Thank You says
What a cluster-f going down at AVTA. Bus drivers striking and people stranded. Seems like all Marv, Hoff, and Bishop care about is buying those ridiculously expensive electric busses from BYD. BYD, of course, was a major donor to Parris’ campaign, but that’s probably just a coincidence.
Instead of taking care of the employees, Marv, Hoff, and Bishop are fixated on going all electric. What’s going to happen when the taxpayer funded grants run out? How are they going to pay for those expensive busses? Is that why they won’t pay their drivers?
Another question to think about. Why is Austin Bishop’s company putting the wraps on these busses?
Inquiring minds need to know.
union made says
Where is Kathy(job killer) Maclaren in all of this? She is the labor boss that got the union to back Bishop and Hofbauer with money and support in the last City election. They both are radio silent during this impasse. We know she is controlled by Marvin Christ the Chairman of AVTA but this is bad for my labor brothers and sisters.
union made says
This is union busting at its finest. Thank you Kathy(job killer)Maclaren for not helping the bus drivers or Lance Camper employees from getting better pay and benifits at BYD.
alex says
No, Tim, Larry Chimbole is not looking down on you and smiling. What is this email you keep giving out to others? Are you organizing against the politicians in Palmdale using a false name? Are you too afraid to back up your talk with a real name? I am asking you to take personal responsibility for your words. You tell commenters that have a different opinion than you to eat a bullet, commit suicide, or go die somewhere. I have been in the Antelope Valley a long time, including Edwards Air Force Base and I condemn your hate speech.
BFD says
Larry Chimbole would get ill if he saw what was happening to Palmdale. Just like most people are.
Timshatemail@gmx.com is the email address to help save Palmdale.
He’s probably gathering evidence on Austin Bishop’s business dealings with Palmdale, Lancaster, and AVTA.
alex says
Help save Palmdale! I want nothing to do with a person that wishes death on other commenters with different opinions. I condemn his hate speech that he freely uses under an anonymous name. There are many decent people I know in this city that would stay far away from him.
Tim Scott says
“alex” knows all about that e-mail address. He’s turned down dozens of invitations to use it, starting from the day he pretended that he wanted to “stop playing keyboard warrior and meet face to face” with a whole lot of innuendo that he wanted to fight…which promptly evaporated and led to his name changing to “alex.”
As to gathering evidence against Bishop…not my issue. If someone is taking that on and wants advice, help, moral support, or just a friendly ear they are more than welcome to contact me.
What I am doing is pushing for an ordinance to limit the city council’s power to enter tax sharing agreements, before we get a bad council that puts us in a bad agreement. Anyone who wants to be a part of that effort is also welcome to contact me. I look forward to working with you. I’m particularly looking for people in district one and district three who would be willing to approach their representatives (Bishop and Bettencourt, respectively) either on your own or with me. I’d rather not approach them by myself since I’m not in their districts.
Shane Falco says
I am taking all of this revisionist history. Chimbole, Fred Hann, Phil Wyman and a few others used to meet at the old sand sailor restaurant and discuss merging of the two cities.
William says
Nice try, Foolco. Chimbole was never about merging the two cities. Read his book. Talk to the old timers. Merging the two cities would only benefit the unholy trinity of Rex, Visco, and Gilley. Palmdale would suffer. Chimbole knew it. So does everyone else who isn’t in the good old boy network.
Come back when you actually have some real information worth sharing.
Tim Scott says
When Chimbole was the mayor there was no “city of Lancaster.” There was a lot of discussion in the 1980s about whether it would be better for Lancaster to incorporate or just get annexed into the existing city of Palmdale. There was a lot of discussion in Palmdale whether that would be a good idea since there would be more Lancaster voters than Palmdale voters and there were some really bad “civic leaders” who would probably run a “vote for a Lancaster candidate” campaign and possibly take over the council.
The good ole boys knew that if they had ‘their own city’ it would provide plenty of opportunities for graft, and they weren’t sure they’d be able to do as well with a combined city. Palmdale already had a long history of effective city government and there were genuinely civic minded and savvy people like Chimbole they’d have had to work around somehow. Unfortunately for the voters in Lancaster they fell for the bill of goods and Lancaster started out badly and has continued downhill ever since.
IndependentPalmdale says
@alex, you clearly did not know Larry Chimbole. The entire reason that he successfully pushed for incorporation of Palmdale way back in 1962 was because Palmdale wasn’t getting it’s fair share from the county, all the tax money was going to Lancaster.
There is no way that he would support a tax-sharing agreement with Lancaster, because he was politically savvy enough to understand that Lancaster would not “share”. Brush up on your local history. If you’re open to fully appreciating and comprehending Larry’s stance, you will understand that Larry is looking down from heaven and cheering Tim Scott on in this battle.
alex says
I’m sorry but you are wrong. We came to Edwards in 1954, and my family knows many people in the A.V.. At this point in history, we support James Ledford, and all he has done for Palmdale. Rex Parris is an evil person and he has been destructive in so many ways. My father knew Larry Chimbole, a man of integrity. As for Tim Scott, well, he has proven himself to be a only a big talker that couldn’t even show up for coffee when he was invited by several of us a couple of years ago. He has a lot to say, but does absolutely nothing positive in this community. You might think it is acceptable for him to tell others to commit suicide, or eat a bullet, among many other verbal abuses, but he is nothing more than a bully, and is not credible. You are free to think what you like. No, Larry Chimbole is not looking down on Tim Scott and smiling.
IndependentPalmdale says
I’ve followed Tim Scott’s posts for several years now, and I don’t recall him telling someone to commit suicide or “eat a bullet.” He doesn’t suffer fools lightly and his posts are extraordinarily blunt about ideas not people, so characterizing him as a bully is incorrect.
I also know that he does show up for coffee, even with people who are openly hostile to him. He has invited you several times recently, and it appears that you refuse to show up. You might try sometime, you might be surprised by what you find.
Larry was a man of integrity who cared deeply for Palmdale, and he would have supported Tim’s anti-revenue sharing movement without reservation.
Timsneedsattention says
Tim talking to his made up friend!
I’ve heard him use threats,eat a Bullitt,kill yourself,etc.
Tim uses several other names,throws some praise his way,then says”See people like me”.
Tim Scott says
Nope. One screen name. Build credibility. Only people like “alex” who constantly spew obvious nonsense need to swap out for a new name at intervals.
For the record, I did tell a guy one time to eat a bullet, when he was talking about how he would like to shoot me…and I have told Foolco that the world would be better off without such a hateful arrogant prig…probably a few times. I don’t recall threatening anyone, since on an anonymous comments section that is just silly. I’ve been threatened plenty, and always respond the same way I respond to “alex.” Drop a line to timshatemail at gmx dot com and we’ll set something up.
Tim Scott says
When did you grow into “several” “alex”? Nobody seems to be believing that the guy who has met several people from this site refused to meet YOU, so now you are upping your false claim to “several of us” as if that would give you credibility.
I’ve offered to meet you when we were in agreement, and I’ve offered to meet you when you were being a crybaby. I’ll offer again. Drop a line and we’ll set something up.
alex says
You get the politicians you deserve.
William says
No, Alex. We did not ask for Drew Mercy, Rex Parris, Marvin Crist, Ken Mann, Raj Mahli, or Angela Underwood to get involved in our elections by backing Austin Bishop with money and support.
Nor did we ask any of our politicians to pursue tax revenue sharing with Lancaster.
I do not know anyone from Palmdale who asked Parris to sue us for voting rights districts. There were plenty of people from Lancaster behind it, that’s for sure.
Please, Alex. Take Austin Bishop with you to Lancaster or wherever you reside. He is a Lancaster bought and paid for candidate who has done nothing except what his Lancaster masters have told him to do.
alex says
That’s a quote from Barack Obama. Palmdale is where my heart is, and Mayor James Ledford has my loyalty. Apparently there are people in Palmdale behind this conspiracy. I will wait for the truth to be revealed instead of listening to ongoing rumors and gossip, that have snowballed out of control by confused, fearful people.
Vic says
I am a taxpayer. Why is Austin Bishop using his political influence to promote his business by aligning his business with the cities of Lancaster no Palmdale? This is not right.
D. Granai says
I heard the Steve [I got my car repo’d] Hofbauer planned a Press conference to support Bishop and his business plan to make money off of both cities till somebody pointed out it is illegal to do so. These two Palmdale council members are not the sharpest knives in the drawer always trying to please Marv.
