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Readers Speak Out! May 23, 2016
William says
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William says
trump is now under investigation for possible obstruction of justice. (or is it ‘destruction of justice’)
Woulda thunk it what with his impeccable history of truth telling.
trump’s voters will now have to come up with even better excuses.
Shane Falco says
You mean like how lynch asked comey to refer to the Hillary investigation as a “matter”?
Were you referring to the just released bipartisan investigation that shows that Eric holder and the DOJ obstructed the Fast and Furious investigation and findings?
Nope…keep tying your hopes to Russia and obstruction.
William says
Shane Falco, you are so easily distracted by Sean Hannity or any other right wing loudmouth. That’s exactly the point of his tirades and your gullible acceptance. DISTRACTION.
We now have a pretty good take on how easily manipulated you are, private school notwithstanding.
You’ve got a friend in Debbie here. Clones of each other. You coulda written her comment and she yours.
Who is the liar……trump or Comey? This has been a test. Go ahead and fail it.
William says
Debbie/Shane (separated at birth) love their ‘fake news’ also known as ‘faux news’ fox’s nickname.
Trump’s investigators discovered all kinds of stuff in Hawaii that shows President Obama wasn’t born there but never produced those ‘facts’.
Trump said President Obama wiretapped his trump tower. No proof.
Trump said there were thousands of Muslims cheering the collapse of the Twin Towers in New Jersey. Not true.
Trump said his inauguration crowds were the biggest ever despite the photos showing otherwise.
Trump implied that Ted Cruz’s father was in on the Kennedy assassination.
Trump says that climate change is a Chinese hoax.
And, on and on and on.
Does Debbie/Shane swallow all those lies and hundreds more?
How do you 2 know what to believe and what to throw out? What are your criteria for determining what’s true……………..that it’s on fox ‘news’ or breitbart?
Come on. We are dying to know how you 2 have access to THE truth?
Are you 2 easily conned or what? Trump is a con artist after all or didn’t you know that?
Bottom line: the republicans can’t governed and you 2 have to make excuses.
William says
Where’d the Debbie/Shane brain trust go?
Yes. trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice even if they don’t like it.
Debbie says
Your kidding right. The Washington Post has been proven to print lies. Even Comey said that the stories were false that they printed when he testified. You can’t believe that paper. It’s another witch hunt by the left. They can’t find any collusion by Trump so now more fake news stories to hurt him. Where is the special prosecutor for Lynch and all the leakers which is a real crime. The left say Trump is a liar but they are the biggest liars and so corrupt they keep breaking the law by leaking. Comey proved Lynch is a liar and corrupt. The left can keep on fishing but sorry Trump is here to stay.
William says
Debbie. Debbie. Debbie.
You sound like Kellyanne Conway. You don’t want that.
William says
Former FBI Dir. James Comey majored in chemistry and religion. trump is the Devil.
Golly. How does one think this will turn out?
Comey called the Devil a liar today at his hearing. Mike Huckabee’s awful daughter, Sarah, said “The President is not a liar.” Well, that makes 2 of them.
Then, trump’s shyster lawyer went to the mic did what lawyers do sometimes. Think wrecks parris.
Mostly, I love how fox ‘news’ is generating their ‘alternative facts’ like it’s a fire sale. Ailes gone. O’Reilly is likely at a strip club as I type. Gretchen Carlson, Megyn Kelly and a few others sold their souls to work at the fake news channel but wouldn’t give up their bodies. I guess they don’t know what to value more. Soul/body? Soul/body? But, after 3 hours in makeup, the body wins.
Trouble is, those left are just as bad. Hannity?? Tucker Carlson??? For fun, watch TC interview someone on the split screen and notice the stupid, perplexed, quizzical look on his face, like your dog when you’re explaining algebra to him. The German word ‘schadenfreude was invented to describe the enjoyment we derive from the meltdown of both fox ‘news’ and the late, great trump administration.
I gotta git me one of them commercial popcorn machines. I hear trump has Air Force 1 dump the blue ice over Idaho and a few other crimson states. He loves to stick it to those who suck up to him. Well, they deserve it.
William says
“The so-called “big five” — Apple (AAPL), Alphabet (GOOGL) Class A shares, Microsoft (MSFT), Facebook (FB) and Amazon (AMZN) — lost more than $97.5 billion in market value between the close on Thursday and the close on Friday, according to FactSet, dragging the Nasdaq to its worst week of the year.” from MSN Money
Has the dumpster guy taken credit for that yet? Remember how he took credit for the Dow days after his inauguration? Remember how he thought the real estate meltdown in 2008 was good because he could buy up property on the cheap. Well, he is cheap and he stiffs his contractors and lawyers to prove it.
If would be fantastic if he stiffed his kids when the reading of the will shows that he ain’t as rich as he pretends.
Shane Falco says
Obviously based on William’s rants, he is James T. Hodgkinson.
RIP, may you find your socialism nirvana in the great beyond.
William says
You’re sicker than we previously thought, Shane Falco.
As for rants. Do you really want me to copy and paste a couple dozen of your recent diatribes about Palmdale?
William says
Hey, Falco
Rep. Scalise has an A+ rating from the NRA. A lot of good that did him, didn’t it?
You guys never learn.
Lemme guess. You got guns. You got a big Ford truck, black with tinted windows. So, you’re all set to go in case of that imagined home invasion or how you will save the day when someone shoots up a theater or your favorite fast food joint. We ARE impressed.
What’s keeping you in our beautiful California? Go. Quickly. And, never come back.
People like you and Debbie are annoying and your friends must think so behind your backs.
Just Saying says
You need to type “Readers speak out” in the search box to get there at this time. Interesting that this section goes into hiding on the eve of what may be very interesting testimony tomorrow. Other distractions tomorrow will include hit ads smearing Comey and a Presidential speech to run at same time as hearing.
William says
@Just Saying
What? You don’t enjoy endless debates on traffic accidents and local crime stories, where hardly anyone is a witness, while offering their ‘expert’ opinions on how fast the car was going and other made up stuff?
I’m guessing World War III could begin later today and most of the Antelope Valley would be clueless. Why do you think the voter turnouts are so low? Uninformed people don’t wanna do something like voting. Ugh! They should be allowed to vote on this website instead so they might show up.
And, then, there are the nearly unintelligible posts done on phones, maybe rotary phones at that.
OTOH, some people aren’t able to have an intelligent discussion of national issues unless they can copy and paste talking points and not do any thinking. How do you think trump, bush, wrecks, knight, lackey and others got elected?
That was fun.
Laughing says
Shall we open the betting pools on Trump claiming his address had much higher ratings than the Comey interview? Oh a more challenging wager might be guessing the number of times he tweets about it in the coming weeks.
Tim Scott says
I don’t think there’s a speech tomorrow. Trump has said he will be tweeting from the White House, but pretty much every Republican in Washington is trying to talk him out of it. He did give a speech today during the testimony of the intelligence chiefs…who were absolutely hilarious.
“Let me start out by saying that in all my conversations with the president I have never been directed to do anything illegal or unethical and never felt pressured to do so.”
“Okay, so did he ever ASK you to do…”
“I prefer not to talk about conversations I’ve had with the president.”
“You just DID talk about them. You said he never DIRECTED, and you said he never PRESSURED, but I am wanting to know if he ever ASKED.”
“I can’t talk about those conversations.”
“You already did, so why did you stop?”
“I stand by my previous statement.”
I’ve never seen people skate so close to a contempt of congress charge and not get one.
William says
Exactly. trump could hold a gun to their heads on 5th Avenue and these clowns wouldn’t feel pressured………….according to them. “Did he put a gun to your head?” “I don’t feel it’s appropriate to answer that question, Senator. But, I didn’t feel pressured. (cause I’m a tough guy.)”
Yeah, right.
I keep waiting for the words “That’s unacceptable.” to be said to Sean Spicer or any of the trump enablers when they pull stuff like what you showed. Or, simply saying “I’ll ask you that again.” and again and again till time is up. They can’t claim the 5th (amendment, not avenue) and they don’t have an executive privilege either.
This will only get worse for trump & co. and will not go away as much as they wish it. Come to think of it, they are all still trying to obstruct justice.
Tim Scott says
Funniest thing as that these four clowns actually could have claimed executive privilege and their “it is not appropriate for me to talk about conversations with the president” would very likely hold water since they are all members of the executive branch. Their problem is that THEY THEMSELVES TALKED ABOUT THOSE CONVERSATIONS FIRST. In their opening statements every one of them said they had not been directed, and not been pressured, in ANY conversation. So when they couldn’t say whether they were ASKED in any of those conversations executive privilege was already waived.
It was pretty clear they were forcing themselves not to try to make the claim because they knew they had already screwed that pooch, but it really left them with nowhere to go. One of them was directly asked “what is your legal grounds for not answering this question?” and had to admit THAT HE DIDN’T HAVE ANY. If the committee chair wasn’t a loyal Republican that would have immediately brought ‘answer the question or be charged with contempt.’
Just Saying says
I heard about a speech yesterday that seems to have fizzled out. It might have been part of the big “War Room” plan that turned out too hard to do because nobody could agree on anything.
William says
Hillary must enjoy watching the wheels coming off the bus that trump is throwing his surrogates under.
Hopefully, Michael Flynn of the “Lock her up!” chant at the RNC convention will be locked up himself in a classic example of poetic justice.
The 4 guys testifying today are in for some hurt either by the Senate committee or trump himself depending on which way they play it.
Meanwhile, Hannity (trump’s most loyal slimeball) is living in his alternative facts universe. It’s fun to watch the Alice in Wonderland channel doing its thing. Of course, trump is the Queen of Hearts without the charisma and humanity. .
When is rasPutin gonna hack trump’s twitter account and take it to the next level? Our patriotic trump voters will swallow anything that a twitter account hacked by the Russians could possibly make up. trump and Putin both knew how gullible his base was/is. The base doesn’t know it though.
“Don’t leave me alone with trump.” Former FBI Dir. James Comey or was it Milania or Ivanka. You know how he is.
William says
“Whatever Happened to Baby Shane?”
William says
col·lude [kəˈlo͞od]
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire:
Well, it sure looks like the trump gang ‘colluded’ what with lying about those ‘secret’ meetings. What more do ya need?
Where is the Antelope Valley’s ‘brain trust’, y’know, Patriot, Glenn, et all? Things I wrote months ago are coming to pass regarding the filthy, rotten trump administration and those mentioned above are hiding out because they can’t defend the indefensible.
I guess they’re tired of ‘winning’ so much. No wall. No health care plan. No tax reform. No chit.
By this time in 2009, President Obama, was helping recover the economy and our auto industry from the Bush Depression while trump is merely tweeting problems for his surrogates. More and more people are declining to join this administration and others are already leaving or have been fired no even 6 months in.
While President Obama was doing the heavy lifting, trump was sending his people to Hawaii to dig up information on President Obama’s birth status. He never revealed all the amazing things he found and it’s been reported that there was no record of his people doing research in the 50th state. BTW Hawaii was a state when Barack was born there in case you are out of the loop.
Tim Scott says
I demand to see Trump’s birth certificate. The president is required to be human, and many people are saying that he is the product of a tryst between a squirrel and a tangerine. It is a travesty that he has thus far refused to provide proof that it isn’t true. It makes him look like he is hiding something.
RayRay says
Has anyone seen this article on Parris yet? OMG….you can’t make this stuff up. Highly recommended reading.
Some Parris quote highlights:
“Good things happen when you’re able to increase your Asian population to a certain threshold: Crime rates go down, education levels go up,” Parris told me. “Interestingly, the same thing happens with the gays. That’s why I put the new performing arts center right downtown.”
“I walked into a city that was on the edge of the abyss … and you don’t pull it out and make it thrive by the normal way decisions are made in times of calm,” Parris told me. “Am I autocratic in how I do it? Yeah, I am. Are they eventually going to vote me out because of it? Yeah, they will. But what gets left behind, they’re not going to be able to undo.”
“I’m different,” he told me. “When you’re rich, you can be different — it’s called eccentric. When you’re poor and different, you’re weird and shunned.”
Tim Scott says
Okay, that’s f’ing hilarious. The only thing I would add is that while the writer plays a sort of “all this nuttiness by Parris is driven by necessity as Lancaster was failing” needs to be tempered with Palmdale being subject to all the same economic conditions and thriving…without the nuttiness.
Laughing says
Has he been to Garbage Grove? Or many other cities with LARGE Asian populations. Those places have crimes too, and organized crime rings.
And what the hell does performing arts have to do with gays? Has he only met gay actors?
Why on the world would a Baptist want to build a statue of Buddha?
Oh lordy this article is hilarious…
William says
This article reveals what most people know about Parris but don’t dare admit out of fear of retribution. There is a clock named after him.
William says
Big Ben??
No, wait. Cuckoo!!!
Ipiedaly says
No, Rex stays at his Laguna Niguel mansion most of the time where he can stare at the beautiful ocean and come up with all these bizarre thoughts.
E.S. says
Using the phrase “the gays” says it all. This deeply disturbed man has vilified a black military man, demonized dead Muslims, alienated Hispanics living on the east side of his city, and has made numerous comment that boggle the mind. Please get the help and care that you need and let the rest of us live our lives in some semblance of normalcy.
William says
Our boy trump is playing checkers while the other world leaders are playing 3-dimensional chess with the understanding that trump could likely tip over the board.
In any case, his clueless fans will buy the spin.
Tim Scott says
For those who have not yet accepted the reality of what we are dealing with, this is the top conversation from Breitbart’s coverage of the Montana special election:
“Any candidate who BODY SLAMS a LIBERAL has MY VOTE!”
“I agree… I loved it..”
“This is good. It means we can do it too. Democracy in action.”
These are the people that constitute almost half the electorate. I see no reason to compromise with them. Dissolution, soon. Give me the government I want, and give them the government they deserve. They don’t want mine, and I don’t deserve theirs.
William says
The trump voter is the problem. They likely would have voted for Charlie Sheen just as easily given their mentality.
Anon says
Born here. Always loved living here. Hitting retirement age but won’t be retiring here. Taxes and fees here now beyond reason. Selling and moving out of state soon like the millions of others who have and are doing the same. To Brown and all the other liberals (LA county supv): look around….the room so full of the taxpayer base which you love to suck dry is starting to have an echo.
Can care less! says
I for one am right behind you! Love Cali but the liberals have ruined such a great state. I wrote an email a while back to Brown urging him not to go through with his gas tax ( lot of good that did) but in my ending statement I told him that in the near future the only people that will be able to afford to live in California will the rich and the rest on the welfare system!
Tim Scott says
So, let me get this straight…when you become a non-working drain on resources retired person you are going to leave the state, and you want to pretend that somehow that is going to reduce the “taxpayer base.” Have I got the gist there?
Sam says
They’re probably one of these die-hard Republican wingnuts who work for a state, city or county agency and don’t see the irony in their very existence…lol
Commuter says
The so-called “Republicans” in the AV endorsed the gas tax. Marv Crist, Steve Hofbauer, Austin Bishop and Angela Underwood. Way to royally hose your commuters.
Wondering Republican says
You know the entire Republican board approved a formal resolution to support the new gas tax that is already killing our commuters. AVTA staff told them they could get more free money. These local so called Republicans love to give away or spend other peoples money. Marv and the Hof are leading the charge and hurting the commuters. They didn’t think we were watching but they are on the record now with a formal resolution. Glad they went on the record.
William says
@Wondering Republican
With the possible exception of you, republicans have been inexplicably voting against their own best interests for decades, if not forever. wrecks parris voters don’t seem to mind the mess that Palmdale-adjacent has become despite their money being spent so ‘wisely’.
The religious right voted for trump despite his lying, grabbing and charlatan business practices. A law firm is suing trump for not paying a huge bill that they were hired to defend him against another suit by contractors who he stiffed as well. The religious folk find that acceptable as long as he puts a right wing judge on the Supreme Court.
What bible are they reading that allows for that? I notice most of the trump supporters have been quiet here lately.
Can care less! says
Sorry Sam you got that wrong! I don’t work for any of the those Calpers Democrats who get full bennys when they retire and at 50 yrs old to boot, though wish I could get a sweet deal like that!.
Tim Scott says
So, I’ll join in with a wild guess…defense contractor employee that will applaud any actions by Republicans, no matter whether they are good, bad, or downright heinous, as long as they also crank up defense spending and enrich your employer?
William says
If you ‘can care less’ why don’t you do just that……care less?
Matt K. says
They want government money to rain down on them, but nobody else! They want to make sure the national budget pays their salaries and supplies them with a good living, but gripe and complain when asked to pay taxes to prevent steeper poverty for someone else.
Circumstances were good to them and they think they “earned” it, while circumstances were different and harder for someone else and they think that person is “lazy” or “never tried”.
Most of them got their jobs because they knew someone, or had a relative or fellow church member get them in. They had a connection, in other words, that many others were denied. Yet, they continuously go on and on about how “put out” they are to pay taxes and be part of social investment in their state and community.
Most of them are very Hobbesian-minded and they think everyone else is as crooked and self-centered as they are. That’s why they move to states like Idaho or Arizona where there is very little social investment and where people have no trust of each other or, let alone, anyone beneath them.
It’s sad that this right-wing mindset continues to rip apart at the fabric of America.
Most people on the right don’t ever realize how close they are to one bad choice or circumstance that could result in insufferable poverty themselves…until it’s too late, that is!
William says
Poor you, AV’er in Idaho.
You lived in a state that is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world and yet you couldn’t make it to retirement with enough resources to y’know, retire.
Good riddance. Idaho will soon tire of you.
Shane Falco says
William, the realtors actively advertise for police officers and firefighters and other state/city employees to get them to move and/or retire in their state.
They want those California pensions spent there. They pitch the low crime rates, the beautiful neighborhoods, the real estate value, the low crime rates, the recreational activities and the low crime rates.
California and Los Angeles county wants more inmates on the streets, more people on food stamps and higher taxes on those making actually working.
So, William, you’re stuck in the AV telling everybody everything is fine because you have no choice and no options. Those that do want better, go get it.
William says
A whiner is a whiner is a whiner.
You and AV’er in Idaho are whiners and you’ll always be whiners no matter where you go or how old you live to. That’s my point.
There, you’ve shown yourself here over and over to be as I described.
trump is a whiner as rich as he pretends to be. It just doesn’t go away.
Enjoy but not to worry, it won’t be forever.
Shane Falco says
I’m just stating facts and what’s happening.
If you want more illegals, more welfare, more section 8, more food stamps and more taxes and fees, stay in the antelope valley and in California. They’re pretty unabashed about that policy being their future.
Those that have a choice don’t need to complain, we just own property elsewhere and move.
Tim Scott says
Please. The sooner the better. And don’t forget not to write. If we are spared from your blather I don’t care if you are on a golden beach somewhere, just get gone.
William says
Hey, Shane Falco
It’s interesting how you and AV’er in Idaho made your livelihoods in California and look to retire elsewhere.
We notice that you didn’t spend your working years making it in Idaho (for AV’er) if it is so great.
There is a kind of hypocrisy there that fits you well.
