LOS ANGELES – A serial rapist who was released from a state psychiatric hospital in 2014 and placed in an Antelope Valley home despite outcry from residents and elected officials, was taken into custody Tuesday.
A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office confirmed that Christopher Evans Hubbart, 65, who is known as the “Pillowcase Rapist,” had been taken into custody, but it was not immediately clear why.
An official with the California Department of State Hospitals declined to comment on the case.
Hubbart was released from Coalinga State Hospital in July 2014 and was assigned by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Gilbert Brown to live at a home in the 20300 block of East Avenue R.
Hubbart was designated a sexually violent predator in Santa Clara County in 1996. His lawyers argued in 2014 that Hubbart’s continuing detention violated his rights to due process, sparking a battle over where he should live.
Residents of the area where Hubbart was sent to live vehemently opposed the decision, as did county Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who represents the area.
The District Attorney’s Office tried unsuccessfully last year to have Hubbart’s release revoked, with District Attorney Jackie Lacey saying “this violent predator continues to pose a serious danger to our community.”
A judge, however, rejected the request.
Hubbart reportedly admitted to raping approximately 40 women between 1971 and 1982. He was dubbed the “Pillowcase Rapist” because he muffled his victims’ screams with a pillowcase over their heads.
Hubbart was sent to Atascadero State Hospital in 1972 after the court deemed him a “mentally disordered sex offender.” Seven years later, doctors said he posed no threat and released him.
Over the next two years, he raped another 15 women in the San Francisco Bay Area, according to court documents. Hubbart was again imprisoned, then paroled in 1990.
After accosting a woman in Santa Clara County, he was sent back to prison and then to Coalinga State Hospital.
As a condition of his release, Hubbart was required to wear an ankle monitor, attend regular therapy sessions and make quarterly reports to a judge.
Previous related stories:
Judge won’t revoke release of Pillowcase Rapist
Revocation hearing set for “Pillowcase Rapist
Reader: “Consider an alternative to fear and judgment”
‘Pillowcase Rapist’ released to AV
Pillowcase rapist release delayed
Judge approves release of ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ to AV
‘Pillowcase Rapist’ in AV: Deadline to submit comments
Has Antelope Valley become a ‘dumping ground’ for sex offenders?
Movement to keep ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ away gains momentum
Residents rally to keep serial rapist away
‘Pillowcase Rapist’ may be released in Palmdale area
Residents keep ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ from Lake LA home
Tony V. says
Steve Fox is a hot mess!
ANNON says
I can’t believe that taxpayer money was funding his guards. WOW! What a waste of our money…
Aug10 says
To the person who made the comment about what does Hillary Clinton Sign in his front yard.have to do with it? WELL, if you haven’t heard, Hillary represented a RAPIST back in her ATTORNEY CAREER DAYS, and Got the RAPIST OFF, and it was said that she made the child look like a liar, and from what I understand there was A LOT of PROOF he WAS GUILTY. THATS WHY SOMEONE PUT A SIGN UP IN HIS YARD,.DO YOU GET IT NOW??
Tim Scott says
There was a lot of proof…that got tossed out because of misconduct by the police and mishandling of the case by the prosecution. Hillary Clinton did the job of a defense attorney as called for by the constitution, ie provided the best defense that she could. As is often the case with a Trump supporter, apparently you’ve never read this constitution thing. If you’d like I will loan you my copy.
Rusty Shackleford says
Don’t talk sense to this guy, People like him don’t understand sense. In his eyes
yes_yes says
It was the Hillary for President sign in the front yard that tipped off the cops that this guy was bad news. Not sure if there was a FOX for Assembly one or not.
MsG says
Lmao!! True true
E. D says
What does a Hillary sign have to do with him getting arrested. He should of never been let out to begin with. Grow up, this is serious news. A lot of woman are safer with the rapest being taken back in.
Tim Scott says
Not a damn thing. These people just have a habit of lumping all things they see as “bad” together. It makes it easier for them to process.
Shane Falco says
Great job by law enforcement to take this sewer sludge off the streets that the left leaning folks thinks should be given a chance to re-offend.
Oh [removed]. Stop mak8ng ignorant statements. I am a liberal progressive “lefty” and I , along with every liberal I know (I know way more than you, no doubt) want him locked up. How many more stupid statements can you come up with to support your sick, twisted views????
Tim Scott says
Asking Shane how many statements he can make to support his sick twisted views is inviting disaster, as the number seems unlimited.
Stinger says
Since it was Fox that got the laws changed to help prevent predators like Hubbart from being released in the future to where he was, I tend to believe that Hubbart would be a Republican supporter, just like you, yes_yes.
Shane Falco says
Steve Fox, is that the same one that had two female employees and he exposed himself to one and the other he never paid?
Tim Scott says
Nice rumor mongering Shane.
Are you the same one that just got back from four days polishing Fantasy Checks baton?
Or are you the Shane Falco who spent his experimentation years sharing a bedroom with his brothers?
Shane Falco says
Let me help you with that Tim.
I know it was just a year ago but still I think that once you settle a lawsuit for $110,000 it becomes fact.
Tim Scott says
Settling a lawsuit makes the settlement of the lawsuit a fact. If it made some sort of guilt a fact Donald Trump wouldn’t be allowed to run for president, since he has settled in HUNDREDS of lawsuits against him.
Meanwhile, ARE you the same Shane Falco who experimented with his brothers? I know a lot of bullying behavior like you exhibit comes from that sort of childhood.
Just Saying says
Since the employee only got $11,000, and the lawyer got $99,000, there seems to be other greed issues at work here.
And the exposure thing is BS, she came into his house while he was getting dressed. No legal action because she was at fault.
Just more rumor mongering.
Shane Falco says
Yeah….you’re still wrong.
The assembly paid her directly $11,000, the Fox law office paid her directly $15,000 and the assembly paid her attorney $99,000 in damages that went to her with the attorney taking a portion of that.
I’ve had a business for over 25 years and never been sued by any of the nearly employees who’ve worked for me over the years. The slovenly Fox is sued twice by two women in his short two year tenure before he was quickly bounced out.
We would be very well served to wake up and send some Republicans to Sacramento so that we aren’t represented by slovenly unprofessional people who aren’t allowed in the room when decisions are made. Yes, the decisions are made in the Democratic Party Caucus while our representatives are missing mandatory meetings, not paying their staff, forcing the assembly to pay their staff and are waiting for them to come to the floor and explain how things are going to go.
Luckily Fox can only embarrass you on the local level now.
yes_yes says
What legislation did Fox have anything to do with passing that did anything in this area of the law? As far as I know, Fox had a very sparse record in Sacramento, well other than the $100,000 bill we tax payers got stuck with thanks to his action s with the two female staffers.
Just Saying says
Kind of pointless for someone that can’t vote, on a rural street with no traffic. Also, probation brought him in, not the Sheriff. And Fox tightened laws on rapists, so unlikely he’s a Fox fan.
A Liberal would never stick a Hillary sign there, I wonder who might do something like that.
Shane Falco says
Out of curiosity, where exactly did he vote on anything to do with rapists, let alone “tighten laws” on them?
Stinger says
Apparently, Shane, in your zeal to badmouth one of the best Assemblymen to have represented District 36, you aren’t very attentive in your research…
And this is only about this particular issue. It doesn’t include the literally millions of dollars that he got back into the AV that the state had been keeping!