Shane Falco says
You might want to get used to calling him Mayor Hofbauer. He was a heck of a firefighter back in the day.
Tim Scott says
And since ‘firefighter’ equals ‘like Shane’ that’s all you need to endorse him. You are such a bigot, in pretty much every way.
But, like most people, you can’t help the way you were raised.
Paul says
If Foolco is endorsing Hofbauer,that confirms what many already know. Hofbauer, like Bishop, is owned by Lancaster.
But they are also using him. They are promising the mayor position to both Hofbauer and Bishop, but when push comes to shove, they will shove both of them out and back Loa.
Carrillo has been promised backing in the assembly position.
All three have bought Lancaster’s lies hook, line, and sinker.
Now that Bishop’s shady business dealing have been exposed, the FPPC reports will be filed and he will be in serious doo doo..
Prediction: Bishops resigns by year’s end to avoid criminal prosecution. He’s seeing what that’s like after being a cheerleader against Ledford.
Isn’t Lancaster politics fun?
Shane Falco says
I’ve known Steve for over 20 years. Respecting a man who has risked his own life for many years to save others and is still trying to better his community is very admirable.
Your works is indeed an odd and angry one Tim Scott where you equate that to bigotry but as we see in society today, shouting racism is often the only tool that the outwitted and outmatched have to play.
Tim Scott says
I didn’t shout racism. You’ve made it clear that your sense of your superiority isn’t based on race. No less revolting for that though.
I have a question, by the way…when you tell people what a wonderful charity you started, do you mention that you are an eligible beneficiary? I mean, that frankly puts Dingbat Don and the Trump Foundation to shame. He created a co-mingled funds tax haven, but you can literally take other people’s donations and give them to yourself within the charter. Brilliant. Disgusting, but I do have to hand it to you.
Tim Scott says
If there was nothing else to mark him as a slime, your endorsement would do it.
alex says
Your pursuit of self-perceived justice, Tim Scott, is truly stunning. Austin Bishop and Steve Hofbauer were elected by nearly half of the voters in their districts. you and those that agree with you are willing to use lawless tactics to undermine the voters. You feed off of gossip and you are an anonymous fraud. A big, bold talker that retreats when asked to discuss issues face to face. You have been spinning deception since 2014.
alex says
You might as well call all 4,236 voters who elected Steven Hofbauer, slime, also, Tim Scott.
Tim Scott says
Why would I do that “alex”? Has Foolco endorsed them too?
As usual you are so eager to “fight” in your little keyboard way that you aren’t even bothering to make sense.
alex says
A bigot calling someone else a bigot. An anonymous keyboard warrior calling others keyboard warriors. A big bold talker calling others yappers. You can’t help the way you were raised either TS. You have nothing but hate for your own family. You are addicted to yourself and your self-perceived pursuit of justice, the anonymous way. What I said made perfect sense, TS. Let me explain to you TS. 4,236 voters elected Steven Hofbauer; that means they endorsed him, just as Shane Falco endorses Steven Hofbauer. He obviously couldn’t vote for him but nevertheless, he endorses him. What you think doesn’t matter, because the voters have the power.
alex says
The voters endorsed and elected Steven Hofbauer. Shane Falco endorses but couldn’t vote for Steven Hofbauer. Therefore, TS, calling one person slime is calling all the voters slime. You know, one collectively. Carry on with your hate speech the anonymous way.
Susan says
@Tim Scott
Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is called a bigot. The liberal left’s favorite word. You are a part of the problem with our country today.
Tim Scott says
“alex” you are by far the funniest commenter on this site.
The anonymously posted rants about people not using their real names are absolutely hysterical.
Then you follow up with your rants about “keyboard warriors” while you refuse to step out from behind your keyboard.
Truly hilarious.
Son of the Anti Rex says
Just because he was a ‘heck of a firefighter back in the day’ doesn’t mean anything regarding his political acumen. He’s in bed with Rex. That says a ton more than he was a ‘heck of a firefighter back in the day’. I thank him and the other firefighters and LEOs who protect us. That doesn’t mean I will vote for them, especially when they align themselves with the corrupt Imperious Rex.
alex says
You get the politicians you deserve. Steve Hofbauer received 50% of the votes in his district. If the people don’t like what he is doing, then they can vote for someone else in 2020. The people keep voting for Rex, so again, you get the politicians you deserve. Only 14% of the people in the Lancaster area voted, so apathy abounds in the Antelope Valley. Complaining doesn’t solve the problem.
Son of the Anti Rex says
We can complain all we want about a man who has ruined the lives of so many people for his selfish gain, and those who cozy up to him. If you support Rex, you are just as evil as he is.
I suspect you are ok with him destroying Raymond Lee Jennings, Randy Floyd, David Grejada, Esmeralda Jorge, Johnathan Ervin, Jim Ledford, David Abber, and others.
When Hoffbauer and Bishop get in bed with a man like that, its time for them to go.
I will work in my district and in Bishops district to see to it that they both are sent packing.
alex says
I support James Ledford. He has always supported Veterans, and I have never seen Rex Parris at a Veterans event. So you can read whatever you want into my comment and twist it to suit you. Make sure you get all your ducks in a row, and gather facts on your mission. Gossip and rumors are only a destructive evil force.
alex says
You live by a double standard. You advocate violence when it comes from the left; you condemn violence when it comes from the right. There is no place in America for the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white nationalists. There is no place in America for violence that comes from the radical left. Here is a double standard for you, Tim. The free speech rally, which you are in favor of, was met with extreme violence at Berkeley in February. You sit on the fence, Tim.
Tim Scott says
Double standard? Why, yes, I do. I have a different standard for how white supremacists should be treated as opposed to, say, kittens.
alex says
If you knew your history, Tim, you would understand that history is nothing more than a chronicle of men’s wars. Violence begets violence, over and over again. So look at where we are at, once more, Tim. And everyone does what seems right in their own eyes. Blessed are the peacemakers.
Tim Scott says
And annoying are the noisemakers. Please point to a single time that fascism has sat down on its own.
alex says
Tim Scott thinks it’s appropriate to use violence to stop violence. As long as you use baseball bats instead of guns to kill humans. For instance at Berkeley in February when the radical-left hot heads decided to wreak violence at a free speech rally.
Scott Pelka says
I have been watching Palmdale council meetings and have noticed a few unusual items going on. In today’s paper I see that Austin Bishops business Printing Boss is sponsoring 2 different stages at the fairgrounds with both the city of Palmdale and the other with the city of Lancaster. Nowhere did I see at Palmdales council meeting that Austin was to partner with the city for anything… a clear violation of the FPPC if he did so to profit with his council position for his business.
He seems to be a Partner with the city of Lancaster not only making thousands of dollars from them every month on their check registers but a co sponsorship with them for the south park stage at the fairgrounds. Plus he has voted on to give Lancaster $60,000 for a community choice aggregate study for a possible power agreement. He should have recused himself from the vote because of his business dealings with Lancaster. Mot to mention all the Bus wraps he does for BYD and the AVTA.
Looks like we now know how Rex is trying to take over Palmdale one district at a time.
Soccer Mom says
Bishop should have recused himself from voting for Lancaster on community choice aggregate. His business gets money from the city of Lancaster. Palmdale should complain to FPPC and should revote this item with Bishop recusing himself. Where’s the FPPC? And where’s that DA? Oh I forgot, they’re in Rex’s pocket.
alex says
I agree with what you say. Yet the people put these corrupt politicians in their place. Rex Parris keeps getting voted in by the people. Only 14% of the people voted in Lancaster and surrounding areas. Apathy keeps Rex Parris in power. The people get what they vote for in Palmdale and Lancaster.
JPB says
Bishop is just doing what his Lancaster puppet masters are instructing him to do. They don’t care if he goes to jail for FPOC violations. They are using him, Hofbauer, and Carrillo to accomplish their goals. Bishop is in hot water.
Ed says
I am no lawyer, but If this is true, Bishop is screwed. I saw the map in the Fair insert and thought it was strange that a councilman would be allowed to use his business this way. I hope someone looks into this. I may just call both cities and find out what is going on. Something is fishy.
