ANTELOPE VALLEY – Local voters took to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 8, for the 2016 General Election. With 100% of precincts reporting, here are the semi-official* election results for races of interest to Antelope Valley constituents.
Palmdale’s newly adopted district-based election system established four geographical districts. Residents were required to vote for one council candidate from their district, rather than from the city as a whole. [View a District Map here.] The mayor’s race remained a citywide, at-large vote.
James C. Ledford……….. 57.75% (15,180 votes)
Richard Jesse Loa……….. 25.07% (6,591 votes)
Xavier Flores……….. 17.18% (4,515 votes)
Council Member – District One
Austin Bishop……….. 41.32% (1,952 votes)
Roxana Martinez……….. 38.38% (1,813 votes)
Adolfo Estrada……….. 20.30% (959 votes)
Council Member – District Two
Steven D. Hofbauer……….. 49.64% (4,239 votes)
Frederick C. Thompson……….. 24.66% (2,106 votes)
Rebecca Fox……….. 17.89% (1,528 votes)
Garlenia Davis……….. 7.80% (666 votes)
Council Member – District Three
Laura Bettencourt……….. 53.60% (2,189 votes)
Robert E. Alvarado……….. 46.40% (1,895 votes)
Council Member – District Four
Juan Carrillo Ventura……….. 53.09% (2,304 votes)
Sandy Corrales……….. 46.91% (2,036 votes)
Antelope Valley Health Care District, Board of Directors
(32,432 votes)
Abdallah S. Farrukh, 20.34%
(30,224 votes)
Doddanna Krishna, 17.85%
(26,520 votes)
Mateo Olivarez, 17.68% (26,270 votes)
Berna Lee Mayer, 11.82% (17,561 votes)
Michael P. Rives, 10.49% (15,584 votes)
L.A. County Supervisor, 5th District (includes the AV)
Kathryn Barger……….. 58.92% (240,231 votes)
Darrell Park ……….. 41.08% (167,524 votes)
[Source: City and county election results via]
36th Assembly District (includes the Antelope Valley)
Tom Lackey [R]……….. 56.1% (52,761 votes)
Steve Fox [D] ……….. 43.9% (41,348 votes)
21st Senate District (includes the Antelope Valley)
Scott Wilk [R] ……….. 54.8% (108,290 votes)
Johnathon Levar Ervin [D] ……….. 45.2% (89,206 votes)
25th Congressional District (includes most of the AV)
Steve Knight [R]……….. 54.3% (94,552 votes)
Bryan Caforio [D] ……….. 45.7% (79,533 votes)
23rd Congressional District (includes portions of Lancaster)
Kevin McCarthy [R]……….. 70.6% (118,744 votes)
Wendy Reed [D] ………..29.4% (49,432 votes)
US Senate
Kamala D. Harris [D]……….. 62.6% (4,822,582 votes)
Loretta L. Sanchez [D] 37.4% (2,886,064 votes)
Donald J. Trump [R] 276 electoral votes, 59,043,559 popular votes
Hillary Clinton [D] 218 electoral votes, 59,181,266 popular votes
Palmdale School District – Measure PSD
YES – 15,647 — 75.43%
NO – 5,098 — 24.57%
Antelope Valley Community College District – Measure AV
YES – 49,525 — 67.36%
NO – 24,000 — 32.64%
Anti lackey says
Also Lackey, that sick cheating womanizer. Have anyone met his children? His son is pervy and his daughter goes around like a cigarette at a middle school.
Disgusted says
Can’t believe that Potato head Wilk won :c He hires perverts and his children are awful! Brats the both of them!
William says
It’s now coming out that right wingers were putting out fake news stories that trump and followers were repeating as ‘facts’. We’ve seen examples from our local right wingers here.
So, from now on we can say what Elaine said to Jerry after admitting she faked it with him.
Jerry: “What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming?”
Elaine: “Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.”
So, when patriot, John, Glenn et al post their ‘facts’, if you want to reply at all you can simple write “Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.” because it is.
They wouldn’t know the truth if it sat on their faces.
