LOS ANGELES – Early voting is underway in California and will continue through next Monday in Los Angeles County.
Voters can vote every day this week and through Monday at the L.A. County Registrar/ Recorder’s office in Norwalk at 1200 Imperial Highway. The office will be open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It will also be open for early voting this coming weekend from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Voters should contact the office for updated information on voting by calling either (800) 815-2666 or (562) 466-1323, or go to www.lavote.net.
There will be five locations for early voting this coming weekend in Los Angeles County.
The locations will be open Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 5 and 6, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.:
- Antelope Valley College – 3041 W. Ave K, Lancaster. Voting Board Room in the Student Services Building.
- West Covina City Hall – 1444 W. Garvey, West Covina. Voting in 1st floor community room.
- El Camino College – 16007 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance. Voting in Student Activities Center.
- West Los Angeles College – 9000 Overland Ave., Culver City. Voting in Fine Arts Building, Room 103.
- North Hollywood library branch – 5211 Tujunga Ave. Voting in Library Community Room.
For more information, go to www.lavote.net.
Jimm says
I guess Willie is very upset right now, crying and pulling the hair out of his … )))
Hey buddy, don’t you cry, your life will be better now, because you will be on our side of the WALL.
William says
I’ll be fine. I was fine during the bush disaster.
But, you’ll suffer and will have no one to blame but yourself. You didn’t learn from the bush year, did ya?
There will be crises during the next 4 years like there always are and trump will make then even worse.
Trump 2016 says
I am sure you misspelled word CRISIS.
William says
noun, plural crises [krahy-seez]
See how stoopid trump voters are.
How do you spell the plural of ‘crisis’?
Y’all come back now and show your ignorance again.
William says
“I love the uneducated.” Donald Trump
He means YOU, Trump 2016
Tim says
Just voted for Ledford and Thompson. It felt so good to stick it to Rex. Palmdale voters will not be fooled into falling for Rex supported candidates.
Palmdalian says
Why am I getting anti-Ledford mailers from AV Lancaster Republicans? Look, you are ruining Lancaster. Please leave Palmdale alone. Under Ledford, Palmdale has left Lancaster in the dust. You can have your Eye in the Sky, your loud mouthed mayor, your massive debt, your failed projects. Palmdale is doing fine without your help. Stay at home in Lancaster and fix your mess before sticking your nose in our business.
Ledford has my vote.
No Lancaster Money says
Why would anyone in Palmdale vote for candidates who are backed by the Lancaster power elite? All they want is to control Palmdale, take its money, and turn Palmdale into Lancaster.
Stick with the candidates who will put the residents of Palmdale first, and not the wants of the Lancaster power elite.
William says
I voted for the entire ticket on the mailer put out by Mayor Ledford and stopped by his office to tell him that.
From the start of the lawsuit, I suspected that rex wanted Palmdale to go to districts because it would be cheaper to fund a council member in a district than one in an at large citywide election. Plus, if he could hand pick someone to run in a minority district that had a historically low voter turnout, it would be a piece of cake to put his person on the council.
I don’t recall a handful of the current districts joining together to form the City of Palmdale as did the colonies/states/commonwealths when they formed the federal government. It’s a backward way of doing things but that’s our ‘wrecks’.
Ray says
Well done and well said.
William says
Why thank you, Ray.
I never paid attention to local politics over many years till I moved to Palmdale in 1990. Even then, I was commuting to the Valley and still didn’t pay a lot of attention.
But, as a homeowner I kept noticing how much Mayor Ledford’s constant work to bring desirable businesses to the City kept improving the quality of life for me, my friends and neighbors here in Palmdale.
And, it wasn’t just businesses like Trader Joe’s or restaurants and such, but also the Palmdale High Speed Rail station right smack in the middle of town. He’s worked tirelessly to improve the City while our neighboring city had a loud-mouthed clown who only served to embarrass his city and boy has he.
It’s such a stark contrast between the 2 mayors and the quality of the 2 cities.