William says
Tim Scott. Their “I’m leaving the Anterlope Valley.” posts have the tone of suicide notes. We’ll all be sorry when they’re gone.
William says
“BOISE – Idaho is no welfare state, legislators were assured Monday, even though 20 percent of the population now receives some form of public assistance.”
20%? Good company for AVer and Falco.
Y’see. The republican plan is called a RACE TO THE BOTTOM. Those right wing red states have low taxes, low benefits and all the other bottom of the barrel attributes such as being anti-union. So, in addition to companies exporting jobs out of the country, moving to a red state is Plan B.
The only problem with that is those f****** republicans must stop calling themselves ‘patriots’ as they drag the nation toward 3rd world status. A state that grows potatoes is no competition for California.
A selfish life ain’t a good life you 2. And you 2 have shown yourselves to be selfish and self-centered. You 2 are old enough to know that by now but that ‘fact’ went right over yer heads like most things.
From over here, you 2 being self-centered doesn’t look like much fun giving how you’ve expressed yourselves on this site. What fun is centering on yourselves when you are 2 whiners? Look at trump and see what only being concerned with YOU results in……ugliness, victimhood and possibly jail time in an ideal world.
Matt K. says
Idaho has serious “brain drain”. Most of their best and brightest college grads have to leave the state in order to advance in their careers.
Most U of Idaho and Boise State grads end up leaving for California, Minnesota or Washington and, in exchange, Idaho gets uneducated, backwards Republicans intent on making the state a reactionary mess.
Tim Scott says
Because of the specific field I was trained in by the Navy returning to where I was stationed in Idaho and received a lot of that training would have given me much better access to jobs in that field and the big available pay. No amount of money would EVER lure me into living in Idaho again.
Sam says
So who pulled strings and got you in the fire department Shane? Mommy or daddy? I bet you got Cs and Ds all through grade school, like 90% of the other guys at the fire department.
And, like your fellow firemen, I’m sure you’ll find ways to spike your pension and rip the state off even more before you retire.
But you’re a good “Christian” and good Republican who is responsible and would “never” cheat the system, right? Lol !!!!!!!!!! Yes, just like all of the other firemen !
Newsflash: you only own property elsewhere because you’re PUBLICLY-FUNDED job allowed you the good lifestyle and income to be able to purchase said property, which is something you’d never have been able to achieve in a crappy state like Idaho, in the first place.
Shane Falco says
I should tell you that I went to private school and graduated from college. I can also tell you that my wife is a dentist and I own a side business currently employing 15 people. A few years ago, I went back and even completed my masters.
We won’t move to Idaho though I applaud those that do and also move to Colorado, Texas, Utah and other states that are less oppressive. We own a couple other houses in Laguna and in the Sierra’s so we can just leave Los Angeles county. Two of our kids already live in OC.
The only thing “spiking” are the property values so in a few more years we will sell and move permanently to OC or the Sierra’s.
Tim Scott says
Why “should you” make your repetitious boasts yet again Foolco? It isn’t like we’ve forgotten that living your entire life on the taxpayers has worked out well for you. Teat sucker from a family of teat suckers. No wonder your wife is embarrassed by you.
Tim Scott says
Why “should” you? Think anyone forgot the last hundred times you showed your arrogance?
We get it…your dad was on the county dole, and got you on it too. Congrats.
William says
Is everyone really impressed with Falco’s, uh, biography and financial disclosure?
Sounds like a guy with small hands……like a trump.
Shane Falco says
Why should anybody be impressed?
I’m simply pointing out that folks like you and Tim want more inmates on the streets, more illegals, more food stamps, more handouts and more of your local dems in power because you feel that will make your community better.
Others who work and have the education and means have seen this coming and have either moved out or plan on moving out of the AV.
Communities that don’t have your mindset most likely don’t have the high crime, low real estate value, low tagging incidents, park shootings, homelessness or jobless rates. By all means, please continue to offer sanctuary status to not only illegals but to parolees, probationers, section 8, homeless and gang members.
Let them gladly gravitate to YOUR neighborhoods, townhomes, hospitals, schools, parks and areas where you welcome them with open arms.
William says
Falco, you wrote>
“I should tell you that I went to private school and graduated from college. I can also tell you that my wife is a dentist and I own a side business currently employing 15 people. A few years ago, I went back and even completed my masters”
to which I replied “Is everyone impressed….?” Then, you replied by stating something entirely different that I didn’t address.
Some education at that the private school. Poor reading comprehension.
But, then, that’s you. You stereotype yourself by posting almost word-for-word typical right wing nonsense.
That’s why all those red states that share your mentality are WELFARE STATES and California is the 6th largest economy in the world, that is where you earned a living such as it is
Yes, Falco. California took care of you AND the prisoners, crimnals and whatnot.
What you don’t realize is that no matter where you move to, you’ll be taking you with you and that is the source of your misery, not those others you cite. Got it, Mr. Private School Education? I feel like I’m talking to a child still in private school.
Tim Scott says
Safe to say that Paraclete isn’t looking to Foolco as an example graduate in their marketing. Of course they’ve improved quite a bit since ’76. I considered teaching there when I got out of the navy.
William says
poor Falco thinks that there are no educated people living in a state with the Universtity of California system, Stanford, and dozens of other places of higher education.
Can’t compare to the educational systems in Idaho or any of those other ‘get away’ states that people like Falco lust for.
Why didn’t ya move to Oregon back in the 80s when everyone else was moving there, Falco, if yer so smart?
Oh, that’s right, because you couldn’t make as good a living in those states during your working years (in your case, the ‘wonder years’)
Gee, Falco, how come Tim Scott and I are still smarter than you are what with the private schooling and all? trump went to Wharton and look at how ignorant he turned out to be. Do those schools suck the intelligence out of the students like they did you in exchange for a diploma?
Your posts here don’t show that you have had a good education when you sound like every other dude that talks about leaving California and we are supposed to feel bad about their departure. Really? That’s a child’s mind at work. “Dear Mommy and Daddy. I’m running away from home. You’ll be sorry for the way you treated me. Goodbye. Shane.”
I picture you with your belongings tied in a cloth on the end of a pole as you head down the road. How can we miss you and feel bad about your going you if you won’t leave right now?
What is the point of your writings? We all know that there are criminals, prisoners and Section 8 renters in California, so you’re not telling us anything new. You probably own a Section 8 rental yourself with your vast real estate holdings. I wouldn’t be surprised if you did but I’d be surprised if you admitted it.
Shane Falco says
Thanks for your service Tim, especially at a time when it wasn’t always popular or a choice.
I was going to enlist in the navy as I thought the GI bill was the only way I could ever pay for college. In my mind navy equaled coasts and ships and growing up on the far outskirts of AV with nothing but fields of desert made me want to join.
The university I wanted to attend offered a partial scholarship late that I couldn’t defer so that made the decision easier…but the university is on the coast so that wasn’t too bad at all.
Willam…switch to decaf…oh..and don’t be poor.
Tim Scott says
With your thanks you demonstrate the only things I regret about serving.
1) Everything I was willing to fight for has since been subverted by home bred authoritarians like you.
2) The greedy self centered jerks of the world, like you, consider military service as a mercenary deal that’s about GI bills and paydays. Of course that’s unfortunately really widespread among cops and firemen.
In short, keep it.
Shane Falco says
Clearly you missed the part where I wanted to get out of the AV and see the worlds coasts. Nothing “mercenary” there.
I think we are both happy with the decisions made. I have the career I enjoy, a side business and moved out of the AV.
You became a handyman in Bakersfield and live in palmdale
William says
Hey, Falco
I’m not poor and I don’t have to boost about it like you do. Why do you think that I’m not the one doing all the complaining here about people using the system? When one is happy and satisfied with life, they don’t complain and complain like you do about all that stuff you complain about. You just won’t get it will you?
By your logic, Bill Gates would be complaining a million times louder that you are. I prefer to complain, when I do, about people like your trump character who is selfish and self-centered like you. He has money but he is poverty stricken ethics-wise, morality-wise. Are you as well?
Plus, you are a masochist. You keep coming back for more.
Those people you trash constantly didn’t cause the meltdown in 2008 did they? No, That was caused by greedy, selfish people like you that have given us an unsatisfactory government in this country. I never hear you complain about the Wall Street folks who caused the crash and who we bailed out. Why not? Why dontcha complain about the Section 8 landlords who are actually getting your tax dollars, not the renters? That’s are pretty deal for them. Do you have Section 8 rentals, Falco?
You on thre right (you can’t possibly have voted for Hillary Clinton) have the legislatures and governors in a majority of the states yet you blamed President Obama for all the problems in those very states. Hypocrites? Of course.
I drink coffee infrequently and I guess when you type it’s the booze and pain killers talking. You know that’s your demographic for ovioid addiction.
Falco, you are such a complete stereotype of the trump voter yet I bet you think you are a unique individual with well thought-out opinions. No, Not really. Not when you parrot stuff we hear here (hear, hear) from your like-minded clones like Av’er in Idaho and right wing media.
It’s not a compliment to tell you that sometimes I forget which one of you I’m replying to.
Well, back to school for ya. You need some better education.
Tim Scott says
I didn’t miss it. I just recognized it as the same “Kill people? What’s in it for me?” mentality as the usual “pay is good” cop mentality you display all the time.
Admittedly, the way the military advertises is a big part of where that disgusting mindset comes from. “It’s a big adventure!” “Get an education!” “It pays good!”
I know a few people who continued to think of it that way while wrapping their heads around “We might have to incinerate a few hundred million people and make a quarter of the planet or so uninhabitable,” but not many. I’d guess it would have been fine for you though…just cockroaches, and what the heck, you get to live at the beach, right?
AV'er in Idaho says
Correct. That’s what happens when lazy scumbags like you demanded more and more from my earnings. I’m not worried though, as my time here in Idaho has been prosperous and my situation improves every day.
You and “Little” Timmy Scott should stay in California and live out your miserable, pathetic existence posting hateful, bigoted comments on forums from your mom’s basement. It is probably the only job for which you are qualified (not counting the time you spent in the prison laundry). You are both a couple of fools, and you deserve what you have earned.
Tim Scott says
LOL…go ye forth into the prosperous land of Idaho!
Sorry, lived there. It was a hole. I’m sure that with even a smattering of California education you are prospering there, since the potatoes generally are better educated than the humans. You can have Idaho, and you deserve it.
William says
@AV’er in Idaho.
How satisfied can you be, AV’er in Idaho, if you spend your time posting to a website in California?
You must think being happy and satisfied looks like complaining about a place hundreds of miles and a time zone away from you.
Don’t you realize how pathetic you are? You’ll live a few more years whining and then you die. Enjoy.
BTW What city in Idaho? Or, are you too scared to tell us, what with your anonymous username? Y’all move away and aren’t willing to say where.
We are so impressed. Come and get Shanekins for us. You two can spend hours in a local Boise bar whining about California till last call.
If Idaho is so great, why did you wait so long to move there?
Question of the week says
Question of the Week:
Why is Darren Parker on the Palmdale Aerospace Academy school board of directors? He does not live in Palmdale. He never has lived in Palmdale. He was paid $250 dollars an hour as an ‘expert witness’ on R. Rex Parris and Kevin Shenkman’s team that sued Palmdale. What has Darren Parker done to deserve this? What makes him qualified? What has he ever done for Palmdale? Is this a political payback by Rex for his ‘loyalty’ to ‘The King’?
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?
Kids First says
Good question. That school along with SOAR are community gems. Why put people like him and other teacher’s union cronies who care more about themselves than the students in charge of such a good situation.
William says
“I wish I knew how to quit you.” trump to michael flynn
Would trump have fired FBI Dir. Jame Comey if he had let go of the Russia investigation? Of course not.
trump kissed him a few weeks earlier and he loved James the first few months of the year. The only thing that changed was the investigation was continuing.
It would make America great again if trump were impeached AND sent to prison for obstructing justice. pence is a liar as well and he should go too. Drain the swamp.
Turd Ferguson says
What a load of poo.What a load of poo.Rex is touting LEAPS.Rex is touting LEAPS.He says it has made a tremendous impact on the effectiveness of local law enforcement operations. He says it has made a tremendous impact on the effectiveness of local law enforcement operations.Because if followed a car.Because it followed a car.Big deal.Big deal.We see car chases all the time on the news.We see car chases all the time on the news.From cameras in heliocopters.From cameras in heliocopters.That do not cost $90,000.00 a month.That do not cost $90,000.00 a month.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.For what a Sherriffs heliocopter can do as part of our contract.For what a Sherriffs heliocopter can do as part of our contract.LEAPS is making a tremendous impact alright.LEAPS is making a tremendous impact alright.On Frank Visco’s bank account.On Frank Visco’s bank account.He is one of Rex’s political contributors and supporters.He is one of Rex’s political contributors and supporters.He is one of the owners of LEAPS.He is one of the owners of LEAPS.LEAPS is a waste to tax payer dollars.LEAPS is a waste of tax payer dollars.It is a boondoggle.It is a boondoggle.It does nothing to lower crime.It does nothing to lower crime.We need more Sherriffs and less LEAPS.We need more Sherriffs and less LEAPS.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Yes to Sherriffs.Yes to Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.
William says
Along with trump, can we also impeach pence, the entire administration, all the repubs in Congress esp, knight, fox ‘news’, breitbart and everyone who voted for trump? And, deport them all.
The swamp is overflowing now more than ever. Y’know, when trump says something he does the opposite. Instead of draining the swamp, he imported more alligators and other stuff to load it up.
Isn’t that right patriot, glenn, and the rest who thought trump was ne plus ultra (in his own mind) and who no longer dare show up here?
William says
SCROTUS (so-called ruler of the United States). The acronym refers to president Donald Trump, the 45th American president. SCROTUS sounds like a sack for holding small spheres in place till needed.
Yup. He’s knight’s, wreck’s, patriot’s, glenn’s and the rest of the uneducated voters of the Antelope Valley president.
“I love the uneducated.” Donald J. Trump Yessiree. He represents the uneducated very well. This is what it looks like when the ill- and misinformed select a government, a gop majority in all 3 branches. The DOW drops almost 2% today, a Special Counsel is appointed and trump’s big legislative boasts are on hold.
Now, he’s off to Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vaitcan. HURRY. BUILD THAT WALL BEFORE HE CAN
You just know he’ll say/do something stupid while out of the country as he makes America ‘grate’ again.
mark says
its ok William, we can get you a service dog and some color books to help you get over poor miss corrupt Hillary losing.
William says
Were you born yesterday, mark?
trump’s health plans will hurt his own voters the most, not me.
You certainly do represent a trump fan well. I can add your name to the list with glenn, patriot and the rest.
William says
Hey, Mark
Dontcha know that sticking up for trump makes you look, well, the opposite of smart?
But, y’all keep on comin’ back and proving it.
I’ll be here not like those hit and run folks.
Faithful says
Happy Mother’s Day! I especially wish the best for those mother’s who have had their sons and daughter’s lives attacked or ruined by Rex’s character assassination machine. It must grieve a mother’s soul to have to listen to the lies that are spewed about their children by a man who cares about nothing except gaining more wealth and power for himself.
Take comfort, moms, in these words from Holy Scripture: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
Some call this Karma. Whatever you believe, know that the truth will prevail. Just as it did for Raymond Lee Jennings.
What a difference a few miles and different leadership makes.
This weekend in Palmdale, the city’s planning commissioners had two new restaurants open and a walk/run for a new gym to attend. In Lancaster, commissioners Randy Hall and DUI Drew Mercy could do nothing except slander Palmdale and perpetuate their fantasy of putting Mayor Ledford in jail.
For 30 years, Ledford has taken Palmdale from being Lancaster’s step-child to being the pre-eminent city in the high desert.
Meanwhile in Lancaster, under Mayor Parris, the major growth has been in panhandling, cronyism, bad financial decisions like LEAPS, Ecolution, and Traction Seal, misuse of public funds including the culvert at Visco/Gilley owned property, increased debt resulting in junk bond status, lawsuits stemming from Parris’ statements, and the highest crime rate in the AV.
People of Palmdale would be brain dead to embrace the Lancaster model of leadership, which is being presented by Austin Bishop and Steve Hofbauer.
Wake up Palmdale!
William says
I moved to Palmdale in ’90 and could see within months that although I had to drive to Palmdale-adjacent for shopping, doctors, and most everything else, I could tell that that city was a mess.
That there was nothing much in Palmdale was a good thing as we’ve seen how much new commercial development has made the city #1 in the Antelope Valley. Thanks to Mayor Ledford. North of the Cactus Curtain, they’ve just been putting lipstick on a pig.
There was no apparent planning to the place. Even back then, I suspected that everything was done to benefit what I later learned were the good ol’ boys. When it came to zoning and where city resources went, it seemed to favor certain people and not the entire city.
Nothing has changed in 27 years. I feel for new homeowners from out of the area who bought shiny, new homes in Palmdale-adjacent only to discover after moving in that there is no ‘there there’. Wrecks bragged that 70% of the traffic to the AV Mall is from his city. What a thing to be bragging about but that’s wrecks.
I don’t think Palmdale-adjacent will ever catch up to Palmdale in our lifetimes, if ever. It’s too late to make a fresh start. Too many half-empty old shopping centers. The blvd is a lost cause. The city has to have events to make it attractive while everyday living there must be depressing. It’s depressing just driving through the place.
Enlightenment says
Palmdale is under siege, William. The Lancaster political machine has infiltrated Palmdale’s council. They need to remove Ledford to reach their goal of taking sales tax money from Palmdale and sending in north to Lancaster.
For years, Lancaster has led the AV in sales tax revenue. That is changing and Palmdale is growing. It will soon surpass Lancaster. This is why Rex demanded sales tax sharing at his ridiculous ‘Cactus Curtain’ press conference at the Courthouse. This is why Drew Mercy, Rex, and the rest of the Lancaster machine are going after Ledford. This is why Rex sued for districts-that he won’t implement in Lancaster. This is why Lancaster money poured in for Austin Bishop, a candidate hand picked by Marvin Crist.
The takeover is on full press. Watch for Lancaster to go after Palmdale money and stymie Palmdale projects any way they can.
Palmdale residents who care about their city need to wake up now.
Tim Scott says
And since all indications are that Palmdale residents are not going to wake up, and it is absolutely certain that the gang that ruined Lancaster are not going to give up, it is only a matter of time here. Time to start looking elsewhere.
Out says
My house is up for sale. I can’t live under the corrupt, crony, and racist influences that Rex and his ilk will bring.
Frank says
I would like to just put this out there. The Antelope Valley has a huge problem with shoplifting, My friend works for one of the large grocery chains, People are walking out with cart loads of unpaid items, including alcohol, food, formula, diapers, meat. The corporations have told their employees not not stop shoplifters because of the liability issues involved and the thieves obviously have been told this and are exploiting it to the fullest. Some people have no shame. The bag law has helped them immensely as well. The one particular store I’m talking about looses thousands of dollars a day , but just cuts their employees hours to make up for it! This is how business is done nowadays. It’s happening company wide too! The hard working people always pay for the leeches in society!