AV is flyover country says
Bicker,distract, bicker, deflect, bicker, redirect; American politics is boring. The issues are healthcare, focus on education, and a strong middle class economy. Seems simple but America’s focus on petty BS and pandering to the top 2% makes change impossible. The ultra-wealthy consider the rest of us food to nourish their empires, fertilizer to grow their portfolios. Revolution, possibly very violent, will be the only way out. I hope the billionaire feeder class are reinforcing their steel gates leading into their exclusive communities, because they’ll be needing it.
Tell The Truth says
Cali is full of idiot that have no idea what they voted for. Your kids can barely read, yet now they will all be in bilague class. 30,000 VIOLENT CRIME inmates are going to be released into L.A. county bc they are from L.A. county. THE AV IS THE COUNTY DUMPING GROUND – idiots -. Tax increase, after tax increase. Nice to legalize general use of weed, DO SOME [removed] RESEARCH – the utter destruction of the youth brain is near- Horrible side effect on the human brain under the age of 25. Yep you moron are destroying the, once #1 in economic and education, state. THank God I am of means and will be leaving this insane lib state in 5-6yrs. Enjoy stewing your kids in the lib [removed] of this state.
AV supporter says
Same old stuff no matter what state you’re in
Tim Scott says
No one is keeping you here. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
TM says
Someone needs to chill out and smoke a bowl…haha
Cary says
William says
You, like so many others, never tell where you are moving to or have moved to.
Why is that? Your username is anonymous.
Don’t worry. We won’t follow you.
Jimm says
Hey, Willie, there is a picture of you in a crime section.
You made it to the AV news, congrats!
William says
Hey, Jimm
See what I mean. They are humorless.
You just proved it.
Tim Scott says
I thought it was hilarious…someone with the extremely common name Jim pretending to think that there is only one William in town. The pretense of stupidity in the incongruity was hilarious.
Might not be pretense, now that I think about it.
William says
@Tim Scott
Why do such simple people think they are so clever?
They give themselves away constantly.
They aren’t smart. They aren’t funny and it’s highly likely they ain’t good lookin’ either.
Why that’s 3 strikes and they’re out.
Jimm Bimm says
That’s right, lefties are humorless )
Probably still sore after they got trumped? )
Thats OK, you will get over it, buddies )
William says
Jimm Bimm
You’re aligned with the Orange Swan, right?
If you had any sense, you’d be so embarrassed. And, he will embarrass you.
William says
Fraudster trump had to pay $25,000,000 in fines for his fraud of university.
Yet, his true believers think they weren’t conned. You can’t fix stupid.
John says
This was not a fine imposed by a court. This was a settlement between two parties so it won’t go to court. Businesses do it all the time. Donald Trump knows that this issue will take too much of his time if it went to court. After all, he has a country to run.
Tim Scott says
Soooo…you are in favor of freeing every convict that plead no contest then?
John says
Why not. You had no problem when Bill Clinton settled out of court and paid $850,000 to Paula Jones for sexual harassment and exposing himself to her just so he can move on with his life.
Or are you just having a hypocritical moment right now.
William says
How did the fact that trump’s so-called ‘university’ was a FRAUD get right past you?
And, you think you weren’t conned. Well, you’re in like company around here.
Suckers says
I wonder how all those people who wanted districts so bad feel now. Let’s see, you’ve kicked out the only African American councilman and replaced him with a white Republican. You’ve kicked out the only female Hispanic and replaced her with a white Republican. You’ve got two other white Republicans and one Hispanic democrat.
Just what they promised, right?
How does it feel to be played by a disingenuous trial lawyer/mayor?
Enjoy your new leaders. Suckers.
Les says
You got to it before me, Suckers. This was my first thought when I saw the election results.
Palmdalian says
What a joke. Xavier, V. Jesse, and all the other rabble rousers can enjoy their white Republican leadership. Just like Parris planned from the beginning, this was never about voting rights. This was about political power. He now has at least two Lancaster candidates with Hofbauer and Bishop. Carrillo is IBEW which is tied to Parris. That leaves Ledford and Bettencourt to keep Rex out of Palmdale’s business.