Same Old Thing says
I highly doubt anything will happen to Bishop. His AVRA handler DUI Drew is on the AV Fair Board and probably put Bishop up to it. As we all know, Lancaster Planning Commissioner DUI Drew is doing dirty work for Rex with his “research” of Ledford so Rex and his cronies will protect DUI Drew and all his corrupt minions.
Rb44 says
How can a councilman co sponsor with the city he is representing? Is Austin Bishop this dense? He’s not my councilman and I am glad.
Tim Scott says
He’s Wrecks’ councilman, so this should not come as a surprise.
Palmdalian says
Wrecks owns three of Palmdale’s councilmen. Bishop, Hofbauer, and Carrrillo. Do tell me what good has ever come from Rex for the people of Palmdale?
alex says
These politicians were elected by the people of Palmdale. If the people of Palmdale don’t like what’s going on with their politicians then do something. Vote them out in the next election, don’t just complain. Complaining isn’t a solution. People have power when they work together to resolve a problem, sitting around all day complaining, solves nothing.
JPB says
If the people of Palmdale knew that Parris and his henchmen were supplying money and time to elect people who were working for him, they wouldn’t be happy. If they knew that Bishop made signs for one of his rivals who was an employee of Parris’s law firm, they would have been outraged.
But now the gig is up. M Bishop, Hoffbauer, and Carilo are showing their loyalties and the people are waking up.
Its happening now. Tim Scott is organizing people. The comments here are picking up against the Rex regime.
When Bishop is confronted with his multiple violations by the FPPC then the changes will begin.
If after all this, the people of Palmdale continue to vote for Rex backed candidates, then you will be proved right. They will have gotten the politicians they deserve.
Tim Scott says
I’m not sure Wrecks owns Carrillo. In fact, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. I’d guess that district four will see a candidate next year with Lancaster money behind them trying to replace Carrillo. Don’t let this “Wrecks owns Carrillo” idea help put the real Lancaster backed candidate in his place.
alex says
Steven Hofbauer received 6,231 votes, 49.41% of the votes. Austin Bishop received 3,220 votes, 40.44% of the votes. “The people get the politicians they deserve.” Quote by Barack Obama.
Tim Scott says
For those who don’t know…
Local politics, unless someone really goes out of their way to change the game, is purely a function of name recognition. People go into the voting booth to vote for president of the US or whatever, and they see a council race. They know nothing much about one candidate, but recognize his name. They know nothing much about the other candidates, and don’t even recognize their names. So they vote for the recognized name. When the name recognition votes are added to the votes cast for good reasons they usually will carry the day.
In the AV that is why elections are basically contests of who can pay for the most signs and plaster them all over the town. That’s where Wrecks injects himself into Palmdale politics, as well as how he controls his own rubber stamp council. “I paid for the signs that got you elected, and in the next election I’ll either pay for your signs or I’ll pay for your opponent’s signs, your choice,” is a very hard incentive to beat.
Yes, because Palmdale voters include far too many apathetic voters who operate by name recognition we did in fact get “the politicians we deserve.” Wrecks bought signs for Hofbauer and Bishop and inflicted them on us because we failed to resist. We are paying the price for that.
I don’t believe that Wrecks paid for signs for Carrillo, because Carrillo ran as a Democrat and I’m sure Wrecks supported a Republican candidate. I think Wrecks played the long game and focused mostly on the two four year terms (Bishop and Carrillo), knowing he could work on district four next year.
So the question is whether we let Wrecks’ long game pay off. He has two council members in his pocket until 2020, at least. If we allow Palmdale elections to be dominated by apathy and name recognition he will get more. He’s obviously targeting the mayor. He’s undoubtedly targeting Carrillo and Bettancourt as well.
This means there are two things that we need to do to protect our city.
One, we need to rouse people out of the apathy that allows Wrecks bought name recognition to carry the day. I have an opinion on Carrillo because I got off my butt and went and met the man. If you are in his district you should too. If you aren’t, go meet your councilman. Fair warning, Hofbauer is as thin skinned as the president, and if you ask him a tough question he is likely to start blustering. I’ve never met Bishop. Once you have done some work to support your own opinion, rouse your neighbors to do the same.
Two, we need to face the reality that we will likely lose, eventually. Apathy is strong. Wrecks is relentless. That’s the grim reality. So we need to push our current council to take action that will LIMIT the damage a Wrecks owned council can do. If Wrecks gets four cooperative council members they could put Palmdale in an absolutely deadly revenue sharing agreement…and once that is done it would take four council members NOT in his pocket to change it. So even if there is a huge backlash when such an agreement is put on us, all he has to do is hold on to two seats and he can prevent us from getting out of it. Think about that.
David says
There’s hope for Palmdale. More voters didn’t vote for Bishop than did. Once the people find out about his business dealings he’ll be toast.
DUI says
Don’t you fret. The AV Morality Policemen led by DUI Drew Mercy and Rex will be all over this. DUI Drew will file papers with the FPCC and Austin Bishop will be fined for this.
Bah ha ha ha ha ha! Mercy and Parris are hypocrites.
Clueless says
I just saw the paper. I don’t understand. Palmdale Councilman Bishop’s business is named with both City of Palmdale and City of Lancaster. How does city of lancaster’s leaders – King Rex, Marv, Malhi, Ken Mann, Underwood – feel about this? They are all business owners. How did Bishop’s buiness get attached to both cities? Is Bishop taking over both cities?
Jared says
I will be contacting the local paper on this. I live in Lancaster so I vacant vote him out. But I don’t think Bishop should be gmdiung business with either city.
Jared says
*can’t not vacant.
doing not gmdiung.
SP says
I have been watching Palmdale council meetings and have noticed a few unusual items going on.
I see that Councilman Austin Bishops business Printing Boss is sponsoring 2 different stages at the fairgrounds with both the city of Palmdale and the other with the city of Lancaster.
Nowhere did I see at Palmdales council meeting that Bishop was to partner with the city for anything… a clear violation of the FPPC if he did so to profit with his council position for his business.
He seems to be a Partner with the city of Lancaster not only making thousands of dollars from them every month on their check registers but a co sponsorship with them for the south park stage at the fairgrounds. Plus he has voted on to give Lancaster $60,000 for a community choice aggregate study for a possible power agreement. He should have recused himself from the vote because of his business dealings with Lancaster. Not to mention all the Bus wraps he does for BYD and the AVTA.
This is very troubling to me who knows what else I will find out as I dig further into this
alex says
As a Jewish American, it breaks my heart to witness racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism, raise it’s ugly head on a national level with hatred, manifesting in violence. White nationalist’s that are loyal to Hitler’s ideology (fascists) brings back memories of unspeakable horrors. Now I am witnessing another group that started out against fascism, turn into another monster, using the same tactics of hatred, manifesting into violence, (anti-fascists). Blessed are the peacemakers.
Tim Scott says
“Unspeakable horrors” like standing by peacefully while the Nazis lit up your ancestors you mean? Fascism has NEVER just sat down on its own accord. It has ALWAYS had to be put down. Who do you think is going to do it? Donald Trump? Jeff Sessions? They SUPPORT it.
S. says
I have been watching Palmdale council meetings and have noticed a few unusual items going on. In today’s paper I see that Austin Bishops business Printing Boss is sponsoring 2 different stages at the fairgrounds with both the city of Palmdale and the other with the city of Lancaster. Nowhere did I see at Palmdales council meeting that Austin was to partner with the city for anything… a clear violation of the FPPC if he did so to profit with his council position for his business.
He seems to be a Partner with the city of Lancaster not only making thousands of dollars from them every month on their check registers but a co sponsorship with them for the south park stage at the fairgrounds. Plus he has voted on to give Lancaster $60,000 for a community choice aggregate study for a possible power agreement. He should have recused himself from the vote because of his business dealings with Lancaster. Mot to mention all the Bus wraps he does for BYD and the AVTA.
This is very troubling to me who knows what else I will find out as I dig further into this.
Tim Scott says
Dear God, if you want us to impeach Trump, give us a sign. Like blot out the sun… Anytime in the next week. Thanks, America
William says
Consider it done.
I love how trump is clearing the White House swamp; Flynn, Priebus, Bannon, Spicer(?) and others. His people.
Then, at the same time fox ‘news’ fired O’Reilly and Ailes and Bolling was suspended.
The thing is, the people fired in both places were originally there because they were ‘swamp’ people and hired for that very reason.