Mr fed up says
Blame, L.A. county supervisors state assembly, and mysterious voters who voted on banning platic bags because of global warming! Its hurting lots of business’
Les says
Thank you to all who voted “YES” on Props. 47 & 57. Add both of those to Gov. Brown’s AB109 and you have the trifecta for a pro-criminal environment in which “most” of us will suffer.
The stores have to make up that money some how and like @Frank said they will cut employee hours thus leaving them with less money to spend and less tax $$$ generated which means less money for our cities to repair roads etc.. Prices will also have to go up to compensate for the loss which means those that actually pay for their merchandise will suffer. Stores may close if their losses are too great.
Who are the winners in all of this? You guessed it, the criminals!
California can proudly boast that we are the most criminal friendly state in the US. Yay for us!!!!!
Fern Street Mafia says
What about the white collar criminals at Fern Street? They get away with all sorts of stuff.
William says
FBI Director James Comey was giving a speech today in Los Angeles when a tv in the room showed that trump had just fired him. He had to fly back to D.C. on a private plane it was reported.
If you don’t think that trump will get his just desserts in the form best suited to cause him the most grief, you don’t know how the universe works.
BTW Good riddance to Comey.
Palmdale citizens have had enough of Parris, Mercy, and the rest of them and their interference in our town. Time to BOYCOTT LANCASTER.
The only thing these thugs understand is MONEY and POWER. Let’s hit them where it hurts. In their WALLETS.
Details will be announced soon.
Tim Scott says
If I were to join a boycott of Lancaster no one would know the difference. I’ve been avoiding Lancaster for close to a decade.
It is well beyond about time this was done on a widespread scale.
Taxpayer says
An employee of Rex’s law firm applied to be on the Planning Commission? Is this a joke? Nope. The council will chose between an employee of Rex’s law firm, two people who never graduated high school, and one person with a real resume. What is happening in Palmdale? If you have concerns about what’s going on, show up at the council meeting Tuesday night.
Here are the applicants – http://palmdale.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=2&event_id=1065&meta_id=129940
Tim Scott says
You seem surprised that Wrecks would try something so transparent. A good rule is to never underestimate the depths to which that POS will sink.
Les says
Why do more and more links to Lancaster and some of Palmdale’s current council members keep popping up too? What is really going on here? Is Rex’s dream of both cities coming together under his rule not as far fetched as those of us here in Palmdale once thought??????
Shane Falco says
Ledfords home and office are currently being searched by investigators…
Tim Scott says
Who of course are sharing information with you, right Foolco? No doubt because being the son of a dirty cop you are part of their network.
Tim Scott says
By the way…just out of curiosity what do you know about the laws regarding libel?
Shane Falco says
It’s not libelous when it’s true.
Of course with all of your political connections and that…”cop”…”friend”….you surely would know.
Not-so-much says
Falco, I don’t mind being the “cop friend” to Tim. We are on two different sides of the fence, but it’s amazing what can happen when you stop talking, and just listen over a good ol’ cup of Joe.
Grim Reaper says
Rex, Drew and his hand picked Palmdale council at work. The people of Palmdale better wake up before it is too late.
Les says
WHOAAAAAA! I just read the applications! Rex’s employee, a Union rep (that will make Kathy McLaren a happy camper) and Xavier Flores who seems to make a living off anti alcohol and tobacco grants (at least that’s what I gather from watching him at council meetings) and a Lancaster business owner. Though a business in Lancaster is not ideal I know that Bravery has a great reputation as far as engaging the community and our veterans. And heck, anyone with R. Lee Ermey (aka Gunny) as a reference has to be alright!
Palmdalian says
Avery is clearly head and shoulders above the others. This is pure Lancaster politics injected into Palmdale’s business. Again. It sad to see Palmdale’s own council take the city down this path. There will be a day of reckoning at the polls.
Tim Scott says
Hold up…the council hasn’t taken us down any path…yet. Avery is the Mayor’s choice, and the staff’s recommendation. If the council refuses to approve that choice…THEN we are going down a path. Tonight will reveal anyone who is openly deep in Lancaster’s pocket. But I doubt that they will want to reveal themselves in what I think is a lost cause for their destructive plans. I expect Avery to be approved unanimously.
As to Avery owning a business in Lancaster, that’s no disqualifier. If his business were in Palmdale there would be a greater concern about conflicts of interest.
Palmdalian says
There was a great turnout of Avery supporters at the meeting. The Palmdale council did the right thing and chose the person who was clearly the best qualified candidate. An employee of the R. Rex Parris law firm would have been a disaster.
Now they need to keep Lancaster’s greedy hands off Palmdale’s money. As Rex, Marv and the rest of them made clear in their sham of a press conference a while back. they’re coming hard for Palmdale’s tax dollars. Palmdale would be fools to enter into any agreement with those untrustworthy backstabbers. Word on the street is that Marv and the rest of them are lobbying hard for this idiotic idea.
In case you forgot about that debacle, here’s a link.
Tim Scott says
As expected, the moles on the council didn’t show their cards. Avery approved 5-0. Unfortunate that a month was wasted, but nothing to be done about it now.
Union Brother says
Maybe MacLauren can recruit him to help her kill more new projects coming to town. What a piece of work.
Tim Scott says
Well, Trump’s fantasy of 4% GDP growth rate has turned into a reality of the lowest rate seen in over three years. We could be headed for the typical Republican full blown recession.
Proud Lancaster resident says
I read that Johnathan Ervin resigned as president of the Democratic Club of the High Desert due to his extended deployment in Iraq. He was asked by his employerto deploy to Iraq to provide support to our men and women in uniform as they support the Iraqi people in taking back control of their country from ISIS.
This is the man that Mayor R. Rex Parris labeled a “gang candidate” in a racist hit mailer when he ran for city council.
Ervin has more loyalty to country, class, and dignity in his little finger than Parris has mustered up in his existence.
Godspeed Mr. Ervin.
Tim Scott says
Maybe we could deploy Wrecks to Iraq as an ISIS hostage. Worst case they just give him back.
William says
Give him to trump. Notice how trump dispatched Romney, Christie and Giuliani to Neverland after they kissed his, uh, ring, that’s it.
We’d never hear a peep from wrecks again.
I would love to see trump and wrecks in a room each one thinking he’s the smartest one in the room.
Please help the Good Peoples of Antelope Acres Save their Community from the Destruction of Ole Rex’s Solar Farms. Sign this here petition, Thanks you
Sam says
Does Rex have Solar Farms near his Beach Mansion in Laguna or his gated mansion in West Lancaster?
Eye in the Lancaster Sky says
TBThursday…looking back to October 2014…the start of a curious relationship between Rex and IBEW union. The day after IBEW’s Kathy ‘Job Killer’ MacLauren successfully stopped Kinkisharo from building a permanent electric car rail manufacturing facility in Palmdale, her new ‘friend’ Rex made this ‘generous’ offer to have Kinkisharo move to Lancaster.
This was the beginning of a relationship between Rex and IBEW that has included tens of thousands of dollars in donations, support of highly protested solar projects in the west valley, banquets, sponsorships….
City of Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris Reaches Out to Kinkisharyo International, in Effort to Recover Hundreds of Prospective Manufacturing Jobs in the Antelope Valley
Post Date:10/15/2014
In light of recent news revealing dashed hopes for 250 new manufacturing jobs in the Antelope Valley, by way of Japanese rail car firm Kinkisharyo International, Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris has extended an invitation to the firm to reconsider the possibility of locating its factory in the Antelope Valley. Previously slated to expand from its current lease in a former B-1 bomber factory adjoining Air Force Plant 42 to a 427,500-square-foot manufacturing and assembly facility at Sierra Highway and Avenue M, Kinkisharyo withdrew its permit application from the City of Palmdale this past Monday.
“Kinkisharyo’s decision to withdraw its development efforts from the Antelope Valley, and possibly the State of California entirely, delivers a devastating blow to our local economy,” said Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris. “These are jobs that our Valley desperately needs, regardless of which side of City boundary lines the factory physically resides in. If Lancaster can offer the right partnership opportunity to win back Kinkisharyo’s interest in the Antelope Valley, we will aggressively pursue their business and restore this wonderful opportunity to our region.”
Following Kinkisharyo’s announcement, Mayor Parris directed staff to re-engage all contacts associated with their business development team and open discussions regarding the feasibility of the firm establishing its rail car factory in Lancaster. Parris also sent a letter to the firm (attached), indicating the City of Lancaster’s unparalleled dedication to attracting new businesses and streamlining processes to ensure projects follow through from inception to completion. With more than 50 new businesses located in the City’s revitalized downtown district, The BLVD; as well as the recent influx of high-profile large establishments in the last few years, including the new state-of-the-art Kaiser, City of Hope, Morton Manufacturing, INCOTEC, as well as several reputable hotel chains, Lancaster’s twice-earned “Most Business Friendly City” designation speaks for itself.
“Our hope is that it isn’t too late for us to build a relationship and gain the trust of this company, which is why we are again reaching out to Kinkisharyo officials,” Mayor Parris added. “This isn’t a Lancaster versus Palmdale issue; this is an Antelope Valley issue. We were all looking forward to having this business in our region, because – the fact of the matter is – nearly every business out here employs residents from throughout the entire Valley. Whether it’s a Palmdale resident, Lancaster resident, Quartz Hill, Lake L.A. or otherwise – it’s the Antelope Valley and the regional economy as a whole which stands to benefit from new job creation. We all need this factory in our Valley, and we will work together to make this deal happen.”
sjgranai says
NO… Kathy MacLaren did NOT stop Kinkisharyo from being located in Palmdale. She stood up to the BS and exposed the issues with the original plan.
Kinkisharyo is doing GREAT in Palmdale….
Truth Not BS says
Kathy MacLaren and her unheard of group Antelope Valley Residents for Responsible Development misused CEQA and killed hundreds of union construction jobs and hurt fellow union brothers and sisters. She said that because of a drought they didn’t have water. There’s a ton of construction going on in the AV, including the IBEW solar fields in Lancaster that require water.
She also said it would cause air pollution. The AVAQMD rejected that saying ts air pollution impacts will be minimal, adding that it could improve air quality by creating jobs that will take commuters’ vehicles off the Antelope Valley Freeway. Chairman Marvin Crist signed the letter.
Let’s be real here. Kathy was never concerned about air pollution caused by every other construction project in the AV, just this one. Why?
Was it to get in bed with Rex and the solar projects? Those jobs help IBEW but do nothing for the trade unions.
If anyone does a little digging, they will uncover the truth about this. The Antelope Valley Press covered it. The Antelope Valley Times covered it. Time Warner News covered it. The Los Angeles Times covered it. Real news, not Fake Facebook news.
When Kinkisharyo finishes its last subway car, closes its doors and leaves for good, hundreds of people will be out of work. This would not be the case if they built the permanent facility, but Kathy MacLaren and her group killed it. They are to blame.
Maybe she will think about that on her next Alaskan cruise where she gets to see global warming
.”If you don’t believe in climate change, take a trip or a cruise to Alaska; it’s no joke, it’s a serious thing,” Mac Laren said. Dateline: August, 12, 2016. Source: Antelope Valley Press
Union Trades Matter says
Do your homework. Do a search on this site. It was in the paper and on TV. Quit drinking the kool aid. She cost hundreds of people good jobs. Union jobs. She did a very hurtful and destructive thing.
sjgranai says
Oh… and don’t forget…. Mayor Ledford’s SON is in the local IBEW.
Eye in the Lancaster Sky says
Who cares? She killed it no matter whose son is involved. Ledford, Hofbauer, Crist, Parris. Hundreds of union trade jobs lost because of her. How does she sleep at night on her Alaskan cruises?
William says
“I live by my mouth, I die by my mouth.” -Bill O’Reilly
Now, where are all his Antelope Valley fans gonna go for their ‘thoughts’? Tucker Carlson???
Mike White says
Levi Romero of Palmdale was one of those arrested in Berzerkeley last weekend. Wonder which side he was on?
Just Saying says
Pro/anti Trump, or pro/anti Trump-show us your taxes? The line is getting blurred with many on both sides becoming interested. No matter what side you’re on, releasing his tax returns would answer many questions, or prove him innocent of indiscretions.
The Tax Marches around the country have been in the planning for almost a month. The Pro-Trump march in Berkley was scheduled at last minute, and set for 1 hour before the Tax March started. Trouble was expected because of this.
Levi Romero could have stayed in Palmdale for the Tax March in Poncitlán Square, but that was small enough to bounce troublemakers quickly.
William says
trump, his minions and clueless voters think that just because he won the Electoral College vote, he is not bound by anything whether it’s the emoluments clause of the Constitution which he has violated or any other rules and protocols.
trump, his minions and clueless voters expect the news media, the Democrats and everyone to play by the rules, traditions and protocols while he doesn’t have to.
Notice how incensed trump, spicer and the gang get when anyone else doesn’t toe the time. Actors and celebrities are told to shut up while trump, fox ‘news’ pundits mnus 1 and trump’s followers can yammer all they like.
We’ll see how long he gets away with that.
Notice, too, how few trump supporters are posting here any longer.
Taxman says
Were they protesting the support of the California gas tax increase that was made by AVTA boardmembers Hofbauer, Bishop, Crist, and Underwood? I thought AV Republicans were against the gas tax increase. Not these four.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Question of the Day: Why doesn’t Lancaster have voting districts?
Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris sued Santa Clarita and Palmdale for voting rights districts under the California Voting Rights Act because he claimed there was no Latino and minority representation.
Lancaster has three rich, white, Westside Republicans who were elected, and one rich African-American Westside Republican and one rich Indian Republican who were appointed by Parris.
There are no Latinos and no representatives from East Lancaster.
When districts were implemented in Palmdale, the Lancaster Republicans donated time and money to back two rich white Republicans.
Palmdale lost an African American representative and a Latina representative.
Lancaster needs voting districts now.
sjgranai says
We have rich city council members in Palmdale???
William says
“trump did what President Obama couldn’t do. He made Obamacare popular. 55% now like the ACA.
13 Speed says
Gee thanks republican Steve Knight for voting to reverse the FCC privacy rule.And it only cost the telecom industry $32,500 to buy Steve’s vote and screw us all. Way to go buddy thanks for looking out.
William says
20 large companies have pulled ads from the bill oreilly clown show. I guess our local orellly fans will be watching rex parris and the blvd ads from now on during his show.
Tim Scott says
Steve Knight’s entire reelection campaign was funded by the RNC. He will toe the party line EVERY SINGLE TIME. Local Republicans need to not act surprised that “their boy” doesn’t care about any of us, including them.
Tim Scott says
First rat gets the deal. Mike Flynn is shopping for an immunity for testimony opportunity. Dingbat Don is screwed.
callingitasitis says
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism.
George Washington
As it was prophesied by our first President , amazing. Maybe the founding father knew something about human nature??????????
Is Ole Rex fer real? Did ya read his latest Crock a BS in the Paper? After Destroyin Antelope Acres with his Solar Farm an Destroyin Quarts Hills with his Super Walmart now he’s Puffin out his chest about Supposedly Savin 20 acres over at that there Prime Desert Woodland Preserve.
Big Freakin Deal. The County forked over $750,000 of the Million it took to buy the land. 20 acres.
Ole Rex Destroyed 400 acres in Antelope Acres an 40 acres in Quarts Hills.
But he says This about them 20 acres, “It is crucial that we consider what we can do to create the best possible environment for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” Mayor R. Rex Parris said in the city’s announcement that the purchase had been completed. “Development must not only meet today’s needs, we must always be looking toward the future. The new Prime Desert Woodland Preserve acquisition expands this wonderful venue where residents can walk, hike, or learn about our region’s flora and fauna.”
Really Ole Rex? What about the Grand Children and Great Grand Children of Antelope Acres an Quarts Hills? Don’t they gets to have the Best Possible Environment too? What about their Flora an Fauna?
He gots some nerve.
You caint save the Environment by Destroyin it.
What a Hippo Crite.
William says
Does rex have kids? I don’t recall ever hearing anything about them or even if he has any.
Laughing says
Yup, a gaggle of them, saw of pictures of them in a tree once. Whole family dressed in white.
Daddy O says
How do you explain what your father does or a living? “Uh…dad…he…like…he like…he like sues companies like Starwood and the people get a few dollars and he gets the biggest share. Then he sues his neighbor cities of Palmdale and Santa Clarita over voting districts…and he doesn’t want his own voting districts…I know that’s weird, huh? Then he sues the local American Legion over a kid getting hit with a ball at a baseball game playing pickle. Uh…he’s also very involved in politics and sends out mailers calling an African American veteran a gang candidate. I know he’s big on saving the planet and talks a lot about solar but our beach home in Laguna doesn’t have solar…neither is his private plane…..”
William says
rex and trump were separated at birth. They both exhibit the same , narcissistic, pathological and immature thinking, speaking and acting.
“Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and others. It is a cluster B personality disorder.”
We need more mental health treatment in this country for those 2 and, possibly, for many of the people who voted for them.
Ray says
I have to agree with you William. Trump and Rex are two peas in a pod. I think Rex is weirder though. He says some really off the wall things like bird music will lower crime. Trump doesn’t have any plans for a nationwide Eye in the Sky that I know of. Also, Trump’s infrastructure plan does not include using that cheap black coating that has failed miserably in Lancaster.
But as for being narcissistic and pathological, they’re on par.
I would add to that megalomania. They’ve both got it in spades.
D.W.I.A. says
You can make fun of Rex all you want but he has taken over AVTA, AVAQMD, Sanitation Districts, Palmdale Water District, and Palmdale City Council. He has the last laugh now.
William says
Really? As Palmdale continues to succeed while Palmdale-adjacent goes further downhill, how do you conclude that ol’ rex has the last laugh?
Laughing says
Attention Antelope Valley Residents:
Do you want the water from our aquifer pumped and given to Los Angeles?
William says
I say let trump go ahead and do it. He likes skrewing the people that voted for him. And, this valley is chock full of them.
William says
Where are glenn, patriot and the right wing gang now that trump is circling the drain?
Today, little ol’ grandma Nancy Pelosi twisted the knife into trump with wonderful snark. She said it was rookie’s error that the TRUMPDOESN’TCARE health care was voted on today.
She said that you get a consensus first, then set the date for the vote. The Orange Menace set the date then scrambled to round up the votes…………..exactly backward.
The gop keeps on telling us it’s good to elect a businessman for the economy. So, remember how businessman bush, the lessor, ruined the economy?
Then, trump gets elected and thinks he’s running the entire federal government (there are 3 separate branches 2 of which he’s unaware) and what could possibly go wrong?
Stay tuned. At least glenn and patriot have gone to ground for a while.
William says
Where or where is the glenn/patriot brain trust now that trump is driving the slow motion train wreck?
Just as I predicted. They hide now after shooting their keyboards off after the election.
Oh, well. Good riddance.
Glenn says
im not hiding, its just not worth wasting my time discussing how Trump is being stabbed in the back by both parties because he is a businessman and not a politician. Go ahead and fire away at me and im sure someone else will tag team with you,.there will be no response, I am so happy you feel good about how the Democrats along with the Republicans will finish destroying this once proud Country
Tim Scott says
“Gosh, healthcare is complicated. Who would have ever thought?” – Dingbat Donny
Is there really this two party conspiracy stabbing him in the back Glenn, or is he actually just the incompetent that most people expected him to be?