WE Know says
Don’t forget that Steve Hofbauer is also recieving heavy funding from IBEW and other labor unions. He also is opening the door for Lancaster influence in Palmdale. Look who ran his campaign.
Union Brother says
Follow the money. The IBEW that supported Hofbauer also supported Parris. Parris is in bed with Kathy McLauren of the IBEW. McLauren killed the Kinkisharo project in Palmdale because they didn’t let IBEW walk in and unionize. Her actions cost hundreds of union labor jobs in the construction and hundreds more in the manufacturing process. Now, McLauren and Parris have a deal on solar constuction for IBEW jobs. Unlike the Kinkysharo deal there are virtually no permanent jobs.
IBEW has been silent on unionizing BYD. Why? Why is IBEW running infomercials on Lancaster’s television station and in the city magazine?
Keep your eye on Hofbauer and his IBEW/Parris/MacLauren connection
Rob says
Lancaster spent a lot of money to try to control this election. Why? Why was Drew Mercy involved? He lives in Lancaster. Why did BYD make donations to Palmdale candidates? Why is IBEW so involved?
If you thought the voting rights lawsuit was a scam, you now know. Rex made a small fortune and he got his candidates elected.
Union stiff. says
Steve Hofbauer let the Lancaster group in, as he got scared because he has never run his own election. Everyone knows this yet Steve is acting like he had something to do with it. Hofbauer only asked others from Lancaster to meddle as they have been waiting years for this invitation. Now we know who to blame for the new direction. Thanks to Hof
Art says
Lancaster should worry about Lancaster. They’ve got a huge panhandling problem, rising crime, a deserted Eastside, cronyism, pet projects like LEAPS that costs taxpayers millions, scams like TractionSeal, junk bonds, no shopping, and a bully mayor.
Vic says
How much $ did it take for him to sell Palmdale out?
Union Made says
Why is IBEW working to hurt Palmdale and help Rex? It doesn’t make sense. They’re hurting our union brothers and sisters. Rex is using IBEW just like he used V. Jesse, Parker, and the rest.
Allen says
@Union Brother,
Thank you very much for the enlightening break-down of the local politics, for those of us who weren’t aware. The rest of this post is also very informative and I think there needs to be a more accessible source for local news like this.
Cynthia says
Do you really want your kids to talk like Trump has about women and build walls of prejudice and hate? The Christian “right” should not be hypocrites! The pope said he’s “unchristian.”
TM says
Every kid, no matter what race or age, have been talking like that, regardless….I hear potty mouths everyday!!! At least people will keep their jobs!!! In America!!! Like it should be! And the walls wouldn’t have to be there if people came here legally!
Karen says
75 miles of the border is protected by Native American land there will be no wall in that area tribe leaders won’t allow it. Just saying it’s a waste of good money that can be utilized on better things.
Lae says
but that’s just 75 miles of a couple thousand miles of an entire border. no, it probably won’t be built, but damn if trump won’t try… and waste millions and millions of dollars doing so
pirrurris says
Cinthia, i blame the evangelical christian hypicrites for electing Trump. They voted for the racist, yet pretend that they are God loving people. Oh yeah, and this goes to the hypocrite Lancaster Babtist Church.
Any latino that attends these hypicrite churches, should leave immediately.
They should also boycot every single business that voted fod the racist. How can you suppiort a business owner that supports a racists?
I alsoblame the odiot latinos that voted for the racist. Specially, the latinos in the east coast. Their own kids are starting to get harrassed by the other kids that have learned to be racists from their parents.
ussa says
Take off your blinders and do some research to see the things hillary has said about blacks. Try to think for yourself just a little.
Willie says
First and foremost congratulations to everyone that ran locally and nationally. I can’t think of a better outcome at the local level than what was decided yesterday. Palmdale city council sure has an equally divided (I hope).
I’m excited Bettencourt is back in the chair after announcing her absence. I have a concerned over Bishop. Although what he preaches may highly be true what happens to his business? Does he shift his business into Palmdale now that he holds a council seat or does he leave his business as is and give tax dollars to Lancaster? How does he improve the infrastructure for the community for what its worth now?
