The workshop will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the Chimbole Cultural Center, located at 38350 Sierra Highway in Palmdale.
The workshop will serve as a follow-up to the first public meeting, which was held in April, and it will provide the public with an update on public outreach, transportation, housing, land-use, economic development and station development scenarios.
“We look forward to continuing to work with local partners and stakeholders to implement a station area plan that will promote economic development and sustainability, provide transportation and housing choices, and improve the quality of life in Palmdale,” stated Transportation/Special Projects Manager Mike Behen. “When complete, a plan will be developed that will serve as a visionary document that will guide the future development of the High-Speed Rail station area.”
The public is also encouraged to participate in an online survey for the project, which may be found at or by clicking here.
“It is vital for our residents to provide their input as together we create a vision and plan for the future arrival of a multi-modal train station in the city of Palmdale,” Behen added.
For more information on the Palmdale station, contact Behen at 661-267-5337 or email
For more information on the Palmdale High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan, visit
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Spirit of Ike says
39 million people living in California. Millions more coming over the next decade. And you want more bike lanes? Are you serious?
Bring it !! says
Bike lanes are a part of what we need, a total attention to detail is the only way to go in planning for our interstate high speed rail station. This is way exciting future for Palmdale.
Randall says
Bike lanes are certainly part of an overall transportation mix. They will not work effectively in the current layout of Palmdale because it is simply too large. There are bike lanes in both Lancaster and Palmdale that are empty because no one is going to ride bikes across 100 square miles of city streets in the extreme heat and cold we have in the Antelope Valley.
With newly designed centers of population, biking, walking, and local transportation will become more effective.
Lori says
This is not good. I am actually a native to Palmdale and the crime, open neglect of our streets with trash, the neglect of laws of driving, the streets that are not spacious enough for the current traffic, brings awareness that any more “Los Angeles” use of OUR valley will just further the downward spiral of Palmdale. The train will increase traffic congestion, noise, contribute to the already over use of small streets, and bring people that don’t appreciate our town.
If you really wanted to make Palmdale great, improve bicycle lanes. Really? You have a bicycle lane that stops at the freeway and doesn’t reach Pelona Vista Soccer Park! You allow the scum of LA to come here. You allow solar farms to destroy our desert area so we get less moisture due to the rising temperatures created from the solar farms. Improve Palmdale, not make it easy for LA to just pass through!
Bring it !! says
Gloom and Doom