William says
Hey, Glenn
You were better off going to ground than posting that nonsense comment of yours blaming Democrats. No, the gop has the Congress and the White House. It’s all on them but that’s over yer head.
What the Democrats are doing is preventing trump & co. from destroying this country in favor of sweet relations with putin and other rotten policies.
So, stay away from here if you can’t handle the heat in the kitchen you poor, delicate sous chef.
I am enjoying your suffering now especially since you won’t admit your mistake in voting for a con artist and the world’s greatest LIAR.
Y’see, Glenn, I’ve been saying that since bush, the lessor, trashed the economy and our credibility that it’s you and others who voted for reagan, bush and trump who are the real problem. Without you gullible suckers in tow, they wouldn’t have been elected and done the damage they did and will continue doing.
So, good bye, and remember that I’ll be here to refute and debunk your future posts if you dare trying more nonsense.
William says
Hey, Glenn.
You are right about 1 thing and 1 thing only. Your posts here are a waste of time.
Did ya sees the headline in the Paper today? Some Call Mayors Bounty Offer Act of Racism? Why lots of Peoples go around puttin Bounty’s on the heads of Black men an Delcare War on Section 8 an send out Political Hit Mailers callin a African American Veteran Consul Candidate a Gang Candidate an support Homophobic an Anti Semetic Commissioners like Ole Stan Muhammad. Ole Rex is shore a Piece a Work
William says
Hey, Glenn/Patriot (separated at birth)
The Dow fell 237 points today. I guess y’all will give trump credit for that too while he’ll blame someone else. You know how he is about blaming dontcha?
With all the reports about Russia trying to affect our elections trump’s Secretary of State, another rex, is skipping a NATO conference in Brussels and going to Moscow instead. He purposely doesn’t take a pool of reporters with him. He’s not a media person according him. He forgets that he’s working for us now and not Exxon. But, then, so is trump, forgetting who he works for. Ivanka now has an office in the White House and a security clearance.
Not good. Not good at all. More caca to come from this administration and it’s on you guys and everyone else who voted for him. I can’t wait till the pain gets to y’all.
Hillary is coming ‘out of the woods’ now and, boy, will she be giving him a ration just like he did to President Obama for 8 years (still doing it, the sick child). He’ll be tweeting up a storm about her for your benefit because he knows you are suckers for his nonsense.
William says
CNN’s Don Lemon said that trump & company want to vet every single foreign visitor to the U.S. but apparently haven’t bothered to vet the people who are working for the administration.
Many of them including trump were awfully cozy and uncritical of Russia which was interfering in our presidential election. Apparently, they still are.
The trump voters been conned in so many ways…..with trumpcare, trump’s exorbitant security bill for trump tower and Mar-a-Lago which he’s visited half the weekends since January 20 and so on. And, his kids. That’s your tax dollars at work. Will they ever admit it? Ask Glenn, Patriot or any of the other trump fans on this site.
William says
Democrats should say they wil vote NO or Present on every piece of legislation and any judicial nominees until trump comes ‘clean’ on his evidence-free wiretap claim, acknowledges that there weren’t 3 million illegal votes in November’s election, and numerous other frivolous tweets/statements and LIES he issued since he won the election.
Put the burden on the republicans to force trump to be honest……..an impossible task, I know. But, he’s their guy and they deserve to go down with the ‘trumptanic’.
William says
I would add that although he might acknowledge his incorrect statements, we all know that his uneducated base, which he loves, will continue to believe all his lies and ‘alternative facts’ no matter how many times they are debunked. They are as willfully hopeless and ignorant as trump is.
That also includes most of the people on fox ‘news’ and other right wing lie factories.
Angry in Antelope Acres says
He is a liar and a hypocrite. Why are the lives of the children at Del Sur worth less than those who play on Lancaster’s soccer fields? Why is it ok for Antelope Acres residents to get Valley Fever? Why does the project have to be in the center of Antelope Acres when there are millions of acres available away from where people live and go to school. You are an evil prick and Karma will crush you appropriately in the right time.
Mr. Fed Up says
Now Kathy “Job Killer” MacLauren is spouting her garbage. She killed the Kinkisharyo electric rail car plant in Palmdale (with Rex?) on Enviromental grounds, but she’s ok with Valley Fever, dirt pollution, allegens, visual pollution, and destroying a rural town. Screw her and the IBEW thugs.
From the Antelope Acres Town Counsul
Attention Acres residents! The Town Council needs your input! Concerned citizens are invited to attend a special meeting tonight March 6 at 6:30 at Westside Community Church. We will discuss and take a vote to decide if residents should arrange a meeting with SPower before the City has heard the appeal on the 95th and F project, or if an agreement tells the City Council that we’ve given up and are willing to accept the project under the specified conditions. Please come out and tell us what you think. Thank you!
Pirrurris says
SMHX2 says
POS teabaggers are at AV mall & 10th street West with their BS signs. These are old decrepit men and rednecks from Littlerock. Let’s go give them a hearty FU!!!
SMHX2 says
Why aren’t they posting a story on the nasty teabaggers by the mall. I saw them taking photos of the scene. AV Times, you are cowards and you serve the AV racists only. How sad!
Vote Jess Phoenix 2018 says
Jess Phoenix 2018
William says
Top 100 Cities for Raising a Family.
Palmdale ranks #78
way down the ranking is Lancaster at 148.
Someone tell rex parris to get to work. He’s got a long way to go.
Wooo I’s madder than an Amish Electrician!
Did you see this hear Story on Channel 3 about them Poppys? It talks about why they chose the West Vally for the Poppy Reserve on account of the West Vally is the Most Reliable Place in California for Poppys to bloom. So what does Ole Rex do? He covers up the fields with Solar Farms! You wont find no Solar Farms near his Mansion at Westview Estates or his Beach Mansion in Laguna. Ole Rex must be stopped from Destroyin our Desert
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Tuesday, February 28th at 5pm at Lancaster City Hall. The appeal hearing opposing the planning commission’s decision to approve a 414 acre solar farm on Ave. F and 95th St. W is being heard. We need everyone to attend! Stand together as a community and show the City Council that we will not be bullied into shouldering 100% of the negative impacts of this project or the ones certain to come after it. SHARE this post and spread the word!
Sue R. says
I can’t make it but I’ll be sure to watch. It’ll be fun to watch Rex come unglued with all the people speaking against it.
AV Proud says
Sitting here at the Board of Trade Outlook Conference, I’m somewhat confused by Mayor Paris’ remarks about how much could be accomplished if he and Ledford worked together. I agree!
Here’s some few advice: Mayor Paris, be a good neighbor to Palmdale and our surrounding cities. Quit suing them for voting districts we don’t have ourselves. Listen to your our neighbors when they tell us in huge numbers that they do t want solar panels in the middle of their rural community or a big box shopping center next to their high school. Stay out of their elections. Don’t make up horror stories about a power plant killing children. Quit badmouthing city, state, county, and federal elected people.
These simple steps will go a long way in regional cooperation, if that’s what you really want.
Tim Scott says
Unfortunately when Rex says “accomplish by working together” he means making Lancaster better at Palmdale’s expense. He wants Palmdale to back his dingbat ideas and quit doing the smart things that have created the big gap between Palmdale and Lancaster in the first place.
And it isn’t like this is anything new, really. When the regional mall was built Palmdale included in the contract with the developer that they would improve 10th Street West all the way to Avenue K to provide better access. Lancaster refused to issue permits for the improvements from K to M because the city council was mad about the developer opting for the Palmdale location, and years later had to pay for those improvements themselves to get the Costco to build there.
Palmdalian says
So true. Anyone with half a brain can see through his deceptions.
Do you remember when he set up his big press conference in front of the courthouse with his list of demands?
He wants to take Palmdale’s money to fund his zany ideas like the Eye in the Sky to line the pockets of his friends. He wants to hurt Palmdale in any way he can to make Lancaster look better. Lancaster would be just fine if he went away and focused on Lancaster issues.
In case you forgot, here’s a link:
People in Palmdale, and the rest of the AV for that matter, would be wise to watch him carefully. He works for the best interests of himself, not us.
My kids hands OFF ! says
Maybe you’d like to hear about TRUTHFUL abuse that are REAL LIFE stories going ignored because it’s happening in our elementary school.
I know this by hearing it straight from a child’s mouth!???
fewenuff says
Just how many times are we the taxpayers in Lancaster/Palmdale going to have to pay for the same short sighted street repairs after a rain storm? Over and over and over again regardless of the size of the “stormageddon” streets are flooded, potholes appear and street lights go out. Part of the issue is the checkerboard development that we, the government we elected, allows undeveloped land (poor streets, horrible drainage, used car lots…) to sit as low tax investments for the chosen few.
Fix it right with our $s for goodness sake. Its not like we don’t know what or where the problems are.
As for the checkerboard development… we know it is wrong but we let it happen anyway. What is up with that? There has to be some scaled increase in taxes or one time assessment for those undeveloped eyesores that could be worked out. Increasing taxes ought to get the local/county/state guberments salivating at the prospects…
William says
From this month’s Mad Magazine
“At least there’s one college worse than Trump University……..the Electoral College.”
William says
What did trump know?
And, how on earth is it possible that he knows anything?
erin berman says
We must pressure our elected representatives to have bipartisan hearings into the level and potential damage of the Russian influence on our national election. This is not a joke and completely unprecedented. We must know what Trump knows or doesn’t know and potentially how far this breach of American national security has gone. Seventeen (17) intelligence agency’s around the world state they have some “proof”. If so, Americans deserve to know. Call your congressperson and senators to ask them to look into these possible treasonous acts.
Steve Knight 661-255-5630 or visit or write him at 26415 Carl Boyer Dr #220, Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Email CA Senators Diane Feinstein, https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me
Senator Kamala Harris, https://www.harris.senate.gov/content/contact-senator
Killary says
I’m just going to write to the DNC instead and tell them the next time we have a presidential primary, please don’t rig it in favor of one candidate over another. If Sanders was not tinkered with, he would have won the nomination and he would have beaten Trump. Then we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Tim Scott says
Might as well skip the effort of writing to spineless Steve Knight. Unless you are on the Republican National Committee, which completely funded his reelection campaign, he will just tell you he doesn’t owe you a thing. He is going to toe the line as laid down by the hard core lunatic Republicans from the midwest, and California’s more moderate Republicans have nothing to say about it.
Keep the Faith says
Dear Lancaster People of Faith:
You came to the Lancaster City Council meeting by the hundreds to voice your concerns about commercial marijuana growing in our city. However, your pleas fell on Rex’s deaf ears.
He may have heard you, but he didn’t listen. Why would he? He already had his mind made up. He chose money over people.
This is nothing new with Rex.
In fact, now belong to a very special group of people who have been totally ignored, dissed or ruined by our Mayor R. Rex Parris.
First there were the hundreds of Quartz Hill and Lancaster residents who came to speak to Rex and his Council to stop the construction of a Super Walmart across the street from Quartz Hill High School on property that was originally zoned for houses. Rex ignored them and chose money over people.
Then there was the community of Antelope Acres who came together to stop the building of solar farms in the heart of their community. Rex ignored them and chose money over people.
That’s just how it is with Rex. It’s my way or the highway.
It’s not always about money, either. Sometimes it’s about power. Rex loves power just as much as he loves money.
Just ask Hui Lin Su who lost her business after Rex had her hotel closed down without warning out of irrational fear of a motorcycle group that was scheduled to stay there.
Or Randy Floyd and other AVTA staff who had their reputations smeared and lost their jobs over allegations made by Rex and the Lancaster City Council that have never been proven.
Or our two local American Legion Posts who Rex is suing for an incident at a baseball game.
Or Congressman Steve Knight who was falsely accused by Rex for demanding that rainbow flags flown at the AV Fair be taken down.
Or Starwood, who Rex sued clear back to Kansas.
Or the residents of our neighboring cities of Palmdale and Santa Clarita who Rex sued over voting districts that he himself refuses to use.
Or David Grajeda who went to jail for speaking out against Rex at council meetings.
Or David Abber, who Rex fought in a local gym.
Or Johnathan Ervin, an African American United States veteran, who Rex painted as a “gang candidate” in a racist hit mailer.
Or the residents of Lancaster who were lied to by Rex about birth tourism at Antelope Valley Hospital.
Welcome, Lancaster People of Faith, to the club.
One has to wonder why you continue to vote for him when he really does not have your best interests in mind. Rex has, and always will have, Rex’s best interests in mind.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
Maybe it’s time we go a different direction in Lancaster.
Rex did say he has more money than he needs.
Maybe it’s time for him to take his money and enjoy it in retirement at his beach house in Laguna, and leave us alone in Lancaster.
Lisa M Fourr says
I attended the Planning Commission on October 17th to oppose the AVANTI South Project. At this meeting the matter of the Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance was discussed. I too expressed my concern over this development. The bigger fight is coming the AVANTI South project is between 65th and 70th West between L and K-8. This project has additional commercial/ high density housing and 325 apartment units across the street from QHHS. The EIR Hearing is this Spring. Please help me oppose this development.
Mr fed up says
The areas around quartz hill high have been planned commercial/ residential for 20 yrs. The walmart since 2007, target since 1999 and Lowe’s since 2009! Homes have been built since 2003 , every city has 20 yr general plan! Development is coming regaudless
St. Peter says
Rex uses the churches and their people to stay in power. When they need him, he ignores them.
William says
“I did not have sexual relations with that Russian, Mr. Putin.” Donald Trump
Fed Up in Lancaster says
Another day, another bizarre statement from Lancaster’s mayor. This time, it’s in regards to Lancaster’s crime rate, which once again is higher than Palmdale’s. Rex doesn’t like that. So he comes up with excuses. Like this one:
To comparisons between crime rates in the two cities, Parris said of Lancaster deputies: “We make twice the number of contacts. … If you look at the numbers, if the numbers are reflective of their performance, then they are aggressive.”
Lancaster makes twice the number of contacts, he says. He’s probably right. If he would leave the comforts of his beach mansion in Laguna and actually walk the streets of Lancaster, particularly East Lancaster, he’d see why we make twice the number of contacts. We’ve got a lot of seedy individuals doing bad things.
Rather than waste a million dollars a year on his pet project, the Flying Fiasco aka Eye in the Sky, maybe, just maybe, spending that money on prevention and law officers would help.
It must be nice to wake up to a beautiful ocean view rather than to hear the sounds of sirens wailing in East Lancaster.
Our mayor is out of touch with reality.
Vulture says
What is the status of the Oasis Wellness Village?
Is it still being built?
Pissedoff in East Palmdale says
This new Palmdale council is a joke. Juan Carrillo has let down the residents of our district by wimping out and refusing to serve as mayor pro tem. You let Palmdale down, especially East Palmdale. You lost my vote next election.
Bishop is nothing but a Hofbauer puppet. I can’t vote for him and I never would. Grow a pair.
You can thank the Lancaster Political Machine for screwing over East Palmdale again.
Del says
Lancaster operatives are using Palmdale people to bring Palmdale down to Lancaster’s level. They are succeeding for now with some of the council, whether they realize it or not. People need to get involved and stop the takeover. This valley has one Lancaster run by Paris and his cronies. It doesn’t need a second one.
Another Great Letter writ to the Antelope Vally Press by the Peoples who Love This Here Vally. Keep up the Good Work
Desert is scarred by solar, wind farms
A neighbor who moved to Nevada in 1991 came to visit. Years ago we rode horses all over the mountains, and viewed the valley and Tehachapis, which were breathtaking. On her way out, she noticed the valley floor and asked what happened to Antelope Valley’s beautiful desert.
It’s littered with chain link fences, black solar panels and wind turbines. It looks so ugly. How did this happen? What about the wildflowers and poppiess?
Exactly. What happened? This desert is scarred, ruined for life, with more destruction to come, never to be the same. It’s all unnecessary. Rooftop solar should be mandatory, to save the land.
Why are we the sacrificial lamb for the rest of the state? How much power did these panels produce in the storms of a few weeks ago, when our valley had cloud cover for six days?
Antelope Acres lost its fight to more construction surrounding its small town. More dust, more sand, more chance of Valley fever, more ugliness. Thanks, Mayor R. Rex Parris, you have succeeded in ruining our desert, in your quest to be famous at our expense. You are not looking out for the health and wellbeing of the citizens of the Antelope Valley.
Proud AV Resident says
Keep writing letters and showing up at meetings to let Rex and his friends know that it’s NOT ok to shove those solar farms down our throats. Remind them of all the dirt and dust pollution, allergies, asthma, and potentially deadly Valley Fever threats from this destruction of the environment. Tell them that you cannot save the environment by destroying it.
We will not be silent any longer!
Tim Scott says
Rex and his friends couldn’t care less if you think it is OK, or whether you show up to say so. As long as they have the power to force successful reelections for their cronies nothing is going to affect them.
Ty says
It really gets under his skin when people dare to question his all-knowing self. If enough people can write and speak up, not only to Rex, but to the County Supervisor, AVAQMD, County Health, et. al., it can make a difference. The bonus will be watching Rex’s face turn beet red, seeing his hands flail about, hear him tell off someone, and all the other quirks that make him the Valley’s greatest buffoon.
Union Brothers and Sisters says
Interesting editorial in today’s paper calling out a local union for killing the Kinkisharyo rail car project in Palmdale. Led by Kathy “Job Killer” MacLauren the union (IBEW) used CEQA to stop the project on environmental grounds. They stopped the construction of a manufacturing plant that would have made ELECTRIC RAILCARS! The real reason they stopped it was because “Job Killer” MacLauren and her gang wanted it to be an IBEW shop. The truth of the matter is that it would have been union labor that would have built the project.
So now MacLauren and IBEW are in bed with Paris and all the solar power projects going on in Lancaster and the West Valley. Coincidence? Very doubtful.
You have to wonder with all the environmental issues at hand with solar development, including Valley Fever, reduced air quality , and particulate pollution, why isn’t “Job Killer” MacLauren leading the environmental charge on this one?
Hypocrisy reigns in Lancaster.
Union lacks Leadership says
Lets not forget about Ralph “I want to kill jobs too”Valador of Local 300 Labors Union. They pulled the same trick against the Oasis wellness center in front of Palmdale Regional Hospital. He pulled the same game against that development. Funny that they don’t go to Lancaster to pull this stunt. You gotta wonder what they have against Palmdale. Could be Ralph is in bed with Rex too. The blackmail continues against their own Union brothers who were gonna build it. Pathetic !!!!!
Union Made says
Ralph, Kathy and the rest of IBEW are in bed with Rex. They cut some deal on the solar projects that are destroying the west Valley.
While we get to see the ugly panels rising in West Lancaster, Antelope Acres, Neenach, etc., Kathy gets to take cruises to Alaska where she sees global warming happening before her very eyes.
Antelope Acres Friend says
Congratulations to the residents of Antelope Acres who raised nearly $3,000 to appeal the city of Lancaster’s proposed solar projects that are proposed to be built in the middle of their rural community. Despite the overwhelming opposition from residents who do not want dirt, dust, Valley Fever, increases in asthma and allergies, and a huge eye sore, Paris and Lancaster told them to pound sand.