If anyone can shine light in having faith for a newly elected council member please respond. Im not here to fight who is better but just how each member vision will be from here on to the next election.
TM says
Well the protesting needs to stop really makes us as a country look bad when these idiots are burning the American flag, which is highly unnecessary and disrespectful as is , being destructive is the opposite of what we need right now, be good sports and stop crying, get over it and accept it whether you like it or not!!!
And for the record , if Trump lost, there would be no protesting or flag burning, just saying……
Tom says
I would venture to say that most of those idiots protesting, defacing property, and burning our flag didn’t even vote! They should all be ashamed of themselves and locked up.
SMHX2 says
Good sports? A racist, xenophobic, bigot just became president. We don’t have a right to protest? What a POS you are, you must not be a minority and have no idea what is currently going on. Turn on the f’n news and see how Hispanic little ones are being targeted, citizens or non. Do you know how many hate crimes have happened to muslims as of the last two days? Please just STFU you ignorant and oblivious fool!
Shane Falco says
Who is targeting latinos? Where are the Muslim hate crimes? Surely if any of this was happening, it would be the lead on CNN or MSNBC. They are looking for anything negative to air.
Trump has simply been elected, not yet in office, not making one executive order and yet we are hearing people talking about losing their civil rights, interment camps, slavery, and no more women’s health care.
Perhaps you’re getting your news from the same places that predicted Hillary in a landslide…
SMHX2 says
@Shane Falco
Over 200 hate crimes have been committed since dumbaxx trupeeze became president elect. I see you don’t read much, well, at least try to Google what is happening because there are things going on outside of your oblivious bubble. I love how a certain group of people can pretend to be naïve and think they can get away with it. SMHX200,000,000!
Patriot says
All I seem to see on the news,is libs who are causing violence.just like at the trump rallys.if hate crimes are going on local law enforcement needs to handle it.maybe Obama can be a leader finally,and make a speech condemning the hate.but all I see is libs protesting democracy.people like you,who think the sky is falling.fear mongering at your finest
Tim Scott says
LOL… over sixty percent of voters said on exit polling that they believe Trump isn’t qualified to be president…and almost fifty percent of voters voted for him. This means that AT LEAST one in ten American voters voted for someone that they themselves thinks isn’t qualified. And you think the PROTESTS are what is making us as a country look bad?
John says
It has been proven that exit polls are rubbish. I thought the exit polling data showed that Hillary Clinton was supposed to win the election by a landslide? Now Chris Matthews from MSNBC says he won’t trust the exit poll data anymore.
William says
Hillary did win the popular vote but trump’s people think he has a ‘mandate’. A ‘mandate’??? Really? Does Melania know?
I can’t wait to hear your excuses for when trump make big messes like bush did. You know they’re coming.
Already, he got his twitter account running again and is blaming the media for the many protests around the country. Another lie with no proof. But, we know how he operates and how his fans are blind to that.
Shane Falco says
Your insurance premiums will be going down. If you like your doctor, you can keep him, if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it.
Patriot says
Qualifications for president of the united states,
Natural born citizen
35 years old or older
Fourteen years a resident of the united states.
Tim Scott says
And anyone with a pulse can be a rocket scientist, right?
Shane Falco says
Anyone with a pulse can be a Bakersfield handyman….
SMHX2 says
Try bullet points at least once in your life, it’ll feel good- c’mon!
Frustated Tax Payer says
Way to go for voting yes to AV. I guess they will build a new gymnasium. that is where I want my tax dollars going to. I guess everyone forgot about the last bond we agreed to where they were supposed to build a new campus in Palmdale but instead used the funds to build a football stadium and an performing arts theatre that we needed instead. By the time it came to building a campus they ran out of funds. Well it looks like they waited long enough for people to forget.
Now lets talk about the PSD bond, they already have a bond that they can renew at any time when they need more funds. Its on my property tax bill and I called about it and they said they just extended it for another thirty years. Please tell me I’m wrong. Look at it yourself. Don’t worry all funds will go to the west side and Quarts Hill
Allen says
Good Points!
Allen says
Yay Jill always keeps the students in mind. Like Mandy…..