How much longer will be trump be in office? I can’t wait to hear Hannity express himself when trump is removed.
Anyway, the King of the Swamp himself is decompensating before our eyes. Meanwhile, Jared and Ivanka are on a permanent vacation even though they were supposed to be the ones reining him in. When the children have to manage the parent, something is going on. Maybe it’s time for trump to be institutionalized if they’ll have him.
alex says
If you don’t condemn all forms of hate, then you justify hate according to what you hate. That includes certain commenters on here that justify telling other commenters to go commit suicide or to go off and die. There are a couple of commenters that have been dishing out hate on a daily basis for years, and because they are like-minded, they team up for a double portion of hate.
Tim Scott says
It’s okay to call me out by name “alex.” I know you are well hidden behind your keyboard. You don’t have to be so scared.
JPB says
Hate has been served daily since 2008 in Lancaster by our illustrious mayor. He hates Raymond Lee Jennings, Randy Floyd, Johnathan Ervin, David Abner, Esmeralda Jorge, Jim Ledford, David Grejada, the cities of Santa Clarita and Palmdale, Starwood, two American Legion Posts in the AV, Quartz Hill Cares, and everyone who will not bow down to his money.
We don’t want or need your tainted money. Go away.
alex says
The group that got ignored in Charlottesville: Antifa was there labeling their opponents “fascists” in order to justify their own violence. Whether violence comes from the ‘Right’, or from the ‘Left’, it is still evil. Antifa has kicked into high gear the last few years, and they also justify throwing projectiles at police, and using bats and special gloves to inflict great bodily harm. Condemn all hate, not just your narrow self-centered view because you belong to a certain party.
Tim Scott says
They labeled themselves fascists by their actions. Violence isn’t evil, violence is just violence. When violence is organized on white supremacist websites and unleashed against innocents that is evil. If you can’t tell the difference then do what you are good at “alex”…hide and type.
The president missed an absolute lay-up, again. Politician, businessman, or just any human being; when the question is “what do you think of neo-nazis and white supremacists?” the answer is “they are bad. It’s really, really simple.
If you are a good person and you go out to what you think is a simple protest about a statue and find armed men carrying Nazi flags and chanting “Jews will not replace us” you have two choices. Either go home or turn in your “good person” card.
If you are an anonymous coward trying to defend white supremacy on the internet it is best if you stay anonymous, so “alex” you are on the right track there.
Tim Scott says
They label themselves fascists by their actions.
Tim Scott says
Just like your actions have labeled you, “alex.”
AV'er in Idaho says
Tim Scott…. as somebody that has called for the death of those who dare to disagree with you (on this very web site and to me directly) you have no moral standing in this discussion. You, by your own words, are the definition of a “hater” and a bully. You have clearly stated you are superior to those which you disagree, and those who voice an alternative opinion have no right to life.
Tim Scott says
Whatever led me to tell you to eat a bullet it wasn’t as simple as “because we disagreed.”
Current example is Foolco. I don’t hate him, but do think that the world would be a better place without people who consider large portions of humanity to be “cockroaches.” Since he consistently says he is one of those people I think the world would be a better place without him, and I tell him so in terms that he cannot fail to understand. That’s not because I’m a hater, it’s just the obvious conclusion that I’m honest enough to admit.
Do I consider myself superior to someone who refers to people, in mass, as cockroaches based on the city they live in? Why, yes, I do. I consider pretty much everyone superior to them, matter of fact.
If at some point I made the same conclusion about you, and said so, I don’t recall it. If you want more specifics maybe we can figure it out, but I don’t hate you enough to remember off hand, since I don’t hate you at all. I can guarantee though that it was in response to some incredibly ugly thing that you said, which you refused to back away from.
Tim Scott says
Well, no. I only tell people to eat a bullet when they hold views like “people who make less money than me are cockroaches” or “the death penalty should be applied in the street without trial and we should applaud cops that perform the service.” Disagreeing with me is far less egregious, and usually welcomed. Now, when someone disagrees with me and thinks that means I should just shut up I am liable to respond in kind, as a sort of give and take thing. But none of that involves any hate on my part.
Shane Falco says
That right there is the epitome of Tim Scott. Create the argument with something never said and then battle against said argument with more falsehood.
I’ve labeled those perpetual felons who rape, kill, molest and terrorize their neighborhood as the cockroaches of the Antelope Valley and of society in general. Tim takes offense to that since he fits into that category, and has twisted it to say that it’s about….income.
In return, Tim has declared that cops are dirty and corrupt, and that they should die, and I should eat a bullet. Conversely, he will readily excuse the actions of convicted criminals and even justify what they’ve done wrong, even when they have assaulted officers or killed deputies.
I find it hard to believe that somebody like Tim really wants predators, bottom feeders, and criminals lurking about in neighborhoods all day but according to Tim, the problems aren’t in Palmdale, it’s really all Lancaster, it’s the sheriffs department, it’s the firefighters, it’s the judges, it’s the justice system, and it’s everybody else but him and his ilk.
Fight on, Don Quixote!
William says
Hey, Falco
You call Tim Scott ‘Don Quixote’ while you are Monty Python’s ‘Black Night’.
Have you ever won an argument with him, yet you keep on comin’ back for more?
You are such a stereotype of a trump voter. How’s your guying doin’?
Tim Scott says
Well, I guess Foolco has forgotten that the last time he tried to make this claim I went to the trouble of pulling a quote from a comment that he had made a few weeks before. Either that or he just figures its been long enough since he said it that I won’t go find it. In that, he is correct, because I can’t be bothered.
He did say it, more than once. I did fit into it, since one time his limit was ‘everyone in east Palmdale,’ and I do live in east Palmdale. I also don’t make as much money as he does, mostly because I outgrew the “money makes the man” ‘virtues’ that he apparently never has outgrown. But that doesn’t make me a cockroach.
Now, since people get upset when I tell people like Shane to eat a bullet, I’ll be nice. Shane, go ahead and spew out your venom. I can take it, and we wouldn’t want you to stuff it down. It might give you cancer or something.
William says
Falco called me “poor” a while back without knowing a thing about me.
He’s a mini-trump and likely has small hands too.
Both boast about their riches while Saudi Arabian princes could use them for tp. In fact, when do you hear Bill Gates or Warren Buffet brag and boast about their money? They’ve got more important things to talk about unlike the trump/falco mindset, or more accurately, mindless set.
Anyone with lots of $$$$s who has any class doesn’t talk about it. Not trump and the mini-trump of Santa Clarita. They are part of the classless society we’ve always heard about.
Make lots of money, Falco, and then you die.
Shane Falco says
William, sadly you seem noting more than a sycophant parrot with a bad case of Tourette’s.
I mentioned tims Bakersfield handyman work and he said A) he had never said he was a handyman and that B) I had a dirty cop do a background check on him.
Well, I linked to exactly where he himself stated he was a Bakersfield handyman. His response? “Well I wasn’t really a handyman”.
I posted that Ledfords home and office were being searched and Tim spouts off that I’m wrong and asks if I know about libel laws. He was wrong.
Tim and yourself blame Lancaster, Rex and others in Ledfords crime but Rex didn’t put that money into ledfords bank account. Rex didn’t make Ledford incorporate a business to hide the funds. Rex didn’t make those women at Aero give Ledford money and Rex didn’t make Ledford fail to disclose his connections. You’re both wrong again. Ledford is dirty.
Feel free to add your drive by nonsensical diatribes, it’s rather cute.
William says
Hey, Falco
I like watching Tim Scott go after you and your private school and your yachts and all that stuff you throw out to impress who?
You are a mini-trump and/or a mini-parris. Take your pick. Can’t you see how pathetic you are?
Meanwhile, I’m going to go check on my polo ponies. See how stupid that sounds when someone other than you writes stuff like that? It’s stupid when you do it.
You just can’t help yourself, like trump. You fancy yourself as some rich dude but you can’t resist responding to Tim Scott, a handyman or whatever, who gets under your thin skin.
William says
Falco. You are a trump voter aren’t you? How’s your guy doing?
Isn’t that why you are fixated on Palmdale, to deflect from what’s going on in the rest of the land? You don’t even live here, so what’s it to ya?
I’ve asked you that before and as much as you like to type, you dare not answer that question.
Your refusal to answer that question answers it. Thank you.