This is just the latest example of Lancaster encroaching on its neighbors and imposing its projects on communities who do not want them. You would think after the huge outcry over the Quartz Hill Super Walmart being forced upon the residents of Quartz Hill would have enlightened Paris and Lancaster to the will of the people and the need to respect their will.
Apparently not. They are now out to ruin Antelope Acres.
Perhaps it is time for a Boycott Lancaster movement.
WideOpenFields says
Count me in! I already boycott Lancaster because of the mayor’s crazy antics. I just can’t get behind someone who is so clearly narcissistic (claims to care about our climate, but his own carbon footprint is huge with things like a private jet). The solar fields are an eyesore on what is arguably the prettiest part of the Antelope Valley. They belong on rooftops, not in wide open fields where poppies used to bloom each spring. And God knows we don’t need more blowing dust up here along with increased exposure to the spores that cause Valley Fever.
Poppies says
Well said WideOpenFields. You nailed it. Do you think the mayor cares? Not a chance. He’s probably sipping tea from his Laguna home watching the ocean. To him, our beloved AV is his personal ATM card.
Tim Scott says
Too late. I already started. I haven’t shopped in Lancaster for years.
William says
I don’t know how Bex is still open. The recent reviews on Yelp complained of slow, terrible service, smaller portions, higher prices, lousy food ‘cept for 1 or 2 items, the usual.
Is Bex supposed to be the ‘loss leader’ for the blvd or what?
The rest of Lancaster’s commercial properties seem to consist of old, half-empty shopping centers where the anchor supermarket or other large store disappeared years ago.
It’s depressing to drive through the city and I guess that’s why rex lives elsewhere when he can.
Nick says
Someone shot at Kinetic last week. Put a huge hole in the front door window. Photo is available at Get Parris Out of Lancaster on Facebook.
The BLVD. Panhandlers. Drunks. Drive bys. Lack of shopping. Meh. No thank you.
Thomas says
I took an out of towner to the BLVD and they laughed.
William says
Hey, Thomas
You mean to tell us that the fabulous ‘world class destination and ramblas’ aka the blvd did not impress your out-of-town guest as would Rodeo Drive, the Champs-Elysées, 5th Avenue in New York and most any side street or back alley in Europe?
You mean that rex was, and still is, simply full of it. No way. Just ask him.
How many unfortunate business persons put their money into a shop or restaurant on the blvd only to have to close after a year or even less? I’m surprised that anyone would still take the risk.
Oh, well. As long as rex, (now known simply as PARRIS on his omnipresent billboards and ads, like trump) and his buddies make out well, (like trump) it’s all good.
What is even more fascinating and disturbing is that there are people who suck up to and vote for con-men like rex and trump. They are the real problem. It must be our education system or inbreeding. Needs to be studied.
andre E says
Useful analysis , For what it’s worth if people a CA Antelope Valley Disclosures , my husband filled out and esigned a sample document here
Antelope Valley Resident says
Residents of the Antelope Valley:
Our neighbors in Antelope Acres need our help. They are having large solar fields of 400 acres and more thrust upon them by the city of Lancaster. Lancaster is putting these solar fields in the middle of their rural community. In some places these solar fields will be 100 feet away from people’s homes.
In addition to the risk of exposing the residents to Valley Fever, there will more be dust and dirt in the air as a result of these solar fields, leading to increases in asthma attacks and allergies. Valley Fever, as you may or may know, can lead to death.
The residents of Antelope Acres need to raise $1,380 to cover the city of Lancaster’s filing fee to appeal the development.
You can donate by attending their meeting at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, January 23 at Westside Community Church, 47707 90th or by going to the Antelope Acres Market, 48011 9th St. West. There is a lock box for donations at the market with a log for your donation amount and when you log your donation, they will get you a receipt. They are open until 10 pm.
Any donation, large or small, will help save Antelope Acres from being ruined by poorly placed solar fields. There are millions of acres of available land in California for solar farms that will not harm the health of residents, nor create eyesores that ruin a beautiful community.
Thank you for caring about the Antelope Valley, our home.
I’d done donated. Ole Rex must be stopped before he destroys our Vally
SMHX2 says
Doofus Trump just signed two executive orders, one to revoke TPP and the second one is a federal employees hiring freeze. When these feds. find themselves overwhelmed or jobless and they find out they have to pay double for many products they will impeach the same doofus they elected. Same goes for all the baby boomers out there wanting to retire, NO WAY JOSE, you will work until your last breath…LOL all the way!!!
William says
Doofus and Serial Liar trump claims he got a standing ovation from the CIA members when he gave a speech Saturday.
They were standing when he entered the room and they are to remain standing till the president tells them to sit down (another disgarded protocol for trump) and they remained standing till he finished his 16 minute self-aggrandizing speech.
More “alternative facts” on display for ya, trump voters. When is it gonna dawn on you?
Susan says
The left who complain on this site need to stop crying. We endured Obama for eight long America destroying years. Trump hasen’t even had a week yet. Time to grow up and get over it.
William says
Yeah, Susan. Supply us with some “alternative facts”.
What didja have to ‘endure’, the recovery from the worst recession in your lifetime, the misbegotten war in Iraq with over 4,000 deaths of our military, the unemployment rate going from almost 10% to 4.7%, your home price reovering from the bush recession, the stock market almost tripling and so on.
What is wrong with you, Susan? You complained for 8 years and now everyone is supposed to shut up while the crazy orange one tweets nonsense and lies daily. I’m sure you will have plenty to complain about in the coming years.
Peoples of the Antelope Vally, lets git together and help the Good Peoples of Antelope Acres. Ole Rex is tryin to Shove a couple 400 Acre Solar Farms up their keesters and they don’t want it. Who kin blame them? Vally Fever an Dirt an Dust an Allergens in the air. If Ole Rex wants Solar Farms he kin put them in the Empty Lots next to his Gated Mansion at Westview Estates or by his Beach Mansion in Laguna.
The Good Peoples of Antelope Acres need to raise $1380 by Wenesday January 25th to cover the costs for filing the appeal agin Ole Rex’s STupid Solar Farms. You kin drop off your donation to the Antelope Acres Market until 5:00 pm on Wednesday.
Lets send a message to Ole Rex. This ainit your Vally. We’s tired of your Bullyin an Suin an shovin Walmarts an Solar Farms up our keesters
chased to Lancaster says
Where were you to help the AVRCD when it was taken over?
Smartestguy says
Dear gayz, illegalz, lazy poor, planned parenthood- Vacation is over! Back to reality! Today we celebrate! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
SMHX2 says
Congrats redneckz.
pirrurris says
Dear white privilege hypocrite God loving republicans that always complain about minorities taking everything from you, even though you hypocrites are sucking on tax payer money by working for the city, state, federal, and private companies (lockheed, boeign, northrop grumman)…..somewhere there is tree working really hard to generate oxygen so you can breath…..now go apoligize to it.
pirrurris says
Dear white privilege hypocrite God loving republicans that always complain about minorities taking everything from you, even though you hypocrites are sucking on tax payer money by working for the city, state, federal, and private companies (lockheed, boeign, northrop grumman)…..somewhere there is tree working really hard to generate oxygen so you can breath…..now go apoligize to it.
CG says
Here’s a link to a story you won’t read in the AV Times. I am proud to have been one of those past national security employees who signed this letter from Vote Vets. This link is to Buzzfeed.
pirrurris says
Dumbest guy,
The samehypocrites that elected Trump, will bee the first ones calling for his impeachment.
Tim Scott says
It sure won’t be me. Mike Pence is the best impeachment insurance money can buy. Dingbat Don is a buffon, but at least he might not toe the Republican Christian Sharia line that Mike Pence undoubtedly would.
William says
Hey, John
How are you with “alternative facts” as proffered by Kellyanne Conway on behalf of her boss?
You have shown yourself to be a stickler for accuracy here.
Are you going to willfully ignore the persistent lying of the trump machine?
SMHX2 says
LOL- Kellyanne Conway (AKA sewer rat) and her “alternative facts”, I knew they lived in an parallel universe because only demented buffoons can believe such nonsense.
Glenn says
Like you believed the “alternative facts” of the Obama Administration? Facts such as 5% unemployment because they stopped counting people who stopped looking for jobs because there were none? ” Affordable Heathcare” which has turned into a nightmare to pay for unless you are extremely poor? Did you get to keep your doctor? I did not. I personally do not believe a word that comes from either side of the aisle. Both sides lie through their teeth, as sad as it is this Country will never put aside their political differences for the better of the American people. They only want to preserve their own parties agendas, and it is the American citizen on both sides of the aisle who suffers
SMHX2 says
Sorry for you, I have the same doctor thanks to my emplyer’s insurance. I also don’t have to worry about social security benefits thanks to my employment pension. If you think we democrats are going to set aside our differnces and work with a racist pig and his cabinet of deplorables, you must be using crack. Racist Trump did everything in his power to undermine President Obama and congress blocked every single attempt to move forward. Thanks but no thanks, you can keep your useless bag of crap, oh and #FDT.
William says
For all dogs living in this country, the next 4 years will feel like 28.
Women's March Palmdale says
Women’s March 1/21/17 @ AV Mall, 9-12pm.
William says
Right now,TCM is playing the movie A Face in the Crowd during the inauguration day events. Coincidence.
CG says
Republicans have crowed ceaselessly about their respect for veterans. As a veteran myself, I find nothing but hypocrisy in their rhetoric. The question begs — Why do veterans keep voting for Republicans?
As the most controversial election year ends, I believe the time has come to examine where the Republican Party really stands with veterans and active military personnel. When comparing Democrats and Republicans at the national level, the Republican are clearly hypocrites. Some of the actions affecting veterans:
2003: Republicans bar the government from negotiating medicare drug prices.
2004: Republicans attack the military service of John Kerry, who won two Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star in Vietnam. They belittle the service of Silver Star recipient Max Cleland, a Georgia congressman who lost three limbs in Vietnam.
2009: The following bills are blocked by Republicans:
H.R. 1172 – Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans.
H.R. 1293 – Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act)
H.R. 1803 – Veterans Business Center Act
H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act
2010: The following bill is blocked by Republicans:
H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
2012: Republicans criticize veteran and member of Congress, Tammy Duckworth, (one of the first women to fly combat missions in Iraq and lost both legs) for talking too much about her service in Iraq, and block the following bills:
H.R. 1168 – Veterans Retraining Act (2012)
S.3457 – Job Corps Act (2012)
2013: The following bill is blocked by Republicans:
H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875. (2013)
2014: The following bill is blocked by Republicans:
HR 3474 – Hire More Heroes Act (2014)
2015: The following bills are blocked by Republicans:
S. 469 – Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act (2015)
H.R. 2029 – Veterans Affairs Funding Bill (2015)
H.R.2404 – Torture Veterans & Victims Relief (2015)
2016: Donald Trump, who avoided serving in the military, defames Senator McClain for being captured. GOP SNAP (Food Stamp) cuts kicked about 5,000 active military and about 170,000 Vets out of the Program. An average of 900,000 vets are on SNAP any given month.
2017: Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, make cuts to Social Security and privatize Medicare and the V.A. all of which will surely raise health care costs for veterans.
With 12 veteran bills blocked by Republicans, GOP SNAP cuts, the pending repeal of the ACA, pending cuts to Social Security, and the pending privatization of Medicare and the V.A., the GOP voting record on veterans is abysmal.
Why DO veterans keep voting for Republicans?
William says
The people that vote for those republicans are the same deplorables that voted for trump and it’s because they are deplorable.
I hope that answers your question. What other answer could there be?
Anon says
I hope the libs keep that “deplorables” label alive for all of us Trump folk right through to the next election. Was likely the single most damaging comment made by Clinton that lost her the election. That and her less well known quote that us conservatives would simply have to change our religious beliefs.
(04-13-15 Hillary Clinton speech: “All the laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”).
That one wasn’t lost on most of us Christians either. Obviously a lot more than the average lib thought.
pirrurris says
Cj, Agree 100%.
These dumbasses do not speak for all Veterans. Only an idiot would vote against their interests.
These premaddonas are going to be the first ones crying when republicans privatize their VA and take away ther social security.
Like they say….never underestimated the power of the masses. Sometimes the “M”is silent.
J.Herer says
Well said sir,Any comments republicans?
pirrurriss says
Cj, Agree 100%.
These dumbasses do not speak for all Veterans. Only an idiot would vote against their interests.
These premaddonas are going to be the first ones crying when republicans privatize their VA and take away ther social security.
Like they say….never underestimated the power of the masses. Sometimes the “M”is silent.
Randall says
Can someone please explain the logic behind the IBEW’s Kathy “Job Killer” MacLauren stopping the construction of a manufacturing facility for Kinkisharo which would have build electric trains on ‘environmental grounds’, yet listening to IBEW reps fawn over ‘job creation’ by destroying hundreds upon hundreds of acres of desert in rural Antelope Acres for solar farms and subjecting its residents to environmental hazards which include Valley Fever, dirt pollution, dust, allergens, and asthmatic issues?
No ones watching says
Maybe somebody should ask Councilman Hof who is under MacClaren’s control about why more solar will help our Air Quality. We all see the dust as you cannot miss the brown sky when the wind blows.The Councilman also under the control of Parris through Councilman Christ and he will not challenge whatever Lancaster may do as he is there to promote goals that will hurt his own City. Beware of the motives of these control freaks.
Sal says
Did Hofbower get money from IBEW too? Rex and Marv are playing him like a violin.
Republican Central Committee Member says
Yes, his campaign was funded by Labor union contributions and Republican Central Committee money controlled by Marvin Crist who recruted Councilman Auston Bishop from the Lancaster Sheriff Boosters. Councilman Hofbauer and Bishop have sold out to Lancaster who by the way hate Ledford for standing up to them since they showed up on the political scene. Kathy “job killer” MacClaren has also given some big dollars to the political accounts of Raymond Parris and Hofbauer to buy protection for IBEW in Lancaster solar field developments. The residents hate this but thats why labor unions do not organize BYD and get work developing the solar fields that are ruining Antelope Acres. Strange bedfellows for sure but its all about the control.
Voter says
Hofbauer doesn’t give a darn about East Palmdale. Juan Carillo needs to step up and be mayor pro tem. He owes it to the residents of East Palmdale.
S.T. says
Problem is that many people in East Palmdale “don’t give a darn” about East Palmdale either.
That’s the sad, unfortunate reality and that’s why you see a clear divide along the freeway in terms of everything from home values, to schools, to litter on the streets.
So, start giving a darn East Palmdalians!
Voter says
We can start giving a damn by demanding that our Council Man take the role as Mayor Protem. jcarrillo@cityofpalmdale.org. 267-5100. Show up at the next Council Meeting on February 1st.
Tired of the Status Quo says
Is this the thanks we get for working to elect Juan Carrillo? Our Eastside deserves better treatment than this. The next election will tell a different story if he doesn’t start leading our district. Our reward is our leadership cowtowing to the same Westside insiders.
Tim Scott says
Well, yes. This is the thanks you get. If you worked to elect Juan Carrillo, who is in the pocket of Wrecks Parris and his gang then you are reaping exactly what you have sown.
It would be far better if he WAS “kowtowing to the same Westside insiders” as you think was happening in the past. Those “Westside insiders” may not have done enough to bring the east side along as fast as the west side, but they had BOTH sides pulling rapidly further ahead of Lancaster. Carrillo and the rest of the cronies are there to try to drag BOTH sides back down to Lancaster’s level.
Hopefully they will not hold office long enough to succeed.
William says
Can someone state exactly what the eastside of Palmdale wants?
Do you want a Walmart, the main Post Office, a Lowe’s, a Home Depot, a McDonald’s, a Pep Boys, etc.? What is it?
Do ya want a freeway nearby? What? What?
Or, is it complaining just to be complaining?
Tim Scott says
I can make a few suggestions, but I’ll just start with one.
The city’s Department of Recreation and Culture identified two parks as ‘recreation centers’ among the rest, which are considered ‘neighborhood parks.’ The expectation is that the neighborhood parks would provide playgrounds and pools and such for ‘local’ use, while the ‘recreation centers’ would be venues for ‘draw activities’ that the whole city would be inclined to participate in. The ‘recreation center’ on the west side is Marie Kerr park. I’m sure everyone knows that, as there is a constant stream of activities scheduled there, many of which I drive across town to participate in. The real MAIN center, of course, is Poncetlan Square and the city hall complex, which also hosts a constant stream of activities.
Now, without looking it up, where is the designated ‘recreation center’ on the east side, and name three events it has hosted in the past year?
Ted says
Tim Scott, good luck with anything on the east side with Hofbauer. He’s all about the west side.
Tim Scott says
I’m certainly no fan of Hofbauer, but this whole “which Wrecks crony gets the ceremonial title of mayor pro tem” tempest really doesn’t make much difference to me. They are still just one vote per member, with the mayor having some slight amount of procedural control to slow down the Wrecks pocket faction.
The best we can hope for is to expose the Wrecksers for what they are and get rid of them as soon as we can. Once that is handled then the work of pulling the east side up can really begin.
What we have to watch out for is “this will restore balance for the east side” being used to sell Wrecks driven plans to tear down BOTH sides of Palmdale. That’s what those plants are on the council to do.
Quit Whining says
Our east side regional recreation center is at the Oasis Park, adjacent to the city’s water park. It’s the exact same building and pool as over at Marie Kerr, with lots of great programs for us there.
Tim Scott says
Okay, so however many weeks later someone comes along with half the answer. I actually already knew it was Oasis Park, next to the water park (which is a good argument) and that it has lots of great programs. I even have considered leading a couple there myself.
But that doesn’t change the fact that when the rec and culture department is booking an EVENT they look at the amphitheater at Marie Kerr.
Just wondering says
… why the Clinton Foundation is shutting down now; when Bill & Hillary have more time to possibly devote to it; with the election over? Very interesting.
Tim Scott says
I’m just wondering where you get your information. No doubt this would be “very interesting” if it weren’t fake news. Did you get this from a fake news source, or just make it up yourself?
Just Saying says
In defense, I saw a news teaser on that, somewhere. Never made it to the article, whatever it was. Most likely Stupid clickbait.
Tim Scott says
Fair enough.
Laughing says
2017 schedule looks full according to press releases on the foundation website.
Trump has skin thinner than his wife and an ego bigger than my ass. says
Margaret & Helen blog:
Margaret, somebody called me an elitist because I think Trump and his supporters are morons. I wasn’t’ quite sure what being an elitist means these days and I am pretty sure most people using that as an insult probably don’t either so I looked it up. After all, I’m just a little ole’ gal born in Georgia and I am not sure I qualify to be an elitist.
Now the Oxford Dictionary says an elitist is someone who supports the view that a society or system should be led by an elite. Well that just begged the question: What is an elite? I got confused at first because evidently an Elite is a size of letter in typewriting, with 12 characters to an inch. Of course, for this particular scenario it also means a select group that is superior in terms of their ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society such as an elite athlete or an elite armed forces. My favorite definition of elite, however, is from Merriam-Webster: the choice part or the best of a class. So I guess I am an elitist after all, because I want the best candidate for the job and I know for damn sure I want an elite President and not this orange man-child who is about to take office.
