LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to back state and federal efforts aimed at ending the torture of dogs and cats for human consumption in China and South Korea.
Supervisor Hilda Solis recommended the action in anticipation of a dog meat festival set for June 21 in Yulin, Guangxi, China.
“As many as 10,000 dogs, some of which are stolen pets, are skinned alive, butchered and eaten to mark the summer solstice during this 10-day event,” Solis stated in her motion. [Read it here.]
One of the effort’s most high-profile advocates issued a statement through Solis’ office.
“The way these precious animals are beaten, slaughtered and consumed is absolutely horrible,” said Lisa Vanderpump, one of Bravo TV’s “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” and co-founder of the Vanderpump Dog Foundation. [See Vanderpump’s PSA above.]
“I’ve been working for more than a year alongside my husband, Ken Todd, and my partner, Dr. John Sessa, to bring awareness and end the Yulin Dog Meat Festival through our foundation,” Vanderpump said. “To have more support condemning this atrocity is what we need to create the momentum for a more humane world for dogs worldwide.”
Animal rights groups say even the trip to the festival amounts to torture.
“Hundreds of animals at a time are crammed together in cages and drive – – sometimes for days — to their deaths,” according to the nonprofit Humane Society International’s website. “They are often sick or injured, and many die from shock, suffocation, dehydration or heatstroke long before they reach their destination. Those who survive the journey face a brutal and terrifying ordeal: being beaten to death or sometimes, even boiled alive at a slaughterhouse or market.”
Some people believe that eating dog meat will help stave off summer heat, while others follow the practice to enhance male virility and stamina. The dog’s suffering is said to enhance the quality of the meat.
“They think that the more they torture the dog, the adrenaline is going to make the meat taste better,” Valarie Ianniello of the Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation told the board.
Some residents of Yulin have defended the practice of eating dogs, calling activists hypocrites and questioning why they don’t condemn the American consumption of beef, given that cows are sacred in India, for example.
“I understand the other point of view,” a then-24-year-old university graduate named Tang Chengfei told the New York Times at the city’s 2015 festival. “Many people feel a special bond with dogs. But we grew up around dog meat. For us, it’s normal.”
Others point to the conditions in which cows, chickens and pigs are raised in industrial farms in the U.S.
“Complaints (about eating dogs) are justified when they come from vegans who are equally upset about the conditions of pigs and cows in western industrial farms,” British philosopher Julian Baggini wrote in an editorial for CNN last year. “But they are simply hypocritical when they come from carnivores who happily eat intensively reared pigs, or even from vegetarians whose milk and cheese comes from cattle kept in such poor conditions that large swathes of the herds are lame.”
Some activists separate the issue of torture from that of consumption.
Dogs are farmed in South Korea to meet much of the demand, which activists put at 2 million canines annually.
But animal rights groups say dog farms are rare in China, due to high costs, and that most of the animals eaten there are strays, stolen or bought from dog shelters and retailers.
China is estimated to account for 10 of the 30 million dogs slaughtered worldwide each year, though only a minority of residents — about 20 percent — eat dog meat, according to the Humane Society International.
“This isn’t a cultural issue as much as many people believe it is,” Ianniello said.
Many Chinese people have been vocal in their opposition to dog meat festivals and social media campaigns condemning the practice have proliferated, apparently unchecked by Chinese government censors.
In 2015, the city of Yulin said it was not a sponsor of the festival and that year, 20 percent fewer dogs were killed, according to the organization Stop Yulin Forever.
Solis highlighted House Resolution 30, authored by Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., which condemns the Yulin festival and urges China to end the dog trade – – as one piece of legislation county lobbyists could now support.
While many advocates have focused on dogs, Solis said cats are often boiled alive to make health tonics.
Solis quoted Mahatma Gandhi in her motion, saying The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated,” adding, “The cruelty found in the dog meat trade is barbaric and must be ended immediately.”
I Love Dogs says
When will LA County condemn the slaughter of dogs done under the direction of Mayor Parris in Lancaster? He’s even bragged about it. Under the guise of public safety, Parris has directed the slaughter of thousands of dogs.