Tim Scott says
Foolco, what does that have to do with you referring to large groups of people as cockroaches? Whole cities of cockroaches? Whole economic classes of cockroaches?
As I explained at the time, I mostly think of my business in Bakersfield as “poolman,” but my customers did trust me, so when they had other problems they frequently hired me to fix them…thus handyman. You seem so insistent about making a big deal out of such a small thing…but go ahead. Wouldn’t want that poison to turn into a polyp on you.
Vic says
Oh, Foolco. There you go again. Parroting the Parris line. Parris and the Lancaster Political Machine keep coming after Ledford and keep failing. With Parris’ track record of failures with the DA on Raymond Lee Jennings, Randy Floyd, and Esmeralda Jorge, maybe this time the DA will wake up and realize they are dealing with a rich, corrupt, and vengeful meglomaniac who has a sick obsession with a mayor that most people like.
Now, go ask your daddy how to respond.
alex says
Two extremist groups in Charlottesville: anti-fascists (Antifas) on the Left (the counter protestors), and white supremacist nationalists on the Right (the protestors). These groups have been around for a very long time. Both are repugnant, and put a dark stain on this nation.
Tim Scott says
The anti-fascists HAVE been around for a long time. In 1941 they were also known as the United States Army. Were they repugnant to you then alex? Did they put a dark stain on this nation?
The president’s attempt to create a moral equivalence between white supremacists and people who oppose bigotry is disgusting, but only to be expected. He is, after all, Trump.
Doug says
I don’t believe President Trump was trying to create a moral equivalence. I believe he was referring to all the groups that were there were violent. He was saying they all have some responsibility in the violent acts they were doing against each other. I also believe Obama holds responsibility in the race relations in our country. He invited the Black Lives Matter, The Musslim Brotherhood, Care and other radical groups to the White House. President Trump hasn’t invited any neo nazis, KKK, or any other white supremacist to the White House. The left will never except the fact that he won the Presidency. The left want to control every aspect of our thoughts and movements. We are not robots. We can make up our own minds. I don’t need the President, news media or any politician to tell me how I feel.
Tim Scott says
He has put the self proclaimed mouthpiece of white supremacy IN the White House as an advisor, with unsurprising consequences.
alex says
Yes, (Antifa) is repugnant to me and should be to you. Yes, (fascism) is repugnant to me and should be to you. I come from three generations of Veterans, so don’t even try to link that with our Armed Forces. By the way, it started back much further back in history than the 1940’s. You are a double talker, and refuse to condemn all hate. You see only from your own agenda, and not the truth. How sad.
Tim Scott says
Frankly “alex” I don’t care if you are disgracing three generations of veterans or thirty.
alex says
You should care about Veterans. There are a lot of people with your mind-set that don’t care about anything but your agenda. You have left a trail of hate, Tim Scott. You even trash your own family online. I pity you.
Tim Scott says
As a veteran I care plenty about veterans. I said that I don’t care how many generations of veterans you are disgracing. That’s an entirely different thing.
Jane says
and one group was FOR HATE and one group was speaking out AGAINST HATE……simple. You only have to listen to the hateful chants the HATEFUL group was spewing
alex says
They are both hate groups. Just as filled with hate as the white supremacist nationals. Both with extreme ideologies. Condemn all hate, not just one particular side. Throwing punches and urine at people is hate; screaming foul words back and forth at each other is hate; attempting to kill or killing another human being is hate. It has come from both sides.
Tim Scott says
No alex, those things are VIOLENCE. The hate groups were met with VIOLENCE.
White supremacy and fascism have NEVER just sat down and gone away. It has ALWAYS had to be met with violence.
alex says
Wow, Tim Scott! Advocating violence to stop violence. You were probably at the rally in northern California back in February, using violence to stop free speech. That turned out to be a violent mess caused by your radical left buddies. Yep, violence is the answer, Tim. Blessed are the peacemakers.
Tim Scott says
It does seem simple, doesn’t it Jane? But the hate groups muddy the waters constantly. They try to create a moral equivalence between white supremacy and opposing white supremacy. They try to create a n equivalency between disgust at hate speech and threats to free speech. They just plain LIE pretty much constantly.
William says
Hey, alex.
While you’re up there, look around and see if you have any polyps.
Tim Scott says
So, we have a guy who is certainly indigent enough to have an appointed lawyer, but can afford an apartment and a murder weapon and the gas to drive it across several states to a white supremacist rally. Only a couple years ago his high school teachers knew he was a nazi sympathizer and white supremacist because he has never tried to hide it.
And his mother says, with a chuckle, “well, I stayed out of his politics.”
It’s time to STOP staying out of these trolls politics. The little band of white supremacists that we are saddled with get challenged HERE. But they are someone’s brothers, someone’s kids, someone’s co-workers. They go to someone’s stores, they attend someone’s church, they are someone’s neighbors. They cower over their keyboards where the only challenges they face are people who will risk a ban for calling them the trolls they are. Then when they feel bold they gather in their numbers with their shields and their clubs and their torches…and they kill some innocent and go home to cheer for their new martyr.
They need to be told by WHITE faces that they are repugnant, that they do NOT represent some imaginary ‘us,’ that their methods are not going to be tolerated. We need people to confront them BEFORE they kill, not get their fifteen seconds of fame by saying “Oh, yeah, I always new that guy was a white supremacist. Ticking time bomb. No surprise he finally killed somebody.” The conspiracy of silence among whites, while not the same kind of repugnant as the open white supremacists, is just as responsible for the outcomes.
Vern says
I wonder how many of the Antelope Valley Voice crowd were there? On second thought, it would require one of them to have a vehicle that could make the drive and the funds to pay for gas, rooms and food.
Scratch that. The Antelope Valley Voice crowd was carrying on their usual racism from the comforts of their own trailer parks.
Vern says
Will the real “Tim Scott” please stand up?
Tim Scott says
I stand up all the time. Currently I am standing up to the encroachments of Lancaster’s terrible city government on Palmdale, and standing up to the newly claimed face of white supremacy, calling itself the ‘alt-right.’ What are you standing up to Vern?
alex says
How are you doing that, Tim Scott? What are you DOING about corruption? How can you stand up to something without using your real name?
William says
Says username ‘alex’. Don’t you even get your own hypocrisy?
Tim Scott says
I’d be very happy to discuss that with you “alex,” any time you grow some courage.
Tim Scott says
I’d be happy to tell you all about it “alex.”
Friends of Tim says
Thank you Tim Scott for standing up against the Imperious Rex and his Lancaster minions. We have your back.
Tim Scott says
Thanks. Please cut and paste the letter regarding the proposed ordinance to prevent Palmdale entering into revenue sharing agreements without a vote by the people, e-mail it to your city council representative, then share it with your friends and have them do the same.
William says
@Friends of Tim
I did just that with the letter and learned that my neighbors weren’t aware of that as I wasn’t till recently.
It’s just a matter of informing them and asking them to write their council member and telling their friends and neighbors.
Our council members work for us and need to be reminded often.
Wake Up Palmdale says
It is time for the people of Palmdale to wake up. When you have a council selling you down the river to please their masters in Lancaster, it’s not good.
Vern says
You do realize what you are posting is libel, right “Vern?”
Pastor John Pavlovitz of Carolina says
As a writer and pastor, my job is to weave together words so that those words will hopefully reach people in their deepest places; to frame the experience of this life in a way that is somehow compelling or creative or interesting, causing them to engage with the world differently than before.
But there are times when to do this would be actually be a disservice to reality, when any clever wordplay would only soften the jagged, sickening truth; when clever turns of phrase might succeed in obscuring the horrid ugliness in front of us.
Sometimes we just need to say it without adornment or finessing.
What we’ve watched unfolding in Charlottesville, with hundreds of white people bearing torches and chanting about the value of white lives and shouting slurs, is not a “far Right” protest. When you move that far right, past humanity, past decency, past goodness—you’re something else.
You’re not a supremacist, you’re not a nationalist, and you’re not alt-Right.
This is racism.
This is domestic terrorism.
This is religious extremism.
This is bigotry.
It is blind hatred of the most vile kind.
It doesn’t represent America.
It doesn’t represent Jesus.
It doesn’t speak for the majority of white Americans.
It’s a cancerous, terrible, putrid sickness that represents the absolute worst of who we are.
