The city of Palmdale is asking the public to participate in an online survey that will be available through Feb. 28.
The survey can be found on the city’s homepage at, or by clicking on the link
“We’ll use input from this survey to help us create a vision and plan for the future arrival of a multi-modal train station in the city of Palmdale,” stated Palmdale’s Transportation/Special Projects Manager Mike Behen. “It only takes a few minutes of your time, and your input is invaluable as we set the stage for Palmdale’s bright future.”
For more information on the Palmdale station, contact Behen at 661-267-5337 or email
For more information on the California High Speed Rail project, visit
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
johnny says
I also think a possible idea is simply have a Burbank to Palmdale, Palmdale to Burbank flight, but I know that won’t happen, it would be nice.
Tim Scott says
Meh. By the time you got through airport security you could have driven to Burbank, and back, even with traffic. The train connecting to Burbank Airport would be cool though.
johnny says
If only they build the train from Palmdale to Burbank only with the tunnel, or use the original plan of 50 years ago of the 2 fwy. tunnel through. People don’t seem to realize that a tunnel means Palmdale to Burbank is only 30 miles, currently using the 14 is 52 miles. That means right now everyday comuuters are going 44 miles out of the way each day round trip. Thats 11,440 miles every year per car of wasted miles. When people say a tunnel is bad for the enviroment, they failed to do the math of 11,440 miles car per year. I also want Antelope valley to secede out of L.A county but thats a total different subject.
Roger says
It is supposed to be elevated so it won’t be dangerous for us who will be about a few hundred feet from it as it cuts between sparse home areas off east of 60 th west but I don’t want it, maybe they’ll buy me out.
William says
The Transcontinental Railroad was built during the War Between the States.
The Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam were built during the Great Depression.
The Apollo program was developed during the Vietnam War.
I guess there were plenty of naysayers then too. Fortunately, history doesn’t always go with them.
They are similar to the republicans who want to ‘repeal and replace’ the ACA in that they don’t have a viable ‘replace’ plan either. It’s hard to take them seriously.
Linda says
Dump this project and use the money for fixing our roads, highways and over passes. They keep taxing us to fix the roads and they use it for that stupid train. So tired of Jerry Brown taking and taking and doing nothing!!!!
Tim Scott says
No amount of “fixing” is going to change the fact that the freeway through the Newhall Pass is running at capacity, if not beyond capacity. Without some sort of alternative transportation that will never get better than it is.
Kevin says
The money was only approved by the voters for the train. Prop 1a back in 2008 was passed by the voters and became law. The money is restricted to being used for the train, and there are a bunch of limits and qualifications involved too. Some of the money is also coming from federal grants. The simple matter is that if the train was cancelled, NONE of the money that was to go to the train would go to roads, water, etc. It’s train or nothing. If the train doesn’t happen, even more money than would ever be spent on the train would have to be spent on roads.
The politicians who have campaigned promising to cancel the train and spend the money elsewhere knew they couldn’t do that, they were lying to get votes.
Those who don’t want the train near them because it will be on or near their property? What’s going to happen when without a train, the time comes to add multiple lanes to the freeways, and upgrade sierra hwy to near freeway status to take some of the load?
In a few years, without high speed rail or similar, the 14 freeway is going to pass up the 405 for congestion and traffic problems.
Tim Scott says
It actually can’t. Adding to the capacity of the 14 freeway makes no difference, because there is no way to add any capacity through the Newhall Pass (the section between the 5/14 junction and the 5/210 junction). Between interstate five, the 5/14 truck route, the interstate five HOV highway, and the two surface roads there are thirteen lanes each way now, and it is at the point where adding an additional lane would actually create more congestion as people try to get across existing lanes.
Ultimately, something has to give, and the train tunnel is a lot less damaging than routing a freeway through some other pass.
Mr fed up says
Why wont the state update metrolink & amtrak and make service more efficient and affordable
Laughing says
Well Amtrak is a corporation so the state has little to say about their operations beyond safety.
Stone Age says
Why not the train Why not, I surely don’t see Palmdale dumping $$$$ into Palmdale Infrastructure or Beautification. By the way get rid of the alphabetical street names. Over 300k people out here wake up..
Newman says
That artist rendering image looks wrong. It should have homeless people in the corner sleeping and a couple panhandlers too. Graffiti on the walls. A waste of tax money.
Carol says
Only in California!!!!
Tim Scott says
Well, there’s certainly no use putting in a high speed train from Peoria to Podunk.
Brian says
Rather unfortunate that the survey doesn’t ask whether the project should be scrapped! We have so many other things we should be doing with this money instead of following through on this heavily flawed project!
Nancy says
This money needs to go to more needed things. Like food for the hungry. Clothes for the poor homes so much more. A train we do not need!
Paul S. says
What a ridiculous survey. I don’t see how they can make any informed decisions based on people’s reactions to a few photos depicting scenes not even close to realistic for Palmdale.
Just. Morin says
We don’t need or want this train…
It’s’s time people wake up to this money monster…this state has gone to hell.. the infrastructure of the state is now compared to Mexico’s infrastructure because of the leaders that are now running this state where they get rich and we all suffer for their agenda…..we don’t want this at all….
Tim Scott says
Speak for yourself. If you don’t want the train, that’s your prerogative. Just like millions of people voted against their own access to health care proved they are stupid, you can too. But don’t try to drag everyone down with you.
Laughing says
I have been wanting and needing this train since age 17.
I like the idea of being able to spend about the amount of a tank of fuel to go to San Francisco for dinner, and another ticket back so I can sleep at home.
Laughing says
Oh, and I forgot, Trump also wants a high speed train.
horselover says
“By investing our resources in multiple transportation and connection options today, we can and will attract the jobs and the businesses of tomorrow.” – James C. Ledford Jr., mayor of Palmdale
I couldn’t agree with Ledford, nor disagree with you, more. I’m grateful that we have a mayor with a positive vision for the future of our city.
I would LOVE to be able to hop on the high speed rail and be in downtown LA in well under an hour (without risking life and limb in the crazy traffic) and then return to our lovely community – the best of both worlds.
Read Ledford’s opinion piece from last year, if you haven’t already, and try to open your mind.