Sis says
Lot of cynical people here. I doubt any are vegan. Excellent move by the LA County. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make it happen. This torture of dogs and cats is on another level of immorality. It is in the deepest depths of hell and darkness. We are hitched economically at the waist with China and Korea. But many of us recognize we are also connected at a moral and spiritual level, and this torture must end. Those of you so concerned and quick to point out hypocrisy, might consider going vegan. Come back and perhaps you will have more valuable insights to offer, as opposed to cynicism and sarcasm.
Nick says
Why can’t I eat dog/cat meat?
It’s actually pretty tasty. Had it a few times in my travels.
Tim Scott says
The only places I’ve been where I could have gotten dog or cat meat it was really expensive…most places claiming they served it to tourists actually were selling overpriced pork.
alex says
Millions of animals are destroyed each year in the U.S.. Why the outrage? Because this event is out there for all to witness? Destroying animals on a daily basis in shelters and elsewhere, is more hidden, so I guess that’s more acceptable.
EDodeeDoo says
If only there was countries that would have condemned us and tried to stop our country when we used slaves, slaughtered natives, used child labor, polluted the air, waters, and land with the cola, oil and anything else before we policed ourselves….. yes, the only country to nuke another needs to tell the other nations how and what to do with everything from energy, pollution, child labor and now yes…. no eating dogs…..
Karen Prescott says
Totally agree. Vegans want no meat eaten, period, and use this for their propaganda. If they had their way, no more steaks, burgers, hot dogs, pork chops, bacon, turkey, ham, lamb, goat, pizza (except Vegan) ribs, chicken dinners, etc.
Tim Scott says
Oh, bull. 99.9% of vegans don’t give a damn about what YOU eat. Being a vegan is about what THEY eat. Your paranoid nonsense is bizarre.
alex says
You become unhinged over a comment about vegan’s, to the point of using an obscenity. Though misplaced, she obviously feels strongly about her opinion about vegan’s. You should recognize your own misplaced, strongly worded comments. Your paranoid nonsense is bizarre.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you have a very wide definition for “unhinged” I see. Why would you respond so strongly to my comment about WHAT SHE POSTED, but not respond at all to her misrepresentation OF ACTUAL PEOPLE?
alex says
Drink some herbal tea, hopefully it will calm you.
Tim Scott says
I prefer just regular black tea, thanks. Still hoping one day to share one with you at Starbucks. I’ll buy.
Alby says
Mmmm. Dog meat with chips and salsa. Dog veal and pinot grigio sounds good too especially after my neighbors stupid dog craps on my well kept lawn.
William says
Stupid, you say. That dog knows you too well.
Pit Lover says
Too bad the LA County Board of Supervisors sat in silence while Mayor Parris enabled and endorsed the extermination of 1800-plus pit bulls in Lancaster. They’re concerned about Korea but don’t give a darn about a city in their own jurisdiction.
eo2 says
How is this unlike any nation telling the US what not to eat? If a certain culture were to try to impress their values upon us how would we react?
Tim Scott says
Well, most nations have condemned our terrible human rights record, and we’ve mostly ignored them. I would guess that will be the response from China and Korea as well, but being ignored doesn’t mean that there was no reason to speak out.
Nick says
Stop with the logic.
Alby says
Mmmm k-9 tacos ….
Alby says
With veggies on the side…
Fred Two says
we have our dog sleep same bed with us. But I know my coworker throw mom dog away after he sell all the puppy away in California. He does not want to feed the dog it all . All he want money. We need to look at this.
Sis says
Who is this person you mention? And how does he “throw away” the mother? You say he doesn’t feed her. Is she still alive?
Nick says
Well thank god the county took time to vote for this.
I can’t imagine any more worthwhile way to spend their time.
Matt K. says
There is a large Chinese ex-patriot and Chinese American population in the city of L.A. and in the San Gabriel Valley. Perhaps the county was hoping to reach them and let Chinese activists against the cat and dog meat trade know that they stand with them?
I think it was VERY worthwhile, actually.