No, naming it won’t change it, but naming it is necessary nonetheless. It’s necessary for us to say it—especially when the media won’t, when our elected leaders won’t, when our President won’t. It’s necessary to condemn it so that we do not become complicit in it.
This is our national History being forged in real-time, and to use words lacking clarity now would be to risk allowing the ugliness off the hook or to create ambiguity that excuses it. And yes, there are all sorts of other ways that racism and privilege live and thrive; ways that are far less obvious or brazen than tiki-torch wielding marches. There are systemic illnesses and structural defects and national blind spots that we need to speak to and keeping pushing back against, and we will. But in moments that are this clear, when the malignancy is so fully on display—we’d better have the guts to say it.
White people especially need to name racism in this hour, because somewhere in that crowd of sweaty, dead-eyed, raw throated white men—are our brothers and cousins and husbands and fathers and children; those we go to church with and see at Little League and in our neighborhoods. They need to be made accountable by those they deem their “own kind.” They need to know that this is not who we are, that we don’t bless or support or respect this. They need white faces speaking directly into their white faces, loudly on behalf of love.
Though all of us can eventually trace our lineage back to oneness, all carrying a varied blood in our veins—the surface level differences matter to these torch-bearers. They value white lives and white voices above anything else, and so we whose pigmentation matches theirs need to speak with unflinching clarity about this or we simply amen it.
So I’m saying it.
We are not with you, torch-bearers, in Charlottesville or anywhere.
We do no consent to this.
In fact we stand against you, alongside the very beautiful diversity that you fear.
We stand with people of every color and of all faiths, people of every orientation, nationality, and native tongue.
We are not going to have this. This is not the country we’ve built together and it will not become what you intend it to become.
So you can kiss our diverse, unified, multi-colored behinds because your racism and your terrorism will not win the day.
Believe it.
Tim Scott says
For the record, I posted this quote. Rare event that I use an alternate screen name, so I didn’t want anyone to think I was trying to hide something.
Mr fed up says
Its sad that our only community shelter is gone, but i have a question? Weres the cities of Palmdale, Santa Clarita, & Los Angeles at with providing homeless shelters and relief in the northern county? I keep hearing this is a regional issue but theres only 1 shelter, 4500 people homeless there all from all 4 cities
Merv says
Lancaster created its own mess by putting and taking money for services on Visco owned property around the BLVD. Now Rex is pissed because he Blessed BLVD is a homeless hangout. Palmdale and Santa Clarita do a better job of homeless prevention than Rex does in Lancaster.
Concerned Palmdale Resident says
Can anyone tell me why Austin Bishop didn’t recuse himself from the Choice Energy vote at the Palmdale council meeting in July?
He recused himself at the July and August meetings on the vote about the Lamar billboard, stating that he does business with Lamar. A quick check of Lancaster’s check registers shows that his company, Printing Boss, regularly does business with the City of Lancaster.
How can one be a conflict of interest, but not the other?
Recuse (recused; recusing) : to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case; broadly : to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest
I was very disappointed by the Council’s vote on the energy issue, and will remember who voted in favor come election time.
Tim Scott says
Because he is only going to recuse himself to make it look good when his vote doesn’t really matter. When his vote is needed by the “sell out to Lancaster” block nothing on Earth will make him recuse himself.
If you are in his district please get busy finding a candidate that is not in the pocket of the Fern Street Mafia to replace him in 2020.
Concerned Palmdale Resident says
I’m not in his district, I’m in Hofbauer’s, and I’m already hard at work on that Tim Scott. :)
I know why he didn’t recuse himself, but it’s time for those of us who care to start posing questions that might inspire other Palmdale residents to become aware of what’s happening with our council and to get involved.
Thanks for your letter regarding tax sharing, I’m sharing it privately with my friends and neighbors, and asking them to do the same.
May the movement to lock out Lancaster begin!
Tim Scott says
Good job…spread the word. If you know anyone in Bishop or Bettancourt’s district make a point of sharing with them. I’ve been trying to think who I know over there, but my range is mostly East Palmdale and out in the county.
William says
Tim Scott
What do you think would be the consequences for Hofbauer and Bishop if citizen involvement had them put Palmdale’s interests ahead of their fealty to Parris and Lancaster interests?
Would Parris simply fund others to replace them in their next election cycle or worse?
Vic says
No matter which district you live in, make your voice know at a council meeting. They need to know that we will not be sold down the river to the Lancaster power brokers.
People United for a Lancaster Free Palmdale says
We will be making public records requests to get to the bottom of Bishop’s business dealings. We have many instances documented already.
Not A Fan says
We all saw “suspect Ledford” ceremoniously step off the Dias when his charter school zoning vote came up, when he never did before. Did he get wind of the State Attorney General looking at that little scam, too? The word is the DA looking into that too. Soon the paltry defense fund will fizzle out, his sycophants will all have jumped ship, and “Suspect Ledford” will unceremoniously empty his office in the dark of night, and claim some medical malady was aggravated by this malicious politically motivated attack.
William says
You sound just like someone from Rex Parris’s fan club and so your post is not likely to be effective here.
Too many people appreciate what Mayor Ledford has done for over 20 years. Compare that to Lancaster where you are from. Right?
As you can see, more and more new usernames are coming out to support Palmdale and Mayor Ledford and your post is actually counter-productive.
Go mingle on the blvd where you belong.
Commandment 9 says
There is a special place in hell for those who bear false witness against others. Character assassination, as has been done by the Parris camp against Raymond’s Lee Jennings, Randy Floyd, Johnathan Ervin, Esmeralda Jorge, and Jim Ledford, just to jane a few, does not go unnoticed by the Almighty. Parris has not acted alone, but he is the ringleader of smear.
Get The Led Out says
Watch for the Get The Led Out – Recall Ledford notice of recall that is underway. Let’s get rid of this self serving con man sooner rather than later.
Palmdalian says
Thank you Mayor Ledford for all your years of service to Palmdale. I have watched our city grow and prosper under your leadership. You have kept the tentacles of the Lancaster group out of our business. Right now things looks bleak but in the end all will work out for you and Palmdale.
Tim Scott says
Waste of time and city money. By the time you get any further than your clever slogan smear campaign he’ll be up for reelection next year anyway.
William says
@Get the led out
You brand new username is suspicious. Do you even live in Palmdale or are you a Rex Parrisite?
Vic says
Bishop and Hoffbauer are working overtime to try to get the Led out just like their Lancaster puppet masters have instructed them.
William says
I’ve spoken to a half dozen people in the last couple days and every one is for keeping Lancaster out of Palmdale’s business.
And, we’ve only just started.
I didn’t have to convince anyone.
Recall says
Austin Bishop is a Lancaster tool. So is Hofbauer. Do they realize that they work for Palmdale and not Lancaster? Apparently not.
Recall Bishop.
Tim Scott says
While I agree that recalling Bishop would be a good thing, the most urgent need, in my opinion, is to get an ordinance in place to prevent the city council entering into a disastrous revenue sharing agreement should the tools you mention ever become a sufficient majority.
If you are in Bishop’s district and willing to help force such an ordinance into being, please contact me.
Poverty Pimp says
Povert pimps? Did Mayor Parris call the good, decent, caring, and giving people who are working to help the homeless poverty pimps? You, Mayor Parris, are vile and hypocritical excuse for a leader. How dare you insult those who have done more to help the homeless than you ever have. The sooner you go away, the better we will all be.
Former Homeless says
Did you mean poverty pimps? Yes I heard Parris say it. He thinks he is an expert in homelessness but like most of the things he bloviates about, he is just a bag of hot air. The community appreciates what groups like Mental Health America and others do for the good of us all, unlike Parris who only acts in his own selfish interests.
William says
Doesn’t he remind you of trump, especially since he changed all his signs and billboards to ‘PARRIS’ instead of the old R. Rex Parris version? Just like trump, he puts his brand on everything.
I guess diseased minds tend to think alike.
Tim Scott says
Here is the tentative text of a proposal I intend to present to my representative on the city council. Any suggestions?
In 1998 Article XIII, section 29 of the constitution of the state of California was amended to allow cities and counties to enter into revenue sharing agreements without putting such agreements to a vote of the people. Instead such agreements can be entered into as long as they are approved by two thirds majorities “of the governing bodies.” In our case, that would mean a two thirds majority of the city council. The constitution continues to allow for such agreements to be entered if they are supported by a majority vote of the citizens.