Finally, even though i’m a Democrat and Mayor Ledford is a Republican, it just doesn’t matter as he has done a great job and and (R) or a (D) attached to a name of an elected official is irrelevant when the results speak for themselves. And, they do.
William says
Why thank you, Ray.
I never paid attention to local politics over many years till I moved to Palmdale in 1990. Even then, I was commuting to the Valley and still didn’t pay a lot of attention.
But, as a homeowner I kept noticing how much Mayor Ledford’s constant work to bring desirable businesses to the City kept improving the quality of life for me, my friends and neighbors here in Palmdale.
And, it wasn’t just businesses like Trader Joe’s or restaurants and such, but also the Palmdale High Speed Rail station right smack in the middle of town. He’s worked tirelessly to improve the City while our neighboring city had a loud-mouthed clown who only served to embarrass his city and boy has he.
It’s such a stark contrast between the 2 mayors and the quality of the 2 cities.
Finally, even though i’m a Democrat and Mayor Ledford is a Republican, it just doesn’t matter as he has done a great job and and (R) or a (D) attached to a name of an elected official is irrelevant when the results speak for themselves. And, they do.
Thomas says
It is amazing how the chasm between Palmdale and Lancaster widens every day. It seems like there is something new opening all the time in Palmdale, while Lancaster is just meh. It really started to change when Rex took over and the slide continues.
I would feel bad for the people of Lancaster but they keep electing him.
proud Hillary voter says
I waited 1 hour and 45 minutes in line at AVC this morning. Everyone in line was pretty much quiet with just some small talk among themselves. All were cordial and friendly… KUDOS AV voters…
Patriot says
Were you expecting to get them to start fighting? did you think you were going to get beat up, because you are a hilary supporter?
Ive voted 3 times already (just to prove a point)all without problems.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, sure. You’ve committed two felonies and no one has noticed, just to “prove a point.” Guess what, moron, if you had actually tried what you Trump clowns think is so blazingly easy you’d be in jail.
Patriot says
And then there’s tim.who thinks his name calling actally makes him intelligent.tim,there is a reason your dad couldn’t stand you.he knew what you would become.but you fooled your mom,untill the cops came knocking.what a disappointment.
William says
patriot aka Monty Python’s Black Knight just can’t help himself, Tim Scott.
He keeps on asking for more till he’s nuttin’ but a stump of a torso. I’m sure he doesn’t get this analogy either. It’s for the benefit of others here.
It’s like telling adult jokes carefully worded so the children don’t get it. Things just go right over patriot’s head.
William says
It’s funny but not really how people like our ‘patriot’ post nonsense comments and misinformation fed to them by right wing ‘news’ sites and then whine about being mocked and ridiculed.
Do they really expect us to take them seriously when facts presented to them are simply ignored and dismissed?
They are so much like their hero, Donald J. Trump who Politifact scores as over 70% lies whevever he opens his mouth or tweets then is thin-skinned when people mock him.
pirrurris says
Confederate patriot,
This is exactly the reason why you and the racists republicans are labeled as “basket of deplorables”.
Does not matter though…thank God California is Democrat so your republican votes don’t count anyway. LOL.
William says
Poor, poor patriot. He reminds me of Monty Python’s Black Knight after losing all 4 limbs and saying “Tis but a scratch.”
He is always offering himself up for defeat.
SMHX2 says
@William & @Tim Scott, I knew @patriot was a common criminal. I wonder what prison he studied and graduated from. He is a complete joke, please STOP entertaining the idiot. :)
John says
It is important that all the Donald Trump supporters and Republicans vote this election in California. Don’t be discouraged that Trump will not win the California vote but there are Republicans on the ballot that need your vote and can win this election.
Tammy says
I am a Republican who is voting for Johnathan Ervin. One of the reasons why is because R. Rex Parris is spreading lies about Ervin. Parris has a history of character asassination, the most notable being what he did to Raymond Jennings. Parris is not to be trusted
Vic says
Parris appears to be panicked by Ervin. He’s posting all sorts of anti Ervin garbage. Between Jennings getting out of prison on Parris’ false charges and Ervin threatening to win, maybe the jig’s up for Rex. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
William says
Steve Knight is sure running a lot of ads day and night on the teevee and the radio machines for an incumbent in a conservative district.