And I am in good company. They said Meryl Streep was an elitist after her speech at the Golden Globes. You remember, don’t you? That moving speech she gave where she dared to say that we shouldn’t mock the disabled and a free press was vital to our democracy… What an elitist that Meryl is. How dare she make speeches about standing up for the disabled and defending the Constitution! Wait… what’s an elitist again?
You know Margaret, I was feeling lower than a snake’s belly in a ditch after a rain shower about this election. Kellyanne Conway is so good at lying… I mean telling us what is in Donald’s heart. And I thought to myself that maybe I should give the man a break. Maybe Trump deserves a second look. Maybe I should show some respect for the office to which he has been elected. But then I thought, nah he’s a moron and I’m an elitist who doesn’t think a society or a system should ever be led by a moron.
For goodness sakes, he’s not even trying to rise to the occasion. The man is tweeting about national intelligence agencies one minute and Saturday Night Live the next. And shockingly he is paying attention to the latter and ignoring the former. Damn right I’m an elitist because I actually do think society should be run by someone with superior abilities instead of an idiot who can’t prioritize security briefings over comedy sketches.
And he is surrounding himself with idiots too. Are you really telling me that of all the people he could have nominated for Attorney General, he didn’t know even one without racist attitudes? What does that say? Think about it. What does that say about this man? He appointed a known plagiarist to be a senior communications strategist. And then he asked Omarosa to be… actually I don’t know what he asked her to be. But Omarosa for anything? What does that say? And incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer actually whined to the media, that Saturday Night Live wasn’t being funny, they were being “mean-spirited”. Oh Really? You know what’s mean-spirited, Sean? Mocking a disabled person. You know what else is mean-spirited? Laughing about sexually assaulting women. You know what else is mean-spirited? Suggesting most immigrants from Mexico are rapist and drug dealers. Also, mocking a disabled person. And yes. I know I said that already.
An elite athlete knows how to win a game. An elite army knows how to win a war. An elite President knows how to put down his smart phone and look the nation in the eye and apologize for his inappropriate behavior. Hell. You don’t even have to be elite. You just have to be decent. Decent enough to admit that it was wrong to make fun of the disabled. Admit that it was wrong to have disrespected and then denigrate women that way. Decent enough to tell the American people that you’re not perfect but you’ll strive to be a better president than you were a man. But we don’t have an elite as President-elect. We don’t even have a decent person about to hold the highest office in the land. We have a buffoon, man-child with skin thinner than that size 2 model/pin-up immigrant he’s married to. And even she doesn’t want to live in the same house with him.
Call me an elitist. It’s a badge I will wear proudly. I’d rather be an elitist than the racist, misogynist, mouth-breathers who voted for Trump. That’s right. I said it. I insulted Trump voters and I won’t apologize for it. We all knew what he did and what he said and what he stood for. There was no mistaking what you were voting for. I have no intentions of pulling punches. You people elected a moron and the rest of us “elitists” get to look down our noses and point our fingers and ask you to explain yourselves. Is it OK to make fun of the disabled? Yes or no? Is it OK to sexually assault women? Yes or no? Is it OK to commit fraud? Is it OK to discriminate against minorities? Is it OK to refer to your daughter as a nice piece of ass? Is it OK to vote for someone who did? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you can kiss my elitist ass.
Trump is not my president. I will challenge him at every turn. I will hold him accountable for every ignorant, vapid tweet. I will hold him to the very highest of standards and ridicule him when he comes up short. Why? You ask. How dare I? You say. Because he made fun of a disabled person and that’s all I ever needed to know about Donald J. Trump. I mean it. Really.
Laughing says
Here are some alternatives to guns for defense
Laughing says
Geesh wrong link
Gotta Laugh at myself sometimes.
Tim Scott says
It would be shorter to list things that can’t be used as weapons. In the Navy we called them “weapons of opportunity” and drilled regularly on picking them out.
Laughing says
I posted it on a bet that you would respond. Thank you for the profit!
Tim Scott says
LOL…what sucker did you get to take that bet? You should buy me a coffee. We could make a plan to fleece that sucker further.
William says
A new year and a new list of lawsuits with our our Fearless Mayor at the helm. There is never a dull moment in the courts with Rex running the show.
From the Lancaster City Council Agenda,
1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (2) – two potential cases.
2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation: consideration of initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (4) – two potential cases.
3. Conference with Legal Counsel–Existing Litigation – Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (1) Vasquez vs. City of Lancaster
4. Patton v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. MC 025064
5. Estarella v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No.BC527749
6. Dunnagan v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. BC 615917
7. Simmons v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. BC 615471
8. Celebron v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. BC 615587
9. Kay v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. MC 026015
10. Arredondo v. City of Lancaster, LASC Case No. BC 573151
11. Valerie Sanchez v. City of Lancaster, et al. – LASC Case No. MC025725
12. Matthew Caceres v. City of Lancaster, et al. – LASC Case No. MC025886
13. ANTELOPE VALLEY GROUNDWATER CASES Included Actions: Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 40 v. Diamond Farming Co. Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC325201; Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 40 v. Diamond Farming Co. Superior Court of California, County of Kern, Case No. S-1500-CV-254-348 Wm. Bolthouse Farms, Inc. v. City of Lancaster, Diamond Farming Co. v. City of Lancaster, Diamond Farming Co. v. Palmdale Water District Superior Court of California County of Riverside, consolidated actions; Case Nos. RIC 353 840, RIC 344 436, RIC 344 668 Santa Clara Case No. 1-05-CV 049053
Willy says
Rex was in rare form last night!!! The King Reigns!!! LOL!!! Two ppl got up to speak about rehabbing gang bangers and Rex put them in their place!!! LOL!!! Rex even told the one dude who was a reformed gang banger that he didn’t care about rehab!!! Go, Rex, go!!! Then the other dude demanded that Rex rescind his bounty and Rex said h3!! no!!! You don’t mess the The King!!! LOL!!! Rex stuck by his bounty and his vigilante justice!!!!
We got Trump making America great in Washington and Rex making Lancaster great right here!!!
Laughing says
Gee, not caring about rehab. Christ is so disappointed by his so called follower.
Wrath says
The Christian Community Rex claims to be building is neither Christian nor a community.
Willy says
Chaos reigns in Palmdale!!!! Rex must be laughing his butt off watching this fiasco!!! His puppets are wreaking havoc at the city council meeting already!!! LOL!! PPL you can make this stuff up!!!! The Takeover of Palmdale us underway!!!LOL!!!
Vinny says
I feel for the people of Palmdale.
Tim Scott says
What were they squabbling about? The only thing on the agenda before I tuned in was the committee appointments.
The uproar during the marijuana discussion seemed to be mostly the citizens more than the council.
Now another rambling dingbat addresses the council.
RayRay says
The three members of the Rex/Marv council were bickering over making Hoffbauer mayor Pro Tem again. The position is supposed to rotate according to what was said at the meeting but the Rex/Marv group didn’t like that.
Tim Scott says
LOL…yeah, that’s something to be expected. Endless gibbering over nothing in hopes that people will just stop paying attention.
Mayor Pro Tem is a meaningless title unless Wrecks and the Fern Street Mafia intend to put a hit out on Ledford…which seems extreme even for them, though just a bit.
Tgojpb says
From the Ledford deposition (courtesy of Rex and his followers):
Sandra says
I think they said that it was up to the council. Wasn’t that a policy put in by Ledfords cronies?
Beacon says
Mayor Pro Tem is nothing more than a name. Palmdale started rotaitingvit after Hofbauer was passed over for Knight when it should have gone to Hofbauer. No Hofbauer wants to deny the next person in line. Politics are funny especially when Lancaster gets involved.
sjgranai says
Actually, I recall the change in procedure to elect Mayor ProTem happened when Assemblyman Lackey was still in office. He was preparing to run for Assembly and the title of Mayor ProTem would look good. Now, I am not against that happenning. He is a great Assemblyman and support him all the way.
However, there are things to consider that are not being discussed. We know that Ledford is not the most “healthy” man, physically. He almost died just a few short years ago when he had a heart attack. It was a close call.
Had he died, Mayor ProTem takes over until the next election.
Right now, not one single city council member, aside from Hofbauer, is anywhere near fit enough to be mayor. Two are brand new (Bishop and Carillo) and are learning the ropes. I am glad they are speaking up and questioning the status quo. That was what they promised during their campaigns. Good for them for following through.
Laura Bettencourt has served on the council before. However, she has many personal and professional obligations that would hinder her ability to take over as Mayor if needed. I am not speaking at all about her ability to be Mayor, simply to her availability. Even her committee assignments had to be arranged based on her availability. I give her credit for taking on the Council seat with some much else happening. She has a full plate for sure.
The inaccurate statement by Ledford that he never misses meeting should be addressed. He has missed many meetings, just not City Council. His alternate.. usually Hofbauer, has been regularly attending and keep us in the loop.
Toe to toe, Hofbauer can run circles around Ledford when it comes to what is happening in, around and on deck for our city…including all we have missed out on due to an absentee Mayor at those meetings. I would love to host an interview, asking the same questions (in isolation rooms so they can’t hear each other) and see who knows more. I would put down $100 on Hofbauer any day!
Rex doesn’t have a damn thing to do with our council FINALLY being about the people and not just their buddies. I have held Rex’s feet to the fire MANY times… and I will continue to do so!
Vladi says
Actually, I think it was Lackey that got bumped when Knight ran for the state and he got bumped, but it was Lackey that brought the issue up.
sjgranai says
Vladi..you are correct.
I did get that part wrong. Got my Timeline mixed up….kinda…lol
East Palmdale says
Contrary to what the resident ‘expert’ says about a Mayor Pro Tem automatically taking over if a Mayor leaves office, a quick online search of the Palmdale Municipal Code will correct that misinformation.
4.12.010 Filling City Council vacancies.
If a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor or City Councilmember, the City Council may, by majority vote, either fill the vacancyby appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. The special election shall be held on the next regularly established election date not less than 114 days from the call of the special elections. A person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office only for the unexpired term of the former incumbent. If the City Council does not fill the vacancy by appointment and does not call a special election to fill such vacancy, then the vacancy shall be filled at the next election called by the City Council, whether such election is special or regular election. (Ord. 1391 § 2, 2010; Ord. 1364 § 1, 2008; Ord. 1162 § 1, 2000)
This person also seems to be privy to medical information on Mayor Ledford. Is there any proof this person would like to share here to verify the accusation that he is not “the most healthy man”. Do you have medical records to compare him to the rest of the council? I doubt it.
While we’re on the subject of Mayor Pro Tem, East Palmdale residents are not happy that Juan Carrillo declined the title of Mayor Pro Tem. It is merely a title, but after years of West Palmdale dominance on the council, including Hofbauer, it is time for a Mayor Pro Tem to come from the Eastside of the city.
sjgranai says
So…until a new mayor is “appointed”…or elected…who fills in?
When Ledford had a very publicized HEART ATTACK in 2012 ….who was mayor till he came back?
And I live on the West side….and I use my REAL NAME.
Carrillo is doing the job RIGHT. Not seeking glory but finding answers by asking real questions.
And….I will have to check….but the charter changed ALOT of things.
sjgranai says
With? Damn …meant to say I do NOT live on the West side. I’m in Carrillo’s district…he is doing good.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Rex most certainly had a hand and has a hand in this new council. Tragic for the people of Palmdale.
East Palmdale says
Carillo is doing the job right? By passing on the opportunity to bring the Eastside the first Mayor Pro Tem ever? By changing to meeting night to fit his personal schedule? What about all the other council and residents?
He can take a first step in doing things right by accepting his turn as Mayor Pro Tem. Not everyone in East Palmdale is happy to see him give it up.
East Palmdale says
A quick search on the city website and you can view the City Charter. No where in the Charter does it say that the Mayor Pro Tem automatically becomes Mayor if the Mayor steps down or dies. Where do you get your information?
Read it for yourself here. http://www.cityofpalmdale.org/Portals/0/Documents/City%20Hall/City%20Charter.pdf
Vladi says
Making a mountain out of a molehill. Actually, the city council has traditionally changed meeting nights and times to accommodate a council member’s work schedule, at least 4 times since big Jim has been there. So has Planning Commission. And any other board for that matter. It’s not a big deal, unless you want to make it one, right. CHAOS? No, just sour grapes.
Vladi says
Hey Eastside, want to split hairs? The only job the charter actually says the mayor has to do is appointing to boards and commissions, with the approval of the council. It doesn’t even say he cuts ribbons!
Oh, but there’s that obviously overlooked thing that says that what’s not specifically defined in the charter or by other means, is covered by the state’s general law city provisions.
East Palmdale says
When has the Palmdale City Council met regularly on any night since Wednesday? When did they change it to fit any council’s personal schedule?
Big Jim, as you call him, has been there for 20 years. Please enlighten us of the four times the council meetings changed from regularly being on Wednesdays to some other day. Not trying to be rude, but I can’t find any confirmation of that.
If Hofbauer Cheerleader SJ Granai wants Hofbauer to be Mayor Pro Tem and Mayor, good for her. She needs to get her facts straight and quit spewing misinformation and outright lies.
But getting back to what I was saying originally, we Eastside residents have an opportunity to have a Mayor Pro Tem from the Eastside. Many of us our very disappointed in Juan Carillo for passing up that opportunity. Mayor Pro Tem is meaningless in power but does have a perceived value, especially on the Eastside. We hope he will accept the position.
sjgranai says
And to boot……if there is a vote by the council to replace the mayor right now (if need be) Hofbauer would win..so what is the issue ?
East Palmdale says
Oh really? You’ve polled the council? You’ve taken a vote? Your track record of providing ‘facts’ during the election was spotty at best. Wild accusations, rumors, and innuendo.
The residents of East Palmdale and Palmdale as a whole deserve better than that.
William says
Really? Have you taken a poll of the council? Are you a journalist or do you have some inside information? Who died an made you the authority on local issues? Which school of journalism did you attend? Did you graduate? What news agencies have you worked for?
You seem to be good at false rumors, twisted facts, and extremely biased statements. .
Keep the Eastside down says
Last I’ve read the council never has picked the Mayor so the voters will continue to make that decision to elect our top representative. If Mr. “Ego” Hofbauer wants to run in a direct election for Mayor then all of Rex Parris’s money will not matter and Steve Hofbauer will most defiantly lose. The voters like Ledford by a very wide majority.
Atten hun! Cap’n Lancaster here with my Top Ten Annual Predictions and Prognostications for Ole Rex in 2017
10. Ole Rex will spend more time livin at his Beach Mansion in Newport than he will at his Desert Mansion in Lancaster. Agin
9. Ole Rex will come Unglued at a City Consul meeting when someone questions one of his Dumb Ideas
8. Bangladesh will not be destroyed by a Typhoon no matter what Ole Rex thinks
7. The Eye is the Sky will cost Tax Payers another One Million Dollars and not do Diddly Squat. Agin
6. No Dead Terrorists will commit any Crimes in Lancaster and Ole Rex will be vindicated by Bannin the Burial of Terrorists in Lancaster
5. Ole Marv will say something Very, Very Stupid. Agin
4. Ole Rex will Sue some City or School District or Agency or Business or Local VFW Hall. Agin
3. Ole Rex and His New Best Friend Kathy Mac Lauren will Celebrate the Destruction of more of Our Desert at one of them there Solar Farms where IBEW workers will have jobs for Two Years Max. Meanwhile BYID will continue with its Labor Violations and IBEW will remain Silent. Agin
2. Ole Rex will Inject Hisself into the Inner Workings of Palmdale Politics and Try to Take Over that City while Lancaster continues to see a Rise in Crime an More Panhandlin an More Homeless an More Crappy Roads an More Nepotism. Agin
1. Ole Rex will Ignore the People’s Voice an Refuse to Hold Lancaster Elections with Districts on Even Years in November. Ole Rex will Ignore the People’s Voice an try to Shove a Super Wal Mart up the Keesters of the Good People of Quarts Hills. Ole Rex will Ignore the Voice of the Peoples and shove Solar Farms uip the Keesters of the Good Peoples of Antelope Acres. Agin
Question Lancaster Authority says
Riddle me this: why does IBEW kill a manufacturing facility for Kinkisharyo on about 50 acres of land citing environmental concerns, but supports the destruction of 400 plus acres of desert land in Antelope Acres for solar fields?
Why did IBEW donate so much money to Rex’s campaign? What is this relationship all about?
Tim Scott says
Power, manipulation, and bleeding public funds into private pockets.
Ask harder questions.
Eye in the Sky says
The paper reported today that IBEW’s Kathy ‘Job Killer’ MacLauren was accused of threatening someone in a restaurant. Looks like her pal Rex’s bullying is rubbing off on her…………………………………..
Keep the Eastside down says
IBEW union gave a lot of money to Hofbauer and Rex. We can only guess what could be the agenda going on with those three. It’s a bad outcome for Palmdale that is for sure. Kathy “the job killer” MacClaren with Raymond ” make a buck suing Palmdale’ Parris and Steve “all about big ego” Hofbauer can not be good for the people of Palmdale. God help us
callingitasitis says
@Tim Scott
Extremist whether politico or religious ideology that advocate physical violence to advance their agenda are ALWAYS a danger to mankind’s freedom and liberty.
@ William
Do not worry or be scared just put your 2nd Amendment item(s) of your choice by your bed and defend your castle from those GOP bible thumping door breaching thugs when they come at midnight. Just keep it on MSNBC or CNN they will keep you inform of the Rapture (which you do not believe in anyways). LOL
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson
Happy New Year, Gents.
Tim Scott says
Why do you specify that extremists are a danger to freedom and liberty only if they advocate physical violence?
There are abundant examples of extremism using institutionalized shame to curtail liberty. Economic conditions can seriously impact liberty, and extremists have at times taken control of economic conditions affecting entire populations. The greatest curtailments of liberty in human history have always involved extremists gaining control of the apparatus of law.
I recognize, as most people seem to avoid, that the law is the ultimate expression of violence, so perhaps when you specified “advocate physical violence” you were acknowledging that, but your response to William seems to indicate not. To suggest that the only concern he should have about religious extremists in America is “Bible thumping door breaching thugs coming at midnight” implies turning a blind eye to the fact that many politicians in America openly pander to extremists who favor religious law. That’s a very valid cause for concern.
callingitasitis says
@ Tim Scott
Well said,
Great advocates of violence have used the rule of their law. Governments with their laws have killed more people than individual persons. It is NOT a perfect world but nothing new under the sun.
A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.
Thomas Jefferson
Have a Happy New Year =)
Tim Scott says
Happy New Year to you as well.
Just wondering says
…how nice it would be if all the contributors to the different stories and opinions would make a new years resolution to be more civil towards towards each other. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and to express it without being mean or nasty about it. So: in the immortal words of Rodney King: “Can’t we all just get along”.
