“It looks like it was a body dump,” said Deputy Andrea Lefebvre of the sheriff’s Palmdale station said. “It appears he was pushed out of a vehicle.”
The victim was discovered around 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, in the 2300 block of Old Harold Road in Palmdale, according to a news release from the Sheriff’s Information Bureau.
“The victim was unconscious and suffering from a gunshot wound to his upper torso. The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead,” the news release states.
The victim’s identity is being withheld pending next of kin notification.
There is no suspect information at this time, sheriff’s officials said.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau at 323-890-5500, or Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS.
Editor’s note: Story revised to reflect the victim’s age.
daijon says
man f.i.p foo long live slumpyjay im finna get the true sign you had tatted on the shoulder u had it on and im naming my first son nyshawn an making you his angle as you are all of our who love and miss you foo i aint the best down here buhhhh im just waiting till my time till then im smoking dumb blunt to insure you stay high…..long live a real [removed],,,f.i.p slumpyjayy
ashley says
We were best friends in elementary school. He always had me crackin up!! Wish we would have stayed in contact!! R.I.P. Jay!! #forevermissed#jaysworld He’s in a better place now!!
Shannon says
How u gonna take soneones life period like ur god to say its thier time and for somerhing his sister did they say? So u think ur god and punishing innocent people for others miatakes u piece of [removed]. Sorry to the boy smh rip
Caring individual says
I’m so saddened to hear of this young man passing, I didn’t even know him, but my condolences to his family…and to the person who decided they wanted to leave a cruel and insensitive, remark this is not the time nor the place, so keep your rude comment to yourself…R I P young man…
Silvia says
It’s sad there’s always someone giving there negative opinions I bet if it was you who lost a child or some one u love the last thing u would want is for a stranger to judge u as a parent or wtvr this world is so cruel no 1 respects a person that is grieving .maybe if we put ourselves n there situation before we comment maybe u can write some uplifting words if u dig deep inside ur insensitive self 4 his family I ask God to bring peace to there hearts and may He give u the strength u need n this time
Each1TeachOne says
My deepest condolensces to the family and friends of Jacquarius. It feels like yesterday when he was in my class. He loved to laugh and spend time with his friends. I looked forward to the next adventure as the school days wore on. I spent the past couple of days in shock as I heard students bring the news. Now that I have actually read this article, it verifies what they said is true. I am sooooo very sorry for Jay’s loved ones, and please know that you are in my thoughts at this difficult time. I am grateful to have known him. Thank you for that opportunity.
Khalil says
Man that was ma boii thy took his life because some his sister did
#LongLifeJay #JaysWorldForLife
anonymous says
This is so sad. My heart and condolences go out to the family and friends of this young man. I pray who ever did this gets caught and pay the consequence. No parents should bare this pain. I wish their would be cameras in every block so they can trace back every movement for any crime such as this. May you REST IN PEACE YOUNG MAN…
Sahaya Wright says
This is so sad, I remember when his mother was pregnant with him and our kids played togehter…I hate to hear such tragic news like this…RIP….JAY….
callingitasitis says
This story does not sound right. It is always sad when a young person to get murdered but this story has all marking of a possible Gang retaliation killing? His life is no less value as any other human, sorry for his family & their pain. Someone on the streets know who are the murder(s) but will they talk is another matter. Just remember proposition 57 and 62 will impact how the case will be handled. The people who killed this kid should pay with their lives. They will continue to kill, it will get easier for them to do it again on the next victim.
Jeannine says
Was this young man shot at the Joshua hills park? It was mentioned that a 17 male was shot tat the park? Just wondering if these two situations are related
Anonymous says
I heard this young man was killed in retaliation for some [removed] his sister did in North Carolina
Annooymous says
and where do you get your sources? Is she also responsible for the death of her ex boyfriend too?
Anonymous says
Js says
Yes he did get killed because of her and yes it has to do with her ex. She just got arrested for her ex bfs murder.
Yanii says
#Longlivejay love you jay i miss you so much im tryna stay up for you. Watch over us
S says
…Maybe you should raise them better and try ACTUALLY being a parent!
anonymous says
he doesn’t have his mom and his dad works full Time
Kim says
How insensitive! Did you know this young man or his family? I can say I did. I was his fifth grade teacher, and he always had a big smile on his face.
Anonymous says
Maybe you should keep things like that to yourself… Maybe shouldn’t be so ignorant …. Goodbye …
Silvia says
Who r u to judge you must know his parents personally if u are assuming they weren’t good ones. What does parenting have to do with a choice someone else made to take there sons life. Have a Lil sympathy I’m sure you would want it if it were your kid .And to put the blame on another person is sad worry about how u raising yours sence u must b the perfect parent .we can teach are kids many things but it is up to them we can tell them how to live life but we can’t live it for them unless we are u Im assuming based on your comment
Myisha says
What do raise have to do with him being shot to death
Myisha says
That’s crazy
Palmdale Skateboarders says
Build a new skatepark Palmdale, Keep the kids off the streets…..
Janet says
Jaquarius he was only 17 years old man.
Angelyah says
Rest well youngin.
My condolences to the family and close friends.
Lonni says
#RestEasyJay We love you big bro…You will always b missed
Need to know says
Jay who??
Lena says
Love you chubbs rest in peace we will always have you in are Hearts.
Meandre Gray says
This is very sad.. My condolences to his family! !
mookie says
Rip fooli
Myisha says
It’s to see my nephew gone behind [removed]. I hope the law put their [removed] down for Life!
Myisha says
It’s sad
miya says
I love you Jay! RIP Baby Boy!
Sage says
Maaan the homie jay… R.I.P bro
Yiffany says
Jay who
Mr. Perplexed says
Isn’t this close to where that shoot out at the smoke shop on 25th Street East and Olive Avenue happened a couple of weeks ago?
Neisha b says
Smh yea right up the street
renee says
Who’s the victim??
Mandisa says
Wow I heard nt