Amesari says
If you didn’t take the time to go out and vote, no one should have the time to hear you whine. Congrats to the winners!
Laughing says
To the winners and the losers please remove your signs quickly from the sides of the roads now. Make this first step towards improving our community.
Hex says
If not i am going to start picking them up myself and using them as garage sale sign holders… ayyyyye
Laughing says
That works!
Monica says
I’ll help. Lets clean up…
Willie says
Or just let the homeless use them as shelter for the upcoming winter season.
Laughing says
Some of the tarp ones would make great pup tents!
Devil Woman says
I can tell you grew up with a silver spoon you little punk the way you talk about homeless
Russ says
He talks about everyone that way he cannot help himself, unfortunately. He is a liberal know it all who will not say anything if he cannot degrade you while doing so.
William says
trump will do for the U.S. what rex parris has done for Lancaster, You’ll see.
That’s why we can’t have nice things.
Amesari says
Yes!!! Lol.
Sharpie says
Nice things will never look good in Lancaster anyways.
Vic says
We have nice things in Lancaster? Not since Mayor McCheese has been around.
William says
Next year with trump>
-mortgage interest rates will climb.
-unemployment rate will increase.
-Obamacare will be repealed and ERs will by overloaded and likely some more hospitals in LA County will close.
-inflation will rise.
-gas prices will increase.
Yup. trump will bring about change and change you’ll get.
Immigration will be the least of your worries then as housing starts will slow down and you home will lose value.
Didn’t y’all learn from the bush years that there are twice as many recessions under gop administrations than under Democratic ones? Guess not.
SMHX2 says
@william, you are right but people are so idiotic that they will turn around and blame it all on Obama. Because he was blamed for things Bush did, including 9/11 and hurricane Katrina response. You ‘member? Hilarious!
Laughing says
But he has been a Democrat longer then a Republican. Have you taken that information and fed it into the computer to see what the outcome might be?
Tax returns not shown, betting due to the large donation to Democratic Party. Sneaky way to get Democratic stuff to move through a Republican controlled congress would be to have a Republican (Democrat in disguise) as president.
Patriot says
Laughing,why does anyone running for president release their tax returns?it’s not mandatory,never has been.if it’s to prove they are honest,that only lasts till they get elected.
Laughing says
Very true, but play along anyway, humor is good for us all.
Patriot says
How sad william.too bad you have such a cappy outlook.
William says
Look who’s talking.
You on the right are angry, dyspeptic and totally humorless.
Crappy outlook, you say. I predicted that there would be an economic collapse back in 2004-5 while bush was in office.
Guess what? I was correct.
There will be crises yet to come that trump will totally fumble and his and the gop’s new legislation will disrupt the economy. If his voters thought it was lousy for them now, just you wait.
I want to see you here 6-8 months from now with the same username and we’ll talk some more.
bbc says
yep…it will be chaos! worse than when the Bushes were in the white house.
Susan B says
@William, we y’all learned from the Obama years! Largest deficit in history. He has accumulated more than all other presidents put together. The lowest home ownership since the 70’s. More people on public assistance. The lowest employment rate for African Americans. The racial divide is worse now. The lowest employment rate. 1 out of 5 family members is unemployed. Many have fallen completely out of the work force and are not counted in the unemployment rates. Obamacare is crumbling. Doctors and insurance agencies are dropping out. Premiums and deductibles are doubling and tripling. The stimulus didn’t stimulate. The terrible waste of money on the shovel ready projects. The slowest weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. He failed to reform immigration. He withdrew prematurely from Iraq. He has made America irrelevant. The Iran deal is a joke. Iran received everything they wanted we got nothing. That’s only to name some of his blunders as president. Americans voted republican across the board because we are extremely worried about our country going further into economic disaster with the policies of the liberal left and this administration.
Allen says
To be honest, I think Islamic countries have they’re own problems with regard to which type of government it is going to be represented by, the Theocracy or the Monarchy. And America needs to pick a side on how we can re-establish belief in the crap we have been force feeding the world for a long time. Defense of Democracy itself is at stake here internationally.
