LOS ANGELES – Authorities hope a $20,000 reward offered Tuesday will generate the lead they need to solve the disappearance of Michelle June Russ, a young Lancaster mother who went missing in 2013.
County Supervisor Michael Antonovich recommended the reward in hopes of discovering what happened to Russ, who was last seen leaving her residence on the 42000 block of 51st Street West at 11 p.m. on May 9, 2013.
Russ, who was 26 at the time, left behind a young son.
Her twin sister, Christine, told investigators that Russ left home to meet friends around the corner, but never returned.
Family members said Russ had an anxiety disorder and was prone to seizures.
Sheriff’s investigators have exhausted all leads and believe that the circumstances surrounding Russ’s disappearance were suspicious. They are now treating the case as a homicide, according to sheriff’s Detective Steve Lankford.
Antonovich urged anyone with more information to call Lankford at 323-890-5500.
“We’re just looking for any help we can get,” Lankford said.
Previous related story: Foul play suspected in woman’s disappearance
Karzn4x4z says
Is there a way to email the detective?
Danel j says
@neecie please do us all a favor n put down the pipe before you comment. I do not see how you figure Fed ups comment was inappropriate. It wasn’t. And no need to worry that it was disrespectful to the family because I know the sister of the missing girl and she is very outspoken about the fact that the lack of help from the authorities and what seems to have been total lack of investigation or even interest has not been beneficial to the case in any way. anyone ith an I.Q of more than 5 would see the logic there. You are correct in that her child is suffering in ways only a child can. In ways a child should never have to tho. The whole family is suffering and the worst part i’m sure is just not knowing. Hopefully this reward will help to bring a resolution to this case and bring this family closure, ideally by bringing this girl, who is a beloved Mother, Daughter and sister, home to her family or if that’s not possible at least allow the family to know so they can have closure and begin the grieving process. Not knowing really must make the unimaginable and unbearable a fresh pain every day when they wake and she is not there. every time the phone rings or a knock at the door must keep the pain fresh and if someone has information aand allows this family to continue to suffer by saying nothing please know that you are evil of the worst kind. remembet you do not have to give your name
TK says
TK says
It’s a same that it takes one girl to disappear in littlerock to make this story known .I WONDER HOW MANY ARE ACTUALLY MISSING HERE IN LANCASTER,PALMDALE WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT??????????????????????
Concerned4All says
How bout lets start cleaning up these ghetto using, pimp hoarding, sex trafficing, lowlife hotel owners and housing landlords from taking our neighborhoods!!!!!
ME says
It’s not just some girl from little rock. It’s a lot of hard work by friends of family of “that girl” to get her name out there! Her name is Monique Figueroa and Michelle Russ this is all to close to this situations at hand! It all seems so familiar to the family but please don’t label any of these women as “some girl” they are all a daughter to someone. And to the others who have gone missing and cases have flown under the radar please come forward!
ANON says
Tanya McGinn says
Its about time. These girls need to be found and the person or persons responsible for them being missing at all need to be held accountable. They are missed and loved. I never thought I would say this but thank you LA county board of supervisors and the people that made this happen. I really hope somebody speaks up.
Fed up says
Law enforcement stalled the investigation years ago when in the months after it happened, a very respectable detective from Lancaster told me he tried to call the detective assigned the disappearance and he was basically told by her to keep his nose out of “her case.” He was very surprised at the hostile response because he thought another case in Lancaster may be related and he thought she would welcome any help or information. But instead she responded like a dog to someone from her own agency. . So years go by and now the Supervisor offers money. This should have been done soon after she was missing; when just maybe she would still alive. This young woman deserves justice and the sheriff politics should have played NO part in this investigation. I still hope she is alive but there are no indications to support that kind of hope.
K Hudgens says
Unfortunately, some agencies continue to have this type of “compartmentalization” among their own department activities. As a long time retired LEO, I too became frustrated about having these obstructions and interference occur while performing my investigations, that often included higher ranking rank and file individuals who don’t want ANY information to be exposed to outsiders and other agency contacts. In this case, it is important to get the word out and still filter evidence related facts and intelligence, to avoid exposing all information and available leads, so as more of the collection process has been accomplished, the handling agency can rule out, clear or indict person(s) of interest. It is rarely done overnight, unless witnesses, suspects or evidence presents itself. It often takes years in most cases.
Neecie says
Wow you must not have much of a life and have no basic respect for your anyone it doesnt matter who deserved what what matters is theres now a kid with out a mother that child will never be the same i would know my mother was murdered when i was 10 years old i can only imagine i feel for the kids i feel for their parents you should have some respect for even yourself for the comment you made if you have nothing nice to say or do not like their news then stop going on it stop disrepecting them just cause your hatein on the missing girls grow up be an adult and act right as a human being
Virginia Kimbel says
She is talking about the 20,000 dollar rewards. She is saying thank you for approving the rewards
Rachel says
You must be misunderstood her statement. She’s saying that Monique and Michelle deserved this reward I be offered a long time ago.
Dauntless says
Did she ever meet up with her friends around the corner? Not many people just randomly disappear out here. I have to wonder, if, someone close to her had something to do with this?
me says
Monique and Michelle deserved this a long time ago….finally!!!!! Thank You Michael Antonovich