Tim Scott says
A lot of people misunderstand the “having a right to an opinion.” I have lots of opinions. For example, I neither like nor trust cops, in general. I get attacked for that regularly. Then someone says “crime is skyrocketing.” That is NOT an opinion. That’s a statement of fact, since crime rate is measurable. There are plenty of sources where you can actually find out the crime rate, present and past. So when they spout this statement as if it is fact I point out that it is not accurate, in fact. And get attacked for that…often with the “everyone has a right to their opinion” line included. You have a right to your opinion, but if someone makes inaccurate statements of fact they should not only expect correction, they should appreciate it…in my opinion.
Tim White says
Yes, Trump-voting real Americans have a right to our opinion, and libtards like Timmy have a right to make fools of themselves spouting nonsense. We have a right to point out that the Marxist anti-American libtards should be deported along with their illegal alien poster children.
Tim Scott says
Then there are those who are incapable of expressing an opinion in any form other than name calling. Civility is out for them, because it would silence them completely. While that would undoubtedly be an improvement in the general sense it wouldn’t really be fair to them, and would make the page far less amusing…though I know that laughing AT rather than WITH is pretty unsavory behavior.
Shane Falco says
Pretty ironic of Tim to lecture people on civility while he tells people who are tasked with enforcing the law and protecting the public to “eat a bullet”, but it’s just one of Tim’s many duplicitous faces.
Tim Scott says
I’m pretty sure the only person here I’ve told to eat a bullet is you Foolco, and you earned it a dozen times over.
William says
When, oh when, is the Rapture gonna take away the scourge that is the right wing nutjob element so our country can function properly?
Of course, a good many posters here will be noticed by their absence.
callingitasitis says
Actually they have been at WAR with anyone who is not Muslim an extremely long time (the past 1,400 years). It is rooted in their belief system. If you are not a true faithful Muslim you are an infidel. It is their duty to convert us or kill us. If you think Bush’s 1 or 2 made it worst or credit Clinton with his cruise missiles or Clinton’s involvement in Somalia, it would be all a mistake. I guess you could say or even blame Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Communism because they exist. The jihadist do not care because all are enemy infidels to be killed.
Tim Scott says
The same could be said of any religion. They all differentiate between believers and non-believers and they all have their problems with extremists who use them to justify hateful actions against “the other.”
William says
We have our own religious fanatics in this country who use their perverted notions of their faith to force their beliefs on others via the government. It’s call the republican party.
They’ve actually gone even further by having their ‘beliefs’ in non-religious issues dictact policy. For example, they ‘believe’ that tax cuts for the rich raise all boats. They actually believe so many non-religious just because they say so despite any and all contrary evidence.
You can see from the posts here that people like Susan B, patriot, Glenn and others ‘believe’ that President Obama has made everything worse despite all the improvements in the last 8 years from the worse economic crash in our lifetimes. Of course, there is always room to improve but their ‘beliefs’ have blinded them to that.
If only they would ‘believe’ that they could fly and jump off the tallest building in the Antelope Valley. It would end their suffering and our annoyance with them.
William says
Rexnord, a ball bearing company, is moving 300 jobs to Mexico. Let’s see, pence not trump, saved 740 Carrier jobs from moving, minus 300 from Rexnord, equals only 440 jobs remaining.
Can’t wait till patriot’s job moves to Mexico and him with it.
Face it, patriot. trump is all smoke and mirrors and you’ve been conned big time.
Go ahead, patriot, quack some more.
Alex says
William, you are fanatical libturd, this name suits you the best..
If you like high taxes, them why don’t you give all your income away? Why not?
I can tell you why don’t you give away everything.. Because you are broke. You don’t have anything. This is why you like to steal from others.
By the way, in last 8 years our debt went from 8 to 21 trillion. We lost Asia to China, we lost Europe to Russia, and we are losing Middle East to Russia and Iran.
But we now have another, third restroom in stores and malls, for “undecided” people like you.
Thats all Оbаmа has done for America – another toilet for freaks.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas from Union Workers says
As we approach Christmas, I just want to thank IBEW and Kathy ‘Job Killer” MacLauren for leading the attack against Kinkisharo. Her hard work in stopping the building of a permanent manufacturing facility here in the AV has meant the loss of hundreds of union construction jobs and even more production jobs down the road.
Let’s hope on her next cruise to Alaska, she will think twice about killing a project that would have produced electric, non-emission trains right here in the AV.
Union Made says
Yes this is true. There would have been hundreds of Union jobs to build the plant. It was less than 100 acres and McLauren made a stink about it hurting the environment. Yet she and her IBEW pals have no problem with the environment when they’re talking hundreds of acres for solar fields. Hypocrisy at its best.
John says
Why am I not surprised that it was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union and a Union environmental front group, the Antelope Valley Residents for Responsible Development, that tried to strong arm Kinkisharyo.
Kinkisharyo walked away from the deal and announced it would locate the factory and jobs in another state.
The unions need to stop this “rule or ruin” mentality. They would rather a plant not be built, and good-paying jobs not be created, than let a company like Kinkisharyo International go non-unionized.
Union Made says
EW screwed hundreds of Union brothers and sisters in the trades over Kinkisharo. Kathy McLauren should be held accountable. Besides the fact that she hurt hundreds of workers and their families, she and her IBEW hacks don’t have the brains to figure out that once Kinkisharo built their facility they wouldn’t move anywhere. Why didn’t they wait until the finished and then try to unionize them?
She’s not too bright. But neither are a lot of these IBEW folks. They’re in bed with Rex and anyone with half a brain knows that he’s only in for what he can get out of anything. He is a ruthless, dirty bully and is using IBEW and other politicos to further his and his pals financial gain.
There must be something in the water for so many people to be so easily duped.
Follow the Money says
Curiously interesting that the day after they walked away from the deal they got a letter from a certain litigious mayor who offered a location in Lancaster. Coincidence? Given the cozy relationship with the woman who led the protest against the facility, methinks not.
Vinny says
The IBEW cult of MacLauren and Hofbauer, under the spell of Paris, spew BS about Kinkisharo workers while ignoring the fact that hundreds of construction jobs were killed by their efforts and hundreds more permanent jobs will never happen in the AV. Those two are special. When they were handing out trains….they thought they said brains…
Trade Unions Matter says
Is the IBEW going to do a toy drive to give toys to the children of the hundreds of union construction tradesmen and tradeswomen who were screwed out of jobs by ‘Job Killer’ MacLauren? It would be a nice gesture. Or is she on an Alaskan cruise? If so, will she do it when she returns?
Russ says
Ledford was simply trying to strongarm them into building a whole new building so he could wrestle a new road, power, water and sewer line over there, because he knew they were under a time crunch from Metro to start building rail cars. His little scheme fell in a heap when Kinkysharo had to look at options! He’s failed to figure out any other way to bring improvements there south of M, but Kinkysharo finally figured it out and succeeded.
New construction at that original location would have been very costly, and would be relatively short duration, by its very nature. Many of those construction jobs were still gained in the ongoing improvements to the abandoned hanger they have repurposed at a considerably lower cost than laying new pipes and power lines down a brand new street for Jim. Their current site had been a problematic rotting obsolete facility loaded with building code problems. Kinkysharo saw the vision and cost effectiveness of refurbishing that building, which already had the utilities in place, and hundreds of long term workers are employed there, with more coming as Kinkysharo lands more contracts.
No brother of mine says
The only people that lost out to a brand new factory for Kinkysharo were the other trades who were going to build the state of the art factory that would have the capibuility to manufacture a variety of rail cars from light rail to high speed rail. they ended up spending over 30 million dollars rehabing a old bomber facility. let the truth be told 30 million buys a lot of roads and water lines and a brand new manufacturing plant.
SMHX2 says
President Cheeto Bandido just hired Ann Coulter AKA Kellyanne Conway as his presidential counselor. I don’t blame him, she needs to keep lying for him, it is a full time job that requires great acting skills.
Tim Scott says
He had to do something for her. Her career is finished otherwise. The total destruction of her credibility has made her effectively radioactive for any other politician.
William says
I don’t foresee a long life for her. She has visibly deteriorated before our eyes. An organism can’t lie and dissemble constantly as she has without some deleterious affects on its body.
I am assuming that she knows better than what she is doing. I could be wrong.
I.G. says
Are you sick and tired of the way Rex bullies people? Are you fed up with the constant cronyism of Rex and the Fern Street Mafia? Have you had enough of Rex’s endless lawsuits against our neighboring cities and school districts? Want to voice your opinion on Rex’s inside and tax wasting deals like LEAPS, Ecolution, the ban on single serve craft beers, Chinese birth tourism, and more?
Well, since you can’t speak up at a Lancaster City Council meeting without being ridiculed, belittled or cut off by Rex himself, why not show up at Transplants Brewery on Friday, December 23 for A Festivus For the Rest of Us!
There will be an Airing of Grievances throughout the night. You’ll be able to fill out a paper letting everyone know how Rex and anyone else in 2016 has disappointed you beginning at 6 pm.
There will be other Festivus classics:
Festivus Miracles! – The first of which is our new Pineapple IPA release. A collaboration brew with Local Craft Beer in Tehachapi
The traditional Festivus Pole
Feats of Strength starting at 6pm ran by Country Crush professional arm wrestling.
Food will be available onsite for purchase with Tipsy Moon and Zodiac Grill .
Make this your opportunity to tell Rex and the whole world that you’re sick of his crapola! And unlike a Lancaster City Council meeting, there won’t be a dozen or so officers ready to shut you up and put you in jail.
Fandango says
You could spend a solid week of airing grievances about Rex.
pirrurris says
Forget putting Christ back in Christmas….how about putting Christ back in Christian?
Yes evangelical hypocrites, I am talking to you.
William says
“The happiest of seasons is also among the deadliest: Unintentional shootings spike during the holidays, and are more likely to occur than any other time of the year, according to an analysis by The Associated Press and the USA TODAY Network.”
Well, if our ‘patriot’ stops posting here, we’ll know why. If s/he shoots like s/he types, who knows what might happen. Them ammosexuals ain’t too bright.
Christina says
What are you doing on holidays William? Knitting? And talking nonsense?
I’d rather shoot guns with patriot.
Patriot says
Yes,let’s go.we can have William set up the targets.He can test his assumption that I’m not a good shot.btw,shootings have been up,year round,since Obama took office.
William says
Christine. Accidental gun shootings are up during the holidays.
Maybe you and patriot can ‘cheney’ each others faces for Festivus.
William says
Christina is writing nonsense complaining about me writing nonsense.
Isn’t that something about pot and kettle? But, that is too deep for Chrisitina.
Now, I have to get back to my kitchen remodeling while Christina and patriot ‘shoot’ their mouths off.
Cara J says
Some people ,like myself, live in AV because they like riding horses and shooting guns in the desert. Some other people like william just can’t afford anything closer to LA. But it doesn’t mean that we should make fun of this guy. After all he is busy right now – he is fixing up his trailer, finally doing something useful.
William says
Cara J shows up out of the blue to illustrate how lame some people are.
Thank you too much, Cara J
So, why can’t you afford a couple acres in Shadow Hills for that jackass you ride?
You seem to know a lot about trailer park trash, I mean, life. Don’t cover those wheels your trailer is on. Let them shine.
Cara J, patritot, Christina. The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight.
The poor things have to broadcast to the readers here that they are ammosexuals and love their guns. We are impressed, I tell ya.
Tim Scott says
When I was growing up here this was pretty much all there was in the AV. 50,000 gun toting wanna be cowboys. Thankfully, times have changed and the vast majority of people here have either changed with them or moved on. That’s why there are ten times as many people here now.
Patriot says
1000 times the crime.back when those gun toting citizens, there was almost zero crime, except you tim.
Patriot says
Those gangbang pos wouldnt come over the hill back then.another example of law abiding gun owner keeping crime away.but as soon as those libs from l.a county started taking those guns away, crime started to go up.
Tim Scott says
Actually laugh ‘riot the crime rate was about the same as it is now. With one tenth of the population there was about one tenth the crime. Of course one tenth the crime didn’t fill a newspaper, so the simpleminded like yourself who don’t understand what the term crime RATE actually means don’t understand that.
Laughing says
I doubt the reduction of legal weapon owners is the reason for the population explosion. It is more likely the use of cheap land to build homes cheaply enough for average families to afford.
SMHX2 says
@Patriot, please note that sleep deprivation causes paranoia, depression, impulsive behavior and suicidal thoughts. Please keep it up, soon we won’t have to hire someone to translate your moronic written thoughts. LOL!
Laughing says
Patriot, guns were not taken away. A major influx of criminals happened right after the LA riots/Rodney King. The county offered them low cost housing up here. Some came, saw the population explosion, expanded business up here. The gun owners were still here and some stood up against the gangs (like in the Q battlezone in Palmdale) and some died while others moved for their families safety, often just to a better part of the valley.
Since then it has just been normal population expansion with about the same percentage of crime, just a hell of a lot better and instant reporting of every last little ‘scary’ thing.
Patriot says
Wrong.but keep trying,tim.just cuz you say so…..means it’s wrong.
Pragmatic in the Desert says
Don’t you just love the hypocrisy of our local IBEW? After beginning their new relationship with Parris with their huge campaign donation, Kathy ‘Job Killer’ McLauren leads their effort to kill the Kinkisharo manufacturing plant in Palmdale citing ‘environmental concerns’. The very next day, Parris sends a letter to Kinkisharo inviting them to build their plan in Lancaster. Nothing odd there, right?
Now, IBEW reps show up at Lancaster’s planning commission meeting in favor of a new solar far that would be built in the middle of Antelope Acres decimating hundreds of acres of desert. Where are the ‘environmental concerns’ with this? No worries about dirt storms, Valley Fever, hazards to wildlife, etc?
It’s funny what a few dollars to a political campaign and a sponsorship of a city will get you around here.
Anti Rex says
Always follow the money. The IBEW trail goes to Fern Street and now has happy takers in Palmdale with the Hof. Somebody is making some serious $ over this and you can rest assured it’s not the common folk of the AV.
Vladi says
Gee, seems we all recall when ol Jimbo sucked tens of thousands out of the labor trough over the years and was bragging about it! He and his First team even had reserved tables at their Christmas party and picnics and Jimbo insisted on being a huest speaker and featured blowhard. Unfortunately Jimbo can’t bomb Libya, or send cruise middles into Somalia, but he needs to find someone new to blame and distract from his corruption and failures, so he and his cronies just resort to a new attack mode.
Tired of the Status Quo says
Seems all the corruption and failure is in the hands of the entire Palmdale City Council the Mayor is part and so is the Hof, who by the way voted yes on the entire agenda. We the voters need to hold both of them responsible. Now that being said who speaks up about Lancaster Mayor Parris and Council member Christ meddling in Palmdale.Well it’s the Mayor calling them out. Councilman Hofbaurer tends to look for Lancaster to support him because he doesn’t have the support in his own city to get it done. Palmdale has a traitor in Hof who sold out. Stay tuned to watch what he does to support the Lancaster agenda as they own him now. Councilman Bishop came from the Fern Street Mafia as well. They both should be proud for giving Palmdale to Lancaster.
callingitasitis says
Congrats to the Merkel’s German government proactive protection of the Christmas market shoppers. How long will it take before governments do their JOB? PROTECT YOUR PEOPLE. Is it hard for these hard headed politico hack to get it right!!!! Think how many open spaces where large group of people gather and a poorly developed security & protection plan is being used. It is a prefer Jihadist playground. So who is next? They are always looking for those soft and easy targets rich areas.
Turd Ferguson says
Maybe you do not feel safe but in Lancaster we have LEAPS.Maybe you do not feel safe but in Lancaster we have LEAPS.LEAPS is a crime fighting sentinel in the sky.It is a crime fighting sentinel in the sky.To lower crime.To lower crime.Just like Rex told us.Just like Rex told us.For $90,000.00 a month.For $90,000.00 a month.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.That goes to Rex’s political pal.That goes to Rex’s political pal.While crime is on the rise.While crime is on the rise.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.Waste of tax dollars.Waste of tax dollars.Yes to more Sherriffs.Yes to more Sherriffs.More boots on the ground.More boots on the ground.No to LEAPS.No to LEAPS.
William says
You can thank both bushes for the hornet’s nest that they poked in the Middle East.
Poppy bush actually let Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait in 1990 when he could have prevented it.
Then, along came junior bush who invaded Iraq by mistake.
They don’t forget the interference by the U.S. like we want them to. We’ll be paying for those mistakes for many years. Got that?
Patriot says
William will milk his bush nonsense till his dying day.congress voted to go both times.the blame gos to everyone who voted.unlike obama,bush went thru the correct branch of government to get approval.now william,make up your mind.you have been saying how great everything has been since obama.now,it’s a mess?which is it.
William says
“Quack. Quack” -Daffy Duck aka patriot
What is the mess yer talkin’ ’bout, patriot.
Are you outta work? That’s on you.
Did yer house get foreclosed? That’s on you AND bush.
Are ya set to have to go back to Iraq for yer 4th tour of duty? That’s from bush.
What are ya bellyaching ’bout? I’m doing fine, remodeling my house and living well while you are the one whining. Aren’t ya?
Patriot says
Typical lib, worse, typical ca lib.remodel your house.stop taking up space on this site.there are intelligent people who have something to say.can you help set up the targets for us? Btw, in case you are not aware, obama has troops in iraq, syria, and Afghanistan.unless bush is still putting troops there…..oh, nevermind.
William says
Drug use down among young people
Just heard some dude on fox ‘news’ saying that the decine in drug use among young people is due to Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no.” campaign.
Yeah, because those young people were alive during the Reagan years. That’s why the right wing media has conned so many in this country. Lies.
Maybe, just maybe, the decline could be attributed to the relaxation of drug laws and legalization of marijuana for both medical and recreational use in some states. Or, other reasons, but Nancy Reagan???? Really?
Imagine trying to find your way around Los Angeles using a map of Phoenix. That’s how the gop intends to govern with their trump character. But, don’t tell Susan B. or Glenn.
John says
The video on Fox News was not about the ‘Drug use down among young people’ report.
This is probably the video you watched. It was about the surge of drug overdose in the United States. Charles Krauthammer mentioned the ‘Just Say No’ campaign that was started by Nancy Reagan about 2 minutes into the video.
I believe that your claim that you heard some dude on Fox News that the decline in drug use among young people is due to Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign is not true.
William says
No Dan Henninger said that on fox’s Wall Street Journal report.
However, if the drug use by young people surged in the last few years, he would have blamed President Obama.
See how that works, John?
William says
trump will make Russia great again!
Let’s here it for Russia, Glenn, patriot, Susan B. et all.
Patriot says
Hey william, did one of your lib electors pull their vote for hillary, and vote for a spotted owl? What a slap in the face.
Glenn says
When did I say I cared about Russia? I do not give a rats behind about Russia unless they are at war with us, which last time I checked we are not at war with them. The only Country I care about is the United States. Just because I voted for Trump instead of Hillary does not mean I support every move he makes, Why is that so hard for you to comprehend
William says
You voted for trump, Glenn, and he’ll make Russia great again. It might come at the expense of the United State but, of course, you can’t think that far ahead.
That is a BIG deal but as I wrote before, you are ‘hopeless’ and each time you post you prove it.
You now gotta take the bad with the ‘imagined’ good on your part. Now, what was that good you thought trump will provide for you?