And domestically, clean energy jobs have had a direct impact on our local economy. That may be in danger under this Administration.
Tim Scott says
Apparently the source of their worries is a steady spew of disinformation by people like you. Apparently you don’t care that you have typed a long string of lies, but it seems there are consequences.
William says
Susan B.
You simply forgot that President Obama inherited the biggest mess since the 1930s, didn’t ya?
That’s why everything you wrote can be dismissed out of hand. You aren’t credible at all.
Shane Falco says
Re-reading the pompous arrogance from the usual suspects and predictions of landslides for Hillary and other dem candidtates is quite enjoyable.
As Tim Scott has said, with republicans controlling all things nationally for now, and locally, we need to learn our lesson and send republicans to the senate, governorship and the house so they can have a seat at the big table and not fight over the scraps instead of being forced to sit outside.
Right, Tim?
Tim Scott says
LOL…are you really unaware of the composition of the state legislature?
Do the world a favor and die, or at least get some facts before the next time you comment.
Patriot says
Tim, all b.s aside.happy veterans day.and thank you for your service to this country.
Tim Scott says
William says
Hillary did win the popular vote so it’s not like it was a trump landslide except in your mind.
Jaime says
Congrats Kristina Hong!!! You ROCKED IT!!!
Be equal says
No she need to be deported
Vance says
Palmdale is screwed thanks to Rex.
John says
Congratulations to all the people that won last night. Good job. It was wonderful watching the election unfold. Loved it.
I don’t drink alcohol but I did have some ginger ale on the rocks to celebrate.
Fern Street Mafia says
It sucked for Palmdale. Now the Fern Street Mafia has an in.
KayDee says
Trump?!?! America, you will regret this day. Mark my words… But congratulations to Austin, a breath of fresh air on the Palmdale Council
SMHX2 says
I agree, congrats to those who voted for him. Just remember that this too shall pass, now we sit, wait and watch. This is like telling kids not to play with electricity outlets, most don’t listen but as soon as they get shocked they NEVER repeat the mistake. LOL
Lollipop Guild says
lol @ regret umm, that is your own belief. I would rather have TRUMP than HILARY any day. Thank you bye.
William says
You just didn’t learn from the bush disaster, did you?
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
trump will screw his supporters like he did the students at trump ‘u’, his contractors, his charity donors, many in the gop, his former wives and so on. That’s what he does.
You’ll get yours.
Susan B. says
Stop crying William. Time to grow up and act like a responsible adult. Except the outcome and move on.
William says
You mean like you and the whiny republicans have been doing for 8 years.
You’ll be crying soon enough when trump does to the country what he has done to students at trump ‘u’ and contractors and donors to his charities.
Enjoy the last few days of the civilized Obama administration before the embarrassment starts. It’s all on the gop from now on. They will have no one to blame for the coming recession and we are due for one. Unemployment will rise next year.
You voted for a con man and you will live to regret it. Look at Lancaster with it’s ‘trump’ mayor. Don’t you people ever learn after the 2 bush terms?
Patriot says
So far he’s doing great,stocks up 500 in 2 days.trump is the man.
Tim Scott says
Given the nine day (a record) fall a little recovery in stock prices is not surprising. I’d grab profits while you can though, because once January rolls around I expect winter to set in hard.
Tim Scott says
After eight years of Republican obstruction (in which they mostly obstructed good things) why should anyone expect anything but obstruction from the other side?
Dan says
What other side? The Dems got their butts kicked across the board. That’s what you get when the DNC fixes it for Hillary and throws Bernie to the gutter.
Patriot says
Thanks to republicans blocking Obama spending spree.10 trillion with zero results is more then enough.
William says
It’s hard to imagine that patriot owns any stocks as he lives off an unemployment check in his mom’s spare room.
Patriot says
Just try to imagine it was hard for you to imagine a trump presidency,but that happened.
William says
Didja vote for trump, Susan B? Come on. Admit it.
I wonder how he would rate you on a scale from 1 to 10.