The constitution allows this alternative path for enacting revenue sharing ordinances, but does not inhibit the city from enacting an ordinance restraining the council, and future councils, from using this alternative path. A local ordinance requiring Palmdale to enter into such agreements ONLY if they are approved by ballot under the specifications of article XIII, section 29(a) and preventing use of the alternative in section 29(b) would not violate the article in any way. Such a local ordinance would, if it included language requiring that it only be repealed through a ballot process, would eliminate any concerns that a future council might enter into such a poor agreement under unknown pressures from outside the city.
The city of Lancaster has proposed such revenue sharing agreements be made between itself and the city of Palmdale in the past, and undoubtedly will make such proposals in the future. There are people in Palmdale who at times have questioned whether certain council members felt greater responsibility to their ties to Lancaster than they feel towards the citizens that they actually represent. At those times the citizens of Palmdale become concerned about the government of Lancaster, their desire for these revenue sharing agreements, and the reliability of our own city council.
I understand that the current council may have reservations about denying themselves and their successors an authority that the state government has granted to them. It should be noted that the amendment granting local governing bodies this power was proposed by Lancaster’s representative to the state government, in the wake of just such a “Lancaster serving/Palmdale screwing” deal being rejected by Palmdale in 1997. Members of Lancaster’s government at that time said “it will be easier to convince four council members than half the voters.” Most people familiar with Lancaster city government recognize that they see “convince” and “buy” as somewhat interchangeable. Such an ordinance would not be denying a necessary authority from future councils, it would be protecting the future of our city from a hostile neighbor, and it would reduce the incentives that have driven that neighbor to attempt to meddle in our elections.
Les says
You need to make 2 additional copies.
Tim Scott says
I’ll provide him with as many copies as he wants, but I’m pretty sure a city council member can get copies made.
On the other hand, anyone who wants to cut and paste it and give it to their own city council member is welcome to do so. In fact, the more the better.
All I ask is that anyone who presents it to their city council member and gets a huffy denial that any such pandering to Lancaster could ever happen, or a “the good government of Lancaster would never do such a thing,” makes a note of it and shares it. We need to know which council members are looking forward to having the needed votes and just biding their time before they sell us out.
I have a pretty good idea which council members are going to be strongly opposed to this, and eagerly await the songs and dances they break out as to why.
Palmdalian says
Thank you Tim Scott. Larry Chimbole is smiling down on you.
Tim Scott says
Don’t thank me until it works…until then, call your council member.
Palmdalian says
I was thanking you for bringing this issue to the forefront. I will be sending this to voters and council.
Tim Scott says
You are welcome. The “Larry Chimbole is smiling down” part was such an honer that it really threw me off kilter a bit. Thanks for that, though I’m not sure I’ve earned it.
The more people push this forward the better.
William says
Thanks, Tim
My suggestion would be to reword or leave out”….such a “Lancaster serving/Palmdale screwing” deal being rejected by Palmdale in 1997.” and “Most people familiar with Lancaster city government recognize that they see “convince” and “buy” as somewhat interchangeable.”
That might be best expressed at a Council Meeting if the topic is on the agenda and possibly more emphatically by 1 or more residents.
And, it might be more effective by leaving any names as you did.
William says
Thanks, Tim Scott
I just shared this with a friend and he’s gonna pass it on to people he knows. He was really interested and I didn’t have to convince him.
This is just the start. I’m putting future Palmdale Council meetings on my calender and, gasp, even subscribing to the Valley Press so I can be up to date on this and other local issues.
This and other local issues require citizen participation.. I’ll admit that since Mayor Ledford has been in office, I was confident that he was always doing what was in the best interest of Palmdale. However, he can’t do it alone and recently it appears that those in Lancaszter are doing their darndest to interfere with our city as they have done many times in the past such as trying to block the Palmdale Power Plant, the building of Palmdale Regional Medical Center, using bond money to build an auditiorium on the Antelope Valley College campus instead of a new satellite campus in Palmdale, poaching the Chevy dealership from Rally and on and on. Not all of these were the doing of Lancaster’s mayor and council but we just can’t trust the whole Lancaster culture, such as it is.
Palmdale doesn’t need to participate in anything with Lancaster unless it serves Palmdale first. We have a lot to lose if we allow Lancaster’s good ol’ boys to take over our City.
It’s great to see new usernames on board with this issue.
Palmdalian says
Tim, what is the email to use to get in touch with you to be part of this movement?
Tim Scott says
I can always be reached through timshatemail at gmx dot com. That’s the only e-mail address I put on public forums like this one, because any address put on a public forum gets spammed. Contact me through that and we’ll work out something more regular.
Protect Palmdale says
Thank you Tim for bringing a real proposal to get our Palmdale City protection from the likes of Steve (I walked away from my foreclosed home) Hofbauer and Auston (I hate Palmdale) Bishop. These two are more interested in pleasing Lancaster than serving our city of Palmdale. I say if Carillo and Benttencourt don’t wake up we need to remove them next November and elect people that will protect Palmdale and our residents from this lack of support of our beloved City of Palmdale. I’m feed up with this weasel council. Time to take our city back.
William says
@Protect Palmdale
Thank you for adding to the support for Palmdale and opposition to those who don’t.
What we need at this time is numbers of residents who will contact all the councilmembers with specific issues that they want addressed and voted on that will benefit Palmdale and no other city.
I have begun talking to my neighbors and friends who live in Palmdale regarding the Lancaster proposed tax revenue sharing, supposedly 60% for Lancaster and 40% for Palmdale.
Now, why would any Palmdale council member vote for that unless……?
Then, there’s the power plant issue and any other proposal Lancaster wants ‘its’ Palmdale councilmembers to support or oppose for the benefit of Lancaster and the detriment of Palmdale.
NO to everything that Lancaster wants. That city’s government and other entities have tried to do harm to so many Palmdale projects from the AV College bond money that didn’t go to a Palmdale campus, attempts to block the Palmdale Regional Medical Center, little or no support for the High Speed Rail which will have a station in Palmdale, Lancaster poaching the Chevy dealership and on and on.
Can anyone name an issue involving both Palmdale and Lancaster where Lancaster and its mayor, council and business interests have acted with integrity?
Tim Scott says
The key thing to be careful of is that we don’t fall into “replace at all costs” and wind up pushing Wrecks’ minions IN instead of OUT. Carrillo and Bettencourt need to be looked at carefully, but as of right now I’m not thinking they are in the pocket. I think if they were we’d already be seeing measures passed against the best interests of Palmdale, since either of them could be the third vote with Bishop and Hofbauer.
But we can’t walk that tightrope forever, which is why we need the CURRENT council to take action on permanent solutions. This proposal protects us against the kind of revenue stealing…er…sharing…that Lancaster is after. I think how our current council members respond to it will tell us a lot about their intentions for the long term.
Anyone in Bettencourt’s district interested in presenting it to her?
Tim Scott says
William’s suggestion that the letter should be less directly confrontational with Lancaster is a good one, I think. How about this?
In 1998 Article XIII, section 29 of the constitution of the state of California was amended to allow cities and counties to enter into revenue sharing agreements without putting such agreements to a vote of the people. Instead such agreements can be entered into as long as they are approved by two thirds majorities “of the governing bodies.” In our case, that would mean a two thirds majority of the city council. The constitution continues to allow for such agreements to be entered if they are supported by a majority vote of the citizens.
The constitution allows this alternative path for enacting revenue sharing ordinances, but does not inhibit the city from enacting an ordinance restraining the council, and future councils, from using this alternative path. A local ordinance requiring Palmdale to enter into such agreements ONLY if they are approved by ballot under the specifications of article XIII, section 29(a) and preventing use of the alternative in section 29(b) would not violate the article in any way.
I understand that the current council may have reservations about denying themselves and their successors an authority that the state government has granted to them. It should be noted that the amendment granting local governing bodies this power was proposed by Lancaster’s representative to the state government, in the wake of just such a deal being rejected by Palmdale because it was seen to be very one sided.
In the wake of that deal falling apart there was a major shakeup in the Palmdale council. When Lancaster pushed through the amendment to the state constitution allowing such agreements to be approved without a vote of the people there was a sense in Palmdale that council members who had wanted a bad deal put to the people for a vote could not be trusted with their new power to approve such a deal themselves. Those council members were replaced.