You should be experienced at cherry picking, Glenn. I bet you have ignored anything positive that President Obama has accomplished in 8 years while being fixated on the negative things brought to you by a right media media empire.
pirrurris says
If you support a racist, you can’t claim you are not one yoursef. Just saying.
William says
Hey, Glenn, John, patriot, Susan B.
It was reported that many career staffers of the National Security Council, not appointees, are heading for the exits in anticipation of the new trump administration.
Y’see folks above, this ain’t any ordinary transition. Y’all wanted trump to disrupt D.C. You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Since November 8, trump has created out of thin air a crisis with China and Taiwan and in Israel by appointing an ambassador that wants to move the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. You haven’t heard much about those 2 places lately but trump has made them unneeded controversies. Like there aren’t enough already.
Not to worry though, con artists will hurt the people they conned the most. In this case, they’re trump voters. People who didn’t enroll in trump ‘university’ didn’t get conned. I know that’s a hard concept for people like Glenn and patriot to grasp, but we’ll see.
Glenn says
I would say you are the hopeless one William but does it really matter? Nope You will keep shoving the liberal viewpoint down our throats whether I like it or not and I will offer up a differing view whether you like it or not. I also find it funny that you always ask what I think about a certain subject but when I provide you an answer all you do is try to belittle me because it does not fit in with what you believe. Have a great day
William says
Hey, Glenn
You are like so many who copy and paste from right wing media and then pretend that you aren’t republican or Democrat.
Just who do ya think yer kiddin’?
Ron says
As I drive around Lancaster im seeing alot of trash all over the place. Just down from my house on 57th st. West and Ave K there is trash all over . It would be nice if the city would start cleaning it up. Its really starting to look like a dump.
RayRay says
An excerpt from the upcoming book, “Absence of Honor,” a soon-to-be released look behind the “curtain” of the world of Mayor R. Rex Parris:
Perhaps what is the most interesting about Lancaster’s City Hall is how many times the land it sits on went back and forth and between what two parties It was like you take the land, put the infrastructure in, give it back to me and so on until I like the price and you actually buy it from me. It is what I call VISCO TRICKLE UP ECONOMICS AND FATTEN MY WALLET. But do not worry it happened in Palmdale as well with the late Gregg Anderson. Boy these white boys really cleaned the taxpayer’s clock especially in Lancaster. You do not get it. Mayor R. Rex Parris HAD TO BECOME MAYOR BY HOOK OR CROOK……TO KEEP HIS FINGER IN THE DAMN. Perhaps the most shameful player in “An Absence of Honor” is Bishop Henry Hearns who had one foot in the pulpit of his church in Littlerock, CA and was always the third vote on the Lancaster City Council. The key is what Henry got from his votes that should help Americans across this country to keep the man in the pulpit in line and not let him be a religious con and parasite.
Mayor R. Rex Parris of Lancaster, California was once someone I thought could go from being a malicious and vindictive sort to a man who wanted to do right because he had gained such power. He would hug me, let tears roll from his eyes when he talked about the terrible things he had done to people I can name from a list that is embedded in my memory. He would let his assistant CINDY LINDER go home and talk to me about his most vulnerable moments and how he has been so poor and hated until he learned the value of money. He told me how he had met his wife Carroll even though there was someone else who had loved him and done much of his college work but she did not fit the bill. Carroll had money, the aggressiveness, and the brain to keep him in line and get him off his drug addiction.
Paris’ brother Bill would tell me how they had owned a bar and how he had gotten the women for Parris and Frank Visco to enjoy in an intimate way. He fed them women for sex and other escapes that made Bill blush. But what touched me most was when Bill was dying and he could not reach Rex to make peace for yet another time. I was to go and visit Bill who was desperately depressed because he knew he was terminal and he knew his brother and his brother’s wife had no respect for him. My notes with Bill reflect the soul of a man who wished he could have done it differently, not have wanted so much to have expectations of his brother Rex the mayor, and wished he had not allowed his own mother to become a pawn and used by Rex through money, influence, and fear.
Vinny says
Wow! Lancaster City Hall isn’t the only local agency with questionable leadership. Kathy “Job Killer” MacLauren, the person who led the Killing of a permanent Kinkisharo manufactring plant in the AV and the loss of hundreds of jobs, had a restraining order filed on her for her bullying threats. Looks like her new pal Rex has rubbed off on her.
PMD customer says
I’m not surprised as she is a bully,very aggressive and arrogant about her union connections. If this rumor is true when is the court date of the hearing?
Vinny says
Court hearing is December 30. It should be in the paper but I haven’t seen it yet. She is a bully for sure and a job killer.
Vladi says
It got tossed out with the rest of the day’s trash
Just wondering says
….if you have any info on possible times, dates and locations of any book signing events. Very interesting as Sgt. Schultz used to say.
William says
So, when is trump gonna place his favorite horse in the Senate?
William says
Donald, Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka
“Great! The Blooksucking Brady Bunch!”
My apologies to Edgar Frog and real vampires.
Glenn says
Never thought I would ever see a column like the below from liberal NYT columnist Maureen Dowd. It is so right on!
The most amazing part of this well written piece is the fact Maureen Dowd, a very liberal columnist from the New York Times wrote it!
Maureen Dowd
Election Therapy From My Basket of Deplorables
The election was a complete repudiation of Barack Obama: his fantasy world of political correctness, the politicization of the Justice Department and the I.R.S., an out-of-control E.P.A., his neutering of the military, his nonsupport of the police and his fixation on things like transgender bathrooms. Since he became president, his party has lost 63 House seats, 10 Senate seats and 14 governorships. The country had signaled strongly in the last two midterms that they were not happy. The Dems’ answer was to give them more of the same from a person they did not like or trust. Preaching — and pandering — with a message of inclusion, the Democrats have instead become a party where incivility and bad manners are taken for granted, rudeness is routine, religion is mocked and there is absolutely no respect for a differing opinion. This did not go down well in the Midwest, where Trump flipped three blue states and 44 electoral votes.
The rudeness reached its peak when Vice President-elect Mike Pence was booed by attendees of “Hamilton” and then pompously lectured by the cast. This may play well with the New York theater crowd but is considered boorish and unacceptable by those of us taught to respect the of fice of the president and vice president, if not the occupants. Here is a short primer for the young protesters. If your preferred candidate loses, there is no need for mass hysteria, canceled midterms, safe spaces, crying rooms or group primal screams. You might understand this better if you had not received participation trophies, undeserved grades to protect your feelings or even if you had a proper understanding of civics. The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes. That can be her participation trophy.
If any of my sons had told me they were too distraught ov er a national election to take an exam, I would have brought them home the next day, fearful of the instruction they were receiving. Not one of the top 50 colleges mandate one semester of Western Civilization. Maybe they should rethink that.
Mr. Trump received over 62 million votes, not all of them cast by homophobes, Islamaphobes, racists, sexists, misogynists or any other “ists.” I would caution Trump deniers that all of the crying and whining is not good preparation for the coming storm. The liberal media, both print and electronic, has lost all credibility. I am reasonably sure that none of the mainstream print media had stories prepared for a Trump vi ctory. I watched the networks and cable stations in their midnightmeltdown — embodied by Rachel Maddow explaining to viewers that they were not having a “terrible, terrible dream” and that they had not died and “gone to hell.”
The media’s criticism of Trump’s high-level picks as “not diverse enough” or “too white and male” — a day before he named two women and offered a cabinet position to an African-American — magnified this fact. Here is a final word to my Democratic friends. The election is over. There will not be a do-over. So let me bid farewell to Al Sharpton, Ben Rhodes and the Clintons. Note to Cher, Barbra, Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham: Your plane is waiting. And to Jon Stewart, who talked about moving to another planet: Your spaceship is waiting. To Bruce Springsteen, Jay Z, Beyoncé and Katy Perry, thanks for the free concerts. And finally, to all the foreign countries that contributed to the Clinton Foundation, there will not be a payoff or a rebate.
As Eddie Murphy so eloquently stated in the movie “48 Hrs.”: “There’s a new sheriff in town.” And he is going to be here for 1,461 days. Merry Christmas.”
This came from liberal New York Times William so how are you going to tear this one down?
Tim Scott says
I’m less interested in tearing it down than I am in exploring how you arrive at Maureen Dowd as “very liberal.” I’d be really surprised if you could point to anyone to the right of you.
That’s become my test of “liberal pointers.” They seem so frequently to point at literally everyone, so asking them to turn to their right and point out someone is interesting. When they can’t do it the actual extremist is pretty clearly identified.
Of course they refuse to acknowledge the facts. “Just because there is NO ONE more to the right than me doesn’t mean I’m not mainstream” is the most hilarious thing, and they are usually willing to say it.
William says
Glenn has bent over for trump and is waiting his turn.
Those folks just don’t know how a con artist works. They should ask Rudy, Mitt and Chris.
Just wondering says
…Maureen Dowd has on occasion read the A V Times since she writes. “the Democrats instead have become a party where incivility and bad manners are taken for granted, rudeness is routine, religion is mocked and there is absolutely no respect for a differing opinion.”
Just wondering says
Actually Maureen Dowd’s brother Kevin; who is no liberal; wrote it and she published it in her column.
William says
I give you trump rallies in response.
The Conscience of Lancaster says
At tonight’s Lancaster City Council meeting, Rex will be pushing for his bounty program aimed at “gangbangers”. Many people are concerned that Rex is targeting young people of color and plan on showing up at the meeting to express their opinions. (That ought to be an interesting exchange. Keep your eyes on Rex’s face turning red and his hand movements.) Given the fact that Rex has a track record of anti-Muslim rhetoric an a history of sending racist hit mailers to smear an African American veteran by calling him a gang candidate, do you think these concerns are valid?
VJ says
Rex seemed clueless and out of touch when he was defending his position while debating the African American gentleman who was making a comment. Rex just doesn’t get it that using the word bounty is antiquated and very frightening to many people. If Rex would call it a reward and not limit it to African Americans, as he currently is doing, he would have the support of everyone. Peckerwoods are a white gang and I can assure you they are not feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, or helping the widows.
It is clearer every day that Rex cannot overcome his deep seeded beliefs and prejudices to effectively lead a diverse city like Lancaster.
Bob says
The current program as it stands is not targeted at a specific gang…So it seems your concerns are moot.
Bob says
Ronnie says
I watched him explain it on TV. He doesn’t get it. Bounty? Really? Doesn’t he have a clue what that means to people of color? No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t get it. He never will. Look what he did to Johnathan Ervin, a United States Veteran.
Bob says
Also, I’m pretty sure he fought against a white gang in the past…
VJ, you seem to be very ill informed and perhaps so much so that you are not an effective commentator on local politics. Dont quit your day job…assuming you have one.
VJ says
Bob, the Monguls are not an all white motorcycle group. Particularly in Southern California, there are Hispanics, too, such as Ruben Cavazos and David Martinez. Rex overreacted as he often does in closing down that poor Asian woman’s hotel. She sued and cost the Lancaster taxpayer money. A lot of what Rex does costs the Lancaster taxpayer money.
Here’s Rex as he really is – calling a U.S. Veteran a gang candidate.
At least he didn’t have a bounty on Ervin, right?
J.Herer says
So last week Comrade Trump threw shade on Boeing and it looks like this week Putin wants the F-35 Stopped In Its Tracks. Any comments Lockheed Wingnuts?
William says
Remember. trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in New York and his poll numbers would go up.
From now on, everything he does will be fine and dandy with them no matter how dismal or damaging the outcome.
What could possibly go wrong with that kind of blind support from his fans?
“When life hands you ‘lemmings’, run for president.” -D. Trump
and they will follow you over the cliff. Right, John? Only trump has a parachute.
pirrurris says
Yeap. The ironic thing is…..many of these Boeing and lockheed workers, voted for president Chetto. He has not taken office and already causing waves.
What was the readon, these fools did not vot for Hillary? Oh yeah…..those enails,emails, emails. People are dumb.
Tammy T says
We didn’t vote for Hillary for many reasons. What the emails showed was what lying crooks her and her staff are.
William says
Don’t be surprised, then, Tammy T, if trump turns out to be much worse than you could possibly imagine.
He already has multiple conflicts of interest that he appears to have no intention of resolving and his fans don’t care.
What could possibly go wrong?
Tim Scott says
This amounts to “I didn’t like the salad so I opted for the rat poison.”
pirrurris says
Tammy, so let me get this straight, you did not vote for Hillary, because of emails, but voted for the P*^*^*y graber, racist, and con man because he was the better choice? Yeap, you are a smart one.
Michael says
You mean the emails the Russians hacked so we could have Trump as President? The Russians want us led by an idiot. They’ll have a field day.
William says
And, so it begins.
OPEC announced that it will cut production. Do ya think gas prices will go up, trump voters?
It’s likely mortgage rates will go up soon. They can’t stay this low forever, trump voters.
trump’s choice for Secretary of Labor likes automation to replace workers, trump voters.
And, so on.
How could you have been so stupid?
John says
OPEC announced that it will cut oil production on September 28, 2016. When everybody thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win. This decision had nothing to do with Donald Trump winning the election.
The Federal Reserve is going to raise interest rates this month. Everyone knew this long before the election. Just in case you wanted to try and blame Donald Trump on this event too.
William says
Well, we’ll see how how ‘great’ things become in the coming months.
trump tweets he wants to cut the F-35 fighter jets now after going after Boeing.
Just wait till he comes after your interests, John. Ask Giuliani, Christie and Romney how it is to be connned. You’re next.
Who is trump gonna then blame for the rising gas prices and higher interest rates?
We’ve had low gas prices, low mortgage interest rates, low inflation, unemployment under 5%, etc., and you guys wanted change. You are gonna get it right where it hurts.
Patriot says
William,how did Obama keep gas prices down?what about when they were 4.50,under obama.inflation?you must be joking,everything has gone way up.sure unemployment numbers are down.when you stop counting people,or don’t count the double amount of people on welfare,ss.I’ll ask again,if 169000 jobs were created,and 270000 more people went on unemployment,then how is it possible that unemployment went down?
I frack says
Gas prices are low thanks to fracking. Praise be to fracking!
William says
Hey, patriot.
Don’t you have a Civil War Re-enactment to get dressed up for?
William says
Hey, patriot
Baby Boomers started retiring 5 years ago, if not earlier.
Sheesh. You are so hopeless. Well, trump has some wonderful presents for you. And, you will be bellyaching the next 4 years like you have all your life.
I guarantee that you’ve been a whiner all your life and that this is nothing new for you.
pirrurris says
John, the best is yet to come. President chetto is going to take your moms social securitu, privatize the VA, and privatize public schools.
“Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the “M” is silent.
William says
John seems oblivious that the country just voted for an unfit, thoughtless, megalomaniac for president. And, dangerous.
Or, is John simply pretending that it is otherwise in a weird state of denial?
trump is already creating messes in a month since the election and isn’t even sworn in yet.
What could go very wrong with this?
Patriot says
Stock market highest in history.carrier stays.50,000 jobs created already.tells boeing to stop overcharging,stop building planes for countrys that want to do America harm.,and he hasn’t even been sworn in yet.that’s a rough start.
Glenn says
And what messes would that be William? Liberal heads exploding?
William says
Hey, Patriot and Glenn.
Flynn…fired within 2 months. Sessions..lied. Trump…lies 20 times a day. More to come. Kellyann (alternative facts) Conway is an SNL laughing stock along with Sean Spicer.
Just wait a while. The best is yet to come you fools. Whatever health care bill the gop shoves onto trump’s desk will hurt trump voters more than anyone else.
Aren’t you 2 nutjobs paying attention? Quit watching faux news and breitbart.
Ivanka now has an office in the White House and a security clearance. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Not to to worry. Y’all will get yours by the time the year is out. Trump’s approval rating keeps going down ‘cept among fools like you 2. The gop will likely lose both Houses of Congress next year. What a joyful outcome that would be.
William says
trump is a-goin’ down and if you 2 voted for him it’s on you. I’ll be here then to remind you.
Hey, patriot. President Obama doubled the Dow from where it was in 2009 when he inherited a loss of 750,000 jobs a month and the Dow was around 7,000. I guess you were in a drug-induced come back then and don’t remember. Right? Al that time, you 2 and the rest of the gop dismissed those numbers and downplayed any rise in the Dow. Typical Am I telling you anyone you don’t already know about yourself.
There were more jobs created in the first jobs reports of 2015 and 2016 than the recent one in 2017 but trump brags like he did it. Right? And, you and Glenn swallowed that bs in 1 gulp. I pity the fools.
William says
Glenn/Patriot Your twiiter-in-chief is a liar. FBI Director Comey confirmed it yesterday.
Now tell us all here that you believe>
-President Obama was not born in Hawaii.. trump promoted that lie for over 5 years.
-3 million illegal votes in 2016.
-President Obama wiretapped him at trump tower. trump provided no evidence.
-Paul Manafort played a ‘limited role’ in his campaign. He was the Campaign Manager.
-and on and on and on. You can Google his lies but it might crash your Atari.
Patriot. Your user name is a lie if you support or voted for trump, a pathological and very dangerous liar. Ask the Brits.
mike says
The WALL – get ‘er done. Once we get the ILLEGALS out, we can start to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Tim Scott says
LOL…how exactly is this wall going to get anyone out? It isn’t clear how it is even going to KEEP anyone out, much less get them out. I’m considering investing in a ladder factory in Juarez myself.
Laughing says
Yes, after all the Great Wall Of China worked so well. At least we will have one more tourist attraction.
pirrurris says
Mike, so are you and your mom planning to go to the fields and pick up my vegetables? Or are you planning to send your kids?
Patriot says
Less then 2%of those law breaking illegals,are picking fruit.nice try.
callingitasitis says
Jill Stein, the tax payers (lots of green money) will have to pay for her little party. I can fully understand If CLINTON or the DNC wanted the recount but Stein, really? Just like a University professor to waste someone else money (tax payers hard earned money) as if the stuff drops from the sky.
tonja says
People who vote for Steve Fox need to know how he dos’nt take care of his own office mistakes .So how can he make anything right decisions being a leader in our community
William says
Didn’t she raise the money outside of using tax payer money? Something like $3-5 million?
Just Saying says
If you are unable to describe the office mistakes that we need to know, how can you know that he made wrong decisions? Do you always ramble incoherently?
pirrurris says
Tonja, if crooked Trump ( the village idiot) is qualified to be president, then quite frankly i don’t give a flying f*^*^*k what you and the rest of the evangelical hypocrite republicans think about Steve Fox. I will keep voting for him.
Susan says
Your corrupt liberal idiots lost so get over it. America has spoken.
pirrurris says
Susan, you are absolutely correct!!
We will no longer worry when men grab you by the p*^*^*sy, get pistol whipped, or president cheeto takes away your social security. Hahahaaaaa!!!!
Im sorry…..but you set yourself up for that one :).
Laughing says
Here is a rather disturbing story http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/12/court-software-glitches-result-in-erroneous-arrests-defense-lawyers-say/
Does anyone know if our local court house/system uses this software?
Vulture says
Any news on the High Desert Corridor? Do we have a timeline for its construction now that Measure M has passed?
Vladi says