Star says
This election just proves how one sided closed minded the left is. Liberals are burning and destroying their cities calling it protesting. How does this make sense? They are acting like spoiled brats who didn’t get their way throwing a tantrum. This shows that the teachings of the liberal left are wrong. They don’t allow for tolerance or an opposite opinion. Its either their way or no way. Democrats are always calling the republicans the party of hate but actions speak louder than words and all these riots are proving who is the party of hate.
William says
Oh, Star
Did the left shut down government?
Did the left purposely not allow President Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court to go to a vote in the Senate so they could steal his constitutional duty to nominate justices until their guy got in office?
Now the right will be responsible for everything and you know how poorly they govern, invading the wrong countries, ignoring warnings about bin Laden’s intention to attack us and setting us up for the biggest economic setback since the Great Depression.
And, you are fussing about protests. Imagine what would be happening if trump lost with his gun totin’ fans not willing to accept it.
Your hypocrisy is breathtaking but you’ll never change. You can’t. You won’t. You know what they say about leopards and their spots.
The gop is rotten and you will soon see just how rotten it is in the coming months.
Patriot says
Susan, its pathetic to see how childish the left are acting.and dangerous.if hilary was any kind of leader, she could get on tv and denouce this.obama could as well, but they wont.8 years of division.william is no different, he will go back in history to god, if he found out he was a republican, just to point out the past.
William says
Your guy trump needs to be house broken before he can take office in January. That’s what they’re working on as you read this.
You deserve nothing but mocking and ridicule as you certainly can’t be taken seriously.
Patriot says
Poor might have a stroke,with all the hate and pressure you have within you.judging from your lack of respect,I’m guessing president trump,is not your president?
William says
Hey, patriot
How come nobody here admits to voting for trump?
You are too chicken to say you did but you’re not alone.
Speaking of hate, haven’t you heard all the things trump and his fans have been saying for 18 months? Please, spare us your hypocrisy.
Patriot says
See william, thats where you listen to the media too much.i heard him say, he doesnt want have to legal.i heard him say no more trade agreements, unless its benificial to us.i heard him say hes going to build a wall.i heard him say he was going to bring back bussiness.i heard him say he was going to get rid of a money draining healthcare that bad for everyone.what the hell is so bad?
William says
I doubt patriot or his ilk will show up here when trump starts messing things up really good, y’know, like W did.
Where or where are all those W voters now? They disappeared.
Wait till the next big recession/Wall Street scandal hits and Lil Angel and patriot will suddenly vanish from this site. I guarantee it.
Ever since Reagan, we haven’t had the usual business cycle recessions. They’ve all been because of fraud, schemes, scandal and deregulation. The S&L crisis, junk bonds, dot coms, sub-prime loans, and so on. We don’t know what will cause the next one but it will be another fraud just like the Wells Fargo one recently.
Y’see. Reagan released the greed monster on this country when he cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. It just wasn’t enough for the greedy 1%. And, so we’ve seen the largest transfer of wealth in our history as the middle was squeezed while the 1% python tightened its grip. And, they’re not done with y’all yet.
Yeah, Lil Angel and patriot. Y’all will become rich because you voted for trump just like his students at trump ‘university’ did.
Fooled you once with W and you will be fooled again with trump and again and again. You must like it.
lol says
but no one asked for your opinion ?
James Stouvenel says
Congratulations Juan and Austin. This city is moving in the right direction.
So much for Sandy, her decisions at the School cost her. And congratulations to Austin, so much for Roxanna, she thought she had this election nailed down WRONG!!! Girl power?? Gone!
Be equal says
As long as a woman is not president
Susan says
A woman would be great. Just not a corrupt, incompetent lying one.
William says
You are hardly the judge of anyone else.
I bet you’ve lied.
I bet you’ve failed to do something you were supposed to do.
And, so on.
Patriot says
I’m sure Susan didn’t send top secret emails on several servers,and then lie about them.cant respond to you anymore william.cant stand the same bush this,Reagan that.good luck in your remaining years.
William says
Oh, good, patriot.
and good riddance. You kept posting right wing media nonsense as if you thought of it yourself.
Like I wrote, you admitted that I was smarter than you are so good bye.
Bob says
Such schadenfreude from someone who claims to be her friend. With friends like these……