Such a local ordinance, if it included language requiring that it only be repealed through a ballot process, would eliminate any concerns that a future council might enter into such a poor agreement under unknown pressures from outside the city. Such an ordinance would not be denying a necessary authority from future councils, it would be protecting the future of our city from a hostile neighbor, and it would reduce the incentives that have driven that neighbor to attempt to meddle in our elections.
Tim Scott says
I’m not overly concerned about Chik-Fil-A’s social stances, though I think they are false representations of Christianity. I just haven’t eaten there because if I am on that side of town there are too many other good places to eat…and if I have a specific desire for chicken I don’t have to cross town to get good chicken.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I’m not the one that thinks that federal law doesn’t include any misdemeanors.
I educate myself as necessary. So far making a laughing stock out of you hasn’t required anything additional. I was already pretty familiar with 8USC from arguing with people who actually KNEW something.
Tim Scott says
I’ll be at the corner of 40th east and Ave. R in about ten minutes. See you there!
Oh. Wait.
That’s a pretty ridiculous way to try to meet someone.
But as I recall the “failure to show up” you are harping about was pretty much that, only it involved a corner on Lancaster Blvd during an event of some sort so there’d have been no way to pick each other out of the crowd. Of course Wrecks’ boulevard events aren’t known for drawing actual crowds, so that might not have been an issue.
That’s actually why I have the hate mail account. It gives me something to post here without my regular e-mail getting on people’s spam list…I’m lookin’ at you, pet detective. That guy spams weird conspiracy theories constantly.
One more time “alex’…timshatemail at gmx dot com, plenty of people can tell you that if you want to meet me, that will work.
alex says
You don’t speak the truth, and you know that you don’t. Back in 2015 you wrote a very long comment, praising yourself for being the real deal. You know you don’t show up for these fake coffee chats. Don’t be afraid of using your real name. Back up your perceived righteous indignation for all things morally wrong by using your real name. I come from three generations of Veterans, T.S., my dad is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Check it out; James O. Rudolph. The real deal is a real man that uses his real name.
Tim Scott says
Do you recognize the irony of babbling at me about “use your real name” in a post from “alex”?
Now, on to this “long post back in 2015.” Please provide link. I suspect that most people here would find the idea that I spent a long post on “praising myself as the real deal” hard to believe. You might also connect this supposed post somehow to the point you are trying to make about me “not showing up.”
Tim Scott says
Where’s that link “alex”?
Tim Scott says
Oh, and by the way Alex…I could get a name off a grave at Arlington and claim it was my dad in an anonymous on-line comment too. Do you REALLY think that establishes your credibility?
Come have tea with me and if you’re interested I’ll show you my DD214.
alex says
You have commented several times, how much you hate keyboard warriors. A keyboard warrior is a person who posts aggressive comments under a fake name.
Pat says
I love keyboard warriors. Especially those who do battle with the evildoers of the Wrecks camp. The time has come to step up the game, all you keyboard warriors. It is time to shed light on what is going on in the meeting rooms in Lancaster where Bishop, Hofbauer, and Carillo get their marching orders. The people of Palmdale deserve to know what is happening to them by their very own representatives.
Keyboard warriors, arise.
Tim Scott says
Pat, I was discussing today over coffee how we can have exactly that fight. Feel free to join in next time. Drop me a line at timshatemail at gmx dot com.
William says
I’m in, Pat.
Palmdale has slowly and steadily grown and prospered despite several recessions and other negative setbacks. Some cities around the country haven’t fared so well.
We can’t let our city be run from outside while we go about our other business.
This IS our business.
Tim Scott says
No, a keyboard warrior is someone likes you that yaps from their keyboard and when invited to coffee swallows their mouse…by the way, sorry I didn’t answer sooner but I was out having tea with someone from this site who sent me an e-mail last week.
And for the record, just because I laugh at you keyboard warriors doesn’t mean that I hate you.
alex says
Back to the two simple questions I asked you on Friday; who was the candidate you said you campaigned for in Bako 20 years ago, and what is your real name? There is a very old lady I love very much that lives in Rancho Vista, so when you say you’re going to help someone run a campaign in this district, I expect transparency, and complete honesty. Unlike what is going on now with certain people.
Tim Scott says
You mean the two unreasonable demands that I already clearly explained why I was not going to comply with them?
I don’t give a Foolco’s hindquarters about your “expectations.”
If you want to meet me, it’s not hard to do.
alex says
If you didn’t meet me for coffee, then I highly doubt that you tried set anything up with a politician. You’re not credible.
Tim Scott says
That’s a pretty big if there, since as i said I’ve only turned down one person who has contacted me and that was the pet detective. You seemed far too smart to be him. So this spewing about me refusing to meet you I actually know is a lie.
Now, the question becomes who has more credibility, you, or me?
People who HAVE met me through this site KNOW that I am willing, so I’m pretty sure that at least they will believe me over you. I don’t see any reason for anyone to believe you over me…though no doubt Foolco will chime in that he doesn’t believe me just cuz. So now what?
How about you drop me an e-mail and we meet?
William says
Hey, alex
I met Tim for coffee the other day. We spent a few hours discussing a lot of things as it turned out, including quantum mechanics. Tim knows his stuff, does the research and we had a good time too. We will do it again to work on stopping the tax revenue sharing scheme originating in Lancaster in its tracks.
In fact, the main reason I wanted to meet for coffee is that he does his research and for some reason I trusted him before we even sat down to talk. My trust was validated.
You should try it. However, if you do meet you might want to give up your pre-existing opinion of him. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly as you have seen here. But, if you give up your foolishness, you’ll be fine even if you disagree with him. But, be prepared to back up your opinions with facts.
Tim Scott says
I wouldn’t call William a fan. He sees something that he thinks is important for Palmdale, and he’s willing to work to make it happen. Other people I’ve met from this site had other reasons.
As for you mike/alex/whatever your screen name will be tomorrow, with so many names you could make a fan club all by yourself if it wasn’t for that “too cowardly to set up a meeting” thing you have going against you.
Reaper says
Alex and Team Rex aren’t interested in meeting. They’re interested in dictating, controlling, and using others for their financial and power gains.
Several members of Team Rex are ex cons who owe some sort of debt to the Kenny Rogers-lookalike who spared them jail time.
They are laughable.
Maria says
OMG Reaper…..just about the TRUEST comment on here yet (minus the laughable part). There is NOTHING funny about any of the abuses, fraud, deception, terror, victimization, greed, genocide, dehumanization, theft, sexual abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, elder abuse, extortion, exploitation that thrives on or cares less about massive PAIN AND SUFFERING such selfish acts create and cause. I AM SICKENED AND WILL CONTINUE TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST/ EXPOSE UNTIL MY DYING BREATH, THOSE WHO HAVE INTENTIONALLY, WITHOUT ANY KIND OF CONCERN REMORSE OR ACCOUNTABILITY WHAT SO EVER, CAUSED THE DESTRUCTION OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL IN THIS WORLD A GIFT THAT WAS GIVEN TO US TO LOVE< HONOR AND CHERISH….. ITS GONE WAY TOO FAR. FORGIVENESS NO LONGER AN OPTION
alex says
Honestly, I feel badly for you. Coming up with all of these bizarre scenarios. It’s called “smoke and mirrors” tactics.
Tim Scott says
Feel sorry for who? I don’t see anyone coming up with ‘bizarre scenarios’ except for my duplicate…who does it on purpose. I mean, I feel sorry for them, but it seems like you would like the little game they play.
alex says
I asked you two simple questions on Friday, and you went off in every deflective direction. If you’re going to call people out on social media-if you’re going to boast about your many accomplishments-if you’re going to ask certain people to meet you face to face, then be a stand up person and back up your talk by using your real name and be transparent about your accomplishments. Especially if you say you’re going to help someone run a campaign. As far as the coffee chats, well, that is a bogus claim, because you don’t show. That’s the truth.
Tim Scott says
I didn’t “go off in every deflective direction.” I said those were unreasonable demands, and not questions. Then I explained why. Interestingly enough the person who met me for tea today has the answers to both of your questions, but I am confident that they will not accede to any unreasonable demands from you either.
Meanwhile, about this lie that you continue to tell about me agreeing to meet you and then not showing up…you seem so sincere. When did this supposedly happen? Give some details and try to sound credible.