LANCASTER – A Palmdale woman convicted of second-degree murder for the death of a nearly 5-month-old boy who was left in her care was sentenced Friday to 25 years to life in state prison.
Brittany Ann Ingrassi, 31, was also found guilty May 9 of assault on a child causing death, assault on a child becoming comatose and child abuse.
Jurors found true allegations that Ingrassi personally inflicted great bodily injury on the boy and that he was under the age of 5.
Ingrassi’s attorney, Nancy Mazza, contends that the injuries to Aiden Lopez were caused by a French bulldog owned by the baby’s family.
“We firmly believe the injuries came from the dog,” she said after the verdict. “I respect the jury’s verdict, but we will appeal.”
The baby was left under Ingrassi’s care at his Lancaster home the morning of March 22, 2016, prosecutors said.
The boy’s mother returned that evening and was met by Ingrassi outside the home and made aware that the baby was not breathing, according to court testimony.
The mother called 911, and her son — who had suffered skull fractures and a traumatic brain injury — was taken to a local hospital, where he died four days later, according to the District Attorney’s Office.
Previous related stories:
Palmdale babysitter found guilty of killing baby
Babysitter pleads not guilty in baby’s death
Murder charge filed against babysitter accused of injuring baby in Lancaster
Infant dies after head trauma, babysitter in custody
David says
A good start would be to remove Raymond Rex Parris from office. Then take his cronies and yes men, thank them for their ‘service’, and send them back to their businesses. Then, bring in people who care more about Lancaster than they do with lining their own pockets.
The positive change will be earth shattering. People who have been ignored, oppressed, dissed, slandered, Ruined, neglected, avoided, and mistreated would be energized to make Lancaster a viable community.
Let’s be honest here. It can’t get much worse than it is now.
Tim Scott says
Truth be told, with a decent city government Lancaster could probably be brought on par with Palmdale in a very few years. Unfortunately Lancaster has really never had a decent city government. It didn’t before Wrecks came along, and it probably won’t even if somehow you get rid of him.
Primavera Palmdale says
The Lancaster style of government is coming to Palmdale. With Lancaster backed a hills Steve Hofbauer and Austin Bishop, the wishes of Rex and the Lancaster political machine are being carried out. They currently have Democrat Juan Carrillo on their side but as people wake up to this take over they may get through to him an let him know that he’s just being used by DUI Drew Mercy and the Lancaster thugs. I have hope for Carrillo and the rest of the Palmdaleites who don’t want to be one the hot mess that Lancaster is.
William says
Location. Location. Location.
It surprised me when I first moved to Palmdale that Palmdale-adjacent was the bigger city with more of everything. Palmdale had a lot more going for itself location-wise, closer to Los Angeles and the mountains. Are there any view properties in Palmdale-adjacent? Palmdale is just a much nice place to be.
When you come to the lookout point on the 14 and see the valley, you see Palmdale and it’s beautiful at night. Way in the distance somewhere is the other city, another 10-15 miles. Why bother?
Well, thanks to Mayor Ledford and others who weren’t like the good ol’ boys in the other town, Palmdale fulfilled its potential as the premier city in the Antelope Valley.
Palmdale-adjacent is like a 3rd world country in that their are a few really rich individuals and a lot of not so well to do folks. I don’t think Palmdale has as big a wealth gap. It’s more like a successful American city.
There is a difference and let’s not merge the 2 cities.
Bob says
Bob says
They should make a law that says that Stories can’t be published without their side of the storie too..It seems so hard to believe a baby was killed by anyone, what the hell made them do this, or is someone getting paid to target certain people? There should be cameras up around all these apartment buildings. Because I seen where a while bunch of mfrs would take there position from the front gate all the way to the door of an apartment, so there can intercept or warn the people inside the apartment where there doing there dirty work. Now if we had cameras maybe we can get to thw bottum of who comes and goes to a place that may be causing the bullsh@t. We can see if it’s the same people. I don’t know, but it could be run so deep that….who knows if say like someone in the sheriffs Dept is a part of it.. And how would you catch the activity happening if there’s someone in there that is the problem. Same with DCFS…How r we going to catch them doing something? How? Maybe imploy an outside agency where the sheriffs Dept, DCFS from that area does know of it…I don’t know maybe I’m ALL WRONG? BUT WHEN I READ THESE STORIES I CAN’T HELP BUT TO WONDER….WTH HAPPENED AND REALLY?? DOES ANYONE ELSE WONDER LIKE THIS?? With some of these cases?
Bob says
You probably got them on drugs and you did it! Too much BS people do to set up others, its not funny. I WANT TO HEAR THERE SIDE
People like messing over others
Bsbs says
You probably got them on drugs and you did it! Too much BS people do to set up others, its not funny. I WANT TO HEAR THERE SIDE
Tm says
Your just as selfish and dumb just like the guilty baby sitter, she did it , I sat in for the trial , her story changed numorous times, she tried cleaning up the murder scene, she had her boyfriend Google stuff on injuries on children and how to cover it up.
It was not a set up, I am sure if the sitter was sober , she would have been not locked up today and baby Aiden would still be living his life he deserved, unlike her. And please, her ” side” was told with her story changing many times, cuz she knew what she did and still can’t be a ” woman” and fess up to it. The parents had nothing to do with it, they put trust into this so called family friend, and she murdered their child! That’s it!
No Screwup in Lancaster says
I agree 100% Tm. Most of these trolls on here are Brittany’s family and boyfriend who hide behind BS names. The truth is, Brittany had a chance to tell her side of the story, she could have taken the stand and told everyone exactly what happened. She chose not to. Why, because she knew that she would have been eaten alive by the prosecutor, just like her poor excuse of a boyfriend was. Her family can live in denial the rest of their lives but the bottom line was that Brittany will be in prison for at least the next 24 years and the world is a much better place because of that.
G says
G says
Why didn’t Brittany call 911? Because she did something heinous, Brittany left the baby behind and the mother had to call 911, how pathetic. Brittany deserves life. It wasn’t anyone’s fault other than hers. Too bad people who cared about her felt responsible to defend this criminal.