Is he a-scared of something?
Vic says
He’s scared, like many of us, of a Rex-backed carpetbagging trial lawyer from Beverly Hills who doesn’t know a thing about our area.
Clinton, Sanchez, Knight, Ervin, and Lackey all the way.
William says
Steve Knight is unfit to be in elected office.
I was at a townhall meeting 5-6 years ago at the Holiday Inn in Palmdale when a women asked him about voter fraud. Naturally, she was a fox ‘news’ watcher since voter fraud was only being pushed on fox back then and voter suppression was covertly being planned since President Obama was elected.
Knight agreed with her and said he voted against funding for polling places on California university campuses. Why you ask?
Because the republicans target whoever they think will likely vote Democratic and make voting more difficult for them. They pass laws making voting more difficult for minorities, the elderly, studens in Knight’s case and so on.
Anyone who might vote Democratic is their focus. They will close polling places, limit hours, cut back early voting and voting on Sundays and so on. Don’t even start with voter ID. That’s their cover story.
And, many of their voter suppression laws are ruled unconstitutional but they keep on trying as recently as in the last few months.
The fool, Steve Knight, said “The universities aren’t capable of handling the crowds.” Seriously. He said that. That’s all universities do is handle crowds, thousand of students day in, day out.
It’s like saying the 405 freeway isn’t capable of handling high speed traffic.
Anyone who supports any type of voter suppression should be on a list making them unfit for office.
I don’t care if he supports a bill for veterans as an easy cover for his voter suppression and other right wing causes. He gets a “No Pass.” He is as disgusting as trump and he lives among us.
William says
Over the weekend, trump’s campaign took away his twitter account.
No wonder patriot, john and several others here won’t cop to supporting him and saying they’re gonna vote him.
The are too ashamed and embarrassed. I don’t blame them. In the coming years, no one will have voted for trump just like it’s hard to find people that voted for W. How the heck did he win twice, I ask you?
All they have is tired rants about Hillary Clinton. The thing is, the more they attack her the STRONGER SHE GETS. They just can’t seem to get that.
Plus, the more they attack Hillary, the smaller they get just like trump with his teeny tiny hands. Remember how gaunt and pale trey gowdy looked after grilling Hillary for 11 hours over Benghazi while she ended the inquisition looking fresh and gladhanding her supporters afterward while he was rushed to the intensive care.
William says
Oh, John
Give it up. California is doing fine now that the republicans are firmly neutered in Sacramento. The gop just has inland pockets of whiners and losers such as the ones here in the Antelope Valley.
For example, ‘wrecks’ & Co. have down more damage to Lancaster over the years than all the homeless and gang bangers put together. Yessirree.
bush & Co. did more damage to the economy than all the undocumented workers, same sex marriages and other groups they like to blame for everything.
Just because you and your fellow republicans are living lives of misery, it’s on you and them. Others are working hard and doing fine in California. You can’t succeed in life if all you do is complain, kvetch and bit**. That’s a losing formula as the gop found out in California after we unloaded ourselves of Arnold and replaced him with Jerry Brown who knows how to get the job done.
But, go ahead, whine and complain. You do it well.
Tim Scott says
Absolutely. The AV can once again raise that last act of defiance finger and send Republicans to Sacramento and the county board of supervisors. Where they will sit at the kids’ table while decisions that are important to us are made and resources that we need are allocated in the Democratic Caucus room.
As an alternative we could be smart. Choose a moderate Democrat in the primaries (check, we did) and then send them to represent us while we apply pressure to hold them away from the more extreme wing of their party.
Not that I don’t enjoy a mindless act of defiance now and then, but hasn’t the AV gotten the short end of the stick from the state and the county long enough? Doesn’t literally every article on this site turn into a bunch of whining about how the state is dumping on us or the county is dumping on us or whatever? Keep doing the same thing, keep getting the same results.
