Supervisor Kathryn Barger recommended extending the reward for information on the killer of Thomas Gray, who was shot June 16 during a robbery at an apartment complex in the 1600 block of Cactus Drive.
Set to expire Dec. 26, the reward will now be available for at least another 90 days.
Gray died of his injuries at Antelope Valley Hospital two days after the shooting.
Another man, Jamal Smith, was also injured in the attack. Smith opened his door to the gunman, who pointed the weapon at his head. Smith wrestled with the assailant and sustained a cut to his head that sent him to the hospital, but told detectives he was unable to describe the suspect, who had an accomplice.
“His memory is limited to when he opened the front door and was confronted by a person pointing a gun at his head,” according to Barger’s motion.
Deputies said an undisclosed amount of cash was taken by the two suspects. Anyone with information about the suspects’ identities is encouraged to call sheriff’s homicide Detectives David Gunner or Frederick Morse at 323-890- 5500.
Previous related stories:
$20,000 reward offered in deadly Lancaster robbery
Man shot during Lancaster robbery dies
brother says
R.I.P I miss you so much words can’t even express how I feel I mean you see stuff like this on TV about people losing a loved one through senseless violence I now know your pain. My brother was a good dude not a gang member never had any troubles with any one to where he had to die, always smiling clowning having fun anybody who knew him will tell you that, he recently had his daughters and he loved them to death I can see it in his eyes just wanted to provide for them and take care of home like any man should. I know people know something heard something its a small town not big everybody knows him i mean take a stand, he lost his life for nothing that’s another black father gone from their kids life, from their families life period and for what a few dollars smh If you know something, you say you his friend you say you love him stand up and say something. Think about its a Murderer a (THIEF)! the worst kinda of person walking around still happy steal living life walking around calling they self a real one!, a real man but you gotta thieve to get your’s and in the process take a life smh. If you an outsider looking in you probably fell how i used to until it happens to you and you writing this message not knowing how fell (do I go left do I go right) looking for answers. I say this to my brother I LOVE YOU!! I KNOW ILL SEE YOU AGAIN AND JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED BELIEVE THAT!!
Ash says
Sorry for your lost…..My prayers and love to your family……..
Deon says
Check the sunset ridges
Lisa SAYS.... says
deon,… really?
Deon says
Sunset ridges
Auntie t says
This is my ne0hew please if you’re u know somethinganything you might have even just heard so.ething about no longer be will know we need this for my sister and niece and the beautiful bay girls he left behind we need justice it hurts my heart so much I. Just sent n him a.week before this happened a birthday party at chuck e cheese and he said he auntie gave me a big hug and thats the last time I seen him our family needs justice especially my sister and niece .the girls think of how you feel if it was yours come forth someone knows we something. Thank you love you sis and niece xoxo
Cecilia says
Tracy god is good trust n blve justice will b served
Tracy barfield says
To everyone out there please please coment on this we n÷d these people caught they took my son life and did not die he was to young he have two beautiful girls that will never grow up with there father we miss him so much we need yalls help in finding the coward that killed my son
Sister says
I love you brother justice will be served!!!
The Board of Supervisors gits it right. They calls it a Reward. Ole Rex calls it a Bounty. What do you expect from Ole Rex he done sent out racist hit mailers callin an African American Veteran a gang candidate. SMH