PALMDALE — The city of Palmdale is resurfacing Rancho Vista Boulevard, from 30th Street West to Avenue N-8, beginning July 8 and continuing through July 28.
The grinding work will begin Saturday, July 8, and continue on Monday, July 10. Overlay work will begin Monday, July 10. Grinding work will be done between 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., and overlay work be done between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Resurfacing operations will be complete by July 21. Restriping, utility adjustment, and traffic loop replacement will be done by July 28.
All work will be complete before local schools return to session the week of Aug. 7.
Motorists should expect delays and are advised to take alternate routes. Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction and the road surface may be rough as work progresses. Work crews and equipment will occupy the roadway day and night. Access to side streets and commercial parking lots may be limited or temporarily restricted in accordance with the traffic control plan and the work location.
Motorists are advised to follow all traffic control and be alert, cautious, and patient.
Palmdale’s Capital Improvement Project No. 665 includes a budget of approximately $1.6 million — all federally funded through a mix of local Surface Transportation Program (STPL) monies and toll credits.
The awarded contractor, Hardy & Harper Inc. of Santa Ana, will be resurfacing over 1,200,000 square feet of roadway along the 2.6 mile stretch of Rancho Vista Blvd, from 30th Street West to Avenue N-8.
For more information in this project, call Public Works at 661-267-5300.
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
steve says
I got a busted windshield from all the loose gravel on the road.
RNA says
Every night I hear this noise!! I turned my air off to open my windows and save on electricity only to
Smell tar!! And the noise of heavy equipment!! When there are more streets that are in more dire need of being redone!!! But of course everything has to be done backwards! The traffic is crazy! Be safe!!
TSparky says
You want bad? Try W Ave L from 42nd W to 57 W. 42 to 52 is LA county, 55 to 57 is Lancaster, and 52 to 55 borders both. So the only thing that happens is patches when the holes get wheel busting big. But don’t worry, we are paying 1/2 cent more in sales tax so they can add bike lanes in the AV that no one uses.
Tim Scott says
I use the bike lanes. I use them to keep bicycles in so they are out of the way of me and my truck.
Taxpayer says
Don’t you worry. Rex will have his Traction Seal black road paint cover up those holes and you’ll be riding in style in no time.
Traction Seal. Just another snake oil product from the king of BS himself. Bird sounds to lower crime, LEAPS, Ecolution, Traction Seal. How much have these scams cost the taxpayers?
William says
and, then, there’s that silly beard of his that others have copied.
The Gambler says
When Kenny Rodgers found out that Rex had a white beard he went out and shaved and got plastic surgery. Can’t say I blame him.
AF says
I think Avenue O from 30th St. West to 10th St. West is in dire need of resurfacing. It is a busy thoroughfare at all times of the day. I hope the city plans on working on it.
Sydney says
I agree with you — must be 30th St West.
Tim Scott says
Do you realize that west of 30th Rancho Vista turns northwest and does intersect with N-8? In fact it goes all the way to avenue N. There’s no particular “must” about it being 30th West…though 30th West is in worse shape so seems like maybe it should be a more pressing need.
Tim Scott says
I take that back. North of N-8 it turns into 50th Street West.
Anyway, the part being repaved is the part that runs NW/SE between 30th W and Ave P and 50th W and N-8.
William says
I didn’t know we could get there from here.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you shoulda been here when Rancho Vista Blvd went in. Pretty much the whole valley was “Wut?!? That road runs…DIAGONAL!”
10Dog says
That has to be be 30st. West not Rancho Visa Blvd that’s being repaved?
Tax Payer says
Mr.10Dog I was wishing 30th street west myself but no it’s Rancho Vista. Across my back wall is 30th st west. 30th street west is in a 3rd world state of condition.Noise from the road not so much the cars is horrible.