Sick of fools says
I can’t wait to see everyone of you Hillary puppets get screwed by this
William says
Their faces won’t look at different than they have all this time…..angry, ugly, miserable, wretched, never ever satisfied.
His supporters could mess up a perfectly fine orgasm. See Kellyanne Conway’s face for evidence of that. She has the mouth/teeth of piranha. Google a picture of one and you’ll see. Personality to match assuming piranha’s lie through their teeth.
SMHX2 says
@William, and your are forgetting the face of Ann Coulter. That woman has never had the big “O” since she became pubescent. Poor sad repugnicans, it must be awful to wake-up just to be them.
Voter says
Johnathan Ervin for State Senate. Mayor R. Rex Parris has unleashed another hateful campaign of lies and accusations on this United States Veteran. We all know Parris has great disdain for veterans by his absence at veteran functions, lack of support, and lawsuits against our local American Legion posts. Last election, Parris went the racist route by calling Ervin a “gang candiate”. This time, the sleazy mayor is using unproven allegations.
Parris has a long history of destroying the character of people he cannot control. What he did or has tried to do to David Grejeda, Randy Floyd, Johnathan Ervin, Steve Knight, Jim Ledford, Loretta Berry, Jim Biddle, and others is reprehensible.
With Ervin, Parris is showing his displeasure in supporting a person of color that is not under his control. Parris pulls the strings on people like Henry Hearns, Darren Parker, Xavier Flores, Miguel Coranado, and V. Jesse Smith, but he cannot control an independent thinker like Ervin.
Ervin is the best candidate for the Antelope Valley and one who will not be controlled by the R. Rex Parris machine.
Trumpfor8yrs says
Killary for the electric chair
SMHX2 says
Just heard that Trump supporters changed their chants from “Lock Her Up” to “Execute Her”. If those statements don’t make your stomach turn, if you are one of those making such statements, do society a favor and end your miserable existence. Revolting to say the least, freaking #fuxxtard!
John says
One Trump supporter shouted “Execute Her” and was immediately rebuked for it.
William says
Yeah but all the others at his rallies loved it. Right, John?
Just who do ya think yer foolin’?
The point is to please and excite the deplorables and so what if a comment gets rebuked. It’s the cost of doing ‘trump business’ and you fell for it.
Y’all come back now. I love ‘rebuking’ you here.
John says
I saw the video when it happened. Most of the crowd booed the person that said it and no one at the rally repeated it or chanted it.
William says
“Several reporters at the rally also said the supporter yelled “Execute her!” which was greeted with laughs from the crowd.” from an online article with video that didn’t show any booing. Post the link to a video that shows booing. The several I looked at were cut off after Sununu said we don’t need that….a very weak response.
Prior to that, the crowd was chanting “Lock her up.”
Yeah. John. Thems some of the ‘deplorables’ that Hillary mentioned. Does that include you?
You got to be totally oblivious to what has been happening. trump has been inciting all kinds of anti-social and even violent behavior at his rallies.
William says
trump ‘u’, John and the horse you rode up on.
Whatever happened to that great university built by trump?
William says
It’s a good thing you aren’t old enough to vote.
Susan B says
Hillary For Prison!! Any other person in America would already be in prison for what she has done. Everyday more information on her corruption and within the Democratic Party comes into play. If she wins the new slogan for the United States will be “Pay to Play” The Clinton moto. Wake up America before its to late.
William says
Go back to sleep, Susan B. When you wake up on November 9, you can continue your rants based on falsehoods.
SMHX2 says
My family and I will be voting at AVC. Racist Trump followers may locate us because of our race, and by all means, you may ask for our birth certificate because according to your Repugnican party, we may be illegal based on ridiculous speculation. Party of 11 Latinos over here, all voting BLUE across the board. Any questions?
That’s right @Dump Trumpster #DumpRacistTrump2016
Lancaster Jake says
Kankles Klinton for Prez of Cell Block H!
William says
She’s got a bigger set than you, jake, and she’s out there everyday proving it.
Jimm says
Dump Trumpster says