“After a postmortem examination and further testing, the cause of death is sudden unexplained toddler death and the manner of death is undetermined,” stated a news release Kern County Sheriff’s Office – Coroner Section.
No further information was released on the incident.
Meza was officially pronounced dead at 1:41 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at Antelope Valley Hospital, authorities said.
“Deputies learned the boy’s mother had brought him in to the hospital, however hospital staff determined the boy was deceased and it appeared he had been deceased for at least several hours,” according to a previous news release from the Kern County Sheriff’s Office.
“Homicide detectives, along with a deputy coroner, responded to the hospital and examined the boy’s body, which displayed signs of trauma,” officials said in the prior news release.
Detectives on Feb. 28 responded to the family’s home in the 1200 block of Rosamond Boulevard, and determined the home was unfit for children. Six children were removed from the home and taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services, according to the prior news release.
An update on the six children was not immediately available Thursday.
Previous related story: Investigation launched into death of Rosamond toddler
Monique says
People are over here all up in her [removed] business no one knows what happend sooo just [removed] shut up and stay out of it this could of happend to any one
Mars says
I also have to say we don’t know how long the woman waited at AV hospital before being seen… Let alone the length of time getting to the hospital…When I have ER visits it’s taken many hours before I have been seen..
TM says
But if it’s that critical, there would be no wait..She was seem right away, he was already deceased when she arrived, it does not matter whether the hospital seen he right away, that’s irrelevant…It’s the fact that people in the AV attempting to be parents , although they are irresponsible or seem to be drug addicts, can not take proper care of a child, therefore, should not breed…
Mars says
Before anyone judges please understand we don’t know what happened and I do have to say the hospital had no right to disclose any information under an investigation ..The investigation is still going on..We don’t know the circumstances ..Please pray for the whole family..
JW says
Sad he is probably a victim of vaccine death. SIDS is a cover up for that.
Silence3577 says
JW, maybe you should be concerned of what’s going on in your home. You seem bored. With alot of issues within focus
Dauntless says
Hmmm….I wonder if the DPCS had been called on this family, before?
BS says
ANOTHER INNOCENT child! Shows signs of trauma AND dead for up to SEVERAL HOURS before arrivibg to ER but cause of death is SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED TODDLER DEATH/UNDETERMINED!!?? BS coverup
Horrible shame says
It says original reports say he had signs of trauma- but then they determined it actually WAS sids….. Sudden infant death syndrome…… Unknown cause ….. Like the parents stated….. So even tho the house was unsuitable for children and he apparently showed signs of trauma that did not factor into his death….. Just trying to clear things up for some people
BS says
Oh I read it CLEARLY all articles related to this case. As a nurse I can say SIDS DOES NOT give a child signs of trauma. Trauma is TRAUMA big difference from SIDS. And if the mother came into the ER with a limp baby thete is NO wait time, you go straight to the back. STOP making EXCUSES for POOR/NEGLECTFUL PARENTING!
TM says
Thank-you! I have been too, and as I recall, SIDS happens in their sleep as well, and yeah, definitely would not be any signs of trauma if SIDS related….Hmmmmmmm, something happened , and they of course, the family, is clueless? Sounds fishy
Christy says
In case you did not read the whole article,
“Deputies learned the boy’s mother had brought him in to the hospital, however hospital staff determined the boy was deceased and it appeared he had been deceased for at least several hours,” according to a previous news release from the Kern County Sheriff’s Office.
Homicide detectives, along with a deputy coroner, responded to the hospital and examined the boy’s body, which displayed signs of trauma,” officials said in the prior news release.
Detectives on Feb. 28 responded to the family’s home in the 1200 block of Rosamond Boulevard, and determined the home was unfit for children. Six children were removed from the home and taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services, according to the prior news release.
What ever happened to Abraham Meza happened in his home. Toddler’s do not die suddenly with no cause, he died at the hands of someone in the home, if not his parents it is possible that another of the 5 siblings could have caused his death.If all the children were removed from the home deemed unfit, it is very possible these children were left to fend for themselves leaving Abraham vulnerable to trauma. All assumptions aside a baby lost his life, may he rest in peace, Little Angel. I can only hope the other 5 children receive proper care to live happier healthier lives.
Hmmmmmm says
I heard. Sids for kids under 1yr but 2 idk so many unanswered questions
Lynne says
Sjds is infants. There is also the equivalent for toddlers.
Maryann says
So sad for this child may he RIP in heaven
Don't Buy It says
Healthy toddlers don’t just unexplainably die… Wonder if he had recently been vaccinated
Toreano Browning says
AV Haspital more dead kids huh?
Coleen says
If you would have completely read the entire article, you would have read that the child was already deceased prior to arriving at the hospital!!
Ginger says
Its very clear this person doesn’t read “haspital”
Be equal says
Yeah that child was deceased for several hours and showed signs of trauma you must didn’t read the article either